Holistic Wellness Coach

Holistic Wellness Coach

♡ Registered Holistic Nutritionist
♡ Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner

Photos from Holistic Wellness Coach's post 22/06/2022

Frozen Yogurt Bark 🍓

This was such a refreshing snack for a hot day like today! 🌞

- 1 tub of Organic Greek (original or vanilla)
- Dash of vanilla
- 1-2 tbsp organic maple syrup (to taste)
- Toppings of choice (I used raspberries, cranberries, pumpkin seeds, and coconut flakes)

> Mix 1 tub of organic green yogurt with vanilla and maple syrup

> Top with your choice of toppings

> Place in in freezer for 3 hours

> Crush it up and enjoy and cool tasty snack!

Photos from Holistic Wellness Coach's post 10/01/2022

3 Aspects Of Holistic Wellness ⛅

Everything is connected.

Your mind fuels your body, your body is a home for your soul, and your soul is your energetic body, auric field, and higher self.

We are interconnected human beings and there is never just one answer or one place to look.

As a Holistic Nutritionist, I focus on all 3 aspects, mind, body and spirit.

For every ailment, disorder, disease, or health challenge there is an associated emotion(s), experience, trauma, belief system, and interconnection.

Bringing the body back into alignment means focusing on what you nourish your temple with, your energetic body, and your conscious and subconscious mind.

As I use food for healing and a form of medicine in my practice I see daily how high vibrational foods impact all 3 aspects and how low vibrational foods cause dis-ease.

What aspect do you focus more of your attention on?

Share below! 💬❣️

Timeline photos 23/09/2020

What stands out to you most?⠀

“Don’t Quit”?⠀


“Do it”?⠀

Whatever you were drawn to let it be your message for today.⠀

If you’ve been struggling with something don’t quit, keep on going.⠀

If you’ve been trying to make a decision to go forward with something, do it. This was your divine message!⠀

Happy Wednesday beautiful souls 🤍⠀

Timeline photos 22/09/2020


My usual go to during a mid-day slump is Chaga + Lion’s Mane Coffee Mix! 🍄

I am highly sensitive to caffeine later in the day so I will stick to things that are low in caffeine but effective for giving me that wake up feel good effect.

Chaga and Lions Mane are extremely powerful antioxidants that also have healing my properties to them.

These two mushrooms mixed together aids in fueling your brain health, increases focus, thinking clearer, and gets the creative juices flowing.

During a busy work week this is exactly what I need to not only pick up my mid-day slump but to get my brain going! 🧠 🤍

Timeline photos 31/08/2020


3 years ago as I was transitioning into my Holistic lifestyle I forced myself to get into the habit of label reading. Not only when it came to juices but absolutely anything I bought.⠀

As I started reading more labels on the foods I was investing in I quickly realized a couple of things:⠀

- A lot of packaged foods had ingredients I couldn't pronounce⠀
- There was a lot of hidden and harmful ingredients⠀
- I was quick to realize a lot of big food companies don't have to mention all ingredients that are put into their packaging⠀
- Not everything that says organic on the package is truly organic⠀
- Not everything that says gluten free or vegan means its healthy⠀
- There was never real foods in a lot of packaged goods⠀

As I went on my own journey and started my practice I became an advocate for label reading and understanding what out packaging truly means. I committed to only buying something if I could read the ingredient list and the foods were real.⠀

I now practice this with my clients and while I am working with them 1:1 and help them understand why label reading is so important.⠀

A quick shout out to my fave clean pressed juice company ! Keep your eyes out for a giveaway in the near future! 🦋🤍

Timeline photos 18/08/2020

Happy Tuesday Beautiful Souls 🧚‍♀️⠀

A friendly reminder that you are beautiful, capable, and worthy.⠀

Whatever you are choosing today, you are WORTH it.⠀

Continue your day with strong intention, kindness in your heart and a thriving soul. 🥰⠀

Timeline photos 18/08/2020

I just cant help it. I LOVE a good snack 🥺⠀

Almond Butter Toast is one of my go to faves during a busy day! 🤩⠀

- gluten free bread toasted⠀
- Organic Almond Butter spread⠀
- Topped with organic blueberries⠀
- Topped with honey and bee pollen⠀
- ENJOY a tasty and healthy snack in 5 minutes!⠀

