Raúl Labrador

Raúl Labrador

Attorney General candidate, fmr Congressman, and Conservative Raúl Labrador's official page

Analysis: Labrador-State Board legal fight transcends closed meetings 13/07/2023

Analysis: Labrador-State Board legal fight transcends closed meetings The lawsuit is a juicy political showdown between Attorney General Raúl Labrador and the State Board of Education — and by extension, Gov. Brad Little. Here’s why this case matters.

Schoolhouse Rock - "I'm Just a Bill" 30/06/2023

The Supreme Court struck down President Biden’s unconstitutional loan forgiveness program and ruled the Department of Education exceeded its authority. I will continue to hold the Biden administration accountable as your AG. Here’s a little refresher on how laws should be made.

Schoolhouse Rock - "I'm Just a Bill" Another Schoolhouse Rock classic. Music & lyrics by Dave Frishberg. Vocals by Jack Sheldon. ABC-TV, 1974


DID YOU SEE THE NEWS THIS WEEK? Two different Idaho newspapers wrote long stories about my first few months in office and highlighted what they presented as controversial: that I am putting PEOPLE before BUREAUCRATS as your Attorney General.

I told the Statesman, the citizens of Idaho want a new direction in the Attorney General's office. I said people, "always felt that the Office of Attorney General was taking the side of bureaucrats instead of the side of the people. We’ve been really reinforcing the fact that our role is to stand up for the Constitution and stand up for the law.”

The Statesman noted I am not playing "footsies with the agencies." Both newspapers reported I have refocused the Attorney General's offices on following the wording of the law not just what bureaucrats present as their interpretation of law. They noted a handful of employees have chosen other work because they did not like the new Attorney General's focus on people first, and following the statutes, over the wishes of some in the bureaucracy.

Just as I promised, I will always put the people of Idaho first, follow the Constitution, and the letter of the law.

Supreme Court delivers blow to wetlands protections in win for Idaho landowners 26/05/2023

BIG WIN FOR FREEDOM: The United States Supreme Court has finally agreed the Sacketts -an Idaho family- can build their home without federal bureaucrat EPA interference. I have been proud to stand with them in this fight against federal government interference since the time I was in in Congress. I was surprised when my Attorney General predecessor refused to join this fight. I will always stand up for the people, not the bureaucrats.


Supreme Court delivers blow to wetlands protections in win for Idaho landowners Idaho couple Mike and Chantell Sackett have fought for years with the federal government over whether land they own includes a federally protected wetland.

A.G. Labrador's First 100 Days on the Job 18/05/2023

Television interview on my first 100 days as your Attorney General. I am standing up for the people of Idaho!

A.G. Labrador's First 100 Days on the Job Attorney General sits down with Don Nelson to talk about hot-button issues from his first 100 days on the job.


In case you missed it...
The Statesman newspaper ran my Editorial on why our new Attorney General's office is taking a different course, and winning. Sharing with you below.

Opinion By Raul Labrador

The Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rules proposed by the Biden administration are overreaching, extreme, and, if implemented in Idaho, harmful to our economy and freedoms. The Biden administration not only brought the Obama rule back — but expanded it. Now, nearly every droplet of water in the U.S. could be controlled and regulated by the federal government.

The Biden WOTUS rules would subject Idaho citizens to massive federal overreach on their own land and hamper Idaho job creators. They would create a barrier for Idaho’s farmers, ranchers, and small businesses that depend on access to their land and Idaho resources.

That is why my team and I worked hard to evaluate these new regulations for their legality and then pick the best strategy possible to shield Idaho from their harmful effects. The result has been an initial big legal win for the State of Idaho.

A federal court has ruled in our favor, granting both Idaho and Texas a preliminary injunction against implementing these rules in our states.

We won this initial victory because I decided to join Texas in this legal effort rather than join a different lawsuit advocated by others.

Joining the other lawsuit would have been easier because it only required us to do minimal work. But joining the Texas lawsuit required more strategic thinking and more legal work by our attorneys. As this victory demonstrates, my decision to join the Texas lawsuit was not only right but also made Idaho a leader in the fight forstate sovereignty.

