"Art for service and blessedness"


Late A'c. Dasharath Dada, A'c. Pranay Kumar, A'c. Raghunath Prasad and A'c. Chandra nath Ji. They were founder member of Anada Marga Pracaraka Samgha. They witnessed the divine era and blessings of Tarak Brahma Shri Shri Anandamurti ji.....


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इष्ट मंत्र तथा मधुविद्या के व्यवहारिक सतत् प्रयास से ही "मैंपन" से मुक्ति पाना संभव है।
It is possible to get freedom from “I” only by practical continuous efforts of Ishta Mantra and Madhuvidya.


Stories about Kalikananda

Ac. Svarupananda Avt.

Today is the special occasion of Shravani Purnima. Baba would say that this Purnima has a special effect on spiritually-evolved people, on spiritual aspirants. And He gave one very good example: He said “When the moon comes in the eastern horizon, in the evening, the darkness is expelled. Similarly, in the minds of spiritual aspirants, whatever darkness or crudeness is there, that is expelled by the spiritual enlightenment. So, in the sky there is the bright moon and at your hearts there is another bright light, the effulgence from the Supreme.”

So He says that especially those who are evolved beings, they are born on Purnima days. This is more special because Baba was born on Purnima. And He said that all the auspicious things are started only on Purnima.

On Shravani Purnima, the first person He initiated in Kapalik. The first Ananda Margii was also initiated on Purnima evening. And the first book Baba wrote was also on Purnima. You will know it, you will see it, from Subhasita Sam’graha, that all of Baba’s DMC speeches were mostly on Purnima evenings. So these Purnimas, they have a special effect on spiritual aspirants.

One day Baba took me to the place where He first initiated Kalicharanjii. The name of that place is Kashi Mitra Ghat. Ghat is the place where people go to bathe. This is Kashi Mitra Ghat. Baba took me there and told me the details of what He did there and what was the feeling.

He said that “Normally in the evening, I would go for a walk.” Kashi Mitra Ghat was actually very far from the place where Baba lived. Baba, when He was studying at college, after He completed His school at Jamalpur, He joined … Piitha college. He had to stay with His sister in a place known as Kinshura. But Kinshura was very far from Calcutta, from His college. So He stayed with His brother in law who was an advocate and He lived in Howrah. Howrah is near Calcutta Howrah station. So, close to that there was a small … (they call it). There, Baba lived with His brother in law, Mr. Bose. From there, normally He would not come to the city in the evening, but sometimes He would come and He would go back late in the night. His brother in law once told Him that “Why Prabhat? Where do You go?” He said that “I have some work with my friends.”

So one evening, very purposely, He came to Kashi Mitra Ghat, He came, and normally, though it was moon midnight, but during the month of August or during the month of July, normally in India it is monsoon season. So the sky is full of clouds. It was full of clouds, no doubt, Baba sat there and He said “Kalicharan was waiting for his prey and I was waiting for my prey.” So He said “Kalicharan was waiting for his prey and I was waiting for my prey. So I came in advance and sat on a stone bench and I was waiting for Him.” He (Kalicharan) thought that this young boy must be having some money in His pocket. At least he saw that Baba was wearing one ring on His finger. So he thought “If I steal from Him or rob Him, I will be able to buy something for my mother.” So the main purpose of His robbery was to support his mother. That was the only problem. And because he had a very bad name already in the nearby places, people did not trust him. That’s why he could not get any proper job. So he had to depend upon robbing people.

So Baba is waiting there and he came, he was looking for someone. He came and saw one person, very lean and thin, “I can very easily overpower Him, grab Him and loot His ring.” Baba sat there. He (Kalicharan) did not know who was this young boy. The moment Baba saw him, He says “Kali, will you come to me?” “How He knows my name?” Then he says “Who are You?” “You see, you can very well see who I am.” Then he says “How do You know my name?” Baba says “I do not know only your name. I know everything about you.” “Please young boy, You go away from here. Many other persons will come. I will rob them but I can’t rob You.” “What do you mean by that?” Then He said “I look very young and you look so strong. Do one thing.” He showed this little finger from His left hand. He said “Can you bend it?” He tried and he failed. Then he thought “How is it possible that He is such a thin boy and I could not bend His finger? How is it possible?” Then He said “Kalicharan, for whom do you rob?” He said “I rob to support my mother.” “Will you go and ask your mother that whatever sins you are collecting, you are accumulating, by robbing people, if you go to hell, will she suffer for you?” He said “I know very well that she will not like that she should suffer for me. She says that ‘it is your responsibility to support me.’” “Then what do you think? Sit here.” Baba asked him to sit by His side. He said “No, no, no, no.” He sat close to His feet. When he looked at Baba, Baba said that He felt as if … this strong and stout person is sitting in His presence.

