Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque

Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque

Programs, activities, updates in Barangay Polo.


Turnover Sound System to Senior Citizens.

📍Senior Citizens' Monthly Meeting
📍Barangay Polo Covered Court
📍August 4, 2024


GAPJMS School Fence Construction


Viva Sr. San Roque

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 27/07/2024

Today, I oversaw the turnover of 2 sets of Jetmatic Pump to the Purok Leaders of Purok Anibong, Sitio Asiotes, Barangay Polo. Accompanying me were my appointed Barangay Secretary, Sec. Bryan Paul Perez Tulabing, and two Barangay Kagawads, Hon. Silva Rowel and Hon. Tan Nap . This event was an important part of our community development efforts, and we were also pleased to have our Kagawads bring paint materials for the George Pilas Memorial School to support Brigada Skwela 2024. It's heartening to see the community come together to support the school, and I'm proud of the initiatives we have undertaken.

The turnover of the Jetmatic Pumps demonstrates our commitment to improving access to clean water in our community. These pumps will greatly benefit the residents of Purok Anibong, and I am grateful for the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. This initiative not only reflects our focus on infrastructure development but also our dedication to serving the needs of the community.

I am thankful for the support and collaboration of the Purok Leaders, Sitio Anibong residents, Barangay Tanods, JOs, Lupon, Barangay Secretary, and the Barangay Kagawads, as well as the efforts of everyone involved in making this turnover a success. As we continue to work towards progress and development, I am confident that our community will grow stronger and more resilient.


Kanunay ang akong pagsuporta sa atong pampubliko nga eskwelahan.

Brigada Eskwela 2024


Tinuod nga serbisyo para kaninyo.

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 20/07/2024

I want to inform everyone about the on-going concreting project in front of Polo Covered Court and Polo High School Entrance. The project aims to replace the muddy pathway with a more durable and accessible concrete one. I would like to express my gratitude to the Barangay Council for their continuous support for our plans, projects, and activities. It's through this collaborative effort that we can work towards improving our barangay for the benefit of everyone.

Let's unite and strive to make our barangay a better place for all its residents. It's essential that we work together to create a more inclusive and thriving community. By coming together and supporting initiatives like the concreting project, we can enhance the overall living conditions and experiences for everyone in our barangay. Together, let's continue to pursue projects that contribute to the betterment of our community.


A message to all fathers around the world.

As Punong Barangay, I want to extend my warmest greetings to all the fathers around the world on this special day. Father's Day is an opportunity for us to honor and express our appreciation for the dedication, hard work, and love that fathers consistently pour into their families and communities.

To all the fathers, grandfathers, and father figures, your role in shaping the lives of the next generation is invaluable. Your dedication, guidance, and unwavering support serve as a guiding light, inspiring us to reach higher and dream bigger. Your sacrifices, big and small, often go unnoticed, but they are the foundation upon which strong families and resilient communities are built.

Today, I encourage everyone to take a moment to recognize and celebrate the fathers in their lives. Let us express our gratitude and admiration for their strength and resilience, and the love and values they instill in those around them. Let us honor their unwavering commitment to their families and their tireless efforts to provide a better future for their children.

Fathers, your influence reaches far beyond your own households. You play a vital role in shaping the future of our communities and the world at large. Your hard work, wisdom, and compassion resonate with each life you touch, leaving an indelible mark that reverberates for generations to come.

As we celebrate this day, let's make it a point to thank and embrace the fathers in our lives. Let's ensure that they feel appreciated and cherished not just today, but every day. Their love and dedication deserve to be celebrated year-round.

To all the fathers, I offer my deepest respect and heartfelt gratitude. May this Father's Day be a joyous and fulfilling occasion for all of you. Thank you for everything you do, and may you continue to inspire and lead with love, strength, and wisdom.

Happy Father's Day to all!


Hon. Ramil B. Alforque
Punong Barangay


Congratulations Graduates of 2024!

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 21/04/2024

It is of utmost importance to maintain cleanliness in public areas to promote a healthy and hygienic environment. A crucial part of this responsibility falls on street vendors who must ensure that their surroundings are always kept clean and tidy.

