John Freeland CTFO

John Freeland CTFO

CTFO = Changing The Future Outcome!


Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day......?

The most important job is learning how to negotiate with others without friction! 100%

Experts in negotiation handle the process so smoothly that discussions hardly seem like negotiations. While the world negotiation itself conjures up visions of cigar-chomping adversaries pounding the table to emphasize their demands, the best results are achieved when all the parties involved can put themselves in the others’ shoes and arrive at an agreement beneficial to everyone involved.
Whether you are negotiating a higher salary, a new job, or the acquisition of a company, your chances of success are far more significant when you approach the situation positively and with a clear objective in mind. It also helps to understand the motives of others involved and to have in-depth knowledge of the subject under discussion. Finally, approach every topic with an open mind—don’t simply try to bully others into accepting your proposal or point of view.


Statement from Community Change Action Co-Presidents on President Biden Not Seeking Re-election...!

July 21, 2024, 2:30 pm
For Immediate Release: July 21, 2024

Statement from Community Change Action Co-Presidents Lorella Praeli and Dorian Warren:

President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race is a remarkably courageous decision. Such self-sacrifice for the future of America will stand out singularly in the history of American public service.

When America needed Joe Biden to step up, he did so and defeated Trump. When we needed him to step aside to give America its chance to defeat racist and dangerous MAGA extremism again, he has done that. President Biden’s legacy will be defined by his bold and progressive agenda. When President Biden and Vice President Harris took office, our country faced unprecedented crises–a global pandemic, economic and climate crisis, and racial injustice. This administration has reset the terms of our economy to help ordinary Americans get a chance to thrive, fast-tracked technologies that can prevent climatic disaster, made historic investments in infrastructure that will power us into the future, and put down payments on creating a care economy that works for all of us, not just the ultra-wealthy.

When voters voiced their concerns about his ability to win this election, Joe Biden listened because that’s what he’s done his entire time in office. He listened when we urged action on the care economy by announcing changes to long-term care staffing, lowering the cost of childcare for parents, and fighting for an expanded child tax credit. He listened when we urged him to take action to relieve student loan repayments by restructuring income-driven repayment options and forgiving billions in student loan debt, giving low-income, Black, and Latino borrowers some breathing room. Joe Biden listened to voters and signed executive orders to promote racial equity, close the gender pay gap, and to create a legal pathway for undocumented spouses of US citizens; he fought to protect reproductive rights, make prescription drugs more affordable, and expand access to healthcare. And, he managed to do it with Republican resistance and MAGA courts working feverishly to undo the progress we’ve made.

Change and growth are part of our democracy, and when it’s built through the voices of people, it signals democracy is working. This election is about the future of America: one where our leaders protect our freedoms or where MAGA Republicans control us. Our movement is bigger than any one candidate or one election, and our power flows from our people and our values–that’s what is at the core of our work.

The Black, Latino, low-income, immigrant, and women voters Community Change Action talks to every day want leadership that will champion policies to put food on the table without going into debt, access the healthcare we need without fear, have a sustainable and affordable childcare system, and keep our loved ones safe. At the end of the day, the people’s voices matter most, and together, we can win the future we all deserve.


The Consequences of Compromise..?

+When you struggle with temptation, it's wise to pause and ask the Lord for help....{Titus 2:11-14}

Stuck again. Is that an apt description of your life? For many believers, it is. Even when they know why they are stalled, some can’t move past the sin that trips them up. Others are blind to the source of their troubles and feel as if all they do is run in place.

Israel, God’s chosen nation, had a history of defeat from yielding to temptation instead of obeying the Lord’s commands. Compromise defeats us, too. God calls His children to live obedient lives, but it’s easy to become preoccupied with the things we want—and then to reinterpret God’s commands in a way that suits us. What’s more, the world clamors for us to fit into its mold but shows little or no inclination to follow God’s way. And Satan can gain a foothold in our life whenever we disobey or attempt to bypass God’s laws.

We’d be fooling ourselves to think we can compromise and still live a Christ-centered life. The Lord commands us to reject ungodliness (Titus 2:11-12), and we’re wise to listen. Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit’s power to help us. A good place to start is by agreeing with God that an attitude or action of yours is displeasing to Him. Then determine to set your mind on obedience, whatever the cost.


“Choose your alliances carefully, for they shape your destiny.”

This devotional is based on the story of Jehoshaphat and Ahab. Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, ruled righteously by fortifying cities, tearing down idols, and sending teachers to instruct the people in God’s ways. However, his alliance with King Ahab of Israel led to an ill-fated battle.

