Chase And Nature

Chase And Nature

East of England Tree consultants


Blackthorn in bloom

A bloom as beautiful as a warm snowfall, be sure to capture the wafts of sweet almond perfume during your March dog walks!


“Bob and Michelle” and other such carved endearments seem to be the irrestible fate of the smooth-barked Beech Tree.
Go into almost any woodlot and you will find beeches with scar tissue messages from previous generations.
As far back as 37 BC in Rome, Virgil wrote: “Crescent illae crescetis amores,” (As these letters grow so may our love,) a passage from his pastoral poems ‘Eclogues.

Leave the leaves - the new, easy way to deal with autumn gardens 28/11/2023

Leave the leaves - the new, easy way to deal with autumn gardens Make autumn gardening easier by finding out where you can leave the leaves! There's no need to spend hours raking or blowing them.

News letter subscriber poem | Chase & Nature 28/11/2023

News letter subscriber poem | Chase & Nature One of our Tree connoisseur friends and subscribers Anna, who lives in Sweden sent us a beautiful poem about bathing under Trees, we wanted to share it with the wider community, it is truly wonderful and well worth the read!

Leaf identification check list | Chase & Nature 28/11/2023

Leaf identification check list | Chase & Nature Did you know there are over 60,000 species of tree across the planet? The UK is home to only a small selection of the ancient giants, we’ve put together a list of the most common trees and how you can identify them by their leaves! As you’re wandering about the woodlands in your wellies why not ...
