Esta McIntyre

Esta McIntyre

This page was formerly Flourisafter50MHS. Esta McIntyre helps ambitious, busy women live healthier and longer. We KNOW that YOU can FLOURISH after 50!

Our approach is simple: We teach you how to make small life changes through spaced repetition over time that will help YOU achieve LONG-LASTING results. We believe that:
YOU are NOT “too old!”
YOU do NOT need to be afraid of becoming frail or losing your independence! YOU CAN continue to live a healthy and PRODUCTIVE life as a VALUED member of society! JOIN US ON INSTAGRAM:


I met Veronica when I was struggling with my social media game, and she turned out to be an amazing mentor and trusted advisor over time. If you’re an entrepreneur in the Phoenix area, you’ve got to check out the eWomenNetwork chapter. It’s vibrant, well-organized, and filled with inspiring women!


Is it just me, or has anyone else been caught giving their fridge a friendly hug? Guilty as charged! Some days, I open that door 20 times like it’s a magic portal. Will there be something new that wasn’t there the previous 19 times? Spoiler alert: Nope! But here’s a little reminder: what we eat can speed up or slow aging. Foods high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats? They lead to inflammation and oxidative stress, making us age faster. Conversely, antioxidants from berries and greens, omega-3s from fish and flaxseeds, and prioritizing protein keep us youthful and vibrant. Next time you’re raiding the fridge, think about fueling your body with foods that make you feel fabulous! 🌟🥦🍇


🌟 I've had the absolute honor and joy of speaking for the eWomenNetwork across various chapters in the U.S. They gave me my start! 🗣️ Speaking didn't come naturally to me; it's a skill I've worked hard to develop. I keep practicing so I can deliver what my audiences need and deserve.

✨ I was especially thrilled to speak in Calabasas, my home chapter, before moving to Utah. Huge shoutout to Julie K, the Managing Director, one of the most knowledgeable and capable people I know. If you're an entrepreneur in Calabasas or the surrounding area, don't miss the opportunity to connect with eWomenNetwork! It's a platform that can truly boost your business. 💼💪


Eggs are great, but cake? Now that's my actual love language! One of my all-time faves is a classic coffee cake. Pair it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and I'm in heaven. When we first landed in Utah, we stumbled upon this gem of a place that makes the best coffee cake ever. For my birthday, my hubby brought me a couple of pieces from there. He knows the way to my heart! I indulged, of course. Remember, it's not that one day of indulgence that defines your health—it's what you do every day that counts!

Oh, and by the way, my birthday is coming up, and I'm on the hunt for someone who can whip up this delicious treat using monk fruit or allulose. Any takers?


I just ordered TRUE STRENGTH by & .manley
I'm excited to read this book and share it with others. I have a great deal of respect for both of these men. Todd Durkin was my early mentor, and Clay Manley is among the best at writing sales copy. You can purchase the book here:


Throwback to my gym days in Los Angeles! Diana, you were always a star student, front and center to my left. You kept me on my toes, teased me when I forgot a move, and always brought laughter. Those classes were some of my fitness career's best (and most fun) moments. Even after moving and closing my studio, Diana remains one of my closest friends and confidants. 💪❤️


💤 Ever noticed how insomnia turns you into a math wizard? 🧠✨ You're lying there, wide awake, crunching the numbers: "If I fall asleep right NOW, I'll get 4 hours... okay, now 3.5 hours... wait, now it's 3 hours and 15 minutes." 🤯 It's like a mental gymnastics session at 2 AM!

Here's the real deal: Your brain deserves better than late-night algebra sessions. Prioritize your sleep and give yourself the gift of rest. You'll be amazed at how much more awesome you feel when you swap those sleepless calculations for sweet dreams! 🌙💤

Tips to Optimize Your Sleep:

1. Create a bedtime routine.
2. Limit screen time before bed.
3. Watch your caffeine intake.
4. Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
5. Stay active, but not right before bed.
6. Mind what you eat and drink.
7. Manage stress with meditation or journaling.

