Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork

Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork

I am a Forrest Yoga Teacher who is based in Berlin, Germany. I offer Forrest Yoga in different contexts. Moreover I also offer Bodywork session.

For more info, head over to my website!

Photos from Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork's post 13/02/2023

When your two working worlds meet: I have a new exhibition at the health center I'm working at! 18 original paintings are on display at PrimaVita in Berlin Zehlendorf! I'm super happy to being able to combine my passion of teaching with my passion of painting and art this way! Feel free to come visit and take a look! 🙏💖
Wenn sich deine beiden Arbeitswelten treffen: Ich habe eine neue Ausstellung im Gesundheitszentrum, in dem ich arbeite! 18 Originalgemälde sind bei PrimaVita in Berlin Zehlendorf zu sehen! Ich freue mich sehr, meine Leidenschaft für das Unterrichten auf diese Weise mit meiner Leidenschaft für Malerei und Kunst verbinden zu können! kommt gerne vorbei und schaut euch um! 🙏💖


: when I taught yoga in a super nice dance studio in Berlin Schöneberg during the beginning of corona and enjoyed the beautiful light while people dove into the end relaxation. Lightfull memory, which brings some warmth into todays grey and rainy Berlin winter day. Have a good day everyone! ✨💕

Photos from Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork's post 03/12/2022

When you wanna start your yoga practice but one of your cats is sabotaging the act by already starting shavasana.

Photos from Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork's post 23/11/2022

Meine Yogaklassen via Vorspiel SSL Berlin eV finden nach wie vor Mittwochs und Freitags statt - nach wie vor hybrid und am Mittwoch seit einiger Zeit in einer wunderbar großen und schönen Sporthalle in Berlin Schöneberg. Für mehr Informationen kontaktiert mich oder den Verein und vielleicht sehen wir uns heute Abend! 🤸‍♂️🧘‍♂️✨


Hello from the poolside of life! 🙂💦 Long time no post here, so I thought it's time for a little update. I started a new part time position in a health center in the beginning of the year - which means more teaching! With this shift I'm bringing mindfulness, breath and body-awareness not only into my yoga classes and onto the mat, but also into other areas like aqua fitness, fascia training and mobility classes for cancer patients. I'm super thankful for my yoga foundation training and all the further educations in this area because they are the basis for what I am doing now 🙏 Love to all of you and have a great Monday!


Yesterday I taught my first yoga class in the park! 🙂 And there are many two-word combinations that come to my mind: So wonderful, so lovely, so heartwarming, happily reunited, definitely again! The weather was perfect and it was sooo nice to see people in person again, after seeing them on the screen or not at all for a while. So if it is warm enough and dry outside, we’ll be back! 🌳☀️ Classes in the park are happening through Vorspiel SSL Berlin eV on Wednesdays and Fridays (if the weather allows – otherwise online via zoom) 🧘‍♂️


Core. Strength. Balance. Breath. All of it was felt in that moment. And my spirit was happy in this greenery! Lushness in the best sense. Have a great start to the weekend full nourishing moments! 🌿
My yoga classes are still online: You can join me via Zoom on Mondays (link on my website or dm me), Tuesdays (via Evolve Yoga), Wednesdays and Fridays (via Vorspiel SSL Berlin eV). All in German, Mondays with some English if needed 🙏


Empathy. So important. Now and always. 💛

Photos from Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork's post 27/05/2020

Wheeeere is the camera??! : ) This happens when you are getting used to selfies and are trying to take a picture in a nice namaste pose – swipe to see my awesome first try (although I love the little planty coming trough the metal grid). This is definitely something I’ve learned over time – not taking myself too serious all the time. It’s actually so much fun and hilarious to look at all the picture fails that happened when I tried to take selfies in yoga poses so far… maybe I’ll make a whole series out of it. So in this sense: Look at your self, your path, your progressions and adjustments with compassion, love and: laughter! 🙂


Putting oneself out there isn’t always easy. On the mat, on the screen, into the world. Being seen, with all you got or with what people perceive you have.

Looking at myself here, I might look a little tired or serious in this picture. But I felt very peaceful. Out in nature. Wind, water… breathing on so many levels. Connecting with the world, but also within. It’s so important to connect to something that really nourishes us. In order to connect. On and off the mat, on and off the screen, with the world, ourselves and each other.

Wishing you a great day and am sending you loads of good energy this way!