During my campaign, I promised to assemble the best legal team the Office ofAttorney General had ever seen. I brought back the solicitor general role to Idahoand hired top litigators who are smart, aggressive and strategic. Our team broughtmeaningful contributions to this case, and because of the savvy legal minds handlingthis litigation, we got the correct result and the quickest relief for Idaho. Today, theseterrible new regulations are in the process of being implemented in 48 other states,while Idaho and Texas have received a reprieve as our full lawsuit moves forward.

Various editorial boards, political pundits, members of the governor’s team and U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson publicly chastised me for joining the Texas lawsuit and accused me of not leading on this issue. They advocated that my team and I take a different course. They claimed that I was putting my interests ahead of the interests of Idaho.

Ironically, the other lawsuit has yet to move forward. Who is leading now? And what have we heard from my many critics - silence.

I appreciate my naysayers expressing concern over these rules. In fact, it was a welcomed surprise to see some of Idaho’s most liberal newspapers advocating for state sovereignty.

Our office’s strategic decisions in this case resulted in Idaho winning an initial victory against these rules.

This action alone demonstrates why challenges against overreaching federal incursions and the legal strategy employed are best left in the purview of the Attorney General’s Office, where it belongs, rather than in the back-room discussions of government bureaucrats and the media.

As promised, my team and I will continue to be proactive in the Attorney General’s Office, defending Idaho’s sovereignty and our personal freedoms.


MAJOR IDAHO LEGAL VICTORY AGAINST THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: Yesterday, I won a major Preliminary Injunction in federal court against Joe Biden's extreme, new WOTUS (Waters of the United States) regulations. This is a huge victory for Idaho, protecting Idaho citizens' freedoms, protecting our private property rights from federal overreach, and saving Idaho's job creators from these onerous rules.

This federal court injunction only applies to Idaho and Texas because I chose to co-lead this legal effort with Texas. Had I chosen to join a different lawsuit on this matter we would not have won this initial victory.

I am proud of the work our office is doing. We took criticism from the Governor’s administration and some pundits for our decision to join this suit, but based on Judge Brown’s injunction, it is clear I made the right move for Idaho. My team and I formulated the best strategy to get the right result and the quickest relief.

I want to thank my team for their great arguments they have brought to this case and to our colleagues in Texas for taking the initiative on this endeavor. Together we have won an initial victory to stop the Biden administration.

The Biden WOTUS rules would subject Idaho citizens to massive federal overreach on their own land and hamper Idaho job creators, creating a barrier for Idaho’s farmers, ranchers, and small businesses that depend on access to their land and Idaho resources. The EPA announced the finalized rule on December 30th, 2022. The rule would establish a definition of Waters of the United States that would redefine Idaho’s waterways as subject to federal regulation.

My efforts were directed by my newly formed Divisions of Solicitor General and Civil Litigation & Constitutional Defense, strategically positioning this suit to save Idaho's landowners thousands of dollars in compliance costs and will protect them from the burdens of the federal bureaucracy.

Attorneys from the Solicitor General division, including Deputy Solicitor General Josh Turner, made significant and novel contributions to the briefing and argumentation of this lawsuit.

I will continue to pursue this case, and others which provide the most benefit for Idaho.


The Idaho press and the establishment are back at it again making false claims about what I have, and have not, done as your Attorney General. Let me be clear, I not only announced my intention to take on Joe Biden’s Waters of the U.S. rule on February 20th, but I also made it clear to the Governor’s administration (to whom state level departments report) that I would be taking action. Apparently, some people are mad that they don’t control the Attorney General’s office anymore and will go to great lengths to make unfounded accusations.

Nevertheless, I am undeterred. Today I filed a lawsuit in federal court doing just what I said I would do. I have joined Texas in a lawsuit against Biden’s actions. This lawsuit is our best opportunity to have Idaho’s voice heard loudly, and strongly, on this issue.

This is the right decision for our state and a decision I alone must make. As I said today, this rule is just another attempt by the Biden Administration to target Idaho’s ability to control our natural resources. This unlawful federal encroachment threatens the sovereignty of Idaho, and we will not allow it.