Then he said “Well, young man, can You suggest me what I should do?” He said “Yes, I can suggest you. Go do good things for others. You have such a good health, such good body.” And he was from a brahmin family. So a person from a brahmin family in Bengal, once you rob people, you should do some other job. Then he asked Him “What kind of job I can do?” “That I will tell you, what you should do.” Then Baba started talking for a long time. He (Kalicharan) was convinced. He said “Can You teach me something?” Then immediately Baba got ready. And the dagger he was carrying, Baba asked him to throw in the river. He threw it. And the moment he threw it, something happened to him. He touched Baba’s feet. A person very strong, very elderly, he touched the feet of a young person. And Baba taught him kapalik. While He was teaching, He said “you go get two daggers as an instrument.” He (Kalicharan) said “Young boy, why did You ask me to throw the daggers? I will have to find out two.” He (Baba) said “With that dagger you have done so much crime, that cannot be used for good things. It was thrown in the river. Baba taught him and immediately Baba said that he was in a very high state of mind in spirituality. So then Baba says that he was already a very good sadhaka in his last lives but for some reason he took a robber life job in this present life.

Then he asked Baba, after few meetings, that “Now, I have stopped robbing but how will I support my family, my mother?” Baba gave him some clue and He suggested to him “Come to Ranchi. No one will know you. And there you can start some job.” He (Kalicharan) had some small house and that he sold out. He came to Ranchi. And very close to the railway station of Ranchi, he started one saw mill. Saw mill, do you know? Where wood is cut. The saw mill he started. One day, while in Ranchi, Baba was going in the car and He told me “Look Svarupananda, close to this place, was the shop of saw mill of Kalikananda.” I saw it. It is still there. And the same business, someone is carrying on there at the railway station. So when he started the job, he was very good, and he helped people, and at the same time, he supported his mother. After a few years, the mother expired.

And by that time, he was so much developed in sadhana that he was feeling he was not fit to live in the society. He wanted something otherwise. So after she died, he again contacted Baba and asked Him what he should do next. Baba told him “The best thing for you is to go to the jungles, to the forests of Ranchi and do meditation there. He started doing meditation there, in the forests. And then, in the meantime, more brothers were initiated in kapalik. When the first Dada was initiated in the year 1962, in the month of May, as first avadhuta, he was sitting on his chair in front of the jagrti. And more Dadas were also there. Some people were passing through. When they saw that one sannyasii is sitting here, they remarked that Ananda Marga today has done a very good thing, that Ananda Marga has made one sannyasii and they call this sannyasii as avadhuta.

On a few occasions I had the chance to see Kalikanandajii. When He had some work, Baba would ask him to come at a certain time. And one day Baba told me and PA Dada “Please sit somewhere else, Kalikananda wants to speak something to me.” Then I said “Baba, we’ll be not able to see him. What is the difference if we are there or not there.” And Baba said “No, no, no, no. He wants to speak something to me privately.” So (afterwards I asked) “So, what did You speak about?” “When he came out” Baba asked me “Did you see him?” I said “Baba, no.” “Do you want to see him?” Then I said “Yes”. I saw him only this part because He asked me “Do not see other parts of him. See above his chest.” So I saw him, very good feature, completely dark complexion and (matted hair) and he did namaskar to me. Baba said “He is doing namaskar to you and why you are not doing namaskar to him?” I said “Baba I did not see.” “Now you see.” Then when Baba told me that “Now you see” I did namaskar to him. So he went.

And the second time I saw him when I was sent to do kapalik in death valley. There I experienced that he was there. And then what happened, once I told Baba that “Baba, we workers, we work so much. We have to work so much day and night, and still we receive some punishments. And they are so fortunate, Kalikanandajii and others, 39 or 38 whatever, they are very free, they only do sadhana.” Baba said “Withdraw your words!” I said “Baba, I couldn’t follow.” Then He said “First withdraw, then I will tell you.” I said “Baba, (making a gesture as if putting back the words into his mouth) withdrawn.” Then He told that “You know, have you read ‘Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies’?” I said “Baba, not very thoroughly but occasionally I read it.” “Ok, so do you know, there are two parts in it. One part is about the asanas, mudras, and bandanas, all that. And the other part is the medicinal part. Do you know how these medicines were discovered? And how they were collected? And how I have noticed them?” I said “Baba, I don’t know.” “It is all the contribution of Kalikanandaji. He used to do some experiments on these herbs and then he would ask me whether this herb was suitable for this problem. Sometimes I rejected but mostly I accepted and I agreed that this can be used for this purpose or this treatment.” So He said “How can you say that these people they do nothing?” Then, I said “Baba, I am sorry.”

So, Kalikanandajii, although physically he’s not there but it was his special duty to protect and do good to especially the margiis.
On one occasion what happened (I will not tell the name of the person who was the party (the Dada)), that person, his father had expired, he had passed away, the brother had also passed away. And they had been the only earning members in the family. So what happened was that Baba called the boy, the person who was already a worker (the Dada), and Baba asked him “Now, who will support your family? So you can go back and support your family.” That worker said “No, Baba. I can’t go.” “Then, who will support your family?” The boy, the worker said “Baba, it is Your responsibility.” Then He said “If it is my responsibility, I will do my responsibility very sincerely and very carefully.”

