Shredded City

Shredded City

Independent Coach who wants help motivate people to achieve their goals in health and fitness.

Photos from Shredded City's post 25/04/2023

I am all done what a wonderful journey this was!!


There was a time when I was too scared to give this a try and who would of thought I will make such a journey of it and that I inspire other along the way and now they are on a much stronger journey.

It’s not easy posting about my journey but I learn to get out of my comfort zone and share my stories, struggles, progress, and celebrations most importantly I have grown to love it plus I surrounding myself in a stronger community who has the same goals and stories as I do..All they did was said YES! Of course I said YES and inspire others to say YES!

Give yourself the opportunity to say YES!!
Give yourself the opportunity to say YES I CAN!!
Give yourself the opportunity to become a BEGINNER!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 11/04/2023

So December 5th 2022 was the year I got my fibroid surgery from the mid lower part of abdomen that I have to have a C-section so for 6 weeks no physical activity I had to be on a liquid diet I have to be on pain medication the whole nine yards..but in this photo in January 20th my bday vacation to Las Vegas in the pink that’s when I went back on my healthy supplements, having normal nutritional foods again, and doing physical activities such as my workouts again now this is my 4th month strong because before my surgery I was doing all of the things in my journey just like when I had epilepsy when I was a child I was told by different doctors I wasn’t able to do physical activities or have a normal childhood or adulthood I wish I can see those doctors and tell “Remember you said I wasn’t going to have a normal childhood and adulthood…I guess I proved you wrong”. At that time I went through minor health disorders and complications doesn’t mean it’s permanent by doing what I have been on my journey is what is getting stronger and to do better. I was 7 years old when the doctors told my mom that I wasn’t normal thank goodness my mom and I never listened to those doctors you would think that doctors should give you hope and inspiration instead you get restricted and a whole lot of CANTS.. and yet I trusted these doctors because I was a child but now I went to doctors who believed in me and gave me a second chance to improve on my health and those are doctors I thank everyday.

Photos from Shredded City's post 29/03/2023

8 Weeks ago after I got clearance from recovering from surgery I started this program called Sure Thing..this program kept me strong mentally and physically but it gave me the strength to get back into work outs after 6 weeks of not between running and Orangetheory I manage to remain committed and yes balancing food that makes me feel great!! I had a tough battle ahead going through surgery but the graces of God and the Lord who put his blessed hands around me I was able to bounce back strong not only in my physical health journey but in my work journey as well I’m able to give the guest all the magic in the world that I’m blessed to do each day just so I put 100 percent into everything that I do. Me now 40 learning and living everyday I may come across some breadcrumbs but nothing I can’t face. Going through my surgey almost 4 months later isn’t half of the battle IT IS THE BATTLE as this very stage in my life I’m learning to put what is first and what is last.. my health, happiness, and my mindset is what it is important that brings me whole and peace. I said goodbye to toxicity, I said goodbye to negativity, I said goodbye to the haters and they naysayers they didn’t accomplish what I have done nor yet move mountains that I manage to climb. A famous rapper quote this in his song “I Came, I Soar, and Conquer” Jay Z Encore the best lyric ever..I live by the quote since and I applied to most things no matter if I’m high or low when doors are slammed in my faces when opportunities don’t go my way..I have to look at it like this it’s not feeling you did was wrong it’s the feeling that I went in with confidence there are times I have failed and I’m was ashamed of failing but sometimes admitting to failure is what brings out the best failure doesn’t make you a loser..”If the you first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again”. Aaliyah (Try Again).


Starting my First Day of the week with my commitment to 2023 with and walk and run until I’m in the clear on Friday 13th to do full run miles again at least I manage to do 3 miles of walk/jog.

Photos from Shredded City's post 01/11/2022

Here are my Lift More results!!! From Aug 30th-Oct 30th I’m happy that I’m seeing consistency in arms and thighs…also loosing 3 percent belly fat while doing this program..Now you may see am inch increase in the hips and waist remember I’m dealing with a fibroid in my abdomen which and yes I have lost in the hips as well but I’m very proud of my results!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 28/09/2022

From Week 1 of Lift More all the way to Week 4 the end of phase 1 halfway through the program and I’m so proud I’m seeing definitions within transformations in Week 5 phase 2 I will definitely will get even more stronger.


I look at my journey over the past 7 years and I’m blessed to be where I am today.. if you could asked me 7 years ago the first I became fearful, didn’t have confidence, frustration, and willing to give up..I would have but it took some inspiring people in my life to remove all the doubt and fear and just give myself a second chance. I keep saying to myself it’s never too late.

