Richard Brown- The GCSE Maths Tutor

Richard Brown- The GCSE Maths Tutor

We help children boost their GCSE Maths grade.


God be praised, I'm still in the land of the living pursuing my God given purpose. I don't take life for granted, not even for a second.

As I reflect deeply on my younger years growing up in Jamaica πŸ‡―πŸ‡². I can remember going to Ewarton Primary School and Charlemont High School most days without having lunch to eat. I remember one lunch time, while in year 6. My teacher asked me if I had lunch to eat. To avoid the embarrassment I lied and told her that I had a patty and a box drink.

In order to get taxi fare to attend High School, on weekends my cousins along with my brother and I used to go into the dance hall venues to collect the drink and alcohol bottles that we would later redeem for money. Being one of the slowest I collected the least amount of bottles. There were times we were embarrassed and treated unkindly by some of the adults in the venues.

In my latter years in High School I'd assist my Aunty Nellie Brown with her baking business. I would deliver her gizzadas (the best gizzadas in the world)to various towns in Jamaica. This includes Ewarton, Linstead, Ochi Rios, Sandy Bay and Colgate.Thats how I got money to be able to buy lunch in my last two years in High School.

Today I'm teaching/preaching God's word to people who speak different languages, an author of a book (The Outpouring- To Experience The Holy Spirit As Sons and Daughters of Our Heavenly Father), many more books to publish along with songs and poems, a qualified Maths teacher (my services is in high demand in the UK) and an online Tutoring Academy business owner (

With many other life stories to tell, I want to encourage and inspire someone that it's not how you start out but how you finish. It's not where you are coming from but where you allow God to take you. Inspite of a humble beginning, when you put your faith and hope in God, He will enable you to know Him and do great exploits in His Name. All to the glory and honour of His Great Name, for to Him belongs the Kingdom, power and the gloryπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Today I taught my year 10s Factorising Quadratic Expressions. I told them what I was teaching them I learnt over 30 years ago. One of the 30+ students responded and said "sir you look like you are 28 years oldπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒI replied "thank you, I don't drink and I don't smoke." Isn't God awesome. He beautifies the meek with salvation.


This is one of our greatest success stories to date. We don't take the credit for ourselves but instead choose to give God Almighty All the glory, honour and praise for making this possibleπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ


This is one of the reason's why I continue doing what I believe I do best and that is, to educate and inspire the future generation. I don't take any credit for myself but to God Almighty I give all the glory, honour and praise.
Do you know of a family member, friend or neighbor's child who isn't achieving their target grade in their GCSE Maths. Please feel free to share this valuable information and have them sign up to Future Learn Academy. We are enrolling now!


Mariese's testimonial about the services offered by Future Learn Academy and how this have impacted her life and career!!!

To God be all the glory for the great things He has done. Ginormous congratulations 🎊 to you and your achievements Mariese.

At Future Learn Academy we are looking forward to enrolling and working with thousands more pupils who desire to achieve great success in their academicsπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


🀩Parents aiming for their child to ace Maths grades...

Ready to...
Help your child start feeling **empowered** in every class...
Help your child start feeling **confident** in tackling tough problems...

Let me personally introduce you to the **"Maths Mastery Blueprint"** I've championed to assist hundreds of students cement their understanding and clinch top grades in Maths in a mere few months, enabling them to unlock coveted college and apprenticeship opportunities.

βœ”οΈWITHOUT the paralyzing fear of failing
βœ”οΈWITHOUT endless hours of ineffective rote learning ..and all this transformation in just weeks.