Bible in a Year: Jehoshaphat and Ahab
"And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim." — 2 Chronicles 17:3
Have you ever made a decision that seemed right at the time but later proved to be unwise?

Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, ruled with righteousness and integrity, fortifying cities and tearing down idols. He sought to educate his people in the ways of God, sending teachers and priests throughout the land. His actions were so impactful that even the Philistines noticed and sent tribute.

In an effort to extend peace and unity, Jehoshaphat formed an alliance with King Ahab of Israel. While his intentions were noble, this decision led to unforeseen consequences. During a celebration, Ahab requested Jehoshaphat's assistance in reclaiming territory.

Jehoshaphat wisely sought God's counsel first, calling on the prophet Micaiah. Micaiah prophesied that the battle would result in Ahab's death, a warning that Ahab chose to ignore.

Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Ahab serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking God's guidance in our decisions and being cautious about the partnerships we form. Despite his overall righteousness, Jehoshaphat's alliance with Ahab led him into a situation that jeopardized his kingdom and his life.

In our own lives, we may face decisions that seem beneficial but require discernment and wisdom. It's essential to seek God's guidance and consider the long-term consequences of our actions. Aligning ourselves with God’s will ensures that our choices lead to peace and prosperity, rather than unforeseen hardships.
Reflect on your current relationships and alliances. Are there any partnerships or decisions that you need to reevaluate in light of God's guidance?

Seek wisdom and discernment in all your endeavors, remembering that even well-intentioned decisions can lead to negative consequences if not aligned with God's will.


Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day:
Boastfulness is generally an admission of an inferiority complex.

Competent people don’t have to boast about their achievements; they let their actions speak for them. When you brag about your accomplishments, you tell others you are unsure of yourself and your value in the world. Baseball manager Tommy Lasorda once noted that there are those who watch things happen, those who wonder what happened, and those who make things happen. Strive to be one of those who make things happen. If you show others what you can do, they will respect you far more than if you told them what you’ve done. Anyone can quarrel with words, but actions speak for themselves.

Photos from John Freeland CTFO's post 15/12/2023

👉🏽*4 Tickets for $100
Bring your teens or set up a double date with a 4-pack of fee-free tickets for $100!
Discount cannot be applied to previously purchased tickets.

👉🏽*4-Show Dance or Theater Package $85
Experience more performances and save with one of our curated ticket packages.

👉🏽*$15 Student Rush
Starting 1 hour before each show, high school and college students may present a valid student ID for a $15 ticket. 1 ticket per ID, in-person only, and subject to availability.

Show times:
11/9 Thurs 8pm
11/10 Fri 8pm
11/11 Sat 2pm and 8pm
For tickets, to learn more

07/09/2023 Trade with the Pros LLC (“TWP”) is a financial education provider for customers looking to build the skills and proficiency necessary for retail trading and investing in the financial markets. TWP is not a Broker-Dealer, an Investment Adviser, or any other type of business subject to regulation ...

Learn to Trade With The Pros! 07/09/2023

Learn to Trade With The Pros! FREE Trading Workshops...



It is always better to imitate a successful man than to envy him.

Of all the negative emotions, envy is perhaps the most insidious. It is especially sinister because it destroys you from the inside by replacing all that is positive and productive with negative feelings of anger, jealousy, and despair. But when you congratulate others upon their successes and genuinely wish them well, not only do you give credit to those who deserve it, but you also feel better about yourself. Once you’ve overcome your envy, you may want to determine what specific actions the other person took to achieve success. Meanwhile, you will have strengthened your relationships by recognizing the achievements of others.

Starting Over in Tennessee, organized by Elizabeth Moss 29/08/2023

Starting Over in Tennessee, organized by Elizabeth Moss Hi, I am Elizabeth Moss, and I am fundraising for Megan and Caleb Paul and their very cute … Elizabeth Moss needs your support for Starting Over in Tennessee


Opportunity never sneaks up on those who straddle the fence of indecision.

Successful people are decisive people. When opportunities come their way, they evaluate them carefully, make a decision, and take appropriate action. They know that indecision wastes time that could be spent on more productive tasks. They also avoid unnecessary risks by implementing their decisions gradually. They don’t attempt to make every decision at the beginning. Each action is contingent upon the success of the one that preceded it. Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s wisest men, is said to have used a simple method to make difficult decisions. He drew a line down the center of a sheet of paper, and on one side he listed the “pros” of the decision; on the other, he listed the “cons.” In addition to simplifying the decision-making process, the list also served as a graphic illustration of the advantages and disadvantages of any decision, regardless of its complexity. The impact of the decision could then be quickly and easily assessed.