This involves not only disposing of waste in a responsible manner but also encouraging their customers to follow suit. By keeping the streets clean and litter-free, we can create a safe and healthy environment for all individuals to live in. It is essential that we work together to maintain cleanliness and take pride in our community's appearance.

April 19, 2024
Disco Night Vendors' 2nd Meeting


Cleanliness is a vital aspect of public health and hygiene, and its significance cannot be overstated. Keeping public spaces clean and free of litter and debris is essential to prevent the spread of diseases, as well as to promote a healthy and hygienic environment for all. This is particularly important in the case of street vendors, who operate in outdoor areas and are often exposed to various environmental contaminants. The importance of cleanliness for street vendors lies not only in preventing the spread of diseases but also in ensuring that the food they prepare and sell is safe and hygienic.

Maintaining cleanliness involves not just the proper disposal of waste but also the adoption of appropriate sanitation measures. Street vendors should take care to dispose of their waste in designated bins to prevent littering and maintain cleanliness in the surroundings.

Overall, maintaining cleanliness in the venue and street vendor areas is of utmost importance for promoting public health and hygiene. It is the responsibility of everyone, including street vendors, visitors, and local authorities, to work together to ensure that public spaces are clean and hygienic, and to take necessary steps to prevent the spread of diseases.

April 5, 2024
Disco Night Street Vendors' Meeting

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 21/04/2024

A message of Appreciation to VM Hon. Maisa Sagarbarria and family.

Having a good sound system in schools is crucial for ensuring that school programs, events, and activities are successful and engaging for students, teachers, and parents alike. A quality sound system can enhance the delivery of speeches, music performances, and other forms of audio-visual presentations, making them more impactful and enjoyable for everyone in attendance.

The government thru the Office of the Vice Mayor Hon. Maisa Sagarbarria recognizes the importance of having a sound system in GAPJMS and has taken steps to provide assistance in acquiring it. Many schools receive funding from the government to purchase and install sound systems, making it easier for them to offer high-quality events and programs. This support from the government and from Maam Maisa Sagarbarria and the Sagarbarria family also ensures that schools with limited resources are not left behind when it comes to providing a rich and engaging learning environment for their students. Overall, having access to a reliable and effective sound system in schools is a key component of a well-rounded education, and the government's support in this area is greatly appreciated by educators and leaners alike.

Thank you maam Maisa Sagarbarria and the Sagarbarria Family.


4 Ace Philippines Microlending Corp Corporate Social Responsibility Intervention at Barangay Polo.

April 15, 2024
Barangay Polo Covered Court

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 21/04/2024

A message of Appreciation.

Feeding programs conducted by non-government organizations (NGOs) are of utmost importance in promoting the well-being of children in the barangay. These programs are specifically designed to provide regular access to nutritious meals to children who may not have adequate food at home due to poverty or other circumstances. The significance of these programs lies not only in addressing the immediate needs of hunger but also in promoting long-term health and development of children.

By providing healthy meals on a regular basis, NGOs like 4ACE PHILS, can support the physical growth, cognitive development, and overall health of children. This, in turn, helps them to thrive and reach their full potential. Proper nutrition is essential for children's physical and mental development, and feeding programs ensure that children have access to the necessary nutrients to support their growth and development.

Moreover, feeding programs also serve as a platform for community engagement and education on proper nutrition and healthy eating habits. They encourage community participation, which fosters a sense of shared responsibility towards the welfare of children in the barangay. This helps in building stronger communities and promoting a culture of caring, which is vital for the overall welfare of society.

In conclusion, the impact of feeding programs on the lives of children in the barangay is immeasurable. These programs highlight the vital role of NGOs in addressing food insecurity and promoting child welfare.

I would like to express deep appreciation to 4 ACE PHILIPPINES MicroLENDING CORP for this corporate social responsibility interventions and for their unwavering support in organizing this feeding program activity for the children in Brgy Polo. It is through such collective efforts that we can make a significant impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society.

Thank you very much.

April 15, 2024
Brgy Polo Covered Court
4 ACE PHILIPPINES MICROLENDING CORP. Corporate Social Responsibility Intervention

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 12/04/2024

I would like to express my gratitude to the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) in Tanjay City for their efforts in conducting a successful registration drive yesterday, Friday April 12, 2024 at Barangay Polo. The registration process was held at the Barangay Polo Covered Court, which provided a convenient and accessible venue for residents to participate in the event.