Ready to metamorphose your child's academic trajectory?
βœ…Ping me right away, and I’ll illuminate how you can pencil in a conversation with


**3 Reasons Why Online Tutoring Packs a Punch!**

Confused about championing your child's Maths journey from home?πŸ€” Illuminate your path with the potency of online tutoring - it might just be the revolution you've craved!πŸš€

Every caring parent is on a quest to gift the finest to their child. In today's digital age, coupled with the momentum of remote learning, identifying the right external support is paramount.
Facing challenges in Maths, bracing for that pivotal test, or aiming to outshine? Online tutoring might be your answer. Here's some of the benefits of Online tutoring:

1️⃣ **Seamless & Handy**: Learn in pyjamas if you wish! Online tutoring erases geographical barriers, granting the luxury of learning from the snugness of home, minus the commute. It seamlessly fits into your bustling life, saving precious moments.

2️⃣ **Gateway to Global Brilliance**: The digital realm connects your child to Maths mavens worldwide. Every session can be a rendezvous with global excellence, no matter your postal code.

3️⃣ **Lively & Dynamic Learning**: Dive into a trove of digital tools that make learning immersive. The digital canvas of online tutoring ensures your child remains glued, amplifying their enthusiasm and results.

Eager to ignite your child's Maths prowess from the cozy corners of home?🏠

Pour your thoughts below or shoot me a message! Unveil how my tailored tutoring can be the springboard for your child's academic leaps.πŸ§‘β€πŸ«


**The Top 5 Reasons You Need A Tutor!**

Concerned about your child's progress in Maths? Unsure of the best ways to nurture their academic growth at home?πŸ€” You're not alone! Here are the top 5 reasons why engaging a tutor might just be the game-changer you've been seeking.

Every dedicated parent yearns to offer the best for their child. And sometimes, the best means securing extra guidance beyond school walls.

Is your child grappling with particular Maths topics, gearing up for a pivotal exam, or eager to outpace their peers? A tutor might be the golden key!πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Here's why:

1️⃣ **Tailored Attention**: Classroom environments can sometimes hamper individualized guidance. A tutor, however, zeros in on your child's distinct learning quirks, ensuring they grasp every detail.
2️⃣ **Mastering Maths**: Engaging a Maths specialist ensures your child cements foundational skills, paving the way for simpler comprehension of intricate topics and more adept problem-solving.
3️⃣ **Surge in Confidence**: A tutor nurtures self-assuredness, ensuring your child faces Maths hurdles with a renewed, unshakeable spirit.
4️⃣ **Elevated Study Techniques**: A tutor's guidance goes beyond the subject. They can instill effective study tactics and adept time-management, priming your child for sustained academic triumph.
5️⃣ **Aiding Parents**: It's unrealistic for parents to be masters of every academic realm. Engaging a tutor means your child receives top-tier academic assistance, sparing you the stress of stretching beyond your expertise.

Ready to catalyse your child's Maths mastery journey?πŸš€
Reach out now and unveil how I can bolster your child's prowess in Maths and light their path to broader academic excellence!


**3 Ways To Boost Your Child’s Motivation To Get Better Grades In Maths!**

If you want your child to succeed in Maths and go on to secure a grade 5, grade 6 or even higher, and perhaps earn scholarships or placements in top colleges, the environment where they learn and the peers they associate with matter tremendously!

Ever been anxious that some students at school might negatively influence your child, preventing them from unlocking their full potential? It's a widespread concern, and rightfully so. The environment and associations a child is exposed to play a pivotal role in molding habits. And as we discussed earlier, the right habits are paramount for academic success.

In school, attendance isn't optional. This means that there's an amalgamation of students with varied motivation levelsβ€”some are eager to learn while others might not share the same enthusiasm.

Imagine aiming to scale Mount Everest. If you were alone or surrounded by a group lacking motivation, would reaching the summit be likely? Conversely, consider being guided by an experienced leader and accompanied by a team, all sharing the common goal of reaching the peak. The odds of success would undeniably be higher.

To ensure students achieve top-tier results in Maths, it's crucial for them to be surrounded by peers who share similar aspirations. Such an environment provides an unparalleled boost of motivation.

Here's how you can create such a conducive environment for your child:

1) **Highlight the Significance**: Help them understand the power of the right environment and the importance of being around driven peers.
2) **Expand the Learning Horizon**: Venture beyond school boundaries. External education platforms can offer an environment primed for growth.
3) **Opt for Specialised Group Learning**: Seek out focused learning groups, where every student aims for top grades in Maths.

