Great Life Health

Great Life Health

"Great Life Health" is a club founded to help people improve their health and fitness, physically and mentally, and shape themselves in a fun and smart way.

We have a passion for health and fitness and we believe in the power of positivity! We welcome you to GREAT LIFE HEALTH! Our purpose at Great Life Health, is to create an environment that not only empowers women but provides the tools for a complete Body & Mind transformation. Everything you need for success can be found here! Our core values are what makes us a unique health club where we treat o


Every day is a day in itself❣️
No matter what was yesterday and not what will be tomorrow. Focus only on today🌞


Raw Chicory Root - The “king” of prebiotic fiber...

66.4% prebiotic fiber by weight. The “king” of prebiotic fiber, is composed of roughly 65% prebiotic fiber by weight.

Chicory roots can be boiled and the leaves (endive), buds, and roots can be eaten like a vegetable.


Being grateful for what we have is the most powerful thing we can do to achieve more of the things we want...


Pineapple Juice And Cucumber Can Clean The Colon And Help You Lose Weight...

Unfortunately, one of the most sensitive body organs is the colon. Part of the digestive system, the colon removes body toxins, chemicals, and threatening compounds.
However, due to its specific job, the colon is an easy target to a number of diseases. Such include cancer, inflammation, and excessive toxins buildup.

Although modern drugs can get control of things and clean the colon, why not go the healthier route and choose an effective homemade remedy?

Simple as it may sound, a combination and pineapple and cucumber does wonders for your colon. Raw fruits and vegetables provide the body that can cleanse the colon. Some of these compounds include polyphenols, natural sugars which serve as laxatives and fiber.

The Benefits of the Cucumber-Pineapple Colon Cleansing Juice

Some of the main benefits of drinking this colon-saving beverage daily include:

Mood boost,
Alleviating gas and bloating,
Preventing cramps,
Accelerating weight loss,
Encouraging the immunity,
Stimulating liver function,
Eliminating toxins,
Increasing the energy.
Pineapple and Cucumbers Nutritional Value

Pineapple alone can effectively prevent other ailments as well, including arthritis, laryngitis, and sinusitis, cardiovascular diseases, and atherosclerosis.

This marvelous fruit is packed in relevant nutrients like sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, iodine, vitamins A, B, and C.

Cucumber, on the other hand, has very little calories and is rich in vitamins A, B complex, C and folic acid, as well as sulfur, potassium and natural chlorine. Because of this, this precious veggie helps treat joint and muscle inflammation, hypertension, and dehydration.

Here’s how to prepare this remedy at home:


A half Aloe Vera leaf,
An apple, red or green,
One orange, juiced,
A pineapple lice,
Half a cucumber.

Wash and cut the cucumber and apple. In the meantime, divide the Aloe Vera leaf in tow, and squeeze out the gel of one half.

Throw everything into a blender, and add a glass of water to the mix. Finally, add the squeezed orange juice, and pulse until the mix evens out. As treatment, drink this beverage twice a day, once in the morning before breakfast and once in the afternoon, before lunch.

Know that alongside your drink, you will also have to drink no less than 8 glasses of water daily. First results come along within a week, which mostly shows in your weight.


3 Tips to Keep Your Immune System Healthy

1. Eat a Healthy Diet
The nutrients you get from food — in particular, plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices — are essential to keeping your immune system functioning properly, according to Yufang Lin, MD, an integrative medicine doctor at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “Many plant-based foods also have antiviral and antimicrobial properties, which help us fight off infection,” Dr. Lin says.

2. Keep Stress Under Control
According to a review published in the October 2015 issue of Current Opinion in Psychology, long-term stress leads to chronically elevated levels of as the steroid hormone cortisol. The body relies on hormones like cortisol during short-term bouts of stress (when your body goes into “fight-or-flight” response); cortisol has a beneficial effect of actually preventing the immune system from responding before the stressful event is over (so your body can react to the immediate stressor). But when cortisol levels are constantly high, it essentially blocks the immune system from kicking into gear and doing its job to protect the body against potential threats from germs like viruses and bacteria.

3. Get Plenty of Good Quality Sleep
Your body heals and regenerates while you sleep, making adequate sleep critical for a healthy immune response, Lin says.

More specifically, sleep is a time when your body produces and distributes key immune cells like cytokines (a type of protein that can either fight or promote inflammation), T cells (a type of white blood cell that regulates immune response), and interleukin 12 (a pro-inflammatory cytokine), according to a review published in Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your immune system may not do these things as well, making it less able to defend your body against harmful invaders and making you more likely to get sick. One study published in the July–August 2017 issue of Behavioral Sleep Medicine found that compared with healthy young adults who did not have sleep problems, otherwise healthy young adults with insomnia were more susceptible to the flu even after getting vaccinated.

