Sanctuary End of Life Doula

Sanctuary End of Life Doula

Compassionate, spiritual, supportive care for the dying and their families

'Dying is not as bad as you think' | BBC Ideas 24/03/2023

Let's normalize talking about death and dying. Its one of the two things we all do - we are born, and we die. Lots of things have changed in our society over the past few hundred years, and talking about death is one of them. An End of Life Doula (or Death Doula) is here to help with these conversations...have questions? Ask me!

'Dying is not as bad as you think' | BBC Ideas It's time to break the taboo that exists around death, argues palliative care doctor and author Kathryn Mannix.Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉

Why I Became A Death Doula | Alua Arthur 15/03/2023

What's a Death Doula? Here's one story!

Why I Became A Death Doula | Alua Arthur “Planning for our death is a powerful way to understand what choices to make in life,” suggests death doula Alua Arthur. By guiding people to define their vi...


Welcome to my page! I am in the process of setting up my practice but am happy to chat with you about what an End of Life or Death Doula is and does...and any other questions you might have concerning death and dying. Thank you for your support!