If you know your own mind, you know enough to keep it always positive.

You may not fully understand the complex process that causes electricity to be generated and transmitted to your home. But you understand very well how to apply and use it to illuminate your home, power your computer, and perform hundreds of other essential tasks. The same is true of your mind. No one understands the incredibly complex workings of the brain; we know only that when we use our minds in a certain way, we achieve the desired result. If we think positively, we achieve positive results.



Are you waiting for success to arrive, or are you going out to find where it is hiding?

The poet John Milton’s words, “They also serve who only stand and wait,” may be both profound and genuine, but the true riches of life are far more likely to accrue to those who actively go out and seek them. Seldom does success come marching in accompanied by a brass band in full regalia. More often, it’s achieved by those who labor long and hard. Take the initiative, and you will create your own opportunities. There is no substitute for action backed up by a well-thought-out plan.


Your Low Libido Doesn’t Have to Stay That Way
By To Love, Honor, and Vacuum

Feel like you have no libido–as if it’s in hibernation or something?
You’re not alone!

This post contains affiliate links.

I love talking on the blog about how libido is so much more than just physical–how it’s spiritual and emotional, too. In my Boost Your Libido course, I went over some of the emotional reasons and relational reasons why we may have very little libido, and how our faulty understanding of what libido is can make us feel as if we have no libido–when really we’re just more “responsive”!

But I also talked in the course about some of the physical reasons that your libido may fall, and as we’re spending this month talking about s*x and your body in our Monday series, I thought it would be worth elaborating on it today, especially since now is a great time to get help with a lot of these problems, as the Ultimate Women’s Wellness Bundle launches. It’s 79 different products that retail for more than $4500, giving you tools to move towards wellness, including 32 eBooks, 32 eCourses & audios, 12 workbooks & printables, and more.

So let’s go over some of the physical problems that can contribute to low libido–all of which the Women’s Wellness bundle can help you tackle.

When we lose our libido, we often wonder if there’s something wrong with the marriage.
Why don’t I get turned on by my husband anymore? But maybe it’s simply that your hormones aren’t working properly, or you’re just too tired and achey. And that, my friends, has cures! Let’s take a look together.

When we lose our libido, we often wonder if there’s something wrong with the marriage.
But that’s not always the case, sometimes the answer is much simpler.

Why Is Your Libido Sub-Zero?
I’ve been devouring the information in the Women’s Wellness Bundle for the last few days, especially focusing on the resources regarding hormones, since that affects so much of what I write about.

Today I want to share with you what I’ve learned from three primary resources: 14 Day Thyroid Alive Kickstarter Program; Secrets to Controlling Your Weight, Cravings, and Mood; Well and Good: Supercharge Your Health for Fertility and Wellness.

For all those women who wonder why they’re so tired and stressed and achey and can’t figure out how to feel alive and excited again, to you, today, I’d say: “No, you’re not frigid!” To all those of you who wonder why you have zero libido, there may be a simple answer. You may simply have an imbalance, and that’s good news. Because that can be fixed!

What is “Libido”?
Libido is the desire to have s*x and the ability to enjoy it. For women, it’s highly dependent upon how we feel about our relationship, our bodies, and s*x itself. But it’s not only that. It’s also largely hormonal. Our “s*x” hormones (progesterone, testosterone, and, of course, estrogen) prepare the body to want and enjoy s*x. Estrogen “lubricates” everything. Testosterone gives us desire. Progesterone regulates all of that. So when something is out of whack, you’re going to want chocolate more than s*x. It’s that simple (that may be a HUGE generalization, but it does come down to balance!).

So let’s look at why!

Could you simply have poor nutrition?
Nutrition is everything. All of the cells in our bodies rely on the proper food to function at tip-top level. And if they don’t have what they need, they’ll be limping along, and they’ll often favour the vital things over the not-so-vital things (s*x hormones).

Causes: Even people who look healthy can have poor nutrition! If you don’t get enough healthy fats, for instance (like coconut oil, avocados, fish, nuts), then your body will crave them. Even if you eat what looks like it’s healthy, like a vegan diet, your body could be crying out for things it’s missing, like protein. If you’re busy and you’re always grabbing food on the go, you could have some serious deficiencies.

