No baggage necessary -Talk to Me

No baggage necessary -Talk to Me

For over 35 years I have counselled young, old, and in between in regards to navigating life. Challenges can hold us back from going forward.

Living comes with challenges, some unforeseen, and some self-created. Non-traditional, no nonsense approach.


When speaking to a non-traditional healer, some people find that sharing anonymously until trust, and safety is established, is advantageous to their healing. I'm hold that same opinion, so come talk to me as you would do someone who has only your best interests at heart. Your well-being matters, and a good life-coach who practices therapy from a non-traditional space is more likely to suspend judgment.

Feel uninhibited and take those first steps...


Black attitude is based on equality, and/or the expectation of it, and the willingness to exhibit our dissatisfaction when its not given.