The registration drive was open to all eligible voters who wished to participate in the upcoming elections. It was a great opportunity for the residents of Barangay Polo to exercise their right to vote and have a say in the future of our community. The event was well-organized and managed, which made the registration process fast, easy, and efficient.

This registration drive was a chance for our community to make a difference and collectively shape our community's destiny. It is important for all of us to take an active role and this event provided a great opportunity for residents to do so. The COMELEC in Tanjay City deserves recognition for their dedication and commitment in ensuring that our community's voices are heard.


Barangay Polo Singing Audition will be held on April 19, 2024 at Barangay Polo Session Hall.
Exclusive for Barangay Polo residents.

The Barangay Council will select the participants who will battle on May 8, 2024 to be held at Barangay Polo Covered Court.

1st Prizes sponsored by Hon. Robert C. Bajana
Age 7-15 = ₱2,000.00
Age 16-above = ₱3,000.00

2nd Prizes sponsored by Hon. Rocky Ford Caldamo, Hon. Presco Baco Jr. and Hon. Niel Rivera
Age 7-15 = ₱1,500.00
Age 16-above = ₱2,000.00

3rd Prizes sponsored by Hon. Rowel Silva, Hon. Anderson Luce and Hon. Natan Napao
Age 7-15 = ₱1,000.00
Age 16-above = ₱1,000.00

4th-12th Consolation Prizes sponsored by SK Chairperson Hon. Khevin Ianniel Salma and Punong Barangay Hon. Ramil B. Alforque

See you on the Audition Schedule.
Let the battle begin !

DISCO follows !!!


Today, April 01, 2024, Tanjay City marked its 23rd Charter Day with various activities and celebrations. One of the highlights of the day was a Holy Mass held at St. James the Greater Parish at 6:00AM this morning. The mass was attended by the Punong Barangay Hon. Ramil Alforque , who was there to show his support for the city's milestone.

The Holy Mass was a momentous celebration, with the faithful gathering to offer prayers and thanksgiving for the city's progress and development.

Photo with Mayor Jose Pepe Orlino and SP.

April 01, 2024
St. James the Greater Parish


The Fiesta Directorate, responsible for the Disco events and other Fiesta activities in Sitio Asiotes, recently visited the Punong Barangay's office to share their financial report on the activities held in the area.

This responsible and admirable team strongly believes in transparency and responsibility. They believe that openly sharing information about their finances, operations, and decision-making processes is essential. They are honest and transparent about their successes and failures!

The Fiesta Directorate ensures that all stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, and the general public, have a clear understanding of how they utilize resources and make decisions. They take responsibility for their actions and results and are always ready to make necessary corrective actions when required. This is a part of their responsibility and commitment.

From Left to Right ( Liza Borromeo Reyes, Lynith Pilas, Barangay Captain Ramil Alforque, Kag. Ford Dy and your working Secretary Bryan Paul Perez Tulabing )

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 21/01/2024

Participating in youth sports can do wonders for our community, and our Barangay Captain Hon. Ramil Alforque is a firm believer of this. By engaging in sports, young people can reap immediate and long-lasting benefits, not just for themselves, but for their families and communities as well.

These benefits include significant improvements in mental, emotional, and social health, physical fitness, academic and career success, lifelong engagement in sports and physical activity, and positive economic and community impact.

So let us encourage our youth to get involved in sports, and let us support them in their journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Photo with Barangay Captain Ramil Alforque and High School Athletes


The Sinulog-Santo Niño Festival de Polo.
Date: January 27, 2024 Saturday
Time: 3:00PM
Where: Barangay Polo Covered Court

Come, celebrate and honor the Santo Niño.
God bless us all. To God be the glory.

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 09/01/2024

The Barangay Polo covered court was filled with energy and excitement as the Tanjay City Development Council conducted a meeting to discuss various development projects. The focus of the meeting was to address the crucial matter of improving the water system in Barangay Polo. The event was a resounding success, with everyone coming together to discuss important issues and share valuable insights.

