Tripping on a shoestring, measuring the earth with our feet. Shaun and Chris-Ann Jansen are on a journey of adventure and inspiration.

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Dear family and friends around the world,

About 4 weeks ago our adventure finally drew to a close. We are back in the frosty north, sitting at home, on a cold, wintery Saturday morning. The adventure seems like both just yesterday, and a lifetime ago at the same time.
We just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your support, encouragement, friendship, opening up your homes and hearts to us over our long journey.
In the weeks to come, we plan to update all our blogs, start writing and documenting our trip, and write a book for ourselves - to always remind us of this epic moment in our lives.
We cherish all the moments we had with all those we met on the road, and are thankful to all of you who continuously sent us messages and well wishes from home throughout our trip - every single one made us smile.
Our journey is not over, it is simply in the next phase. Our backpacks are not retired - just recharging.
Not all who wander are lost - and we cant wait to start wandering again.
At the very beginning of this journey we chose the name "Aspiring Vagabonds" knowing that we will always be chasing this dream, forever aspiring - always a journey, never a destination. We hope that in some small way, we inspired you to chase the same.

Our sincerest thanks.

Lots of love,

The Vagabonds

Foodie Heaven 16/10/2014

The gastronomical delights of Italia

(a work in progress of course)

"Lost in Italy" - Chris-Ann's adventures 16/10/2014

following her through her first experience of Europe -it's a beautiful thing

"Lost in Italy" - Chris-Ann's adventures 16/10/2014

somebody LOVES her vintage finds

Italy in 29 pictures 16/10/2014


Harvest Walnuts, Grapes and making Wine in Italy 08/10/2014

With Ettore and Elena, our new Italian friends :)

Roma 08/10/2014
Phong Nha 07/09/2014

Just spent the most amazing 4 days in this incredible place. Phong Nha National Park - home to the world's greatest caves and beautiful limestone

The most beautiful place in the world (probably)
The world's largest and most beautiful caves

Phong Nha 07/09/2014

The most beautiful place in the world (probably)
The world's largest and most beautiful caves

Loving Vietnam 07/09/2014

Saigon - Hoi An - Hue

Yogyakarta & Borobodur 07/09/2014
Kelimutu 07/09/2014

The Volcano with 3 lakes

4 day boat Adventure 07/09/2014

Lombok-Komodo Islands-Flores

Lombok and Gili Meno 07/09/2014
Bali with the Tannens 07/09/2014

Legendary time with the besties

Delicious Penang 07/09/2014

3 Days in the Food capital of Asia - perhaps even the world

Island Hopping - Ko Phangan to Ko Phi Phi 19/05/2014
Island Hopping - Ko Phangan to Ko Phi Phi 19/05/2014

Another glorious Papaya Salad...

Laos 19/05/2014

Chiang Khong - Vang Vieng
Endless Beauty


One Crazy City


Hey Everyone,

We are currently in Bangkok - loving thailand. Just starting our one month journey through Thailand and Laos. Singapore was an awesome 2 day stop-over...the was the biggest highlight :)

Just wanted to thank everyone in Sri Lanka - all our family and friends for an amazing 2 months. What a journey through the Paradise Isle! Love you all! All pics being uploaded soon :)


Hanging with the Orangutans


Papaya Salad - our new favourite food