Sweet dreams, everyone! 🌙💤


Throwback to my gym days in LA! I popped into my favorite fitness equipment store, and the young manager said, "I'm worried about my mom. She needs you. Can I get a gift certificate for her birthday?" I asked if his mom knew, and he replied, "It's a surprise." Yikes! Pro tip: gifting fitness for a birthday can feel like saying, "Hey, you're out of shape!" He eventually told her, and when I called to book our first session, I started with, "Hi, I'm your birthday present!" We clicked instantly and worked together for years. Love you, Celeste! 🌟💪


Have you ever set your mind on something and found it WAY tougher than you thought? It's a common journey many of us have embarked on, including me. Yup, been there, done that, got the T-shirt! But hey, before you throw in the towel, think about this: what if you tried a different angle?

Sometimes, all it takes is a little tweak in your approach. Ask for help, research, or find a method that fits YOU better. Flexibility is key! Remember, the objective is to continue advancing, even if the journey takes a few unexpected turns.

So next time the going gets tough, remember, don't give up! Look for new ways to tackle your challenges and stay committed to your goals. You've got this! 💪❤️

Episode 11: Health Leadership: Redefining Wellness with Esta McIntyre 04/06/2024

In case you missed last night's podcast, here's the link. I'm in the first half hour.

Episode 11: Health Leadership: Redefining Wellness with Esta McIntyre Dive into the world of holistic health as top-rated Health and Lifestyle coach and best-selling author, Esta McIntyre joins Angilie Kapoor to share her exper...


Hope you can tune in!

🌟 Mark Your Calendars! 🌟
Join me on episode 11 of "Take the Lead with Angilie Kapoor" on Monday, June 3rd, on the e360tv Network/Trajectory TV Channel!

🎬 Episode Title: Health Leadership: Redefining Wellness with Esta McIntyre

In this episode, host, Angilie Kapoor and I will explore the universal principles of success in health and treatments and discover how taking charge of your well-being can unlock new dimensions of personal power.

📺 To watch LIVE :
Go to or download the app.
Go to Live Streams
➡️ Trajectory Channel
➡️ You will see "Take the Lead: A Consciousness Movement with Angilie Kapoor"

Or watch the Live Stream Event on:

Don't miss this empowering episode! 🌟


Throwback to my California gym days! Missing my amazing client, Jonelle, and her adorable dog, Ice. Jonelle's tenacity and talent always inspired me. She told it like it was and faced challenges head-on. Now, she's crushing it with her expanded business. Cheers to your continued success, Jonelle!


🌟 Mark Your Calendars! 🌟
Join me on episode 11 of "Take the Lead with Angilie Kapoor" on Monday, June 3rd, on the e360tv Network/Trajectory TV Channel!

🎬 Episode Title: Health Leadership: Redefining Wellness with Esta McIntyre

In this episode, host, Angilie Kapoor and I will explore the universal principles of success in health and treatments and discover how taking charge of your well-being can unlock new dimensions of personal power.

📺 To watch LIVE :
Go to or download the app.
Go to Live Streams
➡️ Trajectory Channel
➡️ You will see "Take the Lead: A Consciousness Movement with Angilie Kapoor"

Or watch the Live Stream Event on:

Don't miss this empowering episode! 🌟

‎Prime Spark with Sara Hart on Apple Podcasts 30/05/2024

It was so much fun to chat with Sara B. Hart of Prime Spark with Sara Hart. Here's the link if you'd like some tips and tricks for aging with power.

‎Prime Spark with Sara Hart on Apple Podcasts ‎Education · 2024


Check out our brand-new pickleball court at our Utah home! If you're wondering if I've ever played, the answer is... just once! But I'm pumped for my upcoming lessons and can't wait to get some games in with friends.

Did you know pickleball has been around since 1965? It started as a backyard pastime and has become a popular sport perfect for all ages. It's a blend of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, all wrapped in a fun package.

It's good to step out of your comfort zone and explore a new hobby! Who knows, you might discover your next favorite pasttime.
Game on, ladies! 💪🎾


I met Cathy in an MS support group. While I don’t have MS, I’m trained to work with this fantastic community. Cathy’s MS isn’t visible at first glance, but this disease is sneaky. Lesions in the central nervous system can cause muscle weakness, cognitive issues, and more. The unpredictability of MS makes it a tough battle. Working with such resilient and inspiring individuals has been an honor and a joy.


Preach! This quote hits close to home, right?

