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Happy New Year!


Hello January! Happy New Month! It's so nice to see you. I'm expecting great things. No limits.

Photos from iamtamikaluv's post 28/12/2023

"Kinara's Children, the Lighting of the Kinara, & the Food & Festivities @ the Kwanzaa Celebration"

These are Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes are a series of illustrations and stories based on the 7 principles of the Nguzo Saba, the underlying basis of the Kwanzaa holiday. Each principle is represented by a character who embodies these principles, Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Kuumba, Nia, and Imani. Aimed at a young audience, it lies somewhere between picture books and comics but it’s not your typical superhero group. Each character possesses amazing skills based on hard work and determination. Eventually they’ll come to learn why they’ve been brought together and the awesome power of the collective.

The Food
One-pot stew or braise; such as Ghanaian groundnut stew, West Indian or South African curry dishes, Philadelphia pepper pot stew, jambalaya, Nigerian jollof rice or Senegalese thieboudienne along with black-eyed peas and collard greens are some of the foods that are served at KWANZAA Festivities.

A Kwanzaa ceremony may include drumming and musical selections, a reading of the African Pledge and the Principles of Blackness, reflection on the Pan-African colors, a discussion of the African principle of the day or a chapter in African history, candle-lighting, artistic performance, and, finally, a feast of faith also known as Karamu Ya Imani. The greeting for each day of Kwanzaa is Habari Gani? which is Swahili for "How are you?"

At first, observers of Kwanzaa avoided the mixing of the holiday or its symbols, values, and practice with other holidays, as doing so would violate the principle of kujichagulia (self-determination) and thus violate the integrity of the holiday, which is partially intended as a reclamation of important African values. Today, some African American families celebrate Kwanzaa along with Christmas and New Year.

I hope you learned something new about "Kwanzaa" as much as I enjoyed sharing. Continued blessings!🖤❤️💚


Kwanzaa comes from the Swahili phrase, “matunda ya kwanza” or first fruits, referring to First fruits or Harvest festivals that are found throughout Africa. Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Maulana Ron Karenga to: Reaffirm and restore African heritage and culture.

Kwanzaa is known as "a time for African-Americans and people of African descent across the diaspora to gather together in celebration of heritage and achievements, in reverence for the Creator, in remembering the past, in re-commitment to cultural ideas and in celebrating the good." This year's theme is, "protest and progress.  

Kwanzaa is celebrated for 7 days from Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - Monday, January 1, 2024 to observe the nguzo saba, which is the seven principles of Kwanzaa. 

Each night those who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle, held by a kinara, to represent each principle. 

The kinara holds seven candles, including one black candle (symbolizing the African people), three red candles (representing their struggle), and three green candles (for future possibilities).

The 7 principles of Kwanzaa are: 

1. Umoja (unity) 

2. Kujichagulia (self-determination) 

3. Ujima (collective work and responsibility) 

4.Ujamaa (cooperative economics)

5. Nia (purpose) 

6.Kuumba (creativity)

7. Imani (faith).

Note: Kwanzaa was created to celebrate culture to us who are in the diaspora.  Diaspora meaning the African Diaspora: this refers to the many communities of people of African descent dispersed throughout the world; both voluntary and involuntary as a result of historic movements such as Europeans captured or bought African slaves, mostly from West Africa, and brought them to Europe, and later on to South and North America, and the Caribbean.  The number of Africans who were shipped across the Atlantic is estimated to be around 12 million.

"Kwanzaa is about Culture." It's good to know the truth  where about where you come from.


It is natural for us, as human beings, to come up with plans, thoughts, and goals for the future. But we need to realize that God is the only one who truly knows what's best for us. When you have plans you would like to make, or actions you need to take about a particular decision, make sure that you go to God first. God's plans will always outlive any plan we come up with for ourselves.