One thing the media got right is that I have been critical of those who failed to act in the past on these issues after they festered for years and years. My team and I worked to put Idaho in the forefront on this issue, with the best case possible. I will not back down in defending the freedom and rights of the people of Idaho.


Two weeks down as Idaho’s Attorney General. It has been exhilarating and engaging. I will always stand strong for Idaho, especially when I have this beautiful and supportive lady by my side. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Photos from Raúl Labrador's post 10/01/2023

I was honored last week to take the oath of office as Idaho's 33rd Attorney General and to join all of Idaho's constitutional officers during the 2023 Inauguration Ceremony. I enjoyed attending the Governor's ball with my beautiful wife (Becca) my daughter (Katerina) and her husband (Jeff). Thank you Idaho for this tremendous privilege!

Idaho Inauguration Events Jan. 6, 2023 06/01/2023

It’s an exciting day in Idaho as all constitutional officers will take their oaths of office during the 2023 Inauguration Ceremony. Honored to be your Attorney General!
Watch it live here at noon:

Idaho Inauguration Events Jan. 6, 2023 Idaho Inauguration of statewide elected officials


“The light in a child’s eyes is all it takes to make Christmas a magical time of year” - Author Unknown.

I love this picture of my little grandson. It makes me yearn for the time that I had the simple faith of a child. May we remember that the story of Santa is one of unconditional love for others and our gratitude for the eternal gift we received from our Lord and Savior. Though we may not always live up to that message, we can always strive during this time of year to be a little better, love a little deeper and serve a little bit more faithfully. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Labrador announces two key staff picks for Attorney General's office 19/11/2022

Excited to announce my first two key members of my incoming executive team in the Attorney General’s office.

Labrador announces two key staff picks for Attorney General's office Raúl Labrador, Idaho attorney general-elect, today announced his picks for two top staff positions in the attorney general's office once he takes office in January: David Dewhirst of Montana, who


Thank you for trusting me with the responsibility of serving as your next Attorney General.

One week ago today, despite the news media claiming this would be a close race, with your help and support we defeated our Democrat opponent by more than 25 percentage points.

I’m thankful to have the opportunity to serve the people of our great state. And I’m humbled by the support and encouragement I’ve received from so many over the last year. When Becca and I decided I would enter the Attorney General’s race last fall, we knew it would require a lot of sacrifice and hard work. For both of us what has been the most gratifying has been the tremendous number of people who willingly sacrificed their time, contributed their resources, spread our message with their family and friends, and lifted us up with their faith and prayers. We are so grateful to all of you for your support.

Idaho Democrats, their partners in the liberal media, and my opponent spent months trotting out false, negative stories and attack lines. The people of Idaho completely repudiated this negative message. This race was always about rebuilding the people’s confidence in their government, restoring their trust in the rule of law and renewing their belief that their government will protect them and not the bureaucracy.

Today, let us celebrate this victory as a decisive moment: the moment the people of Idaho decided they want an Attorney General who will stand up to an overreaching federal bureaucracy in Washington, DC, and local bureaucracy whenever necessary. You deserve a government that respects constitutional boundaries, and protects individual rights, freedoms and liberties. During the next four years, I commit to bringing back constitutionalism to Idaho’s government and protecting the Idaho way of life.

In addition to all of you who worked so hard to make this happen, I also want to thank my campaign team. Theo Wold who served as my Primary Campaign Manager and then as a policy advisor for the general election. Riley Gilbert who served as my general election Political Director. Brent Littlefield who served as our campaign strategist and media consultant. And, Doug Taylor, who previously served as my Congressional Chief of Staff, was a super volunteer and key advisor during this race.

Finally, I want to thank Becca. She is always by my side. She is my most trusted confidant and best friend. We traveled many miles together during this campaign and loved spending time with you. We both look forward to visiting the many beautiful regions of Idaho while I serve as your next Attorney General.

Please stay tuned as we announce key positions in my new office and begin our work for the people of Idaho.

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We have less than one month to go to the May 17 Republican Primary. It is now more important than ever for Idaho voters ...