So what happened was that the elder brother of that worker had lived somewhere in Canada. He had died in an accident. So, some property of that doctor was sold out and it (the money) was sent to India, to his family. The people knew that there was a good amount of money. And it was to be deposited in the bank but by the time the money was released from the treasury, the bank was closed. So she (the widow, the mother of the Dada) had to bring back the money to her house. At the dead of night a team of robbers comes, and do take everything, all the money which had come from Canada and all whatever she had on her property, all her ornaments were robbed.

So she was just crying and weeping “What will happen to me?” And she was telling that “Oh, Baba. I know that You are God but what will happen to me?” My son is already not there. And my two (other) sons are already workers with You. Who will take care of me?”

In the meantime, Kalikanandajii appeared to her and said “Just wait. Simply tell me what time the robbery was committed.” And within half an hour, Kalikanandajii chained the robbers and beat them up very badly, and brought back everything to the lady. This lady, when she was presented (with her belongings) she was thinking “It can’t be true. It is just a dream for me.” But then she was seeing everything in reality, and Kalikanandajii said “Don’t get worried, I will be with you till the money is deposited in the bank. Don’t get worried and don’t tell others that this thing has happened otherwise again someone will come and rob you.” So then the money was deposited in the bank. Till then Kalikanandajii was just standing with her.

This thing was told to the worker by Baba. And Baba said that “Something has happened in one family but Kalikanandajii has protected it.” Then Baba said “You know, this Kalikanandajii is very much careful for the margii families and margii workers, brothers and sisters. He is very particular and he will not allow anybody to harm any Dada or Didi. This is his personal responsibility.”

And once what happened was that long back Baba used to go for a walk. Sometimes during His breaks, He would sit there but sometimes He would go. Those Dadas and Didis who have visited Jamalpur they must have seen that there is the Kali temple behind that big field where the tiger’s grave is located. It is know as Kali temple.

So one evening, it was late in the evening. I think it was 8:30 or 9:00 in the evening, Baba was alone with me, He said “I have to go to the Kali temple. Some sadhakas are there. They are waiting for me.” I said “Baba, it’s already late. If we go, it will take nearly an hour and a half, and again coming back will take another hour and a half. And we will devote at least an hour for them. So it will be too late. So Baba, we can go tomorrow.” He said “No, no, no, no. I have given them my word.” So we moved on. We did not follow the steps. Baba took me through a different route. And within forty five minutes, we reached the top of the temple, the top of the hill where the temple was located. There, Baba said “You do one thing. You wait under this tree. I’m going to talk to them and then I will come back.” I asked “Baba, how much time will it take?” He said “Very soon (I will be back).” He did not tell one hour, or half and hour. He said “Very soon”. I said “Baba, how soon?” Again, He said “Very soon.” I waited there. Then, while He was leaving (He had a small flashlight in His hand), He said “If you feel scared, you go inside the temple.” I said “Ok, Baba.” Then He walked a few steps ahead and said “If you feel thirsty, you can find some water also there.” I said “Ok, Baba. Please go and come back quickly.” So, he moved on.

It took more than an hour and a half, Baba was not seen. I thought “What happened?” In the meantime, there was a storm. I felt scared. I went inside the temple. Before, the temple had been completely dark. When I entered, a candle lamp was there which was giving very good light. I thought, “Now I can sit here comfortably”. Because it was very stormy weather, so I thought I should come inside the temple. Then I noticed that there was a small earthen pot. It was full of water. And also a cup. I thought “Very good. Now I have got water also.” In the meantime I noticed that in one corner, in one place, some dried leaves on which were some sweets. So I thought that “I’m hungry and also thirsty. Let me take some sweets and also water.” But then I thought that it may be a test of Baba, that I should not eat. Baba only asked me to take water. Two or three times, I thought “Let me take some sweets also. No one will notice here.” But then I avoided.
I came out after about 10-15 minutes and I saw the light coming. Then I knew that Baba is coming. With that torchlight, He signalled, just to come. While we were going back, we were following now the steps. So we moved ahead, Baba did not utter a single word. Maybe after we had crossed half the way, Baba said “How was the experience?” I said “Baba, it was ok.” “You felt scared?” I said “Baba, not much.” “Oh, did you go inside the temple?” “Yes, Baba I went there.” “So, you took some water? Oh, there were some sweets also. Did you eat sweets?” “Baba, no.” “Why you did not eat sweets?” I said “Baba, I thought You were testing me.” “No, no, no, no. Why should I test you? Then, we do one thing. I will wait here, run and eat the sweets and come back.” I said “No, no, no Baba. It will take more than 45 minutes to go there and to come back another 45 minutes. So, please Baba, I don’t mind. I’ve taken water already.” “Ok, ok. Let’s go.” So we moved on. We moved along.

