Liora Levin

Liora Levin

Holistic health and lifestyle coach with a passion and specialisation in food relationship, movement

Timeline photos 06/07/2019

What if you’re already everything you dream and desire to be?

What if everything you want and need, already exists inside of you?

What if instead of continuing to search outside, for the next course, the next quick fix, the next thing you need... you instead looked inwards at what you’re holding onto, that isn’t really you?

What if everything you’ve collected and grown to believe about yourself, isn’t real?

Read that one again.

All the beliefs, truths, conditioning, ways of being, even personality traits... all of it.
What if all of it, is just a projection, something you were told or heard or adopted and have lived your life believing is true.

What if instead of needing more, before you get to be you, you start to drop the masks?

Drop the beliefs.

Drop the self-doubts, the shoulds, the false truths, the things you tells yourself?

Don’t worry.

Of course you have no idea who that is right now.

You couldn’t possibly know.
Because you’ve spent your entire life, peering through the lens that this world gave you.
You were born into it.
Your family, your friends, your culture and society.

I believe our journey in life isn’t to become who we were born to be, but rather to UN-BECOME everything we are NOT, to listen, connect, to remember and to be who we were already born to be.

If you have no idea where to start but you feel this resonance, you KNOW it’s truth, send me a message.

My passion to help courageous people, get clear on who they are and what they want, and to take the steps of unbecoming, to be who they were born to be.


Join me next week in Bali, to explore Healing Your Relationship with Food.

If you're not in Bali, but are interested in this workshop, please message me. I will be offering it online shortly and would love to keep you in the loop! x

Timeline photos 27/06/2019

I still doubt myself.
All the time.

I question decisions I’ve made.
Wonder about choices I’ve stepped into.
Contemplate what else could have been.

But I remember a time, not so long ago when my self-doubt was debilitating.
It would take me weeks or months, sometimes even years to make decisions, back and forth, not trusting myself, second-guessing, questioning.

I overstayed everything.
I overstayed jobs I hated, relationships I was miserable in…
It had to get so bad, before I was forced to make a decision that often times I was left with no choice!
I was terrified to choose and have it be the wrong choice!

I continually sought the opinions of others.
Hoping someone would tell me how to live my life. Make up my mind for me.
What I should study, where I should travel, who I should date.
Desperate for someone else to be responsible, so that if I didn’t like the outcome, I had someone else to blame.
I didn’t realise that part at the time.

I’ve grown to see that nothing has ever been the wrong choice.
That even in the unfoldings that weren’t a good fit, there’s been a lesson.
I’ve grown to see that almost nothing in life is un-doable.
That we’re allowed to change our mind.
That inevitably as I grow, I will want different things.
That even in ‘consequences’, there’s opportunity.

I’ve found a lot of freedom in this and it’s meant that while often times I feel like I don’t know, or that I lack clarity, I also trust that there’s no wrong choice.

I imagine myself present with each option, and choose the one that feels best in my body.
I’ve become really good at FEELING what’s going on in my body.

And then I choose.

That’s the scariest part.

Once you’ve decided, there’s relief. Excited fear, but relief.
You’ll likely still doubt yourself and maybe go back and forth changing your mind, because the nature of human is to search for everything that could go wrong.
All that’s left to do is leap and let the next piece unfold.

If you have choices to make and you are struggling to get clear about what you want, reach out!

I coach driven women, to get clear on what they want, and to take the steps to live the life they know they were born to live.
DM me for details x

Timeline photos 25/06/2019

✨What does your morning look like?✨

Are you the hitting snooze multiple times, dragging yourself out of bed with barely enough time to eat breakfast and get out the door?

Waking and scrolling through Instagram in bed?
Checking your messages and filling your mind with everyone else’s conversations first thing?

Or are you up early and doing something to connect to yourself?
Moving your body, meditating, journaling?
Giving yourself enough time to sit and drink your coffee, read something, check in with how you feel?

If you’re more in the first category, like I was for so many years, my guess is that you also feel pretty disconnected from yourself.
Anxious, overwhelmed and generally unclear about what you want.
You’re feeling a bit directionless, kind of lost and deep down know that you want more from life right now.

You’ve probably heard about morning practices.

Essentially it’s something you do, first thing in the morning to set up your day.
Seems basic, right?

