The Kerr Report

The Kerr Report

Founder and writer, The Kerr Report. An independent newsletter featuring original reporting about sp

Leading With Facts, Not Fear 29/09/2020

Want GovPritzker to ?

Then shift conversation to .

"Make no mistake, education is an essential service. We have to find a way"

Analysis from Glenbrook North High School Glenbrook South High School rally.

Leading With Facts, Not Fear If Illinois residents want , needs to take centerstage

Kerr Report Q&A: John and Julie Marchese 20/08/2020

Friday, parents of B1G football players pay a house call to B1G offices in Rosemont.

I interviewed John and Julie Marchese, parents of two B1G football players about why they want answers & believe its safe for their kids to play in '20.

Kerr Report Q&A: John and Julie Marchese Parents of two Big Ten football players share why they support the parent movement to reverse the conference decision to cancel football in 2020

Kerr Report Q&A: Jack Sorenson and Ben Kimpler 12/08/2020

College football is on life support in 2020. Two Chicagoland Division 1 players lost their seasons.

Hear what they have to say about the postponement of football, the movement, and their futures in the sport.

Kerr Report Q&A: Jack Sorenson and Ben Kimpler Two area MAC football players discuss season cancellation, player compensation and their football futures

Necessity is the Mother of Invention 12/08/2020

One Chicagoland training facility is on the cutting edge of football recruiting technology. How they did it was by embracing an old adage: necessity is the mother of invention.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention Chicagoland training facility on cutting edge of football recruiting technology

The Long Road Back to Baseball 12/08/2020

He made his big league debut in 2018. Then he lost a season due to arm trouble. Now Ryan Borucki is pitching for the Toronto Blue Jays and this time he plans to stay. His journey back to the big leagues.

The Long Road Back to Baseball Mundelein's Ryan Borucki takes next step in big league journey

Find a Way. Be Better. 12/08/2020

America was founded on a principle of overcoming challenges. That's why schools must open. The obstacle is the way.

Find a Way. Be Better. Lake Forest High School, Carmel Catholic and others embrace obstacles and lead by attempting to re-open school this year

Friday Night Lights Still On In Illinois? 12/08/2020

Tackle football is postponed in Illinois until 2021. What can fill the Friday night lights void? One 7-on-7 league is going to try.

Friday Night Lights Still On In Illinois? With tackle football postponed until next year, 7-on-7 leagues could fill void

The Best Bad Decision 12/08/2020

In-person school is not risk-free but correct one based on what we know right now. It's the best bad decision.

The Best Bad Decision In-person school not risk-free, but correct decision based on what we know to be true right now...

The March of Folly in Illinois 21/07/2020

As it pertains to school and sports in Illinois: 'Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-­interest suggests?'

The March of Folly in Illinois In the return of school and sports, common sense ignored over anxiety and fear p**n...

Politics and Fear Driving Fall Sports Decision 21/07/2020

I've started a new newsletter on . Here is my first piece, on how fear and politics is driving the decision on the fall sports decision in Illinois.

Politics and Fear Driving Fall Sports Decision Who is fighting for your kids? No one in the state of Illinois

The Kerr Report 21/07/2020

Hi everyone. I started a newsletter. Original reporting, editorially independent.

Read more about it.

The Kerr Report A hyper-local newsletter on sports and culture. Chicagoland.