When we came to the city, it was already one thirty at night. No, not, one thirty. It was nearly twelve thirty when Baba was passing by the sweets shop, which was very closely known to us. And normally Baba would buy sweets from this shop. Its (owner’s) name was Mr. Ghose. So it was already getting late. Baba asked him “Ghose Da, Ghose Da, do you have some sweets?” He said “Oh, Prabhat Da, what are you talking? It’s already late at night. All the sweets are sold.” “So, there are no sweets?” And he tells “No, no sweets.” In the meantime, a young boy who worked there, said “Ghose Da! Ghose Da! In one of the corners, in the cabinet, some sweets are lying.” “Sweets? How is it possible?” So he brought the sweets. They were eight rasagullas. And Baba says “give in two places, four for me and four for Dada.” So Baba paid money for that. And we moved ahead.
Baba said Let us eat. Then reached Baba’s place. Then Baba entered His room and said “Ok”. But before that He asked me whether “the sweets that you saw there in the temple were similar?” I said “Yes, Baba. They were similar.” He says “No, no, no, no. They were not similar. They were the same.” He says “They were the same sweets! Kalikananda, all the way, took these sweets for you, and put them there in the temple. You did not eat. So again, he brought them back and kept them there. That’s why Ghose did not know about it.”

So He says that “Well, how do you say that Kalikanandajii does not work much for us?” He says that “he is very much more responsible than any of you workers. And whatever job I give, he does it promptly, according to target, according to time frame. And whenever he should fail, I punish him more than you people. So, do not say that Kalikanandajii is simply doing sadhana and all that. He is very elevated and at the same time he is very responsible.”


"पूज्य बाबा द्वारा महत्वपूर्ण वाणी"

"Human beings cannot propagate a great ideology by their knowledge, intellect or social status alone. They can only do it through their conduct. Human conduct gets purified by intuitional practices. It is not necessary that one should come from a so-called high family or that one should have completed They university studies. Rather, these factors may create false vanity in one's mind, which may ultimately stand in the way of reforming one's conduct.

In this universe of ours, two forces are working side by side the sentient and the static. Sometimes, the sentient force and at other timer the static force dominates. There is no scope for a pact between their forces. Human beings will have to march ahead amidst the ceaseless struggle of these opposite forces In the society, on the one hand we see the hoards of anti-social elements, and on the other hand we feel a sense of frustration among the moralists. These moralists have, therefore, developed a tendency to go out of society. With more wealth and strength, the anti-social elements are in an advantageous position, and the moralists appear to be the culprits. This state of affairs is neither desirable nor bahoving, and it should not be allowed to continue.

Your duty will be to unite the moralists, Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.

So your duty is three-fold. Your first duty is to observe morality and to do intuitional practices. Without this, you can not have mental determination. Your next duty is to unite the moralists of the world. Otherwise, Dharma will not endure. The exploited mass who do not observe Yama and Niyama-the cardinal moral principles- can not fight against their own sense of frustration. It is therefore necessary to unite the moralists. This will be your real Dharma. You will become great by doing this because ideation of the Great makes a person great. At the third stage, you will have to mercilessly fight against sin wherever it has taken root in this world....

It is not possible to fight against sin as long as there is some weakness in your mind. In this fight, your goal is not the sin or the sinner. Your goal is the Supreme Consciousness. Anything that comes in the way of this has to be removed mercilessly. When clouds collect around the pole-star and cover it, your duty will be to remove the clouds and follow the pole-star without caring to see where the clouds have gone. If you always think of your enemy, your mind will adopt the bad qualities of your object of ideation, but if the Supreme Being is your goal, your mind will be metamorphosed into the Supreme Being itself.

Ramamber-you have to serve humanity. You have to dedicate yourself to the cause of humanity as a whole. Your life is valuable, and your time is all the more valuable. You should not waste a single moment. The task is glorious. The task is novel. Lead the life of a warrior and constantly fight against evils. You will be victorious. So march ahead!

Shrii P.R. Sarkar,
December, 1966



*5th March 1967,* goons of communist party attacked Anand Nagar and intention was to killed Shri Shri Anandamurti Ji. Fighting with crude and immoral forces, five spiritual soldiers sacrificed their lives for "Dharma". Those sacrificed their names are:

*A'c. Abhedananda Avadhuta
*A'c. Saccidananda Avadhuta
*Shri Bharat Kumar ji
*Shri Prabhash Kumar ji
*Shri Avadhesh ji

Dadhiici does not mean martyr. The terms 'Dadhiici' and 'martyr' are not the same thing. That is why Baba has specially given the occasion as “Dadhiici Divas” and not 'Martyrs Day' or 'Shahiids Day' etc. Because the term dadhiici bears a unique & special significance. *Baba says-* "When Christians die for Christendom, they are called martyrs; When Muslims die for Islam they are called shahiids; When my children sacrifice their live for the ideals of Bha'gavat Dharma, I call them Dadhiicis."
Sadguru Shri Shri Anandamurti Ji had fixed a day 5th March as a "Dadhichi Divas" to remember all the people those who sacrifice their live for Dharma. On the occasion of "Dadhici Divas" we should observe 12 hours Upavas (fasting, from morning to evening) to pay our respect to all the *DADHIICIS*.