While oftentimes it can feel difficult to get anything done in the morning, this is the time that is most important and valuable, for you to connect to YOU!

Check in with how you feel, ask yourself what you need, listen to your own inner guidance, before filling your mind with all the external noise of the world.
No disastrous world news, no Instagram comparison-itis, no work email anxieties.
Just you.

There are so many ways you can do this in the morning, in as little as 10 minutes. It doesn’t need to be meditation.

Are you curious to know more?

I’m thinking about creating a free guide with 10 ways you can create an easy practice to connect to yourself, feel empowered and get into alignment in your life.
Maybe I’ll also share some of my own practices 😉

Are you interested?

Comment yes or drop an emoji below so I can let you know when it’s ready!

Timeline photos 24/06/2019

Done is better than perfect.

Perfectionism used to run my life. Yours too?

It often comes hand in hand with wanting control and a driven A-type personality.

In my teens, it was useful to get through school. I worked hard and did well but it was also a lot of stress!

Over the past number of years, I can see where on so many occasions, I haven’t done something because of fear of it not being perfect, me not being good at it or not being an expert yesterday!

Perfectionism quite literally found me not doing the things I wanted to do because I was so terrified of failing.
An underlying belief that if something wasn’t perfect, it was a reflection on ME not being perfect.

I’ve spent a while diving into this ‘personality trait’ and the way it’s held me back.

Perfectionism came with a need to prove that I was good enough and worthy. Never truly feeling like who I was without the perfect marks or perfect performance was enough.

It was driven by comparison.
Looking outwards at what everyone else was doing, and measuring my worth against them. If I didn’t beat them or at least equal them, my self-worth suffered.

I’m forever fascinated by how deep personality traits run.

No longer wanting to let it hold me back, it wasn’t enough to just acknowledge that I was letting go of the need to be perfect. It lingered for a while... sometimes it still does.

However what I can see is that the more I build my self-worth, the more I KNOW behind doubt that I’m enough, exactly as I am, and that what I do doesn’t dictate whether I’m a worthy person, the more I let go of the need to try to be perfect.

I’m standing strong in knowing I am enough regardless.
That who I am is enough.
How I do life is enough and that worth comes simply from being born into this world.
Inherently we are worthy.

It’s one I’m still working on but damn, I’m actually doing the things I’ve always wanted to do, with done being better than perfect!

Where does perfectionism hold you back?


I have been feeling like a fraud.

🤷🏻‍♀️ Who do I think I am, to say the things I say?

🤷🏻‍♀️ Who do I think I am, to want to do the things I do?

🤷🏻‍♀️ Who do I think I am, to think it’s available for me, that I’m worth it, that I deserve it, that I can do it?

👽 Who do I think I am?

I’ve found myself continually looking outwards at everyone around me, and their seemingly perfect lives, questioning…

When will I figure it out?

When will I feel like I’m no longer stumbling and fumbling my why through everything I do, second guessing and questioning myself?

😫 When?”

Yesterday I went to a coaches meet-up here in Bali.

It really took something for me to get through my self-sabotaging conversation about how I didn’t deserve to be there.
Again, who do I think I am, calling myself a “coach”.

Man… How crazy is this internal dialogue trying to keep me small?!

I have been working with people since 2010.
Coaching and supporting people on their health, wellbeing and life.
Changing lives, opening possibilities, supporting transition, transformation, self-expression and growth.
SINCE 2010!!
Actually even earlier than that! I was assisting transformational leadership in my late teens!

And yesterday, STILL I found myself questioning, who do I think I am, to call myself a coach?

🌀 I’m seeing the perpetual cycle of conversation I have around fear.
Around feeling like I’m not enough, that I can’t do it, that I won’t be okay, that I’m a fraud.
These deep engrained human beliefs that I know we ALL live with.

What I’m also seeing, and today I’m CELEBRATING, is that even in the face of these fears and limiting beliefs, every single day, I am stepping forward REGARDLESS.

I am doing the work daily, to change these beliefs.
To hear them and acknowledge that they’re there, but to no longer allow them to run my life.
To keep stepping forward regardless, into the life I know I was born for.

🙅🏻‍♀️ I will NO LONGER let FEAR be greater than my DESIRES.

🔥 The work I have to share is important.
🔥 Who I am as a person in this world and everything I’ve been through, is important.