We've all heard it: "My family's always been heavy; it's just in my genes!" But here's the truth: We are not just our genes. We have the power to change our destiny, to shape our health and our bodies. You have that power too!

The struggle is real - yo-yo dieting, feeling like your body is holding onto every pound... I've been there five times myself! It's a journey many of us share, and it can feel like the fat is your BFF, refusing to leave!

But here's the good news: Science, our ally in this journey, keeps giving us new tools and strategies for weight loss. We CAN break the cycle! Don't give up hope!

Struggling to ditch the stubborn weight? Reach out - let's chat about creating a sustainable plan that works for YOU!


Let me tell you about Jon, one of the incredible souls who graced my gym. Jon was on a mission to find a specific piece of equipment when he walked through my doors. The store he visited didn't have what he needed, but lucky for him (and me), I did!

Jon's journey with me was nothing short of inspiring. As a Vietnam veteran with three purple hearts, his strength and resilience were unmatched. Jon never gave up despite facing challenges, like having very little tricep on his right arm.

Together, we worked tirelessly, building upon his strengths and pushing boundaries. And you know what? After years of dedication and hard work, Jon could stand tall, maintaining his progress all on his own.

He's truly one of those clients who left a lasting impact on my heart. 💪


🌟 Embracing Dolly Parton's wisdom on diets! 🌟

This quote hits home for me! Like many of you, I've been on quite the rollercoaster with my weight, shedding and gaining over 50 pounds five times in my adult life. And oh, the diets I've tried! They all seemed like magic solutions... until they weren't.

It's time to ditch the endless cycle of restrictive eating and embrace a healthier, more sustainable approach. Let's focus on nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, finding joy in movement, and prioritizing our overall well-being. 💪✨ Who's ready to join me in this journey to self-love and balance? Drop a 💖 below!


Deena has always been someone I've looked up to—smart, disciplined, and a true mentor. Yet, when you're genetically predisposed to weight gain and have battled it your whole life, even the smallest necessary adjustments can evade your notice. She ended up shedding over 20 pounds. Sometimes, we all need a shift in perspective. As I often remind myself and others, the little changes can make the biggest impact. 🌟


Navigating the realm of nutrition requires a good sense of humor! With an overwhelming amount of information out there, it's easy to feel lost. The reality is, every body is unique and processes nutrients differently. The quote on the cover page humorously highlights the irony of the situation - we're bombarded with conflicting advice on what to eat and what to avoid. But amidst the confusion, it's essential to remember that nutrition isn't one-size-fits-all.

Experimentation, listening to your body, and finding what works best for you is key. Let's approach nutrition with a bit of pragmatism, a touch of humor, and a willingness to explore what nourishes us best! 🍏📚


Before Bob became my client, I worked with his wife. She practically dragged him in! But let me tell you, Bob's got an amazing attitude. When he shared his testimonial, he was 73 years young. Fast forward to now, at 78 and still training with me, Bob faced a terrifying car accident. The healing journey was tough, and there were moments they weren't sure he'd make it. Yet, thanks to his years of strength training, coupled with physical therapy and sheer determination, Bob's back in action! And get this—he's still serving as a sitting judge! 💪


Worry. It's one of those pastimes we all take part in. But did you know it affects our bodies in ways we don't realize? When we worry, our bodies respond as if the threat is imminent, triggering stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, this chronic stress can lead to elevated blood pressure, weakened immune function, and disrupted sleep patterns. It's like our minds are constantly revving the engine, never giving our bodies a chance to rest and recover.

Recognizing the impact of worry on our well-being is the first step towards reclaiming control. Let's cultivate mindfulness, practice relaxation techniques, and foster positive coping mechanisms to reduce the grip of worry and pave the way for a healthier, more balanced life. 🌱💪


We are celebrating nearly three decades of friendship with Beryl! 🌟 Back before my fitness journey began, we'd start our mornings with three or 4-mile walks before work. Beryl's unwavering positivity and commitment have always been inspiring. She's truly one of a kind—a friend for life. Love you, Beryl! 💕


Obsessed with My New Coffee Ritual! ☕️

Forget boring brews - I’m all about now! I found this excellent brand called Eco-Taste on Amazon (major bonus points for being non-GMO, vegan, and plant-based!).