🚩"दधीचि दिवस "🚩
* 5 मार्च, 1967, * कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के गुंडों ने आनन्दमार्ग प्रचारक संघ के मुख्यालय, आनंद नगर पर हमला किया था और उनका कुत्सित इरादा था कि आनन्दमार्ग प्रचारक संघ के संस्थापक परम पूज्य महाशंभूति बाबा श्री श्री आनंदमूर्ति जी की हत्या कर आनन्दमार्ग को खत्म कर दिया जाय। इन अमानवीय, धर्म विरोधी सन्त्रासी बदमाशों और अनैतिक ताकतों से लड़ते हुए, धर्म रक्षक पांच आध्यात्मिक सैनिकों ने "भागवत धर्म" (मानव समाज में धर्म संस्थापनार्थ) के लिए अपने जीवन का आहुति दिया। जिन लोगों ने अपना जीवन बलिदान किये उनके नाम है:-
* आचार्य अभेदानंद अवधूत
* आचार्य सच्चिदानंद अवधूत
* श्री भरत कुमार जी
* श्री प्रभाष कुमार जी
* श्री अवधेश जी
दधीचि का मतलब शहीद नहीं है। 'दधीचि' और 'शहीद' शब्द समान नहीं हैं। यही कारण है कि बाबा ने इस अवसर को विशेष रूप से "दधीचि दिवस" ​​का नाम दिये है, न कि 'शहीद दिवस' .....आदि का। क्योंकि दधीचि शब्द का अर्थ- भागवत धर्म संस्थापनार्थ के लिए जीवन की आहुति देना है। इसलिए यह अद्वितीय और विशेष महत्व रखता है। पूज्य बाबा कहते हैं- जब कोई ईसाई, ईसाई मजहब के लिए मरते है तो उन्हें martyrs कहा जाता है; जब मुसलमान इस्लाम मजहब के लिए मरते है तो वे शहीद कहलाते हैं; जब मेरे बच्चे भागवत धर्म के आदर्शों के लिए अपने प्राणों की आहुति देते हैं, तो मैं उसे दधीचि कहता हूं।"
सद्गुरु श्री श्री आनंदमूर्ति जी ने 5 मार्च को एक दिन विशेष "दधीचि दिवस" ​​के रूप में तय किया है, ताकि उन सभी भागवत धर्म व आदर्शों के रक्षा हेतु अपना जीवन उत्सर्ग करने वाले दधीचियों को याद कर श्रद्धांजलि दिया जाय। "दधीचि दिवस" ​​के अवसर पर हम सबों को "उन सभी दधीचियों के सम्मान, श्रद्धा एवं याद में" 12 घंटे उपवास (सुबह से शाम तक) का पालन करना चाहिए।
🚩बाबा नाम केवलम् 🚩


ये बाबा की वाणी सुभाषित संग्रह खण्ड 11 के topic "THE PATH OF SALVATION" से उद्धृत है। अगर किसी को शंका हो तो बाबा द्वारा लिखित सुभाषित संग्रह पाठ 11वां पढ़े। धन्यवाद 🙏🙏


12th February Happy Niilakantha Divas

When Shrii P.R Sarkar ( Baba) was arrested at His home on Dec. 29 1971 by the Indian CBI, the entire Ananda Marga community was traumatized. Subsequently, charges were brought against Baba and committal proceedings were begun in the sessions court in Patna. The CBI, under pressure from the central government authorities, had to find some way to keep Anandamurtiji in jail. But this became difficult after the case was quashed (rejected) by the court towards the end of 1972.
So finally there was only one way for them to deal with Baba and that was to remove Him physically. Subsequently, a conspiracy was hatched to accomplish that and the jail medical superintendant was used in the plan. On February 12, 1973, when Baba complained of a stomach disorder, the doctor came to His cell and administered to Him a high dose of cyanide in the guise of medicine. As a result, Baba went into a coma and he remained unconscious for nearly 36 hours until His PA, Dada Ramanandaji, came to see Him on a routine visit.
He was shocked to see Baba in that unconscious state. Baba's hair and eyebrows were falling out and there appeared to be no life in His body and His eyes were watering profusely. Dada Ramanandaji became nervous and he started massaging His body in search of any sign of life. Finally, after massaging Baba's feet for a long time, Baba started to show some sign of movement. Gradually Baba was able to indicate what had happened.
Since that day, February 12th is observed each year as Niilakan't'ha Divas.

[On February 12 He was given poison in the form of medicine by the jail doctor, who was operating under instructions thatoriginated with Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India.Shrii Sarkar went into a coma, and when He came out of that He was blind for a short while. On March 1, He started His historic fast in support of four demands, including an official inquiry into the poisoning - an inquiry that never took place. Baba's fast continued until the day that He was released from jail after acquittal (1978 August 2).]

