In-Room Gourmet

In-Room Gourmet

Great Local Meals & Great Local Deals: We make dining easy while you're away from home! Tuck that phone book away and log-on to In-Room Gourmet!

In-Room Gourmet (IRG) is dedicated to one thing; giving you easy access to great local dining options when you are on the road. IRG is a website for travelers, by travelers, where you will receive discounts at local restaurants and can also narrow your search by type of cuisine, distance from where you are staying, as well as delivery, take-out or dine-in options.


Happy New Year from In-Room Gourmet!

Big changes are happening at IRG in 2014 and we would love to hear your thoughts!

We are switching to an eCertificate format where diners can get 15% - 45% discounts on your favorite restaurants every day!

We would love to hear which format you like best for the new eCertificate. Just respond back to this post with either a 1, 2, 3, or 4.

Voters that choose the eCertificate with the highest number of votes will each receive a $5 eGift Card from Starbucks!

Voting closes end of day 1/10/2014. eGift Cards will be issued to applicable voters by 1/31/2014.

Thanks in advance for your help! We will keep you posted on the exciting upcoming changes and new restaurants that will be added to the site in 2014!


Wishing you all...


Clever AND confident


Pretty sure this applies to Thanksgiving leftovers, too. Don't you agree?


Happy Thanksgiving! What are you most thankful to have at your table today...


In-Room Gourmet's cover photo




Timeline Photos


Worth It Wednesday: On Thanksgiving Day, it ALL worth it but we're curious, which one do you prefer? Tell us below...


Remember to set your clocks back one hour tonight & enjoy that extra hour of sleep!


Happy Halloween!


Why replacing a kid's Halloween candy with healthy treats is never a good idea

Don't be THAT person.... When an adult tries to convince kids that healthy snacks are the way to go for Halloween, all heck breaks loose.


Check-Out these sweet treat flavors out of Atlanta.


A Thursday giggle for you...


Two for Tuesday: Tell us below - what is that special treat in which you can never have JUST one?


Worth It Wednesday Fun Fact: (see below) Do you think they have complimentary Gym Memberships, too?

Each Ben & Jerry's employee can take home up to 3 pints a day. They're known to have very friendly neighbors.


Lucky number 13. Why? Because the weekend is here!


We Will Never Forget. On this "Worth It Wednesday" how about thanking a member of your local law enforcement, fire department or medical personnel? Better yet, drop off some sweet treats to them as a way of saying "thank you". They will appreciate the gesture more than you know.


Any guesses on how they made this Beverage? Please share your thoughts below as we would love to attempt it this Labor Day Weekend! Be Safe & Have Fun!


Hidden Los Angeles

A good "just because" read for you this evening...

Okay, so here's my first update about being car-free...

Last night I returned a car to the airport and took the bus home. Instead of the flyaway ($10) I decided to try the Culver City Bus and transfer to the Metro bus home. The trip cost $1.40 total and took about 80 minutes. I spent the time watching Boardwalk Empire and Breaking Bad on my iPad, something I normally would've sat on my couch to do.

During the trip, only one commuter spoke to me... I sat alone on a bench and was startled when a guy tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I was taking the same bus as him. I responded no, feeling totally paranoid (I was sitting alone at the depot at 9:30pm), wondering what question was coming next. And then he said, "You look cold so I just wanted to offer you my jacket for a while if you wanted it."

Best part about going carfree today: being reminded that there ARE really good people out there.


Worth It Wednesday: Warm Cake


James Beard Foundation

Do you agree or is there another one you prefer? Tell us below!

"I don’t think I could ever have my fill of crab, which is my all-time favorite shellfish."

—James Beard


is on the table. A one-stop-shop version.


The cure for blues: Just add !


Do you agree? Study finds we're happier with EXCEPT those that still charge for Internet.


IRG is celebrating TWO today! A shout-out goes to our East & West Coast Reps, Wendy & Mike! Have a happy one!


Jimmy John's

We enjoyed the last paragraph and thought we should share. Anything is possible!

It took us 29 years to get to 1mm fans and 9 months to get to two million. Yo Sean DeWane, you're the 2 millionth JJ fan, very cool! Don’t know what to do or what to say except I'm prolly gonna go home, open a can of Bud Light, enjoy it and then order my fave JJ sub delivered to me at my house in Champaign, Ill. Life is good, God Bless America and Free enterprise Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks JJ fans, you’ve made my life great, created almost 100,000 jobs in America and I graduated last in my high school class, what a country!


Worth It Wednesday! (Calories that is) Don't you agree?


Homemade Pickles Require Just Three Ingredients

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life hands you a cucumber... In less than a week and with nothing more than water and salt, you can cure a deli-worthy pickle.


Happy 4th of July from your friends at !


Due to many closing for the of July....we thought you might be looking for some quick, creative, ideas of your own:

Our nutrition editor shows how you can save 1,263 calories on the 4th by making some really simple swaps:


Check-Out these fun facts (and clever promo) of Alton Brown's upcoming appearance in

Things we like about Alton Brown:
1) He served as the cinematographer for the R.E.M.'s "The One I Love" music video. (It was probably just a prop to occupy his time.)

2) He didn't much care for the quality of cooking television shows so he created his own, Good Eats, which ran from 1999-2012. (We may or may not have been a HUGE fan of that show and might still record old episodes.)

3) He has appeared on SpongeBob Squarepants, the Atlanta episode of Anthony Bourdain's TV show, The Layover and Mythbusters (By the way, the Mythbusters will be performing at the Fox on 8/30. See how we just snuck that in there without anyone noticing?)

4) Alton used to have a pet iguana named Spike. (Iguana know what love is.)

Alton Brown's live stage show plays the Fox this February. The show is a gluttonous buffet of comedy, food experimentation, live music and antics. That's right, for the first time we are promising you Antics! Visit for more information.