Scriptures Weekly
Sharing scripture lessons for the increase of Knowledge and Faith in The Lord Jesus Christ.
So then, how does one become spiritually discerning?
Answer: He or she needs to be gifted the Holy Spirit by obeying the gospel. This occurs after one is baptized in the name of Jesus Christ therefore receiving the presence or gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Then knowledge and discernment will come as one walks by faith in the Lord Jesus the Christ.
When Saul became Paul.
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Always seems to be a point of contention. But Gods word is clear, simple and never changes. Few will accept and obey it by faith.
13 Objections to Baptism
Colossians 2:11-13
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Winning the Prize
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Face to Face. 1 Corinthians 13.
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Happy Resurrection Day.
Should you need guidance in giving an answer.
Are You a Christian and what did You Do to be one? This is a great question and one a true Christian should be able to easily answer, for Christians are called to "always be ready to give a ...
The most misunderstood and misrepresented scripture in the Bible.
The Number One Reason People Misunderstand the Bible - Apologetics Press A quick look at the main reason many people misunderstand shows that the fault does not lie with the Bible or with God Who inspired it.
Ephesians 2:8-9: Contradictory, or Perfectly Consistent? - Apologetics Press In his book The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy, longtime Bible skeptic Dennis McKinsey described “the biblical road to salvation” as “vague and conflicting.”1 He wrote: [I]f one were to accept the Bible as God’s word and believe that heaven awaited those who gained entrance, one could ne...