Niilakan't'ha is another name of Lord Shiva which means "one with a blue throat". In Indian mythology, Lord Shiva drank all the poison that came out as a result of the churning of the mythological ocean caused by a clash between the virtuous and the evil forces.
In the beginning, Margiis remembered this day solemnly with sadhana and fasting. But later, Baba sent a message that Niilakan't'ha Divasa was a day to celebrate the victory of righteous people in the fight against injustice. In addition, Baba suggested that each and every Margii to give the best quality food available to at least one needy person on that day.
After poisoning, He stopped taking any food or medicine in protest against His poisoning. He wrote letters to authorities both in India and around the world including the Secretary General of the United Nations in search of justice. Now the government was happy that Shrii P.R Sarkar would die from fasting, but fortunately for us Margiis and humanity, that did not happen and Baba survived fasting for another 5 years 4 months and 2 days until he was released from jail.
However, during the time of Baba's incarceration, Baba and our Marga community had to undergo many extreme hardships. 9 dadas and didis committed self-immolation to protest Baba's poisoning and unjust incarceration. But His mission continued to grow, and even flourish. This unnerved the authorities in India.
Finally this difficult time came to an end with the lifting of emergency rule in India. The new government created the Chakravarty inquiry commission to expose the atrocities that took place during the emergency period. That commission confirmed that Baba was administered an excessive dose of cyanide which was not even required for His ailment. Later there was a review of the original trial by the Patna high court which found that the prosecution had failed to substantiate any single charge against Baba and ordered His immediate unconditional release. It was only upon His release that Baba broke His fast with coconut water offered by His elder sister on August 2, 1978. It was a rejoicing victory for dharma. Baba showed us by His example how, in spite of overwhelming opposition, with strong sentient determination and perseverance one can fight against injustice and win a victory for Ideology.

_____A Rarely Told Story
It was early 1973....While Baba was in Bankipore Jail and sessions court had quashed the case against Baba in the committal proceedings, the authorities became frantic. The CBI authorities started frequenting Baba's cell to disturb and/or to persuade Him to change His mind in search of a compromise solution. Baba was firm. The news of quashing was out and the press and the media personnel became active.
The CBI Director in-charge of Ananda Marga cases, Mr. Hingorani, was once hounded by the press corp at the jail gate as he came out at the end of one such visit to Baba's cell. They asked him a direct question, "Sir, we haven't had a glimpse of Shrii Shrii Ananadmurti ji but you have met him many times. Is He really GOD incarnate, as people claim?"
He replied, "Look, I am not a believer and neither have I seen GOD in my life with whom to compare Anandamurti ji or say whether He is really the One."
"But one thing I can assure you", He continued, " I have seen and have known humans of all kinds for that's my training, job and profession."
Then, after a pause he said,"He is not any kind of human that I know of. Definitely He is not a human being. The rest is for you to draw your own conclusions.
*आनन्द मार्गी इतिहास के पन्नों पर एक काला दिन जो भुलाए नहीं भूलता है*

_*बाबा पर अत्यचार की गाथा*_

आचार्य रामानन्द अवधूत द्वारा अंग्रेजी PROUT (Jan 1971) में लिखित।
श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी ने समाज में धर्म की संस्थपना के प्रयासों में सबसे ज्यादा कष्ट सहा। तत्कालीन सरकार की ओर से CBI ने उस समय बाबा (जो कि मानवता के उत्थान मे जी जान से लगे हुए थे) पर अदालत के साथ मिलकर अनगिनत अत्याचार किया।

मैं सरकारी तंत्र द्वारा की गयी दू्र्नीतिपूर्ण अत्याचारों मे से कुछेक को प्रस्तुत करुंगा।

29 दिसम्बर 71, एकादशी के उपवास को तोड़ने के दिन बाबा को पानी पीने की अनुमति दिए बगैर CBI ने उनको पटना ले जाना ज्यादा उचित समझा। सड़क भी काफी उबड़खाबड़ थी जिससे बाबा के नाजुक शरीर को बहुत कष्ट रहा था। उसी समय उनको पटना से बक्सर केंद्रीय कारागार स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया जो कि 75 km दूर था। वहां जेलर की पत्नी को रत में स्वप्न आया कि एक महान व्यक्ति जेल में आ रहे हैं जो कि लंबे उपवास पर हैं। उन महिला को निर्देश भी मिला कि वह इन महान व्यक्ति के लिए उचित भोजन व्यवस्था करे। उन महिला ने सुबह सुबह स्वप्न के बारे में अपने पति को बताया, जिसपर जेलर साहब ने हामी भरी कि कोई आनेवाले हैं। उन्होंने अपनी पत्नी को भोजन पानी देने की अनुमति दे दी। इस प्रकार परमपूज्य बाबा ने उक्त महिला को (उपवास के तीसरे दिन) अपनी सेवा करने का अवसर दे ही दिया। मैं भी बाबा के व्यक्तिगत सामग्रियों के साथ भीतर गया।
बाबा के कमरे को साफसुथरा कर व्यवस्थित रूप से तैयार किया गया था।

जैसे ही बाबा को सुखसुविधा देने की बात CBI के पदाधिकारियों को पहुंची कि यह सब सुविधाओं को न केवल बंद करा दिया बल्कि जेल मैनुअल को पालन करने का आदेश दे दिया।

अतः हमलोगों ने बाबा के खराब स्वास्थ्य का हवाला देकर अदालत में गुहार लगाई कि उन्हें पटना मेडिकल कालेज अस्पताल में स्थानांतरित किया जाए। कुछ दिनों बाद उन्हें पटना के बांकीपुर जेल मे भेजा गया।