Dear God, I commit all my plans, dreams, and aspirations into your hands. These are only products of my thoughts; what I truly want is what you want for me because I know that that is what will truly be best for me. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen


The holidays are always the hardest when you have lost someone close to you that you love. Praying for all those dealing with grief...may you always keep the memory of your loved one alive and cherish all the good times you have shared. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I'm so grateful for life. Rest easy Mom & Dad (Charles & Irene)🕊️🕊️


We love our children and want to ensure they have the wisdom of scripture as they step out into this broken world. There are false prophets and many temptations that will lead them down a miserable path, away from Jesus. The Devil will fool them with beautiful promises and trick them into believing a sinful lifestyle is acceptable. We must teach them how to read scripture and help them understand that the Bible is the infallible word of God. They must be able to interpret the truth and be prepared to rebuke false prophets as they twist the Word of God.


Dear Father, please guide us to teach our children to turn to scripture for the truth; we must prepare them to see false prophets who twist Your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. 9Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:8 & 9 KJV


I'm a Remote worker, currently working from home on the grind.  I am healed, I am whole, and I am a woman. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the indifferent, I make sure that I show up everyday at work and give 100%. No matter what is going on in my personal life, I set goals and I reach them.  There have been times along my journey that I wanted to give up and throw in the tow, but God.  He has kept me in the midst of the storm.  True story!  "I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.  The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.  I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." Psalms 18:1-3 I apply excellence to each assignment that I am given, and I handle it with care which enables me to reach my goals and be productive throughout my day.  I handle each case differently, as per the needs of my client.  Nonetheless, I show up faithfully every day.  I am unapologetically me!  I am she; and she is me...get into it! "It only goes up from here." Heart to heart with Tamika Andréa 💟🪽


Bienvenido a Belleza 4 Las Cenizas. Aquí podrás encontrar mi página de Facebook, Beauty4Ashes_tap. Mi cuenta de Instagram es .
Tamika Parkman

Translatetion: Welcome to Beauty 4 Ashes! Here you will find my Hashtags ( #) Page. Beauty4Ashes_tap is my page here on Facebook. My Instagram is: . Bienvenido "Welcome"
❤️🪽Tamika Andréa


Good night! Sweet dreams.💤


Enjoying our Family Christmas Party with my son Eli.


For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6


Happy Saturday! Great morning to you!


Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.


Good morning! Have an amazing day today. Remember to make today great. You deserve.🤍🪽


Swords and spears were not capable of overcoming the Philistines! David confidently states that the power to defeat them would come directly from God. We observe miracles around us, big and small. The power of God heals the sick, feeds the poor, and ministers to the brokenhearted. We are the tools God uses to tell the world about His precious love and teach them the way to salvation. We remain humble with the knowledge that we do not possess power ourselves; it is God who makes all things possible.

Morning Prayer 🌅

Dear God, You are all-powerful. You put the world in motion, and we will use our spiritual gifts as directed according to Your will. In Jesus' Name, Amen




"You are enough." Heart to heart with Tamika Andréa💜🪽
I'm already loved (I'm already loved)
I'm already chosen (I'm already chosen)
I know who I am (I know who I am)
I know, I know what You've spoken (I know what You've spoken)
I'm already loved (I'm already loved)
More than I could even fathom (more than I could imagine)
And that is enough (and that is enough)
Yes it is, it's enough, it's enough...


At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.”
Isaiah 60:22c NLT


I am enough...


Isaiah 60:22


Jonah was displeased with God's decision to offer salvation to the wicked people of Ninevah. He left the city and watched to see what would happen. Would God destroy Ninevah or save it? The love of God is unconditional, so He provided shelter for Jonah in his moment of anger. God always knows what's best for us. We become disgruntled when He does not give us what we think we want or need, yet He is merciful in His knowledge that we do not understand His plan. He loves and protects us regardless of our emotions toward Him in a moment of frustration; He will remain present and persistent until we realize the blessings His perfect plan bestows.

