Divine Guidance Project

Divine Guidance Project

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The Divine Guidance Project is a nondenominational research project devoted to the study and advancement of the experience of Divine guidance across religious traditions, cultures and domains of experience.

Dialogues on the Experience of Divine Guidance Video Interview Series 17/01/2021

Twenty-one years ago, as part of my doctoral dissertation, I recorded these interviews with nine advanced spiritual teachers and transpersonal psychologists from different traditions and cultures who personally were explorers of the experience of seeking, receiving and following guidance from a higher, deeper, more expansive Source of Beingness. My dialogues with them touched me deeply and transformed me in miraculous ways, besides helping me to discover universal patterns of the experience of Divine guidance and inspiration across cultures and traditions. This was also a grand experiment in the connection between consciousness and mediamaking in that I used guidance techniques in the production process and made some amazing discoveries. Many forces have conspired to call me to finally share these interviews with the world so that everyone can experience the gift of their deep wisdom and presence. I am deeply grateful and humbled to have had the honor to bear witness to their gifts and now to try to share them with whoever feels the call to watch them...

Dialogues on the Experience of Divine Guidance Video Interview Series The Dialogues on the Experience of Divine Guidance video interview series is collection of all the psycho-spiritual teachers that have bee...

Rabbi Judith HaLevy - On the Experience of Divine Guidance 13/01/2021

Rabbi Judith HaLevy - On the Experience of Divine Guidance In this video Rabbi Judith HaLevy discusses her experience of seeking, receiving and following Divine guidance from the perspective of the Judaic tradition. ...

Asha Praver - On the Experience of Divine Guidance 12/01/2021

Asha Praver - On the Experience of Divine Guidance In this video spiritual director, author, teacher and co-director of the Ananda Community in Palo Alto, California, discusses her experience of seeking, rece...

Carol Proudfoot-Edgar - On the Experience of Divine Guidance 11/01/2021

Carol Proudfoot-Edgar - On the Experience of Divine Guidance In this video psychologist, educator and Lakota Sioux medicine woman Carol Proudfoot-Edgar discusses her experience of seeking, receiving and following Divin...

Father Seán O'Laoire - On the Experience of Divine Guidance 03/01/2021

Father Seán O'Laoire - On the Experience of Divine Guidance In this video Irish Catholic priest, psychologist and author Father Seán O'Laoire discusses his experience of seeking, receiving and following Divine guidan...

Sister Mary Ann Scofield - On the Experience of Divine Guidance 01/01/2021

Sister Mary Ann Scofield - On the Experience of Divine Guidance In this video interview pioneering spiritual director Sister Mary All Scofield discusses her experience of seeking, receiving and following Divine guidance f...

Timeline photos 26/07/2020

If you’re walking around feeling like you’re not sure how to contain yourself, as though something is fundamentally wrong and there’s an agitation you can’t shake, know that that’s the most natural thing in the world given the moment we’re living in. If you suspect something is gravely wrong, then you’re right. But none of that means that a miracle isn’t on the way, or that something good isn’t happening despite the bad. In A Course in Miracles, it says God has the answer to every problem the moment the problem appears. The agitation you’re feeling is the discomfort of pregnancy, the extraordinary power of new life growing inside you as you become the person you need to be to handle, along with others, the problems that collectively confront us. There is no way to overstate the significance of what’s happening now, or the critical importance of our pushing back the tide of authoritarianism that is crashing down upon us. How we do that is complicated, because we are in a multi systems breakdown that demands a multi systems approach to problem-solving. But one thing that all of us must focus on now is the election on November 3. Make sure you are registered to vote. Do not delay. Make sure everyone you know is registered. Familiarize yourself with all the voter protection efforts in your state. None of this is difficult if you do enough of a Google search. We have 100 days left, and it’s important you not wait until the end to get clear about all the details necessary to participate fully. There are and there will be shenanigans, trust me. Also make sure to show up for the congressional and/or Senatorial candidates that speak to you. In your heart, devote yourself to the repair and restoration of our democracy. No generation has been more challenged to protect it. It is threatened and we are being called. We were born for such a time as this.