*आनन्द मार्गी इतिहास के पन्नों पर एक काला दिन जो भुलाए नहीं भूलता है*

_*बाबा पर अत्यचार की गाथा*_

*बाबा को जहर दिया गया*

इंदिरा सरकार और CBI के मिलीभगत फलस्वरूप परमपिता बाबा को जहर देने षड़यंत्र रचा गया।फलतः बारह फरवरी 1973 को जेल डॉक्टर ने बाबा को जहर खिला दिया। दूसरे दिन सुबह मैंने देखा कि बाबा की आंखों से पानी बह रहा है और उनकी आंखें भी लाल हो गयीं हैं।

उस समय हमारे बाबा ने कहा," मैं चाहता हूं कि मेरे लोगों को यह मालूम हो जाए कि मुझे जहर खिलाया गया है। अन्यथा, सरकारी तंत्र इस अपराध को छुपा देगा और समाज में तोड़मरोड़ कर प्रस्तुत कर देगा।" उस दिन के बाद से CBI ने सिर्फ मुझे ही पूज्य बाबा के साथ रहने की उनकी देखभाल करने की अनुमति दी। आगंतुकों को उनसे बात करने इजाजत नहीं थी।

बाबा ने मुझसे कहा," हालांकि, मुझे जहर दिया गया था, लेकिन मैं बच जाउंगा। बहुत देर से मैं तुमसे बात नहीं कर सका लेकिन यह समाचार सारे जग को बता दो। विश्व भर के सभी लोगों मालूम हो जाए।"

मैंने तुरंत इस चुनौती को स्वीकार किया और विश्व भ्रमण के लिए निकल पड़ा। कभीकभी तो एक ही दिन में दो तीन देशों की यात्रा कर वहां के बहनों और भाईयों को इस अत्याचार का वृत्तांत सुनाया। मैंने उनलोगों को बताया कि कैसे भारत की भ्रष्ट सरकार ने हमारे बाबा को कष्ट दिया है। मैंने बताया कि कैसे पूरी सरकारी मशीनरी बाबा को सताने का एकसूत्रीय कार्यक्रम चलाया है। हमारे लिए बस एक ही चारा बच गया था कि मार्गीगण और उनके प्राणप्रिय प्रभु के प्रति हुए अमानवीय व्यवहार को सारे विश्व को बताया जाए। सबको यह भी बताया जाए कि कैसे हमारे सद्गुरु को जहर दिया गया था।

मैं अपने इस भीषण यात्रा कार्यक्रम में UNO के जेनरल सेक्रेटरी से भी मिला, जिन्होंने बताया कि विश्व भर आनन्दमार्गीगण उनको पत्र और केबल भेजकर यह जानकारी दिए हैं। मार्गीगण ने उन्हें यह भी कहा ," हमारे प्यारे गुरुदेव श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी के साथ दुर्दांत अपराधियों से भी ज्यादा खराब व्यवहार किया जा रहा है।"

UNO के जेनरल सेक्रेटरी ने कहा, "मैंने भारत सरकार को इस बाबत पत्र लिखा है कि *उन्हें* एक अध्यात्मिक संस्था के प्रमुख की भांति रखा जाए ।

लंदन में मैं एमनेस्टी इंटरनेशनल के प्रमुख से भी मिला और अपनी व्यथा सुनाई कि हमारे प्यारे सद्गुरु के क्या अत्याचार नहीं हो रहे हैं जो कि मानवाधिकार पर सीधा आक्रमण है।

लेकिन, इतने सारे अंतरराष्ट्रीय दबाव के बावजूद भी भारत सरकार के कानों में जूं तक नहीं रेंग रहीं थी।एक जिद्दी की भांति भारत सरकार ने नये सिरे से जांच के सभी आग्रहों को ठुकरा दिया जिससे हमारे बाबा को इन यातनाओं से मुक्ति मिले।

इन सभी प्रयासों के साथ परमपिता बाबा ने अपना दीर्घकालिक उपवास (विरोध स्वरूप) जारी रखा जो पांच साल, चार महीने तीन दिन चला।

एक संसदीय समिति बाबा से मिलने जेल में आई। बाब ने साफ शब्दों में कहा," मैं कोई राजनेता नहीं हूँ - मैं एक धर्मगुरु हूँ। अतः मुझे धर्माचरण करते रहना है।"

अन्य लोगों में अब्दुल्ला बुखारी थे, जो बाबा से उपवास तोड़ने के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप आग्रह करने आये थे। परंतु बाबा ने उन्हें भी वही जबाव दिया। अब्दुल्ला बुखारी एक ऐसे प्रमुख राजनैतिक और धार्मिक नेता थे जिन्होंने कि सार्वजनिक मंच पर से बाबा की रिहाई की मांग की। भारत और बाहर के अनेकों सांसदों ने बाबा को जहर देने की घटना की न्यायिक जांच की मांग की थी। इन सब प्रयासों के बाबजूद भारत सरकार नहीं हिली।

इस बीच बाबा सुबह शाम सिर्फ एक कप दही का घोल लेते थे। उनको यह घोल देने का सौभाग्य इस अकिंचन (मुझे) को मिल गया था।

