My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life

My Heroic Life is a self-development podcast dedicated to inspiring others. Through interviews, pers

Breaking Down The Falcon and Winter Soldier with Trey Miller 21/06/2021

Have you listened to Matt and Trey's breakdown from the Falcon and the Winter Soldier yet? Check it out on our website!

Breaking Down The Falcon and Winter Soldier with Trey Miller This week, Matt chats with Trey Miller as they break down their favorite moments from The Falcon and the Winter soldier. Trey and Matt also discuss a few…

Find Your Inner Superpowers and Rewrite Your Origin Story with Dr. Janina Scarlet 14/05/2021

This weeks episode is with Dr. Janina Scarlet, a clinical psychologist, author, speaker, and the creator of Superhero Therapy! I highly recommend!

Find Your Inner Superpowers and Rewrite Your Origin Story with Dr. Janina Scarlet This week, Matt interviews Dr. Janina Scarlet, a licensed clinical psychologist, author, speaker, and creator of Superhero Therapy. They discuss her insp…

Achieving an Abundance Mentality with Tenaya Cleveland 03/05/2021

Episode 27 is now live! I had a blast talking to my friend Tenaya this week about mental health, finding the right support group, and achieving an abundance mentality. Tenaya also shares her favorite superheroes, and how navigating the dark places in life are the key to finding what it takes to become a hero.

Achieving an Abundance Mentality with Tenaya Cleveland This week, Matt chats with actress Tenaya Cleveland from Atlanta, GA to discuss mental health, finding the right support group, and achieving an abundanc…

Breaking Down the Snydercut with Sam Williams, Dade Elza, and Brandon Marino 19/04/2021

Episode 26 is here! This week I interview Sam Williams, Dade Elza and Brandon Marino for a special episode as they break down their favorite moments from the newly released 4 hour cut of the Justice League. Join us as we discuss what we thought worked from the new version, how this film raised awareness for mental health and su***de, and what this film might mean for the future of the DC Cinematic universe!

Breaking Down the Snydercut with Sam Williams, Dade Elza, and Brandon Marino This week, Matt interviews Sam Williams, Dade Elza and Brandon Marino for a special episode as they break down their favorite moments from the newly rele…

How to Create Your Own Universe With the Power of Friendship w/ Nick Oliaro 12/04/2021

This weeks episode is with Nick Oliaro! Enjoy!

How to Create Your Own Universe With the Power of Friendship w/ Nick Oliaro This week, Matt interviews Nick Oliaro, a writer and tech student from Wisconsin. In this episode, Nick shares how he turned his love and passion for sup…

The Ultimate Path to Self Mastery with Cooper Heston 07/04/2021

Episode 24 is now live! I had a blast talking to my childhood friend Cooper this week. Enjoy!

The Ultimate Path to Self Mastery with Cooper Heston This week, Matt is joined by his childhood friend Cooper Heston, as they discuss their favorite superhero shows and their personal experiences with menta…

Vulnerability is Your Superpower with Arnold Chun | My Her… 30/03/2021

Vulnerability is Your Superpower with Arnold Chun | My Her… There are moments in life that change us, and set us on a path towards growth and self discovery. Our guest this week, Arnold Chun, is someone who experi…


No matter what happens, you can always get back up 🦇

Photos from My Heroic Life's post 23/02/2021

Episode 19 is now live! I had a great time talking with Katherine O'Day about mental health and Spider-Gwen! Check out our newest episode now!

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

The early days of this new year have been very stressful. Although our anxious thoughts can feel overwhelming, it’s important to remember to stay calm and present. One of the tools that has helped me deal with my anxiety is Dr Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breathing technique.

This specific pattern involves holding the breath for a period of time, which allows your body to replenish its oxygen levels and relax your nervous system. This helps bring your body back in balance and regulates the fight-or-flight response you experience when stress hits!

When you breathe with this technique, your mind & body are forced into focusing on regulating the breath instead of the anxiety you might feel from a certain family member, the virus, or finances! has described it as a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system,” and it’s definitely helped me over the past year. 💪

My Heroic Life 11/01/2021

This was a nice little gift I received to start the new year! Thank you everyone for supporting the podcast. One of my bigger goals this year is to start building a community within My Heroic Life. I hope to start connecting with everyone more on social media and to post more content along with my weekly episodes. I'll also be providing more mental health resources for you, and of course we'll be talking about more superheroes! Looking forward to soaring into 2021! Stay tuned!

My Heroic Life My Heroic Life is a self-development podcast dedicated to inspiring others. Through interviews, personal stories, Q&A's, and fun superhero breakdowns, My Heroic Life aims to inspire everyone to discover their inner hero.

Timeline photos 10/01/2021

The past few days have been very overwhelming. I know that when things aren't going well, I can be even harder on myself for not staying on track.⁠

Know that it's ok. You are here, you are loved, and you are going to be ok.⁠

If you had a slow start to the new year. It's ok.⁠

If you made a dumb mistake, it's ok.⁠

It's ok to have off days. You're only human, after all. 🤗⁠

You're doing great 💛 and things will get easier!

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

There will be many moments in your life that will knock you down. There's no avoiding it. No matter what knocked you down this year, you CAN come back stronger.

Timeline photos 04/12/2020

For several of you who follow this page, this is a difficult day. As you all know I am part of the Disney Cast Member community, and today marks the official lay off day for many Disney employees around the world. I wanted to send a little message of hope to each one of you, or to anyone else who may be struggling right now.

You are enough.

You may feel defeated. You may feel lost. You may feel like nothing will ever be the same, but I guarantee you that there IS a silver lining at the end of this tunnel.

You ARE enough.

