

CyanAsana, founded by Jen Tullo 200RYT, is an Earth-inspired approach to Yoga, whole-wellness, sustainable community and purpose-driven living.

We offer green-living and whole-wellness inspired Yoga classes in the Shenandoah Valley.

My name is Jen Tullo, and CyanAsana is an expression of my passion for the Earth, sustainable living practices and community values, in the form of themed Yoga classes and events that I provide throughout the Shenandoah Valley. Currently I teach at The Nest Yoga & Fitness Studio in Harrisonburg, VA ( and Sanctuary Yoga & Wellness Cooperative in Stuanton, VA ( Stay tuned for more classes and offerings!


Cyanwood Cottage

As we transition from the sleepy winter into the warming spring, we may feel imbalances in energy - one day yang (active), one day yin (passive). Maybe we feel a little down on the cold days, or overwhelmed with possibility on the warmer days. Perhaps we're noticing shifts in sleeping patterns and even our moods. What if I told you that I believe this is not only normal, but healthy?!

Listening more closely to my own seasonal shifts in energy and tracking my emotions, behaviors and physical needs, I have decided (or discovered) that our cultural auto-pilot lifestyles may not be the best for meeting our energetic and emotional needs (SURPRISE!). To address this, I started designing lifestyle and yoga practices to help me and others find a synchronization between the natural world and our personal, inner being.

If you've noticed your own lack of peace, contentment, joy or "rightness" in the world, then I invite you to join me in exploring natural ways to align with what's important to YOU! We blog, we share experiences, we host workshops, we teach yoga with intention, and we do it together, with transparency and a commitment to finding OUR OWN truth and joy.

You can learn more about who we are and what we do at

We'd love to hear from YOU, your family and friends!



So many colors and energies, just like the world outside, these malas and mantras are designed to inspire new dreams, connect you to your own spring-time power, and bring a sense of adventure back to your heart after the slow, cold winter fog.

(BTW - if you like these colors you should sign up for one of our upcoming mala workshops! You'll get to choose from these designs and then make your very own!! For more info go to SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, AND MAYBE WE'RE BEGINNING TO TRANSITION FROM OUR HIBERNATING INWARD ENERGY, TO OUR INSPIRED OUTWARD ENERGY. YEAH, THERE WILL ...




I am so crazy about our Spring Malas and Mantras! I had so much fun designing and crafting these and I'm so pleased to be getting them out ahead of spring! Enjoy this sneak peak!


We are transitioning from winter to spring and transitional energy seems to demand movement from me. And what a day for it - 70 degrees and sunshine in February! I'm on my way out to get my hands in the soil and talk to the birds. What's calling to you?


The Nest Yoga + Fitness Studio

So excited for this Self-Care Series Part II. Let me know if you have any questions - otherwise, you can register at the link below!

Do you have a case of the Mondays? Are you looking forward to Wednesday because it will be closer to Friday, and therefore the weekend? We all experience energy dips, and sometimes they're so cyclical we just assume that's how life is. But it doesn't have to be! What if I told you there are simple tools and tricks you could implement right now in your life that would result long-term sustainability in your own personal energy?

THIS SATURDAY, health coach and yoga teacher Lindsay Erickson will be hosting part 2 of her Self-Care series - INVESTING IN YOUR ENERGY!

*BONUS - if you attend 3 or more of the 4 Self-Care Series Workshops you'll receive a FREE 30-minute energy healing session with Lindsay!



These are selling much more quickly than we anticipated! We're down to 3 colors!!! If you've been interested in one, please send us an email at [email protected], and we can process the sale remotely before they're all gone!

DON'T PANIC - we'll be introducing the spring line in March!


The Nest Yoga + Fitness Studio

I'm teaching heated vinyasa TONIGHT! Woo hoo!

Hey Nesties!!! I will be teaching the heated vinyasa class tonight at 6pm and we are going to move and groove!!! Cheryl will miss you all, but she'll join you next Wednesday night! See you soon!!


CyanAsana's cover photo



Wishing for Spring? Take a deep breath, and read this! Then share your favorite winter practices with us!!! WE'RE HALF WAY THROUGH WINTER, AND THAT MEANS OUR BODIES AND MINDS ARE STILL IN NEED OF RESTORATIVE PRACTICES, WARMTH, COMFORTING AND INWARD AWARENESS. YET, PE...


The Nest Yoga + Fitness Studio

Some of you have been asking about a Basics Class - we offer this one the first Monday of each month! Come on out!

Tonight is our once-a-month Basics Flow class at 6:15pm! If you've been wanting a return to the basics or to try Yoga for the first time, this is THE BEST class for you! Come check it out, and BRING A FRIEND!

Next Monday we'll return to our regular Warm Flow (all levels).


Come see them in person at The Nest, 315 Lucy Drive, Harrisonburg, and let us know what you think!