Morning Prayer🌅

Dearest Lord, Your plan is always good; please forgive us for our frustration when we do not understand. In Jesus' Name, Amen. #


Hello December! I welcome you with open arms. I'm looking forward to all the joy you will bring this new month. Tis' the season🌨️❄️☃️


Hello December! I welcome you with open arms. Thank you for the new life you have breathed into me by allowing me to see this new day. I'm looking forward to all the joy you will bring this new month. Tis' the season☃️❄️


Welcome December!


Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.
8I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

Psalms 32:7 & 8


Prayer shouldn't just be for ourselves or our peers. We are also to pray for our leaders in the body of Christ. Leaders are always under scrutiny and pressure to make important decisions. We are to continue praying that they are led by the wisdom of God. For our leaders in the body of Christ, we are to pray that the Lord remains the source of their strength and that they will never stray from the call upon their life.

Night Prayer:

Dear God, I would like to take this time out to pray for my leaders. I pray for the leaders in the body of Christ, Lord I know that they often face challenges that are probably more than my own. Lord, I pray that as they carry out the work you set out for them to do, may they keep their eyes fixed on you. May they never be led astray, O Lord, and may they always take delight in you, O God. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.


Rest easy Lady Rosalynn Carter💛🕊️




Consider your character. Would others say you are gracious, compassionate, and righteous? According to the Bible, believers should have an upright character. When we are kind and compassionate in a world of sin, it is a light in the darkness. When we strive to live without sin, we shine in the darkness. By following Christ's example of extending grace and mercy to others, we will be reminded of Christ's light and it will shine from us.


Dear God, forgive me for the times when I have turned my back on others and sinned. Give me a new opportunity to reflect your life by being gracious and compassionate. You have given us your son, Jesus Christ, as a light to the world and the perfect example for living upright. Help me to be more like him, O Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Happy New Week!



Paul reminds Christians to be submissive to the law second to our obedience to God. We can reject unjust human laws contrary to God while respecting authority. We must pray over our government leaders and respect their positions while always putting the law of God first. We obey God because we want to be like Him and become an example of His mercy and justness.


Dear Lord, we call upon Your Spirit to convict us of our sinful nature. We desire to remove all sin from our lives and align our plan to Yours. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Bible Gateway

Photos from iamtamikaluv's post 10/11/2023

Thinking of you today mom on your Birthday. Missing you like crazy...I wasn't ready for you to leave us, however God knew best. I love you dearly. Until we meet again. Rest easy Mom. Until we meet again. Your baby girl Tamika.🕊️

Photos from iamtamikaluv's post 10/11/2023

Thinking of you today mom on your Birthday. Missing you like crazy...I wasn't ready for you to leave us, however God knew best. I love you dearly. Until we meet again. Rest easy Mom. 💜Tamika Andréa


Thinking of you today mom on your Birthday. Missing you like crazy...I wasn't ready for you to leave us, however God knew best. I love you dearly. Until we meet again. Rest easy Mom. 💜Tamika Andréa



The wickedness of wicked men will someday cease from the earth, but the meek shall inherit the earth. The Great Jehovah tests the heart and mind. He weighs our thoughts and sees the motives of our hearts. We cannot fool Him. If a wicked attitude be in us, he will know. And if our hearts be right before him, he will not overlook that fact either.

Night Prayer:

Lord, we tire of seeing the parade of wickedness in our culture. We feel our hearts sink when we see our own country and, perhaps, individuals we love, continue down a path to destruction. But we know that you will save your people, that your Kingdom of Righteousness will come to the earth, and that we who are made righteous in Christ will endure before you forever. Amen.


Nothing is impossible for the Lord! We are blessed to be able to make this claim. When we are joyful over new opportunities, we know God is responsible. When we struggle, we know He has the power to help us finish the race. It makes no difference how unattainable our hurtles feel or how impossible our dreams appear to be, He is present and ready to conquer each moment with us. There is no mountain we cannot climb because with God, all things are possible!


Dear Lord, nothing is impossible for You and we are humbled by the fact that You are present to help us conquer each moment. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