F**k “who do I think I am…”

Instead -

🔥 Who the f**k am I NOT to?

How can I not stand up and own that I get to create change?
Who am I not to share my gifts and lessons and learnings?

🔥 Who am I not to own the magic in me?
🔥 The power…
🔥 The freedom.

That one hits me.

🔥 Who am I not, to own the FREEDOM in me.

For so many years, it wasn’t this way.

For so many years, I was a complete victim to my life.

⚡️ Controlled by fear.
⚡️ Debilitated by the thought of even leaving the house.
⚡️ Terrified to be seen, to speak, to stand up for myself.

⚡️ I lived tormented by food, hating my body, hating myself, continually putting myself in abusive relationships, a never ending war in my mind, my soul, no longer wanting to be here… every f**king day was a struggle.

So actually, from where I am now, F**k.

🔥 Who am I NOT, to stand in my POWER.
To CELEBRATE my freedom!

🙅🏻‍♀️ I will not allow fear to be stronger than my desires.
🙅🏻‍♀️ I will not allow fear to get in the way of what I know I’m here to do.
Who I was born to be.

I deserve to be here.
I am worthy of my dreams and I am enough.
The work I do and who I am, makes a difference.

The internal dialogue may continue to speak, but HEY!
🙅🏻‍♀️ I’m not listening!

👉 If you’re ready to heal your relationship with food and yourself for good
👉 You’re done with living in fear and even though your self talk is LOUD,
👉 You KNOW that you were born for more, you're terrified of never really living to your potential

Send me a message now.

🔥 I’m so f**king excited to be opening my work to one-on-one coaching again, where I get to share the tools that have changed my life and the lives of so many I've worked with. To walk with you on your journey, one step at a time, to transform your world. To move out of overwhelm, into alignment and to no longer allow YOU, to hold yourself back.

Send me a message now if this is you, and I'll share the next step!

Liora x

Timeline photos 08/06/2019

B E C O U R A G O U S, wild one

This is the test.
Right here. Right now. As you live and breathe: you’re in it.

Do you have the courage it takes to be with your fears, and fiercely chase your dreams?

The courage to be with fear. To sit with it. Make friends, get curious and continue to invite it in. To be with this fear, as it screams you down, telling you that you must be crazy. That you’re not enough. That you won’t survive, that you won’t make it, that you’re wrong.

Do you have to courage to stare this fear in the eyes and feel it all? Let it burn you up. To cry and dance and write and scream.
To not avoid, hide and look away. To not run in the opposite direction.

The courage it takes to be with this fear, to trust yourself enough to know you’re okay. That you’ll survive. That you’re supported. That you can do this.

Do you have the courage in the face of your fears, to follow your heart?
To follow the call that sets your soul on fire?


>> Why you don't do the things you want to do


🔸 Struggle with BODY IMAGE and SELF ESTEEM
🔸 Feel stuck in a DIET CYCLE and are continually starting a new diet (on Monday)
🔸 Avoid looking in the MIRROR or struggle with what you see
🔸 Feel you have to LOSE WEIGHT or change your body for an upcoming holiday or event
🔸 Feel CONTROLLED by FOOD and fearful/confused about what to eat
🔸 Have things you want to do but feel ASHAMED, SCARED or JUDGED
🔸 Feel that life would be BETTER or EASIER if you looked a different way
🔸 Any age, background, body size/shape, etc

🔸 Are genuinely ready to DIVE DEEP, step into FEAR and COURAGEOUSLY take the next step into letting go of what’s holding you back
🔸 Ready to MOVE FORWARD with your life and stop letting FOOD and your BODY hold you back - This is IMPORTANT and a PRIORITY for you!
🔸 Want to get CLEAR on what is IMPORTANT to you
🔸 Want support on navigating and creating YOUR PATHWAY to HEALING

❌ An automated, one-size-fits-all session
❌ NO diet plans, we won’t even discuss what you eat
❌ NO exercise plans
❌ NOT a weight loss program of ANY KIND
❌ NOT about body shape or size

✅ A MIND, BODY & SOUL approach to Self
✅ You taking a stand for CHANGING your life
✅ You INVESTING in YOURSELF and your knowing of deeper PURPOSE
✅ A SAFE SPACE to be HEARD, SEEN, SUPPORTED and GUIDED in your next step
✅ The beginning of a HEALING JOURNEY, different to anything you’ve tried before