I found my mindset
I found my power
I found my heart
I found ME!!


Hey Friends Happy Sunday I hope you are all ready to enjoy Labor Day weekend!!

So as you know we are already in September and I’m going to theme this month Aim For Your Touchdown Goals..since you know this is Football season for College and Pro!!

I want to know what are your Touchdown Goals!!

😈Having stronger nutrition
💀Going hard on your workouts
👻Getting stronger transformation results
☠️Getting back on track with your journaling and tracking your progress
🎃Getting enough rest/self care

Whatever they are I want you to be able to carry your touchdown goals all through this is the month of September since I’m football fan there all 4 quarters of the game and there is a half time my challenge to you is go all of 4 Weeks into your Touchdown Goal Challenge this includes your …

👉🏾postings of your nutrition, workouts, measurements, and your progression tracking..your half time will be your rest and recovery days.

🙌Whoever completes the Month of September Challenge will get a nice prize from yours truly. I hope you guys are ready and inspired to do this challenge with me and having fun doing so what better way to start the month by holding each other accountable and going at it strong!! So let’s do this!! If you want to be a part of this challenge I will create a separate group that way we know who the participants are!!! All you have to do is comment I want to join or drop a hand raise emoji.

👏Again throughout the month of September so since it’s Labor Day Weekend lets start Tuesday Sept 6th and we will end the challenge on Sept 30th prize will be announced who ever commits all the way through!! So who is down!!! And yes I’m going to participate but I can’t win the prize this is for you guys because I want you all to be able to hold each other accountable and make stronger commitments to your journey and having fun doing so. Once you all confirm to join the challenge Im going to set up the rules so that way we are all on the same page!!! Awesome that is it for me have fun!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 06/08/2022

Fire and Flow Results yes I just realized sometime ago my journal came in Spanish lol..oh well.

Before my weighted/measuring results
Weight 150
Chest 33
Left Arm 12
Right Arm 12
Waist 30
Hips 33
Left Thigh 22
Right Thigh 22

After Fire and Flow Program Completion
Weight 149.7
Chest 34
Left Arm 12
Right Arm 11
Waist 30
Hips 33
Left Thigh 22
Right Thigh 22

These are amazing results and I am humble and yes I came an inch short on the arms only because doing Flow my arms were super sore I wind dropping a weight and Fire I went heavy so it was bound to happen but when I start Joel my goal is to get the consistency among with consistency definitions.

Photos from Shredded City's post 05/08/2022

I always say going through this journey is never easy but fun!! Going through 4 weeks of Fire and Flow I made this program about me and how I can still do what I do despite my age this program has made see things through a stronger lens that I may go through challenges emotionally, mentally, and physically but that doesn’t mean I stop what I’m love doing what I grow to do. If you have what it takes and the ability to still strive what you can do and want to keep doing than don’t put an age on it put your mindset and your willingness on it not how old you are. I always in the back of my mind feared the age will become me but I shouldn’t fear that age becomes us all because are maturing, learning, and sharing wisdom. No matter where you are in your life you have the ability to go for what you want in life nothing should stop nor limit you. I been on this journey since my late 20s up til now in my late 30s and I’m still going.

Photos from Shredded City's post 22/06/2022

When you go to a Backstreet Boy concert but didn’t go to bed until after 2am but still manage get enough sleep and manage to get and fuel my body what was the last little bit of my energize and I manage to get my run in…NOW THAT IS PROGRESS!!


I only got 7 hrs of sleep and manage to get up and got that workout in..I feel so good now doubt I will be tired but NO EXCUSES this what I trained myself to do and maintain self discipline and results will show.

Photos from Shredded City's post 07/05/2022

Here are my transformation results from 4 Week Gut Health Protocol!!

After sticking to the meal plan and showing up everyday for my workouts I manage to see some amazing results I actually went from 152 to 149 in 4 WEEKS!!!

Listen not trying to preach nor brag!! I’m celebrating because even when it was hard to subtract 4 Weeks of my R’s that was causing gut discomfort I learn now it is important to listen to my gut. Yes it was hard, yes I had to remove all of my R’s, and yes I got tempted but I manage to remain strong and push through the challenges.

I will continue to do Gut Health because what I’m facing really helps and I’m starting to see that glow again my tummy is starting to feel healthy again. This isn’t the end this is only the beginning.

Photos from Shredded City's post 30/04/2022

Week 1. Week 2. Week 3.

Photos from Shredded City's post 02/04/2022

Time to build your journey for April!!!

I know the feeling of being stuck not able to break plateau and you get frustrated right?