It was a remarkable opportunity for all attendees to collaborate and work towards a common goal. The enthusiasm and commitment of the participants to make a positive change and ensure an efficient, effective, and sustainable water system in the area were evident.

Overall, the meeting was inspiring and left everyone feeling motivated and empowered to continue working towards a better future.

The meeting saw the presence of significant personalities, including City Mayor Jose "Pepe" T. Orlino, 24 Barangay Captains, city officials and employees, guests and visitors from other barangays, Barangay Polo officials, association leaders, job order workers, active tanods, and residents of Barangay Polo. This is a clear indication of the importance of the meeting and the value that each attendee placed on it. Their attendance is a testament to the fact that the issues discussed in the meeting are crucial, and the decisions made will impact them and the community at large.

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 09/01/2024

Announcement: Sangguniang Barangay of Polo invites the participation and attendance of Brgy Polo residents this afternoon, details are indicated below:

What: City Development Council Meeting
When: January 9, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM
Where: Brgy Polo Covered Court

First time in the history of Brgy Polo, 24 Barangay Captains, guests and visitors will gather here in our barangay with City Mayor Jose "Pepe" T. Orlino.

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 10/12/2023

Nagpasalamat kita ni Congressman Sagarbarria sa 5 Million Road Concreting Project sa Brgy Polo during sa Christmas Party Celebration.

Merry Christmas and advance happy new year.

Para sa padayon nga paglambo sa Barangay Polo.

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 09/12/2023

Atong makita ang ma-anindot og repaired nga stage sa Sitio Asiotes gegahinan og kaugalingon nga kwarta ni Kap Ramil Alforque para sa repairs and maintenance. Ang mga materyales sama sa plywood, pintal para sa concrete wall og plywood, pintal para sa mga puthaw ug uban pang gastos gekan gayud sa kaugalingon nga bulsa.

Kini alang sa pagtuman sa hangyo sa mga residente sa Asiotes Polo, og kini natuman niya sa mubo nga panahon.

Para sa paglambo sa Brgy Polo.
Hon. Ramil Alforque

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 09/12/2023

Ni provide kita og libre nga snacks and mineral bottled water para sa atong mga PWDs and receiver sa financial assistance ganeha sa Tanjay Sports Complex.


Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 05/12/2023

Kita nitambong og aktibong nakiglambigit sa GAD (Gender And Development) / BCPC (Barangay Council for the Protection of Children) Orientation, Seminar Workshop on GAD related laws nga gipahigayon sa GAD Focal Point System Council pinaagi sa City Social Welfare and Development Office. Ang maong aktibidad gepahigayon sa Melania's Garden Resort, Brgy VII, Tanjay City.

Photos from Lambo Polo by Kap Ramil Alforque's post 28/11/2023

After the meeting of senior citizens held at Polo Covered Court last November 26, 2023, we talked to some officials of the senior citizens to convey our support for the movement and future activities of the senior citizens in Barangay Polo.


Distribution of Toilet Bowls

Today, we distributed Toilet Bowls to our residents in Barangay Polo.

The Department of Health (DOH) implemented the Zero Open Defecation Program (ZODP). Eliminating open defecation is one of the goals of the Philippine Health Agenda.

We all know that toilet distribution programs by themselves are not effective in achieving change but by investing in the Zero Open Defecation Program and the "Goodbye, Dumi! Hello, Healthy!" communication campaign, we can empower, deploy, and mobilize the community to change and find solutions to their sanitation problems.

For a healthy, lively, and progressive Barangay!

Videos (show all)

Turnover Sound System to Senior Citizens.📍Senior Citizens' Monthly Meeting📍Barangay Polo Covered Court📍August 4, 2024
GAPJMS School Fence Construction
Viva Sr. San Roque
Kanunay ang akong pagsuporta sa atong pampubliko nga eskwelahan.Brigada Eskwela 2024#Matatag#BayanihanParaSaMatatagNaPaa...
Tinuod nga serbisyo para kaninyo.#lamboPOLO
4 Ace Philippines Microlending Corp Corporate Social Responsibility Intervention at Barangay Polo.April 15, 2024Barangay...
Come and celebrate with us!Free concert with foam party and suprises on December 2, 2023 at Polo Covered Court.#VictoryP...
