

Reviews and opinions of workout classes in the Tampa Bay area


I have become a huge fan of ”Victoria’s Secret” by Jax!

As someone who has and still deals with body dysmorphia, it’s about time we had an anthem on how we should stop thinking about what our bodies should look like and appreciate what REAL WOMEN look like. Different.

I’ve always received comments of what I look like from people close to me since I was very young. Comments like “you’re too big” never made me think I was too grown or too tall, but immediately went into being too heavy. I even starting working out and dieting with my mother, making it seem like I was being her support, when really I just wanted to be skinny. Even now, as I grown adult, I was recently told “you put a few pounds, but at least now you look healthy.” My mind doesn’t go to, being healthy, my mind goes to “I’ve gain weight? And it’s noticeable? Time to diet!” Apparently to them, when I was constantly exercising, I was to thin.

LET’S STOP WITH THESE COMMENTS! Let’s encourage being healthy, NOT based on our looks, but based on ACTUALLY being mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. Accept that each person’s body will look DIFFERENT, and they are still beautiful!!!!! Ladies, let’s be each other’s cheerleader, instead of comparing each other!!!!!!

Rant Over