I have the proper resources that will help you out!!!


That’s right..with this program you will able to enjoy food as you should not feeling restricted.

You will find easy recipes and food list that will help you out with your food shopping and meal planning.

Oh yes and tracking your progress and the results you will see.

There are supplements that will help you to maintain that inner balance.

🙌 ALSO YES!!!! You will get workouts!! 20/30 mins of an 4 days a week and for 4 Weeks 3 rest days and BONUS workouts including Cycling!!!!

Are you ready to feel good??

Are you ready to love and embrace nutrition again??

Are you ready to bring out your spring time goals???

Well this girl here GOT YOU!!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 13/03/2022

I’m 15 days in my BODi Challenge I’m at the final week of my Transformation Challenge Week 7!! In between me running marathons and nutrition I’m starting to see tremendous results!! In 2 weeks I see a 8 day cruise to the beautiful islands even when I’m enjoying the scenery and exploring I will be holding myself accountable while I’m on my trip. Yes I’m going to enjoy myself and yes I deserve to treat myself but I’m moderation and self discipline is the key factor.

15 Days of BODi
7 weeks in the home stretch of my Transformation challenge at Orangetheory

My journey has been a blessing, yes I face curveballs, and mostly over exhaust myself but at the end of the day the hard work pays off!!!


All about the Gut

Photos from Shredded City's post 31/12/2021

From beginning to end I have completed my 13 Week program 645 I’m so proud of all of the effort I had put in this may be the end of the program but not my journey Saturday I will kick off New Years Day with a rest day Sunday I will start Job 1!!! If anything that I will leave 2021 is knowing that it gave me the will power to keep my Fitness Journey strong and thriving .


Give everything to empty out the tank!! Give it all I got and a little bit more!! No matter where I am on this journey I don’t stop because I’m tired I’m stop when I’m finish!!!

Keep telling myself that I am my own will power 20 reps for 3 blocks a 1 min 4 set round and 13 weeks of doing an 45 min program!!!

No matter where I am in life nothing stops my journey my journey is what going to keep me stronger the force is with me and not those who are against me!! I’m taking charge of my life, my will power, my health, my isolation anxiety, my worth, my self respect, my self esteem. I’m learning new things about myself and my health everyday yes I have to monitor my fibroid until I know if when I can have it removed until then I’m not going to stop living a healthier journey I’m going to go stronger and yes with caution and with every ability.

I’m starting to learn how to build connections and relationships made peace with the ones that didn’t last and create newer ones with strong abundance. I’m starting to learn more of who I am and my culture. Everyday I seen to amaze myself I’m learning to going in with a much focus attitude and positive mindset. I’m so glad the journey I chose and those who help guide me, teach me, and support me along the way continue to have faith and belief in me it’s what got me through my tough times and when times when i knew where dark but I’m so glad this journey has kept strong mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Never say never you can start your journey anytime no age can stop you.. I’m about to be 39 within a few weeks I’m still killing it I bet you can do the same!! If you are keep pushing don’t let nothing stop you nor someone tell you can’t BECAUSE YOU BEEN DOING IT they just have noticed. Mamas out there keep pushing you ladies inspire me everyday they way you maintain your journey while having kids and inspiring your kids to be healthy as well and to continue to bring out the best version of you now I’m no MOM only to my pup but you all inspire to push harder.

Photos from Shredded City's post 11/10/2021

So happy that I’m seeing the oblates sculpted and developing stability in the abs.. yes I stroll got plenty of work to do but these are the muscle chains that I developed since doing 645 5 weeks of it…in between runs, Orangetheory Fitness, and rest recovery days but most importantly improving my nutrition!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 11/10/2021

Q and A about Coaching

Photos from Shredded City's post 26/08/2021

Hey Hey!!! We have just about a few weeks left of summer then it will be Fall/Autumn one of my favorite time of seasons!!

Speaking of..As we continue to reach our peak of summer doesn’t mean our journey does!!

So I want to motivate all of you ladies and gents out there who want stronger goals and results!! She has nothing to do with this your kids can even participate or your husband and sisters heck make it a family affair!!

I will motivate you through workouts
I will motivate you through nutrition
I will motivate you through resources and tips of self care!!

All I need is you..and your fun beautiful personality!! So let’s say goodbye to summer and Do it up strong in the Fall!!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 09/08/2021

Today is rest day and I thought share my scale non scale results!!!