Solutions: Eat lots of fiber! Add healthy fats to your diet. Eat more protein. Eat far fewer refined sugars, because they can cause “leaky gut”, which stops the intestine from absorbing nutrition.

Could you have adrenal fatigue?
Our adrenal glands work overtime in producing hormones. But the adrenals like to play triage: they look at certain deficiencies as “Defcon 5” and will work to fix those first. And one of the hormones our bodies really need is cortisol. It gives you energy, and regulates everything else in your body on sort of a time schedule (your bowels, your sleep, your energy, your digestion). But it depends on this 24 hour clock.

Causes: Our bodies work on a clock. So light=daytime. Eating protein=energy, it’s time to wake up! Eating carbs=it’s time to rest. That’s an oversimplification, but that’s roughly how it works.

Here’s something absolutely HILARIOUS I read recently. Dr. Kellogg was a bit of a quack. In the 1800s he started a sanitorium to help people deal with lust and ma********on. And one of his main “cures” was this neat cereal that he had developed that you eat with milk. You see, this big carb intake would lull the body into a contented, placid state, and then you wouldn’t feel the urge for lust anymore.

Well, Dr. Kellogg found out that people LIKED eating this cereal, and soon it became the breakfast staple everywhere.

Think about our modern lifestyles: we get up before it’s light in the winter; feed our bodies massive amounts of carbs in the morning; and then keep our bodies up at night with artificial light. And we confuse the heck out of them!

Again, there’s more to it than that. But if your body is working overtime to produce cortisol, then your adrenals will get tired and won’t produce s*x hormones as much.

Read Next on Thriving Marriages 10 Bad Habits That Lead to an Unhappy Marriage
Solution: Eat protein for breakfast, and avoid heavy carbs (like cereal, toast, and bagels). Wake up to natural light, or get lightbulbs in the winter that mimic it. Stay away from blue light at night. Keep carbs for dinner time. Stay away from caffeine, which confuses everything. Sleep 8 hours at night, if you can, AT THE SAME TIME everyday (if you can).

Could you have low progesterone?
Progesterone balances estrogen and regulates the metabolism. It’s made primarily in the ovaries, but also in the adrenal gland (and if you’re perimenopausal or postmenopausal, then you’re REALLY relying on that adrenal gland!).

Causes: If your adrenal glands are working overtime, you’ll likely have less progesterone. Also, if you’re producing TOO MUCH estrogen, then you’ll likely produce less progesterone, leading to a real imbalance.

Solution: Do everything above to regulate nutrition and cortisol. Stay away from beauty products with lots of chemicals, especially shampoos and body washes. Choose things like the Diva cup or cloth sanitary pads instead of disposable ones, because they can artificially introduce a weird chemical that mimics estrogen and can mess everything up. Do some moderate exercise four times a week. Try some essential oils, especially clary sage (that one’s helped me a lot!)

You may find that when you eliminate these foods, you have so much more energy and mental clarity! WHY? Well, you gave your digestive system a break from hard-to-digest foods and foods that you may be intolerant to. Therefore, your organs and digestive system (your liver, kidneys, pancreas, and stomach) do not have to work as hard and aren’t in constant distress. Your body can use that newfound energy to repair itself rather than constantly putting out fires, which means rockin’ hormones and periods! Yay!

Fix your Period Cleanse
Women’s Wellness Bundle

Could you have low estrogen?
Secrets to Controlling Your Weight, Cravings, and Mood lays out so well how not all estrogen is good estrogen–and how imbalances can affect our libido.

Causes: Age decreases estrogen, so being perimenopausal or menopausal can hurt us. Having other imbalances, as above, can also affect estrogen–and the neurotransmitters that regulate it.

Solution: Have s*x regularly! (the more you do it–the more hormones you produce! Libido is use it or lose it!). Avoid caffeine. Don’t overexercise. Add lots of ground flax seed to your diet (I put some in my smoothies everyday). And add some supplements and lots of healthy fats to support your brain and hormone production. There are so many creams and capsules that you can take to help with low estrogen that are really safe.

Could you have low thyroid function?
When your thyroid isn’t functioning really well, it tends to “bind up” the s*x hormones, leaving them unable to be properly used. And then, when thyroid production is low, you start producing fewer s*x hormones, too. It’s a vicious cycle.

And some studies have shown that MOST people have at least mild hypothyroidism.