Empower your child with the right environment, and watch their potential unfold!


**How Your Child Can Quickly Become Top Of The Class In Maths!**

Students who perform at the top of the class in Maths are 'wired' differently and study harder than most other students - Even when they don’t want to!
Just like the top professional athletes on the planet, they train harder than all the other athletes.

Many students have been conditioned to see school as boring or difficult, resulting in a negative association with continuing to learn outside of school. But if they understand that more effort into their education will lead to better results, why don't they put in the work? The simple reason: it's not important enough to them to become a habit.

Consider this: why do we brush our teeth daily? Not necessarily because we enjoy it, but we understand its importance. So, we develop a consistent habit regardless of our mood.

The key to top grades in Maths is rewiring current study habits so that they become as natural and consistent as brushing teeth. When tasks become easier, students tend to enjoy them more because they feel competent and engaged.

Here’s the blueprint to aid your child’s transformation:

1) **Invest in Tailored Learning**: Beyond school, personalized learning holds them accountable, helping inculcate better habits and routines.
2) **Engage & Inspire**: It's not just about raw study; it's about making learning enjoyable and relatable, banishing the 'boring' tag from Maths.
3) **Vision & Drive**: Set clear goals. When your child understands the real-world implications of excelling in Maths, the drive becomes intrinsic.

Ready to spark that change? Send a message today to craft a unique study plan that propels your child to success!


**The 3 Steps To Help Your Child achieve top grades in Maths.**

Most students fail when it comes to doing well in Maths not because they aren't capable but because they are simply given the wrong strategy to succeed!
Which is kind of frustrating because a sports team that prepares for their next competitive fixture with the wrong strategy isn't going to succeed.
So how do you know your child has the wrong strategy to help them excel in Maths?
Simple... Do any of these sound familiar?

- "I just can't seem to grasp this concept, no matter how hard I try."
- "I feel lost in class, like I'm always playing catch up."
- "I get anxious before tests because I'm never sure if I'm truly prepared."

That's why I started to change my approach and strategy as a teacher and developed my **Maths Mastery Blueprint** teaching method. And once I started working with my students this way, the results have been incredible.

Here's what your child needs to focus on:

1) **Diagnose & Design**: Identify weak areas for a focused study. *Meaning: No more shooting in the dark, pinpointing issues will save time and boost results.*
2) **Strategic Skill-Building**: Deep dive into core concepts. *Meaning: Mastering the fundamentals leads to unwavering confidence and better test results.*
3) **Consolidate & Challenge**: Practice with real exam scenarios. *Meaning: Being familiar with the format and questions, students walk into exams fully prepared.*

These 3 things are fundamental in helping your child achieve top grades in Maths.
Just like a boxer preparing for a world championship fight... When they prepare with the right strategy, their chances of success increase dramatically.

If you found this useful please feel free to send me a message to learn more about how I can support your child in their Maths!


**Our Mission At Future Learn Academy** is to help students achieve top grades in Maths, so that they can go on to achieve their place at a College of their choice to study their preferred course or gain an apprenticeship!

Here’s 3 reasons why we want to see more students achieve their goals in Maths:

#1 - Maths helps students to **unlock limitless career opportunities in fields they're passionate about**.
#2 - Maths helps students to **build unwavering confidence, ensuring they outperform not just in tests, but in every challenge they face**.
#3 - Maths helps students to **stand out, paving the way for scholarships and exclusive academic opportunities**.

Are you looking to help your child accelerate their learning and reach their potential in Maths?
Message me directly to learn more about how my services can support your child and help them thrive!πŸ§‘β€πŸ«

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Testimonial- Barbara Jones-Henry (Parent London UK)β€œThe fantastic tutor that Richard is. He has taught my son and daught...
Mariese's testimonial about the services offered by Future Learn Academy and how this have impacted her life and career!...
