UOS Confessions: Medical Campus.

UOS Confessions: Medical Campus.

Here's the place where you confess :D


Want to get it off your chest, go ahead and confess here:


Or send us an inbox msg!



So students at our college found a new level of shallow and pathetic-ness ! There is an account on instagram called 'UOShotties' and it rates if an individual is hot or not in our university! Please take a moment to report that piece of crap of a page please ! This should not be acceptable in any social public site !



"Since (x) person is the new head of ASCE, I'm going to change my major
Signature: a disapointed civil engineering student"



"واحد بتحبيه بس بيعذبك و بيجننك و بيطالعلك عيونك
يا اما واحد بيحبك و مقدرك و شايلك ع راسو بس ما بتحبيه
شو بتختاري ، الحب أم راحة البال

لا حدا ذكي يجي يكتبلي ولا وحدة ..بعرف انو الوضع المثالي شخص بتحبيه و بيحبك و ما بيعذبك يعني اللتنين لا غنى عنهن، بس ازا انجبرتي تختاري بين هالخيارين شو بتختاري؟ "



Isn't it funny how the memories you cherish before a breakup can become your worst enemies afterwards??



Just stay chilled and relaxed, nothing is worth the worry and anxiety. Everything has it's time and place in this world, whatever happens look forward don't EVER look back!



To me our love was everything and you were my whole life. It is not very pleasant to realize that to you it was only an episode.



"I see that you didn't delete the posts
Ok I will give the first hint about you

"" You study dentistry "" ;)
Want more hints?"



Meh :/ ..just stepped by to holla at you guys



"لا اريدك شعله حب نارية في حياتي فتحرقني ، ولا اريدك زجاجة عطر وردية تطفي العبير النقي لحياتي فتفرغ الزجاجة و تخنقني .. ولا اريدك زهرا جميلا فيذبل ..ولا قوس قزح يختفي فأحزن...
لكني اريدك بردا و أمانا يطفئ حريق الحياة ...اريدك بلسما يداوي الجراح ...اريدك وطنا لا ينتهك ولا يستباح ...اريدك ملجأ يحميني من غدر الناس.. اريدك بحرا من حب و حنان لا ينفذ ولا يجف من العطاء ... اريدك أبا لي في بعض الاوقات يحميني من كل الاخطاء ..و أخ في حين آخر يغار عليي من الغرباء..و صديقي في كل دقيقة لا يتركني مهما ضاقت بي الحياة ...و حبيبا يروي ظمئ القلب و يسقيه ليبقيه على خير ما يرام...و شريك عمر يشاركني نبضي يشاركني انفاسي يشاركني لقمة عيشي ...يشاركني في كل طرفه عين و في كل الثوان...
و وفيا اذا ما غبت عنك...انت لي حبي خير حافظ صوان
يجمعنا حب الدين و طاعه رب العباد ...تخاف فيني الله و اخاف فيك الله ..اعيش لأجلك و تعيش لأجلي ...فليس لنا من دون بعضنا اي اختيار .

و إذا كان حبك لي حقيقة فستعرفني من بين آلاف الناس ;)"



"I hope the admin of uos hotties reads this.
Listen you idiot I know that you are a stalker and I will give the chance to stop your stupid games or I am going to say who you are and make your life a f**** nightmare
I am giving you 7 days to delete the posts on your f**** account and stop doing this s**t
And if you didn't do it in 7 days I will tell everyone your name.

My advice to you is to not play games with me because I am a hacker and I will make you live in hell you little piece of s**t

I hope you have read this becuase starting from this moment you have 7 days left"



When you don't know about something just say these 3 little simple words "I DON'T KNOW"



"People who confess on this page are 3 types:
1) Pi**ed off as F*** and feels like he's gonna blow everything in this university up.
2) A stupid freshman lover who wants to tell us how cute is his/her love and where he/she passed by today.
3) a forever alone who acts as if somebody cares about him and confesses about himself desperately.
This page is hilarious if you know how to classify these confessers :)"



"you just dont open a hostel that has no water no laundry room no internet or a computer lab for printing and expect us to wait 2 to 3 weeks to get this done ...
I hate this medical campus ... so stupid"