Sleep deprivation also elevates cortisol levels, which of course is also not good for immune function, Lin says. “Our immune system wears down as a result, and we tend to have [fewer] reserves to fight off or recover from illness.”

The National Sleep Foundation recommends all adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night to optimize health. To ensure you get quality sleep, prioritize good sleep hygiene: Turn off the electronics at least two to three hours before bed, and avoid violent or stressful books or conversations, Lin says.


“I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone.” – Henry Rollins


Winter vegetable & lentil soup

When it's cold outside, treat yourself to a healthy homemade vegetable soup, packed with immunity-supporting vitamin C and four of your 5-a-day

85g dried red lentils
2 carrots, quartered lengthways then diced
3 sticks celery, sliced
2 small leeks, sliced
2 tbsp tomato purée
1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
3 large garlic cloves, chopped
1 tbsp vegetable bouillon powder
1 heaped tsp ground coriander

Tip all the ingredients into a large pan. Pour over 1½ litres boiling water, then stir well.

Cover and leave to simmer for 30 mins until the vegetables and lentils are tender.

Ladle into bowls and eat straightaway, or if you like a really thick texture, blitz a third of the soup with a hand blender or in a food processor.

SOURCE. bbcgoodfood


7 Signs You Aren’t Drinking Enough Water!

Let’s be honest, nothing is more refreshing than drinking a nice, cold glass of ice water after a workout. In fact, it could be one of the best feelings possible. It’s when our bodies need water and it feels great to drink, as opposed to other times when it can seem more bland and undelightful. With that said, some of us still don’t drink nearly enough of it, thus hurting our bodies in the long term. In fact, if you notice some of the problems listed below, I highly suggest you go have a drink right now!

1. You have dry skin

Our skin is actually our body’s largest organ, so it’s crucial that we keep it hydrated. When we notice dryness, it could be a signal of a lack of hydration. Also, when we sweat, it is our body’s natural way of cooling itself down, as well as washing away dirt and oil that builds up on our skin throughout the day. So, if you’re looking for another way to stop breakouts of acne, staying hydrated could be a solid solution.

2. Dry eyes

It’s generally understood that drinking water affects more than the mouth and throat. Lack of water intake leads to dry, irritated and bloodshot eyes. When our bodies are not hydrated enough, the tear ducts in our eyes dry up. This is especially troublesome for those of us who wear contacts throughout the day. Along with putting eye drops in, drinking more water can be a possible solution to the problem.

3. Dry mouth or increased thirst

Not to be Captain Obvious, but if you’re thirsty and you can feel that your mouth is dry, it’s a major signal that your body needs water. Water lubricates the mucous membranes in our mouths, meaning that it keeps them moist with saliva that will last long after the first sip.

4. Joint pain

You may not know this, but nearly 80 percent of our cartilage and spinal discs are made up of water. So, when trying to avoid our bones from grinding up against each other, we need to make sure we are hydrated. Think about how much shock our joints take from running, jumping or even walking!

5. Premature aging

The amount of water in our bodies keeps going down as we get older. So, as we age, we should increase water intake accordingly. Although you may not notice any signs of aging on the outside, your insides could be feeling the effects of limited water intake. So, in order to limit aging both inside and out, we need to make sure that we drink adequate water throughout our entire lives, and at a slightly increased rate as each year passes.

6. Decreased muscle mass?

Like most areas of the body, our muscles are comprised mostly of water. Thus, less intake means that our muscles could be suffering as a result. When we drink water during a workout, it helps keep us hydrated and brings water to the most-needed areas of the body. In turn, this helps keep inflammation to a minimum and can even alleviate sore muscles after working out.

7. Staying sick longer

When we drink water it allows our bodies, most prominently our kidneys and liver, to flush toxins out. With that said, our organs will always work to filter our waste, but why not try to fuel the machine with the best possible fluid to make this process work more efficiently? Without it, eventually our body will start pulling water from other areas, like our blood, which could lead to unnecessary problems.

Photos from Great Life Health's post 03/12/2020

2 best air purifying plants for the home

Carefully selecting and positioning the right house plants can ultimately make your home a healthier place to relax.

Some scientists have suggested that choosing the right air purifying plants for your home can help detoxify the air in your living spaces, meaning your houseplants not only look lovely but work a little harder to clean the air you breathe in.

NASA's Clean Air Study found that there are a number of air purifying plants that can detoxify your home from the airborne toxins, dusts and germs that can be found in a variety of household products, materials and furniture.