Imagine if you lived in a very small space. What would it be like if you could only remove 20% of the trash you brought in? What would it feel like to be in that space after a week? What about a month? Now imagine a year! How does it feel to be in that space now? This is how your cells feel when they are under toxic burden. Detoxing your cells will improve your ability to absorb nutrients and hormones and eliminate waste. It will also stabilize and improve your energy. During this program you will improve your health, increase your energy, and eliminate waste that causes disease, weight gain, and cravings. When your body cannot eliminate waste properly it become acidic and toxic. When it becomes acidic and toxic, your blood and your cells slow down. When this happens, your body starts to slow down and break down.

14 Day Thyroid Alive Kickstarter Program
Women’s Wellness Bundle

Causes: When your cortisol levels have been out of whack for a LONG time, this eventually affects the thyroid.

Solution: Avoid soy. Throw seaweed into your soups and stews! Stay away from raw broccoli, cauliflower and kale, but throw in lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. And no smoking!

But how do I know what I have?
I know. When we start to read all this stuff, we think: “I’ve got EVERYTHING!” But don’t worry; that’s likely not true.

Here are two simple approaches:

Eat well, with good nutrition, avoiding processed foods, caffeine, and too much refined sugar. Try to eat properly to a 24-hour schedule. Do that, and no matter what the problem is, you’ll likely start to fix a lot of it.
Read through Secrets to Controlling Your Weight, Cravings, and Mood–an information-packed ebook with self-assessments so you can see where your hormones may be out of whack.
I know this is a LOT of information, but I find it really empowering. If you can figure out what’s triggering some of the ill-effects in your body, then you can stop it!

And wouldn’t that be worth it?

The Women’s Wellness Bundle is for sale right now until Monday at midnight, and it has resources covering hormone balance, heathy eating, fertility and pregnancy, chronic illness, mental health, confidence, and more (they’ve even got some AWESOME products on building a wardrobe for moms, including building a great capsule wardrobe).

I was talking to my daughter Katie last week about how she and David have started sourcing their chicken from a supplier that doesn’t use antibiotics or hormones. The stuff that is in our food can actually really impact our health, our mood, and our libido. And these resources can help you figure out what maybe the biggest culprits in your life–and how you can deal with them.

So check out the Ultimate Women’s Wellness Bundle now–and you may find yourself with more energy, less pain, and even more libido!

7 Worst Drinks of Winter - 08/11/2022

7 Worst Drinks of Winter - You really do need to watch out - many of winter's most popular drinks are full of cream and sugar and have unappetizing calorie counts.

Why You Should Never Drink Cold Water 05/11/2022

Why You Should Never Drink Cold Water There's nothing like a cup of cold water with ice on a sunny day, but is that the best way to hydrate? Cold water may not be as good for you as you think.


“…the Black man himself has to be made aware of the importance of going into business.” -Malcolm X

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HBCU GO inks broadcast partnership with the HBCU Basketball Association 03/11/2022

HBCU GO inks broadcast partnership with the HBCU Basketball Association Starting next spring, HBCU BA grants HBCU GO cable, linear, streaming, broadcast, VOD and PPV rights to premiere its games.

Most delicious, healthiest, affordable protein blend & multi-collagen meal replacement shake EVER. 03/11/2022

Most delicious, healthiest, affordable protein blend & multi-collagen meal replacement shake EVER. SAVE MONEY - EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN ONE DELICIOUS, HIGHEST QUALITY, AFFORDABLE, HEALTHY SHAKE. 😋You get ALL the below for as little as $2.39 per MEAL.✅Pro...


Failure is not a disgrace if you have sincerely done your best.

We live in a competitive world that measures success by winners and losers, and insists that every victory creates a loss of equal dimension. If one person wins, it seems logical that someone else must lose. In reality, the only competition that matters is the one in which you compete with yourself. When your standard of performance is based upon being the best you can be — for yourself — you will never lose. You will only improve. Make it a practice to objectively review your performance from time to time. When you fall short, assess the situation and ask yourself: “Is there anything I would or could have done to change the outcome?” If the answer is “no,” if you are satisfied that you’ve done your best, don’t waste time reliving the past. Simply learn what you can from the experience, and then get into action again. If you consistently do your best, your temporary failures will take care of themselves.

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Join me for this event! Check out the event details here.


In celebrating , we reflect on the storied history of women serving our country since the Revolutionary War. Thank you to all our women Veterans!

Learn more about the VA Center for Women Veterans here:


The best way to improve your is to know what counts the most! Here is the breakdown