परमपिता बाबा की इस दुरावस्था और गिरते हुए स्वास्थ्य को देखते हुए तथा इसके पीछे के षड़यंत्र को जानते हुए, भक्तों के हृदय में चोट पर चोट पहुंच रही थी। बहुतों को अपन जीवन निःसार लगने लगाथा। कुछ भी नहीं कर सकने की मजबूरी में विश्व भर के आठ ऐसे भी भक्त थे जो आत्मदाह कर दिए। यह कोशिश सारे संसार में अपना दुखड़ा ही उनका मकसद था। सोई हुई भारत सरकार और वैश्विक जनमानस को जगाने में साधारण नहीं बल्कि अध्यात्मिक रुप उन्नत धार्मिक शिक्षकों ने अपना जीवन न्यौछावर कर दिया।

इन हंगामों से बचने के लिए भारत सरकार, CBI, जेल सुपरिटेंडेंट, जेलर, CMO पटना ने मिलकर एक षड्यंत्र रचा। इस चौकड़ी ने जेल डॉक्टर रमानुल्लाह को जिम्मेदारी सौंपी कि वो बाबा को दवा के रूप में जहर दे दे। इसके बाद यह बात छुपाकर रखी गई। इसलिए बाबा ने न्यायिक जांच की मांग की थी कि इस अमानवीय व्यवहार का सबको पता चले। इस इन्क्वायरी का लाभ भविष्य के कैदियों को भी मिलेगा, क्योंकि इससे जेल की दुरावस्था मे सुधार होगा।

सरकार पर दबाव डालने के लिए बाबा उपवास, प्रदर्शन द्वारा तथा देशविदेश के प्रभावशाली राजनेताओं के सहयोग लिया।

*आनन्द मार्गी इतिहास के पन्नों पर एक काला दिन जो भुलाए नहीं भूलता है*

_*बाबा पर अत्यचार की गाथा*_

*आखिर में न्याय मिला*

इस बीच एक गैर न्यायिक आयोग - चक्रवर्ती कमीशन का गठन हुआ जिसकी अगुआई कलकत्ता हाईकोर्ट के रिटायर्ड जज कर रहे थे, का आगमन हुआ। वे बाबा पर हो रहे अत्याचारों की जांच करने आए थे। कमीशन ने पाया कि बाबा को सचमुच में जहर दिया गया था। पर भारत की सरकार ने चक्रवर्ती कमीशन की खोज को सिरे से दरकिनार कर दिया बाबा और उनके अनुयायियों पर अत्याचारों का सिलसिला जारी रखा।सरकार ने आनन्दमार्ग पर बैन लगा दिया और हजारों सन्यासियों एवं आनन्दमार्गियों को जेल में डाल दिया।

अंततः, अगले चुनाव में इन्दिरा सरकार हार गई और देशभर से एमरजेंसी हटा दिया गया। पटना हाईकोर्ट ने हमलोगों के बाबा को ससम्मान बरी किया।


*आनन्द मार्गी इतिहास के पन्नों पर एक काला दिन जो भुलाए नहीं भूलता है*

_*बाबा पर अत्यचार की गाथा*_


इस बाबत बहुत सारी कहानियों का जन्म होने लगा। जैसे उन डॉक्टर का क्या हश्र हुआ जिन्होंने जेल में बाबा को जहर दिया था। उसके बाद के मेरे पटना प्रवास मे एक व्यक्ति मेरे पास आये। उन्होंने स्वीकार किया कि बाबा को CBI के इशारे पर जहर दिय गया था। उन्होंने आगे बताया कि प्रकृति ने उनको इस करनी की सजा दे दी, उनको कुष्ठ रोग हो गया है। डॉक्टर साहब मुझसे प्रार्थना की कि मैं बाबा से जाकर कहूँ कि डॉक्टर ने अपनी गलती स्वीकार की है और बाबा क्षमायाचना की है।

बहुतों ने, जो बाबा को नहीं देखे हैं फिर भी (वे) उनकी अलौकिक आभा और प्रतिभा के कायल हैं।वे मानते हैं कि बाबा स्वयं भगवान हैं और जिन्होंने उनको कष्ट दिया है वे अपने कर्मों का फल अवश्य ही भोगते हैं। इसी प्रकार जिस जज ने बाबा को दोषी घोषित किया था, उसने स्वीकारा कि उसको दाईं हाथ में लकवा मार दिया है क्योंकि इसी हाथ ने बाबा को दोषी लिखा था। "अब मुझे लगता है कि वे भगवान हैं-क्या बाबा मुझे माफ कर देंगे ?" जज ने मुझसे आग्रह किया। " मैं जानता हूँ कि प्रकृति ने मुझे सजा दी है। मेरा बाबा से आग्रह कि डॉक्टर साहब की तरह वो मुझे भी माफ कर दें। "

जब ये सारी बातें बाबा को बताई गई तो उन्होंने कहा," मैं किसी को सजा नहीं देता हूँ, बल्कि मैं सारी सृष्टि को प्यार करता हूँ। इस जगत में मेरा कोई भी दुश्मन नहीं है। अतः किसी भी जीव को सजा देने का सवाल ही नहीं उठता है। लेकिन प्रकृति की स्मरण शक्ति बहुत अच्छी है और वह किसी के भी कर्मों को माफ नहीं करती है। सबको यथोचित भोग भोगना ही पड़ता है।"