A follow-up study in 2019 confirmed that, to make a substantial difference to the air quality inside your home, you would need a large number of house plants working together to clean the air – up to 93. But, with houseplants becoming an interior design trend that looks like it's here to stay, we might as well choose one that will go some of the way to improve the air we breathe, if not all of it.

To give your home a healthy breath of fresh air, here's our list of the best air purifying plants and where to keep them…

As well as injecting a cheerful burst of red, yellow, orange or pink into your home, the Barberton daisy is an effective cleanser of the toxins formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene, found in a range of household materials from paints to synthetic fibres.

Care advice: Place the plant in a room with plenty of natural light and keep the soil moist but well-drained.

This easy-growing perennial vine is particularly effective at reducing airborne faecal particles which makes it the perfect air purifier for your bathroom or en suite. In addition, studies have shown that the ivy can also help combat mould levels in the home.

Care advice: Provide your English ivy with generous watering and four hours of direct sunlight a day, and it will return the love to you with clean, detoxified air.


Keeping Fresh Flowers Around The House Could Reduce Pain Levels, Study Says

We all know that having fresh flowers or greenery in your home, office, or near your hospital bed can be great for stress-relief. A study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine journal demonstrated such results when gifting vases with flowers to female college students (1). What’s new about flowers’ positive effects on people, however, is that they may have a more direct physical effect, such as reducing pain levels.

Flowers Reduce Pain
A new study by the American Society for Horticultural Science has made the discovery that the therapeutic influence of plants on surgical patients is so significant that they tend to report lower pain levels (2).

The study used data from 90 appendectomy patients who were split into rooms, some with several plants in them, others – with no plants at all. The results were indisputable – the patients with extra foliage around them reported not only that they were calmer and more positive but that they experienced less post-operative pain as well.

Patients with flowers in their rooms also had lower blood pressure, slower heart rates, reduced anxiety and fatigue, and higher satisfaction levels, in addition to the lower pain levels.

The cause of this phenomenon is believed to be mainly psychosomatic (3) – flowers make people feel better and when people feel better they tend to subconsciously ignore unpleasant physical perceptions. This doesn’t diminish the positive effect the flowers had – psychosomatic or not, the patients with flowers near them experienced less pain.

It should also be pointed out that the flowers were given around randomly, meaning that whether the patient liked flowers or not wasn’t taken into consideration. In other words, even people who may not typically enjoy having greenery around them still reported lower pain levels and reduced stress at the end of the experiment.


Mexican penne with avocado

Get all five of your 5-a-day in this mildly spiced, healthy pasta dish. It's rich in iron, fibre and vitamin C as well as being low-fat and low-calorie


100g wholemeal penne
1 tsp rapeseed oil
1 large onion, sliced, plus 1 tbsp finely chopped
1 orange pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks
2 garlic cloves, grated
2 tsp mild chilli powder
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp cumin seeds
400g can chopped tomatoes
196g can sweetcorn in water
1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder
1 avocado, stoned and chopped
1/2 lime, zest and juice
handful coriander, chopped, plus extra to serve


Cook the pasta in salted water for 10-12 mins until al dente. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a medium pan. Add the sliced onion and pepper and fry, stirring frequently for 10 mins until golden. Stir in the garlic and spices, then tip in the tomatoes, half a can of water, the corn and bouillon. Cover and simmer for 15 mins.

Meanwhile, toss the avocado with the lime juice and zest, and the finely chopped onion.

Drain the penne and toss into the sauce with the coriander. Spoon the pasta into bowls, top with the avocado and scatter over the coriander leaves.

Recipe from Good Food magazine


5 Reasons to Drink More Cranberry Juice

Native to North America, the cranberry is part of the Ericaceae family. The fruit is known for its rich color, taste and health benefits. You can eat dried cranberries as a snack, drink the juice, add them to your salad and smoothies or use it in your baked goodies. Cranberries are loaded with salicylic acid, antioxidants, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, zinc, potassium, vitamin B6, phosphorus and calcium. Drinking cranberry juice can give you relief from urinary tract infection.

Here are some reasons to add more cranberries to your diet:

1. Improves heart health
Cranberries also contain other phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation plays a role in damaging blood vessels over time, including the arteries. The damaged arteries then attract plaque, causing atherosclerosis.

Phytonutrients in cranberries could help guard against inflammation, delaying the process and offering protection against heart disease.

A 2019 study in men who are overweight and have obesity showed that the daily intake of a high-polyphenol cranberry beverage for 8 weeks improved several risk factors for heart disease.

2. Helps you lose weight
Drinking fresh cranberry juice can aid in weight loss. All you have to do is drink a glass of the juice without sugar in the morning on an empty stomach. This will help you start your day on a healthy note.Do note that many bottled juices contain added sugar.