Defeat Big Lies with Big Truth - Marianne Williamson 01/01/2020

One of the most profound teachings I received about seeking, receiving and following Divine Guidance came from my days as part of Marianne Williamson's early lecture/teaching congregation back in LA in the 80s. She practiced it every time she spoke and often I felt synchronicities between my life and what she was exploring each week. I am so honored to have learned from this wise and true spiritual teacher and am truly in awe of her courage in trying to save our country from the current deep psycho-social-spiritual crisis that is ripping our world apart at the seems.

Defeat Big Lies with Big Truth - Marianne Williamson marianne2020.com


I was blessed to be able to spend some time and study with the Catholic monk Brother David Steindl-Rast. I was touched deeply by this beautiful, kind and loving soul and was gifted with his wisdom about gratitude. I always think of this gift on Thanksgiving here in the states. While many of the traditional framings of the holiday have lost their resonance with me, because of Brother David this day has become a special day of gratefulness practice. To all my family and friends (and friends of friends of friends of friends...), I am grateful to be on this strange and wondrous evolutionary journey through life with all of you.

Is There a Completely Different Way of Living? - Krishnamurti Foundation of America 07/06/2019

Is There a Completely Different Way of Living? - Krishnamurti Foundation of America June 10-14An In-Depth Study Program with Mukesh Gupta: A Journey of Self-Inquiry: Is There a Completely Different Way of Living?

Experiences of ‘Ultimate Reality’ or ‘God’ Confer Lasting Benefits to Mental Health 24/04/2019

Experiences of ‘Ultimate Reality’ or ‘God’ Confer Lasting Benefits to Mental Health Experiences of ‘Ultimate Reality’ or ‘God’ Confer Lasting Benefits to Mental Health 04/23/2019 Credit: Getty Images People over the millennia have reported having deeply moving religious experiences either spontaneously or while under the influence of psychedelic substances such as psilocybi...

April 21, 2019: Marianne Williamson on Easter and Passover by Marianne Williamson 21/04/2019

April 21, 2019: Marianne Williamson on Easter and Passover by Marianne Williamson Watch Marianne Williamson's April 21, 2019: Marianne Williamson on Easter and Passover on Livestream.com.

Lame Deer - Seeker of Visions 30/03/2019

The following is a personal account of the experience of Divine guidance by John Fire Lame Deer, a Native American Shaman.

Lame Deer - Seeker of Visions John Fire Lame Deer (Native American Shaman) I was all alone on the hilltop. I sat there in the vision pit, a hole dug into the hill, ...

The Spiritual Wisdom of Albert Einstein 04/02/2019

The Spiritual Wisdom of Albert Einstein More than just a scientist, Einstein saw the universe as a profound and harmonious whole that was spiritual in origin.


"Providence is the faith that nothing can prevent us from fulfilling the ultimate meaning of our existence. Providence does not mean a divine planning by which everything is predetermined, as is an efficient machine. Rather, Providence means that there is a creative and saving possibility implied in every situation, which cannot be destroyed by any event. Providence means that the dark and destructive forces within ourselves and our world can never have an unbreakable grasp upon us, and that the bonds which connect us with the fulfilling love can never be distrusted.” - Paul Tillich

Beginning Anew 27/12/2018

Wonderful purification process...every tradition has purification practices to help us empty ourselves of all obstacles that block us from receiving Divine communication...

Beginning Anew A meditation instruction by Thich Nhat Hanh on starting over.

Meditation on Gratitude and Joy - Jack Kornfield 23/11/2018

Meditation on Gratitude and Joy - Jack Kornfield Buddhist monks begin each day with a chant of gratitude. Native American elders begin each ceremony with grateful prayers. Begin the practice of gratitude..

