It's Time

It's Time

Control cravings and restore nutrients with our doctor-approved supplements formulated specifically for smokers.


Resist + Restore Bundle – It's time

Looking to quit, but need help? Look no further! Our supplements were specially designed to help you on your journey! To***co products are physically addictive because they contain ni****ne. Resist is a proprietary, doctor-approved blend of NAC, no-flush Niacinamide (Vitamin B3


You can do this. We are here to support you on your journey!


5 Reasons to Say “See Ya” to Ci******es This Summer

Summer is a great time to quit! While there’s never one “best” time to quit smoking, summer easily ranks as a pretty great season to take the smokefree plunge. The sun is out, workloads are (generally) lighter and routines are often relaxed. On top of that, many of us want to look and feel our best as we head to the beach and enjo...


Eat Three Portions of Fruits & Veggies Daily to Prevent Artery Disease

Don't forget your fruits and veggies! And don't forget our Remain package is a great way to supplement your intake! A new study, published in the Journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology,has discovered yet another benefit of eating them regularly. According to researchers, consuming just three portions of fruits and vegetables is enough to keep your arteries healthy.


Today is a new day.


Smoking and Vitamin Loss

"Smoking and Vitamin loss may sound unusual, but if you smoke, taking vitamins and mineral supplements may be the most important thing you can do for yourself in the fight against free radicals and cadmium, which can be toxic." Smoking and Vitamin loss may sound unusual, but if you smoke, taking vitamins and mineral supplements may be the most important thing you can do for yourself.


Stephenville's Trixie Hines believes no drinking or smoking helped with her longevity

Newfoundland Native, Trixie Hines turns 102 today! Read about what she credits her longevity to here. Happy Birthday, Trixie! She took one day at a time and never let anything bother her.


What keeps you going when you feel like you can't go any further?


Eat your fruits and veggies: WSU chemist says they protect your brain

Our Remain package is a great way to make sure you are getting antioxidants! Now available as a membership or for individual purchase! One Washington State University Chemist said his life’s work has convinced him antioxidants are the heroes when it comes to protecting your brain from things like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS.


Take care of your body, it is the only one you will ever have.


Fruits, Vegetables in Diet May Lower Risk of PAD

Another great reason to consider our Remain Fruit and Veggie Chews to help you Remain healthy! Suggests a role for lifestyle counseling in PAD management


Here's Another Reason To Eat Vegetables, Eating More Can Ease The Pain From Early Menopause

Vegetable have all kinds of benefits! Not getting enough? Looking to Remain healthy? Try our delicious-tasting Veggie Chews! Two chewable tablets provide you with many essential vitamins and minerals found in 3 servings of spinach AND tomato! In most cases, the condition may seem as a result of hormonal imbalances or lifestyle factors


Summer is here! That means popsicles, ice cream, hot dogs and burgers - vegetables are much less tempting with these around! Our Remain formula has been specially formulated to replenish vitamins and minerals found in spinach, tomatoes and apples - a great way to help you REMAIN healthy all summer long!


What happens after your last cigarette? – It's time

Just 20 minutes after that last 🚬, your body begins to recover. Jumpstart your journey towards a tobacco-free life with our line of ni****ne-free supplements formulated by physicians for smokers that are looking to quit. You already know smoking is bad for you. But did you realize how effective your body is at repairing itself after you quit? Here's what happens to your body aft


RESIST, RESTORE, REMAIN (Fruit Chews), REMAIN (Veggie Chews)