Timeline photos 30/07/2020

Stop talking yourself out of opportunities because you don't feel like you're "ready" yet.⠀

It's time.⠀

You're ready now!⠀

Maybe all you need is a little push. Let this be your sign to start what ever has been sitting on your heart today. 🤍⠀


Timeline photos 29/07/2020

Did you know in Canada 45% of food is wasted? 🤯⠀

When I did research on the company and found out what their WHY, it really resonated with me as Holistic Nutritionist, Health Advocate, and my Eco-Friendly mindset.⠀

Their mission is to simply REDUCE food waste by collaborating with major food industry actors to save perfectly good food products discarded before even reaching grocery stores and turn them into what I call the BEST juice you will ever have!⠀

They even turn some of the food they get into the following:⠀
- Cold Pressed Juices⠀
- Sparkeling Kefiers⠀
- Sour Beers⠀
- Milkshake Beers⠀
- Tasty Gin⠀
- Fruity Soaps⠀
- Vegan Dog treats⠀

This company is a circular economy company FIGHTING FOOD WASTE by REPURPOSING the outcast of the food industry. 👏⠀

These cold press juices contain NO added sugars or water, the pulp from juicing is reused and made into vegan dog treats, and lastly there is 1.5 KG of veggies within each 355 ML bottle. 😍⠀

💛 10.5 KG of reduced fruits and vegetables⠀
💛 8.4 KG of green house gas emissions avoided ⠀
💛 854 L of water saved⠀

IMAGINE HOW MUCH FOOD WE CAN SAVE TOGETHER? 😍 Click the link in my bio to save food and save $ on your first LOOP box order! CODE: AYLA10 🥳⠀

Timeline photos 27/07/2020


We always hear the term "Food is Medicine", but for some people they don't know why that term is so commonly thrown around. Not only can food be healing and therapeutic for our bodies but it can also be healing for our energetic pathways within us and around us.⠀

Here is an example that will hopefully give you an idea about how powerful foods can really be. ⠀

🧡 Citrus is considered a high vibrational food. It vibrates at a very high frequency and lifts the human energetic body along with it. If you have been attracted to an abundance of orange or citrus it is likely your energetic body is trying to vibrate higher on its frequency scale.⠀

🧡 Citrus also contains phyto-chemicals which protect and keep the entire fruit body healthy. For humans, as you hold ⠀
citrus, peel them, inhale their fragrance, you absorb their vibrational essence. Therefore, you match their high vibration and vibrate higher, yourself. This is why citrus helps to open and clear the Crown Chakra (the 7th energy centre) - it is that high of a frequency is resonates with the Crown Chakra; connection. ⠀

🧡 This is only a slight introduction into why food is medicine and impacts us physically, emotionally, energetically, and mentally. Everything we eat vibrates on a frequency scale, the higher the better!⠀

Timeline photos 26/07/2020


Sundays are for self care, disconnecting, and recharging for the upcoming week. I don't just prioritize these things on Sunday though, I do these things everyday of the week. ✨⠀

Self care is part of my daily routine in the morning and evening. For me it's a non-negotiable and I always make sure I honour my self care as it is a big part of setting day up for success and finishing my day stress free and peaceful.⠀

This is your Sunday reminder to do some self care everyday this week and acknowledge how your days start to shift and change for the better. 🕊⠀

You are worthy of taking care of yourself before you take care of everything else in your life this week! If there is no you, there is nothing. 🌞⠀

✨ What does self care look like to you?! COMMENT BELOW✨⠀

Timeline photos 25/07/2020


This was probably one of the easiest and tastiest smoothie bowls I have ever made! Not only was it easy and quick to make its jam packed with superfoods and nutrient dense to keep me full and energized.⠀


- Samourai smoothie (swipe for ingredients)⠀
- 1 scoop Vanilla Collagen Protein Powder⠀
- 1 tbsp Coconut oil⠀
- 1 scoop coconut tocos creamer⠀

- _naturals bee pollen⠀
- Almond-Gogi-Cranberry Mix⠀
- Coconut flakes⠀
- H**p Hearts⠀

🍋 Enjoy yourself a healthy smoothie bowl by clicking the link in my 𝗕𝗜𝗢! ⠀


Timeline photos 24/07/2020
Timeline photos 14/07/2020

Fuelling my body this afternoon with a jam packed ! 💛
• • •
TOUK TOUK is one of my favourite flavours and infused with tons of vitamins, minerals, and essential super foods!