A long time ago, I used to hear those words over and over, and they felt empty. I didn't believe them. For so many years, I felt like a failure, like a lost cause, like I was drowning. I would spend all of my time stressing out over WHY specific people couldn't love me, or even see the deep pain I was in. I would go to the deepest, most ridiculous lengths I could to PROVE that I was better or enough for them, or even worse, I would go out of my way to put myself down to prop those people up. I went absolutely nowhere.

I share this story because last year, on December 6th, I felt a certain similar hopelessness that you might be feeling today. On that day last year, I was nearly successful at ending my life. I truly felt like there was absolutely nothing left. Nobody cared. Nobody wanted me. At least, that was the story I told myself.

But it turns out, I was wrong. Very wrong. I was loved. And even though I didn't see it fully yet, I decided to give it another shot. I dug down deep, I looked at who I wanted to be, and what it would really take to change my story. And I soon discovered that I had a great deal to offer the world. It wasn't an easy process, and at times it seemed bleak, but I never, ever gave up.

While this day might seem bleak for some of you, I hope that today is also a day of reflection, a day of hope, and a day of change and inspiration. Don't allow this day to define you. This day can be the spark that changes your life forever. You are not just a number, or unworthy of the job you had, or the work you put in. And if you remember only one thing from this experience, remember this: YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Photos from My Heroic Life's post 11/11/2020

Episode 13 is available now!

This week, Matt sits down with Jamie Nalbandyan to discuss her new book: Living Your Life In Plan B to Z. In this episode, Matt and Jamie discuss staying open to new paths in life, and how finding a solid plan B to Z can help you discover a new calling, or pave the way to achieving the goals and dreams you've always had.

Timeline photos 31/10/2020

A true hero responds to hate with love. To negativity with positivity. To injustice with justice. To depression with hope. To fear with courage. - I have been thinking about these words a great deal. We always have a choice to make. We choose how to respond when things fall apart, or when someone mistreats us, or when we make a big mistake and lose hope. Who do you choose to be today?

Timeline photos 30/10/2020

No matter how big your dreams are, no one else has the power to tear them down. You have the final say on your worth, and the value of your aspirations. Believe in yourself, and never ever give up.

Timeline photos 14/10/2020

Have you ever considered that you are already strong? Maybe you just needed a storm to reveal the hero inside of you. No matter what comes next, trust your strength, and know that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle.

Timeline photos 13/10/2020

When you go through trauma, it does not mean that you are destined to stay broken. When you make a mistake, it does not mean that you are a failure. When you hurt someone you love, it does not mean that you are irredeemable. When someone rejects you, it does not mean you aren't worthy of love...You are not broken. You are loved, and you are enough.

Timeline photos 11/10/2020

There are so many reasons to feel discouraged right now. No matter how bad things get, remember that there's always hope to turn things around. It doesn't have to happen all at once. We can always start small and take one step at a time.

Timeline photos 10/10/2020

One of my favorite heroes is Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, from My Hero Academia. As a young student, Deku is always pushing to be the best hero he can be, but most of the time he feels inadequate. He feels like he doesn't really deserve his powers, or that someone else should take his place. Despite this fear, Midoriya always remembers that a true hero never gives into fear or discouragement, and will always go beyond their limit to help those in need. Deku is a great example for anyone who might be struggling with discouragement, or fear. There's always hope, and an opportunity to turn things around, no matter how hard things get.

Timeline photos 09/10/2020

Sometimes all we need is to push a little harder, dig a little deeper, and set our sights on higher goals. Even if we don't attain them and we fail, it's important to look back and see the progress we've made a long the way.


No matter how bad things may seem right now, there’s always hope. You are not defined by a career. You are defined by your love, your joy, your work ethic, and your strength. You are wonderful. And you are loved. Never forget the joy you brought to others. This cannot be taken away.



This week on My Heroic Life, Matt and guest Dade Elza discuss the origin story of Green Lantern, their favorite moments from the Green Lantern comic book universe, and how the Green Lantern Corps teaches us to overcome our greatest fears with willpower.


Never lose hope. Never give up. A brighter future lies ahead.


Next interview will be out on Wednesday 9/30! Had such a great time talking with Dade this week. We’ll be talking about the Green Lantern comic book universe, and opened up about overcoming our fears and challenges.

Photos from My Heroic Life's post 19/09/2020

Holding on to anger can lead us down a dark path. Sabretooth, also known as Victor Creed, is an interesting villain that always leaned into his anger. In the X-Men films, he was portrayed as Wolverines half-brother. While Wolverine was always trying to control his rage, Sabretooth would allow that anger to overcome him.

In the comics, Sabretooth has a much darker origin than the one we see in the film:

“When Victor Creed's mutation first manifested, he accidentally killed his brother over a piece of pie. His father confined him to a cellar and would systematically pull out Victor's "devil teeth" in an attempt to purge the boy of his "demons". Victor was chained like an animal in the family cellar for years until one day he chewed off his own hand in order to break free, subsequently murdering his father.”

Victor would go on to become a vengeful villain, holding onto the rage and trauma he faced as a child. His unrelenting rage continued to wreak havoc and destruction. The anger he felt towards his father was an inner poison that ultimately hurt him more than his victims.


Photos from My Heroic Life's post 16/09/2020

Episode 011 is now live! In this weeks episode, Matt interviews Ogeyi to discuss relationships, self-love, and her new book: Love of Life: The Kingdom Way.



So many of us doubt ourselves and don’t realize we already have all the strength we need to succeed. If things are dark right now, don’t give up. Trust that you are right where you belong on your journey. You are more than just a paycheck, a career, a job, a title, a relationship, or a recurring problem. You are not defined by external forces, or a pandemic, or past mistakes. You decide who you want to be. Nobody else. If all seems lost, sometimes all you need is to trust in yourself. It’s a leap of faith.