❗️ A quick call with me to make sure we’re a fit for each other
❗️ Must be willing to provide FEEDBACK and a VIDEO TESTIMONIAL
❗️ Available THIS WEEK (3rd-9th of June) in Melbourne with access to TOORAK
❗️ You will receive the opportunity to continue working with me on what opens up, at a DISCOUNTED rate for up to 3 months

🔹 I hold professional qualifications as a NUTRITIONIST (Bachelors Degree in Health Sciences), PERSONAL TRAINER and YOGA INSTRUCTOR with over a decade of experience in the health and wellness industry
🔹 I am a fully-recovered and thriving EATING DISORDER and EXERCISE ADDICTION thriver
🔹 I completely let go of binge and emotional eating, numbing and avoidant s*xual behaviour and exercise abuse, by courageously getting curious about the deeper wants, needs and desires inside of me
🔹 I’ve spent the past decade, collecting tools and exploring pathways of DEEP SELF HEALING, EMPOWERMENT and CONNECTION to SELF, which has allowed me to completely let go of my obsessive love/hate relationship with food, toxic and punishing relationship with my body and continue to un-peel deeper and deeper layers of SELF WORTH and SELF LOVE


▪️ If this is YOU, send me a message NOW so we can set this up ASAP
▪️ If you have any questions, Message me
▪️ If this is YOU, but you're not in Melbourne, or not available this week, Message Me

▪️ If this is NOT YOU, but it is someone you know and love, LOVINGLY SHARE IT WITH THEM



At what point are you going to do the REAL thing?

Have the actual job you see yourself in.
Start the REAL business you keep talking about.
Leave the relationship you know isn’t IT, to make space for what you desire.
Invest what is required to live in the home you know you want.
Move overseas and create in the place you dream about.
Wear the clothes you see yourself in without waiting to be a specific size.
All of it.
Do the actual thing.
And actually, be the ACTUAL PERSON.

Does this speak to you?

I feel as though I have this picture in my head.
It’s always been there and of course it shifts and grows, but it feels like this far off place.
The business I know that I was born to create.
The person I know I was put here to be.
This soul to incarnate.
The way I get to show up, speak, create, dream, BE.
All of it.

And what I’m finding is reasons, excuses and ‘in order to’s’ that I put in the way until the time in which I can actually BE that person. Do those things.
You know?

I’m clear that the gap between having what I want, doing what I want, showing up in the way that I know I’m born to, and actually doing the damn thing, is FEAR.

It’s the what if’s… the hows… but mostly the what if’s.
I don’t believe not knowing HOW is a valid reason to not do something.
The how to ANYTHING, is to quite literally just start.
You don’t need to know HOW to do anything.
You just take the first step and the next will reveal itself.
The HOW, in fact, is none of our business.
We just set the intention, take aligned actions and get out of the damn way. Navigate as you navigate. The rest will unfold.

I’ve found myself in the mentality of safety.
Partly inside of the conscious collective of this city, though I think more deeply than that, inside of the lenses through which I see this city. The way life has appeared to me here over the past decade, each time I return.

What I’m present to is the ‘helpless’ mindset I so quickly find myself in.
At whim to circumstance.
It’s strange, because that’s no longer a belief I hold and I’m so present to the space I have inside of awareness to question. And yet, I’m present to how deeply these old stories run and the immediacy at which they rise, inside of this familiar environment.

I’ve found myself entertaining the idea of getting a job.
Doing the sensible thing.
Being logical and planned and ‘smart’.
Keeping myself safe.
It ‘makes sense’, right?
It's an easier and potentially less stressful way to do life.

And the more I sit with that, the more resistance and resentment I feel.
The more present I become to the ways in which I’m abandoning myself.
Not trusting myself.
Not honouring and nurturing what I know is inside of me.

If you’ve been reading my work for a while, you’ll know that over the past 2-3 years, I’ve really taken a stand for honouring your truth. For listening to what is inside of you and for creating a life that excites and inspires you.