Infusing my day with dense and nutrient packed food is important to me for optimal and sustainable energy, brain function, and focus to ignite my day. When my meals are nutritionally dense I am full longer and have better work performance!

Some of my favourite superfoods in TOUK TOUK are:
Turmeric- antioxidant source/ anti-inflammatory
Beet- supports brain and digestive health
Shiitake- boosts immune system
Sea buckthorn berry- rich in vitamins and minerals
Coconut- anti-microbial effects, improves memory and brain function

smoothies are the only ones I will consider a meal. They have full nutritional value and it cuts my meal prep time in less than half!

Thankful for this nutrient dense company 💛!

• • •
If you are interested in buying yourself some super charging smoothies use code: AYLAK10 at checkout to save 10% off and receive 2 free smoothies with your order! 🌞🌻

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

What we think, we believe and what we believe, we become. 🤍🕊

Acknowledge your daily thoughts, emotions, and patterns.

How do you feel when you think about your daily habits?

What emotions arise?

What patterns are you noticing that you do on a daily basis?

Are you usually in a positive headspace or negative headspace?

Do an evaluation on where you are right now in time and visualize where you want to be time from now. How does that journey look for you?

Tune in and listen to that inner voice, it has all the answers for you. Then start honouring how you feel and show up as the next version of you! ✨

Changing your thought patterns and belief systems will guide you into a whole new self discovering path of life. 🌻

Timeline photos 10/07/2020

Over the last couple of months I have been playing around with the way different foods and colours impact energy centers in the body. I found it overly fascinating watching myself and my clients drawn to certain food groups and colours and how these were interconnected with their emotions and health issues. As I continued to dig deep with my healing journey as well as my clients I realized food is not only impacting our internal bodies but it is also impacting our energetic bodies much more than we know.

The colour orange is one I have been drawn to for a couple months now. As I paid attention to my energetic body and where I needed healing as well as the emotions that would arise led me to start using specific foods to heal that energy center in my body. 🧡

Orange is associated with the Sacral Chakra right above the p***c bone and below the navel. This Chakra spiritual aspect is all about self respect, boundaries, and honour. It is also associated with creativity, emotional fluid, pleasure, joy, and abundance.

Healing is a combination of the Mind, Body, and Soul. As I continue as a Holistic Nutritionist and Reiki Practitioner I am continuously blown away everyday because it is more evident than ever that one can't heal without the other. 🌻

Timeline photos 08/07/2020

I’m back! ⚡️
It’s been a while since I have been present on my on my feed but I return with intention, purpose, and inspiration! 🌻

I took the last couple of months to call back my energy and recenter my focus. I felt that I needed a social media break in terms of continuously producing content. I found I was so focused on Instagram and lacking in a lot of areas of my business and life. While I’ve been on my Instagram content producing break I used that energy towards rebranding my website, building programs, rebranding services, and showing up to my clients online 🤍🌞

It feels great to be back and I’m ready to lead with intention, purpose, and inspiration for you guys to use my platform as a safe space, a learning tool, and educational resource. I am so excited to share with you guys all the things I’ve been working on behind the scenes and live out my passion 😍

Holistic Health & Wellness has my heart but so does energy work. I love motivational speaking, coaching, business mentorship, and everything in between. Being able to take this time away has lead me to fully understand how I can integrate everything I’m passionate about into one. ✨

Timeline photos 22/04/2020

• 04 • 22 • 2020 •

Tonight is a New Moon 🌚

What are you calling in?
More abundance?

What ever it may be you are calling in on this New Moon set clear intentions + manifest deeply what you want. ✨

This is a time to create a new beginning and cleanse your energy and space to bring in a higher good.

Set your intentions under the New Moon + speak out loud to allow the power of the universe, the Divine, the knowing, to take control of what you are calling in at this time.