The Experience of Divine Guidance: A Qualitative Study of the Human Endeavor to Seek, Receive, and Follow Guidance from a Perceived Divine Source 08/09/2018

My full dissertation on the experience of Divine guidance is now available for free viewing or download...

The Experience of Divine Guidance: A Qualitative Study of the Human Endeavor to Seek, Receive, and Follow Guidance from a Perceived Divine Source This research study examined the experience of seeking, receiving, and following guidance from a perceived source of divine wisdom. Nine advanced spiritual teachers (5 men and 4 women) from 7 spiritual traditions participated as coresearchers in this


After years of research into the experience of seeking, receiving and following Divine guidance across traditions and cultures, I synthesized the wisdom I gathered into this short guidance prayer-meditation that I use whenever I seek guidance and have been guided to share it here and now...

I am not my thoughts.
I am not my feelings.
I am not my perceptions.
I am empty of all disturbances.
I am empty of all desire and need.
I am empty of all fear, expectation and attachment to outcome.
I am open, ready, and willing to receive guidance from
my Highest, Deepest, Most Expansive Source.

Let Your Life Speak - Center for Action and Contemplation 02/06/2018

Let Your Life Speak - Center for Action and Contemplation Vocation Let Your Life Speak Sunday, May 27, 2018 God’s image within each of us is inherent and irrevocable. God’s likeness is our unique expression of that image, inviting our full and conscious participation. Vocation is one way in which we discover and grow into our “True Self.” I’m not...

Instagram post by Amazon Rainforest Workshops • Oct 2, 2017 at 4:46pm UTC 01/04/2018

Instagram post by Amazon Rainforest Workshops • Oct 2, 2017 at 4:46pm UTC 3,971 Likes, 69 Comments - Amazon Rainforest Workshops () on Instagram

ACIM - The Meaning of Easter | A Course In Miracles - Awakening to Truth 31/03/2018

Wishing all those who celebrate Easter a wondrous Easter Season

ACIM - The Meaning of Easter | A Course In Miracles - Awakening to Truth This is the way to Heaven & to the peace of Easter, in which we join in glad awareness that the Son of God is risen from the past, & has awakened to the present. - ACIM

Gold Cleansed With Acid – A Meditation on Sri Aurobindo 27/03/2018

“All who enter the spiritual path have to face the difficulties and ordeals of the path, those which rise from their own nature and those which come in from the outside. The difficulties in the nature always rise again and again till you overcome them; they must be faced with strength and patience. But the vital part is prone to depression when ordeals and difficulties rise. This is not peculiar to you, but comes to all sadhaks—it does not imply an unfitness for the sadhana or justify a sense of helplessness. But you must train yourself to overcome this reaction to depression, calling in the Mother’s Force to aid you.

All who cleave to the path steadfastly can be sure of their spiritual destiny. If anyone fails to reach it, it can only be for one of the two reasons, either because they leave the path or because for some lure of ambition, vanity, desire, etc. they go astray from the sincere dependence on the Divine.”

– Sri Aurobindo

Gold Cleansed With Acid – A Meditation on Sri Aurobindo “All who enter the spiritual path have to face the difficulties and ordeals of the path, those which rise from their own nature and those which come in from the outside. The difficulties in the nat…

How do I know the Difference Between Ego and the Quiet Voice Within? – Ram Dass 2018 27/02/2018

How do I know the Difference Between Ego and the Quiet Voice Within? – Ram Dass 2018 How do I know the Difference Between Ego and the Quiet Voice Within?Posted April 13, 2017“How do I know the difference between mind chatter (ego) and the quiet voice within? What part of me do I trust?”Well, as I’ve said before, you really don’t know, so you keep falling on your face all the...

About the Divine Guidance Project

The Divine Guidance Project is a nondenominational research project devoted to the study and advancement of the experience of seeking, receiving and following guidance from a perceived Divine source across religious and spiritual traditions, cultures and domains of human experience.