"the following actions took place in the finance department (men's side)...
i was waiting for my turn just like any normal person (waiting for about 3 hours from 11am-2pm),, and finally my turn was next (ex mine is 5648 its serving 5646.. u got it) then it came 5647 and no one showed up so i stood to take his place then some guy came to me and said whats ur number and i showed it t him .. then he asked me if he could enter before me becuz he just needed to talk the finance department signature and they stopped given tickets plus he came from a very far place so out of sympathy i said yes you can becuz technically it's not my turn yet and anyways iam not going to loose my turn .. so he sat down and it only took him 2 mins to finish so its my turn now and i was going to set i the chair ... out of the blue another man came and started yelled at the clerk why did you let him cross the line .. and i said bro its m turn dont just take the chair and set there is a f**king human being standing in front of you and he didnt even bother to take his sunglasses and look at me he just started to take his wallet and called his son to brig his paper and acted like if it was his turn ... in that point i was so pi**ed of .. PS i have hypertension and i was that close to hit him but i said to myself F**K it man he don't deserve it, i haven't been driving for 6hrs just to came here and cause me a heart attack .. and in the same time the security came in he asked me whats ur number i showed him and he apologized to me for that man's actions the he took me to the next clerk and i paid there...

i don't know if its a confession or what ..
so peace out :) "



Iam the same guy that posted the previous confession.. one question.. why do girls like guys who behave badly ,in other words disrespectful guys, why always good guys are made fun of..I see this a lot at the uni



Who is the Ba6man on twitter...Does anybody know ???



A lot of girls in this uni should realize that true beauty is on the inside ,trust me girls you don't have to apply make up or other things Just to impress guys!! If you have good manners it's more than enough...



El freshmen students shahooni erga3 sine 2oola :/ a7la sene...



"ارحمونا الدنيا 40 درجة و الروائح فايحة
#مزيل عرق"



I would like to suggest a new trend similar to the or whatever and create something such as . For those who don't know about the trend it's basically you capturing a moment by photo or post of happiness or kindness and hashtag the trend! Or we can send them here anonymously if you think that is better :)

Here's my story:

Today I was at the W/M's trying to get some paperwork done and to finish payments at the finance department.. and I've been running around from campus to campus and all the way to the medical hoping the finance department would give out numbers but unfortunately they didn't. On the way back to dorms, I was so upset and frustrated and I knew I had a lot of work left to do for the next day. it was really hot outside and I was dehydrated and annoyed and I just wanted some AC. I didn't have anything to eat and it was 2:00 pm so I was starved. On my way to the bus stop I notice no buses to the dorms which takes me back to medical (my destination) and I was even more upset then. I decided to walk back to dorms (the distance is not much but it was too hot and I was impatient and couldn't wait any longer) so I did and I reached few feet away from the student center and the heat was killing me! A car pulls over and a mother and her daughter ask me for directions to the dorms administration and I told them where to go but they were so lost and asked me if I could get in their car and lead the way. For all those who aren't in dorms or the guys here, the dorms administration is exactly where the medical buses stop to take people. It wasn't much distance but I was dying outside and I had no energy whatsoever, so it felt like someone saved my life. And they even thanked me afterwards and offered to drop me at my hostel but I told them that that was actually my destination. Sub7anAllah how things work out sometimes and I know some people won't appreciate the situation but to me it felt like a huge deal. 1 tiny act of kindness is never neglected, not by God at least. So I was inspired to start and I hope you can join me. You can never have enough joy and imagine if we can be the reason behind it :)

Sorry for the long post, hope it was worth it and it inspires you as well.

Timeline photos 07/09/2014


so basically this encourages shallowness and arrogance from people who know how to dress and present themselves. this is why the some students are not civilized.. they don't think of ways to compete academically and by treating others respectfully instead of hate and mocking remarks, they make people who are not their standards of "hot" become insecure. I have no hope for this upcoming generation! maybe if this page was revolving around the "hotties of UOS" , which is still ridiculous to me but whatever, but this caption says and "who's not" , it's not your place to make this rude remark. compliment yourself and others without bringing the rest down. I'm so ashamed that this will indirectly represent all students in this university. I hope the admin reads this and sees it from this view.



so basically this encourages shallowness and arrogance from people who know how to dress and present themselves. this is why the some students are not civilized.. they don't think of ways to compete academically and by treating others respectfully instead of hate and mocking remarks, they make people who are not their standards of "hot" become insecure. I have no hope for this upcoming generation! maybe if this page was revolving around the "hotties of UOS" , which is still ridiculous to me but whatever, but this caption says and "who's not" , it's not your place to make this rude remark. compliment yourself and others without bringing the rest down. I'm so ashamed that this will indirectly represent all students in this university. I hope the admin reads this and sees it from this view.