4 Weeks The Prep!!

August 9th
Chest 33
L.Arm 12
R. Arm 11
Waist 29
Hips 31
L.Thigh 21
R.Thigh 20

Weight 149
Total inches 157
Total inches loss 8 inches

You guys these aren’t bad results remember the scale tells a different story that’s true!! I saw major improvement in masses going down and muscle gains however I manage shred and burn so much fat off that I’m starting to see major differences that includes me running and doing Orangetheory this means I keep going and go strong!! 645 I will see you tomorrow!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 08/08/2021

My journey of doing 4 Weeks of The Prep!!

Well today is the finale of the prep my 30 days of doing upper, lower, strength, lifting, core, cardio, and endurance!! Today is my final recovery workout Range and Repair then Monday taking the full rest day to celebrate my scale and measurements results!! Tuesday I start 645!!

I’m so proud of myself that I have accomplished so much not only doing The Prep but also doing my extra accountability workouts and Challenges such as Orangetheory and my Running miles also completed my first Beachbody Challenge and actually won a nice prize and 19 days in to 75 Hard Challenge!! Yes I have sacrifice my Happy hour and manage to stay on track with nutrition and my water intakes also pushing through workouts of course it was emotionally draining on me and yes I was tired as hell but I have to ask HOW BAD DO I WANT IT?!! I thank my friends, family, and my supported community for motivating me through this process it has been hard!!

So what is next!!

Today I get my Fitness and Actors Headshots taking today so I can continue build my brand and my profile!!

Continue to Coach and train just like I always been. Be able to learn from others and grow successfully.

So as I continue to enjoy what is left of summer I’m ready for Fall so many things is happening and oh yes I manage to get BODi class with Autumn she is one of my favorite Super trainers in Beachbody so yes I’m blessed!!


Happy Sunday I’m having an refreshing mocktail lol Pomegranate Moscow Mule

First you need a mule mug with ice crushed or cube your mixed shaker cup

1 scoop of mule mix
1 scoop of Bevvy
Ginger Beer in this case non alcoholic
Tonic water
Vodka/ in this case spring water

Shake Shake and pour oh yeah add whatever choice of garnish lime or mint.

Photos from Shredded City's post 10/07/2021

Well day 30 of 75 hard is in the books!!

1st workout indoors Week 2 Day 1 The Prep
2nd Workout Unstress Clean Slate Day 9 Week 2

Nutrition is on point with 2B mindset and water intakes among with progression photos that I just posted earlier measurement results will be posted tomorrow on my actual full rest day!! I’m so proud of myself for being able to accomplish this challenge strong it hasn’t been easy but the results will give ne stronger outcomes!!

Celebrating that I went to an Vegan Plabtbased outdoor outlet then going to meal prep for the week getting some reading caught up on!!


Ok waiting game is over throughout 4 weeks of doing 2 challenges and LGU also extra accountability workouts my results as followed. I’m proud of what I have accomplished so far today is my rest day tomorrow will be the prep!!

1st Week 2nd Week Final Week
Chest 33 Chest 32 Chest 32 R. Calves 11
L. Arm 11 R. Calve 11 R. Arm 11 L. Calves 10
R. Arm 11 L. Calve 12 L. Arm 11
Waist 29 Hips 32 Waist 28
Hips 31 Waist 29 Hips 33
L. Thigh 21 R. Arm 11 R. Thigh 21
R. Thigh 22 L. Arm 11 L. Thigh 20

Photos from Shredded City's post 19/06/2021

Today is my Day 12 of 75 of my hard challenge

1st workout outdoor UnStress Day 2 Being Present
2nd indoor MBF On the Go

And yes because it is Juneteenth I want to honor my role model Sojourner Truth she is the reason all of us are still standing today!!

Photos from Shredded City's post 16/06/2021

From Day 1 to Day 9 of my 75 Hard Challenge!!

Here I am on Day 1 of 75 hard and look I’m now on my Day 9 of 75 hard challenge..

So that 9 days of following pure nutrition
9 days of water intakes
9 days of double workouts
9 days with no cheat treats/no Alcohol

Later I will start recovery workout from 30 Day Breakaway that my body can be relaxed. I’m super proud of myself because 9 days in I’m seeing amazing progress!!

When you allow yourself to trust the process and commit strongly to the process you will see stronger results!! The process works allow yourself to trust and believe in it.

8 Tips to Help You Get Back on Track | Beachbody Blog 16/06/2021

8 Tips to Help You Get Back on Track | Beachbody Blog Falling off the health and fitness wagon happens to all of us. Here are some strategies for starting up your healthy habits again and getting back on track.

Photos from Shredded City's post 30/05/2021

Give Yourself Credit!!