🌸R E P E A T • T O • Y O U R S E L F🌸

“I am patient, knowing that whatever is of highest good is coming to me.” 🔮

Timeline photos 30/03/2020

The moment your soul decides what it wants, a new pathway will open up for you.
Signs will start to appear, making sure your moving in the direction you are meant to go in.
Don’t take your journey for granted; you’re not a simple being, you’re a Divine one.
Seek those who’s energy feels genuine and pure.
Release yourself from the hold of those trying to pull you back.
Keep aligning with your vision until it manifests before your eyes because soon enough, it will.
Trust in Divine timing... it’s spiritual synchronicity. The alignment of people in your life, places and events choreographed for your souls@highest good.🔮🧘🏼‍♀️💫
• • •

Timeline photos 27/03/2020

Being authentic will radiate more
p u r e e n e r g y
than trying to be an ideal you 💫
Let go of who you think you were supposed to be and start embracing who YOU are.

1. Express your feelings in a positive way without fear

2. Say what you mean, and mean what you say

3. Love your whole self, exactly how you are + who you are

4. Seek real connection rather than hiding behind a mask and pretending you are someone else

5. Continue to improve + work on yourself everyday. Show up as the best version of you!

Timeline photos 23/03/2020

Beautiful Soul, here is a quick reminder...

You are stronger than you think.
You are braver than you believe.
Every challenge that life has thrown at you, you've conquered.
Every obstacle that has been placed in your path, you've overcome.
You are a fighter.
You have always been a fighter.
You are unstoppable & unbreakable.
& right now, you are filled with more faith than you have ever been.

So Beautiful Soul, believe in yourself.
Never doubt who you are.
Chase those dreams.
& don't ever, ever stop.

All you have survived up until now is because the fire inside you burned brighter than the fire around you 🔮🧘🏼‍♀️💫
• • •

Timeline photos 19/03/2020

Whipped up a quick midday snack! Being creative + utilizing what I have here at home 🤗
Gluten free sprouted bread toasted
Organic almond butter
Sliced banana
Drizzle of organic honey
Dash of cinnamon, pumpkin seeds, and coconut flakes


Despite everything that has been going on lately, it is important to understand that we are out of control in a situation like this. Worrying and stressing about what we cant control is going to place a negative impact on our immune systems allowing us to be more susceptible to sickness. Instead of focusing on what we CANT control lets focus on what we CAN control such as:

✨ Your thoughts, attitude, + perspective
✨ How often you move your body
✨ Being kind to yourself
✨ Reading a new book
✨ Learning something new
✨ Expressing your feelings
✨ Practicing gratitude
✨ Meditation
✨ How you choose to eat + nourish your body
✨ How many times you smile today
✨ How much time you spend worrying
✨ Spending time with your loved ones

Everything at this point is out of your control. So start focusing on what you CAN control and what makes you happy! At the end of the day everything that is supposed to happen will happen + and what isn’t meant to serve you won’t happen. Either way- you still can’t control the outcome ♥️👁

Timeline photos 17/03/2020

👏🏼 You already have what it takes to start that business.

👏🏼 You already have what it takes to step out of your comfort zone.

👏🏼 You already have what it takes to gain FINANCIAL freedom.

👏🏼 You already have what it takes to gain TIME freedom.

GIRL. You already have what it takes to follow your dreams and step into your purpose. The real question is...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? ♥️✨

I am calling in all BOSS BABES who want something more for their lives. Women who are ready to step out of their comfort zone and truly create a meaningful life for themselves.

I am calling in all women who are ready to have time freedom, financial freedom, & work anywhere in the world FROM THEIR PHONES. Oh boy isn't it ever a blessing to live in 2020 when we have the tools, platforms, and opportunity RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! 📱⚡️💻

I have an opportunity for you babes who have been thinking about the at least 1 of the top 4 statements I mentioned up above.

All you need to do is reach out and DM or comment me "I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES" if you are ready to create something more for your life! You just need to BELIEVE you are worth so much more! 🌙 👁

Timeline photos 13/03/2020

CORONAVIRUS 🦠 With widespread fear of the Coronavirus I thought I would share my top Immune Boosting + Stress Reducing tips with you guys to help stay healthy!