Check out these ✨MAGICAL✨ Winter malas made local, all organic material and by our yogi, Jen! These beautiful açaí berry seeds come in a range of neutral colors. All hand knotted and made with love. Stop by the studio to check these beauties out ✨📿
Be sure to be on the lookout for Jens Mala workshop where you will be able to create your own Malas and learn how to use them📿✨


Cyanwood Cottage | MALAS AND MANTRAS

We are so excited to announce that our Winter Malas and Mantras are now being sold at The Nest Yoga & Fitness Studio in Harrisonburg! Stay tuned for photos!

You can learn more about how we make our Malas and how to use them by visiting us at Cyanwood Cottage is all about promoting healthy lifestyle practices through Yoga (CyanAsana), Mala and Mantra, herbalism, and environmentally sustainable living


"GIVE 'EM A GOOD NAME" BALLS | Cyanwood Cottage


If you try them and come up with a great name, we'll use it, and give you ALL the credit! Anything has got to be better than what we've come up with so far!😂 NOTHING LIKE GETTING TOGETHER WITH A GOOD FRIEND WHO HAS A GLUTEN SENSITIVITY TO INSPIRE AN ALTERNATIVE TO CHOCOLATE CAKE. TO BE HONEST IF IT WERE JUST ANY GL...


CyanAsana - Yoga

Did you know I offer ONE-ON-ONE Yoga Sessions?

Sometimes it can be intimidating to learn a new health practice in a fitness-class setting. While I encourage you to jump right in at your local yoga studio, I totally understand the hesitation and wanting to know what you're getting into before you start! So I offer 60 and 90 minute private sessions and would be happy to introduce (or re-introduce) you to the yoga basics.

To learn more, check out the link below (SCROLL TO BOTTOM OF THE PAGE) or send me a message! We offer earth-friendly Yoga and focus on postures as well as mindfulness for living into environmentally sustainable lifestyle practices.


Cyanwood Cottage

In the clarity of the utmost cold we've redefined our values, and we're sharing them with all of YOU! We'd love to hear from you - What is a TOP VALUE of yours for 2018? Cyanwood Cottage is all about promoting healthy lifestyle practices through Yoga (CyanAsana), Mala and Mantra, herbalism, and environmentally sustainable living


Cora is Responsible!

I realize this video isn't great quality, but the content is PRICELESS! This is my 4 year old daughter, Cora, who wanted to practice using a mala after she saw me making necklaces all weekend. I explained the 108 repeat mantra option and that we use mantra to practice something we're working on in our lives, and she said "like taking repsonsibility for my behavior?" I said YES! And here she is on her SECOND time around! TURN UP YOUR VOLUME


The New Year is all about feeding new ideas and nurturing new dreams! What better way to do that than with a mindful yoga practice. Start your new yoga practice with me on Tuesday night for a special Basics Flow class!

Ready to try some yoga in the NEW YEAR? We're offering a special Flow Basics class this Tuesday, January 2nd from 6:00 - 7:15 PM with Jen Tullo... ALL LEVELS WELCOME! Register here!

Please note that while it says there are NO classes tomorrow, we are doing our special Glow with the Flow Class from 4:30 - 6:00 PM which you can find under special events!

Bring on 2018!


Love this! Warm wishes to all ❤

We don’t have class today or tomorrow so here’s a list of things you can do to practice yoga outside of your physical practice. 🎁❄️🎄


Self-Care Series: New Year, Empowered You

This will be much needed, sacred time to reflect and plan for the year ahead. If you've been looking for time to set meaningful intentions and goals for 2018, consider registering for Lindsay's New Year Workshop. She is a strong and nurturing leader and guide, and has so many healthy insights that she presents so clearly, you're sure to gain tools for clarity on your own path and lifestyle choices. Message me if you want to know more, and check out the link below! Jan 13 10:30 AM EST · The Nest Yoga + Fitness Studio



Is the cold sinking in? I've been making these "Warm and Cozies" for winter-long immunity and warm morning pick me ups. I can honestly say, they're working! Try them and let me know what YOU think, or message me and I'll make some tailored to YOUR constitution! I HAVE BEEN EATING ONE OF THESE EACH MORNING FOR JUST OVER A MONTH, AND I HAVE SEEN A SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE IN MY ENERGY AND MOOD. AS A VATA/PITTA, I STAY EN...


Received a funny and thoughtful card and treats from a student this evening, and it really touched my heart. I was excited enough just to get to teach, but this was so sweet! Thank YOU to all my students for your little reminders and reassurances that I'm in the right place with the right people. Namaste.


Wow, it's cold outside! On days like this I like to warm my body from the inside out with some cat-cows and some down dogs. I take just a minute or 2 to breathe in and out through my nose SLOWLY. For more heat add some plank flows and 7 minutes of core.
Then I seal the deal with some organic, fair-trade, coconut-milk, hot chocolate! 😂❤️😋


I'm listening to my body today, and staying home with a heat pad on my neck, and tinctures for healing muscles and relaxing nerves! Unfortunately, I've had to cancel classes. Perhaps, given the cold weather rolling in, it's best to practice our inside Yoga today - AHIMSA (non-harming), SANTOSHA (contentment and acceptance), and some meditation. We can practice finding peace in pain, and not letting the story of the suffering overwhelm our mission and purpose. I am grateful for my health, and for each of you! NAMASTE


DON'T GIVE AWAY YOUR HEALTH this holiday season. Check out Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Lindsay Erickson, and her workshop on holistic stress management at The Nest Yoga & Fitness Studio.