3. Prevents respiratory infection
As per several studies, can prevent respiratory infections as it helps in inhibiting a Haemophilus influenza strain that causes respiratory and ear infection. Cranberry juice prevents the bacteria from adhering to your skin surface.

4. Prevents tooth decay
Cranberry is beneficial for your teeth as it prevents bacterial growth and prevents cavities and tooth decay. Make sure you are drinking fresh juice and not store-bought, packages juice as it usually contains sugar and preservatives.

5. Lowers risk of cancer
Rich in proanthocyanidins, cranberry juice inhibits the growth of cancerous cells. Proanthocyanidins can also prevent the development of micro-tumors in the blood vessels.

Cranberry juice is also beneficial for your hair and skin. It promotes hair growth, has anti-aging properties and treats acne. Drink cranberry juice and stay healthy.


Definitely the fastest way🤣😂


Complex carbs sources.


The importance of omega 3 to our health...


Now is the time...🍊


The amazing benefits of apples...


3 delicious juice recipes...😋


Vitamin D is essential for your body


Sources of Vitamin D.


The best sources of vitamin C.


Just keep going...🚶‍♀️

Sheet Pan Pork Chops with Potatoes and Broccoli | Creme De La Crumb 20/09/2020

Looking for a complete meal without the time commitment? Let these sheet pan pork chops with potatoes and broccoli come to your rescue! All you need is one pan and a few easy ingredients and in less than one hour dinner is done!

Sheet Pan Pork Chops with Potatoes and Broccoli | Creme De La Crumb these sheet pan pork chops with potatoes and broccoli come to your rescue on those busy nights! All ready in less than one hour dinner is done!


Healthy food that will make you feel good and look good


Happy and healthy weekend💗


My favorite candy...😋

Donkey Milk: Benefits, Uses, and Downsides 14/09/2020

Donkey milk may sound like a trendy newcomer to the milk market, but in reality, it has been around for thousands of years.

It has become popular again recently, especially in parts of Europe, appealing both to adventurous foodies who want to try new foods and beverages, as well as those who aim to eat natural foods with health benefits.

This article looks into the benefits, uses, and downsides of donkey milk.

Donkey Milk: Benefits, Uses, and Downsides Donkey milk might sound like a trendy newcomer to the milk market, but it has been around for thousands of years. This article looks into the benefits, uses, and downsides of donkey milk.


just one😂... Celebrate life friends💃

7 Ways to Slow Down and Be a Better Human 11/09/2020

Once I started to allow myself to slow down, I felt like I actually arrived in my own body for the first time.

7 - Ways to Slow Down and Be a Better Human -consequence-of-hurry

7 Ways to Slow Down and Be a Better Human If we’re constantly “optimizing” for speed, are we propelling ourselves toward a culture without empathy?


very true...💗

17 Creative Ways to Eat More Vegetables 10/09/2020

Including vegetables in your meals is extremely important. Veggies are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which boost your health and help fight off disease.

Additionally, they’re beneficial for weight management due to their low calorie content.

Health authorities around the world recommend that adults consume several servings of vegetables each day, but this can be difficult for some people.

Some find it inconvenient to eat vegetables, while others are simply unsure how to prepare them in an appetizing way.

We’ll cover some unique ways you can incorporate vegetables into your eating plan, so that you never get sick of eating them.

17 Creative Ways to Eat More Vegetables There's more to veggies than just eating them plain. Here are 17 ways to add veggies to your everyday dishes and amp up the nutrients.

Video: The Truth About Coffee. Does Decaf Have No Caffeine? Addiction and Headaches? 10/09/2020

The Truth About Coffee

Video: The Truth About Coffee. Does Decaf Have No Caffeine? Addiction and Headaches? Let’s get down to the facts, is coffee good or bad for you?


7 Best Foods For Healthy Skin...

20 Uplifting Quotes to Make it Through Hard Times 08/09/2020

When you are going through hard times, it can be hard to stay positive.

You may feel like giving up, or like life won’t ever get any better.

Neither of these things is true, however, and there are many uplifting quotes about hard times that will help you.

20 Uplifting Quotes to Make it Through Hard Times Hard times are an inevitable part of life. Instead of viewing them negatively, see this adversity a time of growth, the chance to reassess.



We welcome you to Great Life Health!

Our purpose at Great Life Health, is to create an environment that not only empowers women but provides the tools for a complete Body & Mind transformation.

Everything you need for success can be found here!

Our core values are what makes us a unique health club where we treat our members like family. We have a passion for health and fitness. We believe in the power of positivity.

Our core values is what makes us a unique health club where we treat our members like family. We have a passion for health and fitness. We believe in the power of positivity.