#1. ADEQUATE SLEEP - Getting 7+ hours of quality sleep is extremely important to keep your immune system up. This is the time when your body recovers and fights anything foreign in your body.

#2. NOURISHING DIET - Eating a whole foods diet will allow your body to get the nutrients it needs to help fight against any foreign invaders, maintain your health, as well as maintaining a healthy immune system. The more sugar and processed/refined foods you put in your body the weaker your immune system will be. Whole foods nourish the immune while junk foods suppress the immune.

#3. SUPPLEMENTS - Giving your body body extra support right now is crucial. This is where supplementation comes into place to make sure we get ample amounts of nutrients we may be missing out on. MY GOT O SUPPS RIGHT NOW --> Vitamin D3, Vitamin C (I use @ Immunity and its packed with other amazing superfoods to keep the immune system up), Probiotic, Zinc, Magnesium, and Essential Fatty Acids.

#4. ADAPTOGENS - Adaptogens are important for managing stress levels. The higher your stress levels are the more suppressed your immune system will become. The more suppressed your immune system the more susceptible you are to getting sick! My go to adaptogen right now Reishi Mushroom (helps enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep, and lessen fatigue). Ashwagandha, Astragalus Root, and Ginseng are also very powerful for helping to lower and manage stress levels!

#5. MOVEMENT - Movement is extremely important as well! Even though you may be staying away from the gym during this time you can still move your body at home or go outside for a run or walk! The nice weather is here and fresh air and movement is important for keeping a healthy body.

Timeline photos 11/03/2020

A little bit of TASTY TUESDAY to end your evening 🤗

is always introducing me to extremely new brands on the market and I couldn’t be more thankful! It allows me to create these recipes for you guys and support other local brands in this case ! I put together a smoothie for breakfast that took me less then 5 minutes!

- 1 Scoop of vanilla protein powder
- 1 tsp of cacao
- 1 banana
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- Dash of cinnamon
- Topped with dark chocolate macaroon granola
- B L E N D 🤤

Timeline photos 09/03/2020


Are you ready to let go of everything that no longer serves you?

Are you ready to clear the negative energy that’s been lingering on you for far to long now?

Are you ready to connect to your higher self + and trust your intuition?

This Full Moon allow yourself to let go, recharge, + reconnect to your highest self 🌝✨

Here are a couple hacks to help you release and recharge your energy with tonight’s full moon! What is your Full Moon Ritual?

Photos from Holistic Wellness Coach's post 09/03/2020


Sugar Free Goji Berry Chocolate Bark🍫

I was feeling a little peckish for a tasty treat this weekend! I wanted something that tasted amazing but had little to no sugar in it. This was my creation....safe to say its SO good that the batch is pretty much gone!

Extremely cost effective, makes a huge batch, takes less then 10 minutes ti make, + sugar free!

Who wouldn't want to eat this whole batch up?

- Sugar free chocolate ships (I got these from whole foods)
- Coconut oil
- Goji berries
- Pumpkin seeds
- Unsweetened coconut flakes
- Cinnamon


Timeline photos 05/03/2020

My go to drink since I’ve cut out caffeine! It’s tasty, packed with nutrient dense goodies, and extremely easy to make!

- 1 pack of lions mane & chaga
- 1/4 cup of chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- cocoa coffee creamer
- Cinnamon

1. Boil hot water
2. Put all ingredients into hot water
3. BLEND + enjoy a tasty coffee replacement! ☕️

Photos from Holistic Wellness Coach's post 02/03/2020

🎉🌟 G I V E A W A Y 🌟🎉

If this isn't the best way to start off a Monday morning (besides your coffee) than I don't know what is! and I have collaborated and decided to giveaway 1 Porter mug to 1 lucky winner!

Besides these mugs being extremely cute they are also ceramic, easy to travel with, Eco-Friendly, BPA Free, Dishwasher Safe, & FDA approved!

1. Follow and
2. Like this post
3. Tag 3 or more friends who are Eco-Friendly
4. Share this post on your story for extra entries

@ Toronto, Ontario