On a personal note, Lindsay is a knowledgeable and empowering coach, who inspires without pushing and informs without judgement. You will leave feeling good, inside and out, and most likely with more tools than you can carry.😉 Allow yourself a couple hours of self care - YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!


Positive vibes this morning in our All Levels Vinyasa class! Health and Healing are in the air this season! THANK YOU!


This year at Thanksgiving, we won't just be counting our blessings, but acknowledging our cultural shortcomings. After a year of racial violence, mass shootings, political corruption, environmental destruction and sexual assault accusations, there is really no avoiding it. AND in this moment, though I am deeply humbled by the role I have played in it all, I am also encouraged by so many brave spirits who have chosen to stand up, or kneel, or speak out, or vote. I AM THANKFUL FOR YOU strong leaders who are refusing to sweep the issues under the rug. I am thankful for the shifting cultural views on these age-old issues, and I am HOPEFUL that next Thanksgiving will be one in which more of us feel a sense of unity, compassion and LOVE. TODAY, I give thanks for each of you, and honor the light and love inside us all. NAMASTE ❤️


Wednesday is my day in Staunton - and how beautiful it is all decorated with evergreens and glowing lights. Looking forward to leading warm and happy classes today in honor of Thanksgiving next week. JOIN ME!
9am Vinyasa
10:30 Foundations
12noon YIN!!!


FEEDBACK NEEDED - I am considering hosting a Mala-making workshop. Materials would be organic and free-trade, and would need to be ordered in advance based on participants' color selections. It would be a 2-4 hour workshop with snacks, yoga breaks, and an overview on the history of Mala, their uses and inspiring Mantra when using your Mala. The cost per person would be $45 and would include all materials (ie, you'd go home with a Mala necklace you MADE YOURSELF!)
Please let me know if this is something you (or someone you know) might be interested in. I'm thinking of hosting the first one in February. These could be for personal use, or great for LOVE gifts! LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS.


If we didn't have cold, windy, rainy days, we wouldn't enjoy hot butternut and brussels sprout soup, warm hugs and fluffy scarves. We wouldn't revel in the sun's glory or appreciate how much energy our bodies use to keep up going. Let the cool air fill your heart with gratitude, and find comfort on your mats today - any way you can. SNUGGLES TO ALL!


Schedule | The Nest

One of my favorite classes to teach is a basics class. We get to take it slow, break it down, feel the poses and return to something intentional, when maybe we're otherwise moving quickly in our lives and on our mats - just going through the motions. No matter where we are in our level of practice, returning to basics is a rewarding gift to ourselves and may even spark a new idea or inspiration. Join me this evening for our -once-a-month Basics class at 6:15 at The Nest Yoga & Fitness Studio!


LOVED working with this BALANCED beauty on our YINterconnection Workshop! Let's do it again soon ❤️

Finding BALANCE with friends! ☯️💟🕉


Making "Blue Mountain Tea" today from dried golden rod and mints. With a little honey, this will be great from my ears and throat, which are definitely fighting something! Check out the recipe from the New England Herbal Academy (they are totally on of my favorite resources!)


Just wrapped up the Balanced Body Mat 1 Pilates Training and WOW! Such an in depth exploration of the core and how our bodies move dynamically - I wish I had learned this stuff in high school! I'm so grateful, and so ready to bring a lot of punch and power to my mat and my classes! LOOK OUT!


Been flying under the radar for a week (just like our new, rescued, family chicken!) - and I am ready to get back to the adorable, friendly city of Staunton! We'll be celebrating transitions and this wonderful autumn weather! Gratitude and love are ALL AROUND! Let's tap into it together!

You can join me at The Sanctuary for Vinyasa at 9, Foundations at 10:30, and Yin at 12 noon.
I'll also be at Staunton Health & Fitness at 3:00 for Seniors Yoga, and 4:15 for Vinyasa All Levels - BEGINNERS WELCOME!

Namaste my friends!


Essential Health & Wellness, LLC

Lindsay is a truly WONDERFUL person, and practices what she preaches. You'll find a steady voice, a genuine smile, and an integrated dedication to her work and mission. She's offering FREE first time consultations - so reach out to Lindsay, and find your own whole wellness!!!

Offering private yoga instruction, Reiki, and integrative nutrition health coaching. Specializing in self-care and stress-management to prevent and heal chronic disease.


Wow! What a BEAUTIFUL evening with truly wonderful people! Already looking forward to the next one!

Thank you to everyone who made Smore Yoga happen! This was a fun way to give a little something of ourselves, and to take a moment to enjoy the beauty all around. Fabulous weather. Wonderful people. Breathtaking views. Peaceful yoga. Delicious Smores! Thank you Friendly City Co-op for the snacks, and for all those who made donations. Truly grateful ❤

Videos (show all)

Cora is Responsible!


Yoga Classes, Custom, hand-made Mala necklaces, Private Yoga Sessions.