But wait, there’s more! This coffee’s got hidden gems like probiotics for my gut health, prebiotics from yacon root, and immunity-boosting turkey tail. Plus, Chaga keeps me antioxidant-rich, and lion’s mane might even give my brain a little upgrade!

So I said, “Why not?” It’s not just about the taste (although it’s surprisingly good!), it’s about exploring healthy new habits. Stay tuned for my mushroom coffee adventures!


Ever wonder why they call it a "runner's high"? 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Well, science has the answer! Research reveals that exercise can boost your mood by ramping up your endorphins and serotonin levels. 🧠💪 So, even though it might not always feel like it during that challenging workout, trust the science—it's true!

Endorphins are like your body's natural painkillers, flooding your system during exercise to help you push through the burn and feel a sense of euphoria afterward. 🌟 Meanwhile, serotonin, often dubbed the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, plays a key role in naturally regulating mood and promoting happiness and well-being. 🌈

But here's the catch: It's important to find your happy place—the point where you're pushing yourself enough to release those feel-good chemicals without overproducing cortisol, the stress hormone. Discovering this sweet spot will not only leave you feeling energized but also accomplished, ready to tackle whatever comes your way! 💪🧠


Recovery mode post-back surgery! 💪 Embracing Time Under Tension (TUT) to reclaim muscle strength. Ever seen weightlifters move weights in slow-mo? That's TUT in action—maximizing muscle stress.

💡 Key to muscle growth isn't just heavy lifting; it's TUT optimization. Adjust reps' pace for control. Slow it down, especially during eccentric moves, fighting gravity. Paused reps? Yup, more TUT, more muscle fatigue, more fibers recruited.

Incorporating TUT isn't just about bulk; it's about endurance and workout efficiency. It's not a solo act—blend it with other techniques for tailored results. 🎯 TUT: Your stealthy ally for faster, efficient gains!

Our Story

At My Health Studio, we offer the ultimate in fitness classes, personal training and group fitness, serving the Conejo, Simi and San Fernando Valley communities — Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Newbury Park, Moorpark, Camarillo, Oxnard and Ventura.

The question I’m most often asked is, “How have you kept your weight off?” Our answer is… Develop a Team! It’s true, there’s power in numbers! Let’s face it, even Olympic athletes have coaches and teams of specialists. After multiple failed solo attempts at attaining fitness, We finally developed our team, and continue to achieve success in our personal, life-changing fitness journey!

Our approach is simple: We teach you how to make small changes and, through spaced repetition over time, achieve long-lasting results. No starvation. No excessively-priced programs. No injury-producing boot camps. We want you to live a life of accomplishment through balance.

We have created a modular approach to realizing your fitness goals. Now it’s your turn! Let us be part of your team! Come on over to My Health Studio in Westlake Village, CA!

Videos (show all)

Ever devour a delicious meal, then BAM – headache city? MSG might be the culprit!MSG is a flavor booster found in proces...
Menopause blues got you down? Unwanted pounds a struggle?Esta’s here to help! Here’s the lowdown:Protein Up! Keeps you f...
Feeling Lost in the Land of Fitness Fads? ‍Me too! There are so many influencers, biohackers, and diet gurus out there, ...
Remember the “egg scare”? For most healthy adults, enjoying eggs in moderation won’t wreck your cholesterol. Science evo...
Does anyone else know exactly what to do to be healthy but struggle to do it? ✋ ✋Yeah, me too! Sometimes, even Esta need...
Let’s Ditch the “Glory Days” Myth!We all hear it: “I can’t do what I used to!” But here’s the thing: did you even like a...
AI in Fitness: Friend or Foe?AI is everywhere these days, even in the fitness world! So, will robots steal my job?Here’s...
We all know sugar’s not a health hero, but today, let’s zoom in on High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). This sneaky sweetene...
Ditch the Diet Drama: Falling in Love with the Journey!Has anyone else been on the yo-yo weight train? ✋ ✋Been there, do...
“I want a quick-fix nutrition plan!” Who hasn’t thought that? By the time you come to me, you’re often so fed up with di...
Let’s break the myth that our metabolism is a genetic hand-me-down! Yes, we can change it. We’ve been sold the calories-...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 16:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 13:45
Saturday 08:00 - 12:00