Body Positivity.. it doesn’t matter where you are in your fitness journey rather you are at the beginning or in the middle your journey keeps going!! Embrace your journey and the results!! You got up and made that choice and by making a change you developed personal development, confidence, and much stronger mindset.

I use to say I’m slacking a lot of times until 9WCF I learn how to stop saying I’m slacking and start saying I’m SLAYING IT!! Just because you are struggling guess what we all do even myself but if you give yourself the body positivity that you deserve you going to continue to slay it!! Work through the hard and continue to push no matter where you are in your journey KEEP DOING THE DAMN THING!! Remember why you started this journey so instead of focusing on the slacking focus on how far you have came!! Remember there is no deadline on reaching your fitness goals just patience, positivity, and an prosper goals.

This is why I’m an Coach I changed my life by pressing play and continue to fight through hard even if I’m struggling but I learn to keep slaying it and get right back on my grind my mindset and keep pushing!! Also give myself the glory, praise, victories, and body positivity which helps to create the best version of me!! Also taking control!!

So if any of you all are starting to create and building your fitness journey whenever you feel that you are “SLACKING” look where you are in the mirror and your past transformations and knock I’m slacking to the curb and say “I’m SLAYING IT!!” and “I’m going to take CONTROL”!! “I’m going to continue to bring BODY POSITIVITY and BRING OUT THE BEST VERSION OF ME!!



Photos from Shredded City's post 12/05/2021

I am so proud I manage to stick with my fitness journey goals

Managing my workouts
Managing my nutrition
Managing my mindset

3 years ago according to this time hop that picture was taking and now I so proud I continue to bring out the best version of me!! 3 years ago I will still learning and growing in my fitness now I’m so happy to say it has paid off and continuing to.

I love being an Coach
I love being able to help people
I love how I manage to put all the time and effort also believing that I could do it and make the change not just for me but to help other people as well.
I love I am able to inspire and motivate.

Photos from Shredded City's post 02/05/2021

How do you want to start your journey

5 years ago I struggled with nutrition, mindset, and personal development when I was first introduced to how I started my journey I will admit I was lost, didn’t know how to start or when, I faced low self esteem, and I stop believing in myself, well all of that changed when I decided to find an group of friends and supporters to help me through my journey I sat down and I did a lot of research, finding what workout programs that will benefit me and learning how to challenge myself when workouts get hard. After doing 21 days of the workouts I felt better but I didn’t see transformation as fast I would have so I started to get frustrated because I thought it was something I was doing I reached out to my coach I told her about my dilemma and so was kind and understanding she said it’s nothing that you are doing wrong remember you at an early stage in your journey and you probably need to dig more deeper then what you are actually doing so she talked to me about Nutrition and the comfort zones and food she appointed me to talk to an Nutritionist so I made an appointment at first yes I was scared because I had all fears and doubts in my head but if I wanted to see change I have to block all of that out so I walked in wasn’t bad she was very nice and funny also an big huge Disney fan. She made feel comfortable showed me different forms of nutrition and how I can enjoy the things I love but not have to feel restricted but healthy since then I did more homework and I learn how to meal prep control my portions also enjoying my treats having control also breaking the plateau…since then I saw tremendous change, I started to see results, scale victories, and regaining confidence. Now it was the mindset being able to work on personal development being comfortable in my own skin embracing who I am, being strong supporters and coaches..this inspired me to become an certified fitness coach and to help those who wants to start their fitness journey. You guys it goes without saying yes I put in 5 years in this journey, sweat, tears, soreness, learning, growing, endless moments of being tired but guess what it all paid off!! I’m on Day 13 of 2b mindset learning how to perfect my nutrition even more. Yes I wasn’t comfortable of sharing my story at first but so much love and support I continue to you all help grow stronger and keep inspiring, now I’m seeing my friends and family starting their health journey I had one person said your stories inspire me to get healthy again to become fit again. When I hear or see comments posted like that that makes me keep going. I channel my inner super hero!! Mine is Storm because she is fierce, strong, and she brings in the lightening so when I feel I’m about to give up or I’m having any kind of bad day I channel my inner Storm. Who do you have to channel you when you are trying to get through your day..Who inspires you? These are things should be your WHY!! This should be the main thing that will help you on your journey so it can be strong positive one.

Videos (show all)

I only got 7 hrs of sleep and manage to get up and got that workout in..I feel so good now doubt I will be tired but NO ...
All about the Gut
Give everything to empty out the tank!! Give it all I got and a little bit more!! No matter where I am on this journey I...
Q and A about Coaching
Don't Sell Yourself Short
Introduction Meet and Greet