For me, taking a job in order to ‘do my art thing’ on the side, to build my business on the side, to dissolve and realign and continue to step into clarity, on the side, is keeping myself small. It’s playing safe and diminishing my own growth.
It’s telling myself - not yet.
Hold on love, you’re not worth it yet.
Do this other thing, in order to do the thing you actually desire.
Do this other thing, in order to be the damn person you were born to be.
It’s giving in to the fear of what if’s and pandering to the safety most people opt to live inside of, until the time that they actually do the REAL thing.
Some unbeknownst amount of time until they give themselves permission.
The thing that their soul calls for.
Be the person who they dream of being and know they were born to be.

Is this landing?

I have zero doubt about what I ‘do’, though I prefer ‘where I give my energy’.
What I’m here to create and offer. I’ve felt it in me for as long as I can remember, and I’ve spent many years, gathering tools to support that. To step into that. To validate my ability and prove my worth and all the other things that are ‘in order to’s’, to be the damn person.
AND, still, I feel fear.

I’m not going to pretend to have anything figured out.
Honestly, I really haven’t a clue what I’m doing.
But what I do know is that I have zero interest in doing the things I ‘should’ be doing, because I’m too scared to follow the things that call me.

How do you know what calls you?
It’s simple really…
You listen.
Notice I said simple, not easy.
It’s a practice, like anything in life.

It’s not about figuring out ‘who you are’ or what your PURPOSE is.
All of that is fine and well but also a lot of pressure.
And what I’ve found over the years is that the more I try and figure it out, why I’m here, what my passion is, all of these things, the more stressful it’s become and the more I’ve resented where I’m at, desperately seeking the next layer.
So instead, I’m committed to listening in.
To tuning in.
To turning down all the noise from inside and out, and allowing myself space to actually HEAR, who she is.
The REAL thing (right now). Of course I’m forever growing and changing and redefining.

What calls me right now?
To guide you in Connection.
Connection to Yourself first.
To hold a space and walk with you, while you learn to listen to your truth, underneath all your beliefs, stories and conditioning, to create a life that excites and inspires you.
To give you access to what’s actually going on for you and to offer tools to process and move through all that which no longer serves.
To release and let go of everything in the way of stepping into who you know you were born to be.
Fear and all.

I’m present to something a beautiful sister of mine Carolina wrote last week.
I’m paraphrasing but it was along the lines of - Hold fear in one hand and courage in the other hand and just keep stepping in.
Perhaps this wasn’t her exact context but what I took away from it is that the fear will always be there, and that’s okay. That we don’t need to be rid of it before we take action on the things that are ACTUALLY it.
Instead we can hold fear in our hands, acknowledge that it’s here and not let it shut us down.
That the more I step forward regardless, the more I believe in myself and honour what I know is true, the more courage I build. AND, what I’ve seen time and time again, the more permission I give you to do the same.
I don’t hold this privilege lightly. Honestly, it often moves me to tears.

Last night I received a heartfelt message from a someone who was a client of mine about a year ago. She reached out to say that she’d made a change in her life that she would never have made before meeting me and coming to accept that she’s allowed to choose the things that make her happy.
I cried.

YOU get to choose this.
You get to be happy.
Or sad or angry or whatever you damn well feel.
FEEL what you feel. FEEL all of it. That’s in fact the secret.
AND, you get to be responsible for that.
ALL OF IT is a choice.

And so, why would you not choose to be the damn person you know you were born to be?
To do the ACTUAL thing?
Start the actual business.
Work with the actual clients.
Be in the actual relationship or do the deep work that is required FOR YOURSELF to move away from attachment and projection in relationship. To get responsible and own your desires without projection.
To wear the damn clothes.
Do the work to cease needing to numb, avoid and distract from what you really feel and to truly release attachments to food, to alcohol, to social media, Netflix, s*x with strangers, however else you avoid being with YOU, all of it.

This is becoming a rant, I feel it, I’m so f**king passionate about all of these areas, AND what I truly want to share is that I’M DONE.

I’m done with doing the things that aren’t IT.
I’m done with jobs in order to do the ACTUAL thing.
I’m done with relationships to fill voids I feel in myself.
I’m done with numbing and avoiding what I actually feel AND stepping around what is true for me in order to make others feel more comfortable. No.
I’m done with playing small and honouring fear and WAITING for god knows what.

Do you feel me?