"plzz its a very serious question
How can i confess i really dont know how :(
admin plzz post my confession "



"أنا صاحب المنشور : #3836
و هذا رد لطيف للأستاذ صاحب المنشور : #3840
للأستاذ يزن الفاضل .. لتعليقه على بوست لصورة الشخصية ....
في البداية شكرا جزيلا لك .. ففعلا هناك بعض الأمور الأخرى التي قد تكون أهم بالنظر إليها من هذا الموضوع ... ولكن كان هذا الموضوع الخاطر ببالي في ذلك الوقت و إستيائي من الموضوع لأسباب شخصية.
ولكن أرجو أن تتحملني قليلا .. فهذه فقط كلمات أخوية من أخ لك سيدي الفاضل.
ما هي المشكلة في معرفة رأي بعض السادة الأعضاء في مسألة ما؟
قد يكون هذا الموضوع صغيرا و سخيفا في نظرك. ولكن في بمنظوري شيء مختلف.
أنا شخصيا لا أرضى لأمي و أختي أن يراها شخص على الإنترنت .. قد تكون الحجة أنها مجرد صورة و أنه طبيعي أن يراها شخص آخر , و لو كانت هكذا في الشارع لرآها ... و لكن في الشارع قد لا يلتفت إليها و إذا ألتفت إليها شخص مريض ... على الأقل لن يستطيع أن يحتفظ بها.
أما إذا غيرت الدخول لجعله لأصدقائها البنات فقط .. قد تكون صديقتها متزوجة و يرى زوجها صورة أخوتي أو أمي. أنا لا أدعي أني الوحيد الذي يغار على أهله... فأنتم جميعا فاضلون و ذو أخلاق
عالية... و أرجو أن تأخذوني بحلمكم و صبركم.

أيضا ... التقدم الحضاري ليس فقط بالتقدم التقني ... فما مافائدة وصول أمريكا للفضاء و هي تدمر العالم العربي و تدعم عدونا و تأخذ أراضينا . هناك جوانب أخرى للحضارة سيدي الفاضل

و همسة أخيرة ... لنصل للقمر علينا أن نستوعب خلافاتنا و نستمع لبعضنا البعض لنستفيد و يكون نقدنا بناء .. لا هجومي ..

وسامحوني على الإطالة"

ADMIN: we can remove any offensive confession or comment. you can contact us next time if anything bothers or offends you :)


Good luck on your first day: Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and of course the campus favorite; Freshmen :D


A Tale of Two Identities: Intro to Med School (5 Things You Need to Know At The Start) - Part 1


"For any Freshmen on this page:
1. Welcome to university
2. Enjoy your stay here (it will be your second home)
3. Here is an article to help you get through, with a hand-drawn MAP (by yours truly), to help you navigate your way through the med campus without unfortunate pranks :P (it's not a Picasso painting so bear with it): http://taleoftwoidentities.blogspot.ae/2014/06/intro-to-med-school-5-things-you-need.html
4. Good luck :D

If you know any freshmen, please share this link, they may find it helpful :D"


A Tale of Two Identities: Intro to Med School (5 Things You Need to Know At The Start) - Part 1 06/09/2014


"For any Freshmen on this page:
1. Welcome to university
2. Enjoy your stay here (it will be your second home)
3. Here is an article to help you get through, with a hand-drawn MAP (by yours truly), to help you navigate your way through the med campus without unfortunate pranks :P (it's not a Picasso painting so bear with it): http://taleoftwoidentities.blogspot.ae/2014/06/intro-to-med-school-5-things-you-need.html
4. Good luck :D

If you know any freshmen, please share this link, they may find it helpful :D"

A Tale of Two Identities: Intro to Med School (5 Things You Need to Know At The Start) - Part 1



"نطلب من جامعة الشارقة اعطاءنا عطلة لكي نرتاح من عطلة الصيف ....



"Question to girls:
If a guy confess to you that he loves you, and tell you that he has feelings towards you.. will you be angry , actually what would you do?"


Who's ready for a new academic year? :)