Over the past number of months, I’ve been working with clients on Connection to Self.
This has arisen out of conversations, I’ve not advertised because honestly, the struggle I’ve had is how to share it!
I know this sounds ridiculous.
I’ve struggled with labels.
I’m qualified as a nutritionist, a personal trainer, a mindset coach, an embodiment and empowerment mentor, a holistic guide, I work with journaling and dance and meditation and a deeper soul based connection to Self. And, the way I work looks different with each person. And so I’ve struggled with what to call myself.

Essentially, I guide you on how to listen to your truth, underneath the internal and external noise.
An Empowerment Journey in Connection to Self, underneath all the stories, beliefs and ‘shoulds’ from the world around us. And, from that place, how to create a life that inspires and excites you.
That’s it.
That’s what I do.
It’s what I’ve done for the past near decade and I’ve labeled it as many things.
We can navigate this through food relationship to get to the core of WHY a food plan and willpower and discipline is not the answer.
We can navigate this through movement to see that body acceptable and love, isn’t about change from the outside, but rather the inside out…
Mostly, we navigate this through your own internal guidance system. Learning how to listen to what you actually need. How to listen to the ACTUAL THING, the truth of who you are and what you desire and to create your life from there. AND, we do this with fear in one hand.

I have 2 offerings right now.

The first is 1:1 mentoring/coaching.
This is by application. Working with me is just as much about you feeling into whether I’m right for you as it is me feeling into whether you’re ready to create a life you love.
I have various options available to work with me in this way. Message me for details.
My new website will be online shortly with the application and to book a time to speak, but at this stage, you can message me to do this. This is available worldwide via skype/facetime/zoom etc.

Coming soon… I have an online program in the works.
I’ve now run 4 delicious and varied online programs and am ready to roll them into one.
This is a combination of both MINDSET and SOUL-SET.
It is an integration of journeying into Self, from both the place of shifting mindset and accessing a deeper sense of soul and intuition.
An alchemy of head and heart.
It’s going to be epic!


THIS I am really freaking EXCITED about.

For near a year now, I’ve so deeply desired to hold women’s circles. This is something I have offered sporadically in Melbourne and dove even deeper into in Bali and am so excited to hold this space.

Beginning in April, I will be holding Women’s Circles.
This is a safe space for women to come together and share thoughts, ask questions and connect on a deeper level.
My intention is to hold a space where we get to strip back the layers, lower the masks, release judgment and competition and truly show up to embrace our true selves.

Each circle will explore a different theme where you will get to see that you’re no alone on this journey. That what you feel is felt by the women around you and that we can heal and grow together.
There are no expectations here. It is truly a space for you to just be who you are. Come and just be in the energy or actively share, it’s up to you. This space is for you.

I’ve been so inspired to hold this space now back in Melbourne as I reconnect with the women in my life.
What I continue to see is how muted we are in this space.
How much pain we hold.
How much sadness, fear, trepidation… hesitation to speak, to offend, to have opinions.
Deeper, how afraid we are to look inside and own what lives there, let alone voice it.
It’s far easier to say “I’m good thanks, and you”, than it is to truly connect.
We desire connection. So deeply we desire to connect and yet we feel so alone and disconnected, too scared to voice and speak our truth.
This space is for you and I couldn’t feel more honoured.

You know if this speaks to you, and I know you may be scared.
I urge you to hold fear in one hand and courage in the other and let me know that you’re in. Message me for details. These will be small gatherings and will book out.

Our first topic is FEAR.

What do you hear in this?

Where are you WAITING to do the damn thing?
The actual thing?
Where are you telling yourself,
"Not yet"
"When I get to X"
"When I have X"
"when I do this other thing in order to…"

Are you willing to hold fear in one hand and courage in the either, to BE who you were born to be?

Videos (show all)

This 5 minute practice will change your life
✨ Why a high PAIN THRESHOLD may not be something to be proud of... ✨
Letting go of my fitness business and owning my Truth
To LOVE and LOSE or to stay CLOSED and SAFE
Honouring your body and acknowledging change
It's been a while, and here's why
Avoidance, Addiction & Change
A (positive) thought for you today 🙏Our brains are wired to detect danger.Fear, scarcity, threat.It’s a mechanism for SU...
✨ Self Doubt and Stepping In ✨
Why we can't figure out what we want
Binge Eating Vs Emotional & Comfort Eating
How To Build Self Trust