Photos from Annika Baacke Yoga & Bodywork's post 13/05/2020

Greeting and hugging an old and beloved friend. Definitely also a very important asana. I was allowed to travel again and spent last weekend at the Baltic Sea. I can’t even describe on how many levels this place fills me. It brightens my spirit. I hope you're all doing well, finding moments here and there that brighten you, your spirit and soul! ✨


Für mich geht es im Yoga um Verbindung. Mit mir selbst und auch mit anderen. Die Yogapraxis ist für mich wie eine Tür – zu dem was in mir ist, was um mich ist und auch zu den Menschen, die mir auf der Matte begegnen. Am Sonntag den 17. Mai 2020 von 10 – 12 Uhr biete ich wieder einen Yoga Workshop für Ältere über Vorspiel SSL Berlin eV an, um genau diese Verbindung zu erforschen und erlebbar zu machen. Dieses Mal online. Willkommen sind sowohl Anfänger als auch Fortgeschrittene. Es wird darum gehen Yoga kennenzulernen oder die eigene Praxis weiter zu vertiefen, den eigenen Körper immer wieder, immer weiter kennenzulernen, den Atem, die Kraft, den Raum in sich selbst. Anmeldung über [email protected] oder direkt über mich. Der Workshop ist für die Teilnehmenden wieder kostenlos, da er vom Berliner Senat gefördert wird 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️


Kick off: Ab Montag Morgen starte ich eine neue Online Yoga Klasse! Wöchentlich von 8:30 – 9:45 Uhr. 75 Minuten Forrest Yoga, teilweise Forrest inspiriert, um den Tag und die neue Woche zu beginnen!
Kosten: 9€ via PayPal an: [email protected] oder per Überweisung wenn bevorzugt. 9€ ist meine vorläufige Idee für diese Klasse, solltet ihr mehr zahlen wollen so seid ihr herzlich willkommen, habt ihr das Gefühl euch dies momentan nicht leisten zu können, so zahlt einen Betrag der für euch zur Zeit stimmig ist. Hauptsache wir praktizieren zusammen! Bezahlung bitte direkt vor oder direkt nach der Klasse.
Die Klasse wird auf Deutsch stattfinden, aber ich werfe auch gerne Englisch mit ein, wenn Bedarf besteht. Ihr braucht eine Matte, einen Block (oder etwas blockähnliches), einen Gurt (oder Gürtel), sowie eine zusammengerollte Decke/ Handtuch.
Kommt via Zoom in mein Wohnzimmer und lasst uns gemeinsam praktizieren! Der Link für die Klasse wird 15 Minuten vor Klassenbeginn zugänglich sein. Ich freue mich auf euch! 🙂


Ab dieser Woche sind auch meine Yogaklassen am Mittwoch und Freitag über den Sportverein Vorspiel SSL Berlin eV online verfügbar – Verbindung geht in alle Richtungen! Und das ist es worum es geht. Ich freue mich euch zu sehen!! 💜


Ab sofort gibt es Online-Yogaklassen mit mir!
Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage werden viele meiner Yoga-Klassen jetzt vorübergehend auf Online-Klassen umgestellt. Dies ermöglicht es, weiterhin zu praktizieren, in Verbindung zu bleiben und während dieser schwierigen Zeit ein Stück weit Balance herzustellen. Da viele von uns nun komplett zu Hause sind oder auf jeden Fall mehr Zeit zu Hause verbringen, habt ihr vielleicht Zeit, Lust und Muße gemeinsam mit mir online Yoga zu machen! 🙂

Eine meiner Online-Klassen läuft über Evolveyoga. Die Klasse findet immer Dienstags von 17:30 - 19 Uhr statt. Das Ganze läuft ab wie eine reguläre Klasse, ich leite per Live-Video durch die Stunde, nur dass jeder von uns bei sich zu Hause praktiziert 🙏✨
Für die Registrierung geht auf: oder schreibt mir eine Nachricht.

Bei Fragen zur Yogaklasse, zum Yogastil oder auch zum technischen Vorgehen, meldet euch gerne bei mir. Und teilt die Info mit Interessierten!

Stay healthy & strong!


New workshops for q***r elderly coming up! This workshop series is sponsored by the Senate of Berlin again and is therefore free of charge for the participants. The registration takes place via me or via Vorspiel SSL Berlin eV - The next dates with me are on April 5th, May 17th, October 18th and November 8th 2020 from 11am - 1:30 pm. Looking so much forward to this! 🙏😀


For those of you who want to read my new blog article for Evolve Yoga right here right now, here you go:

Let it All go

I am currently sorting out, packing boxes, preparing. Because I'm moving. While doing so, a CD of one of my favorite bands from when I was a teenager fell into my hands. One of the songs is titled "Let it All go". It is about being free, in the mind, body and soul, to become one with the music, and to surrender to the flow. I think that sounds pretty wonderful. It sounds like lightness. Very promising. And at the same time: difficult. Letting go. Everything. How? And when? And why?

Letting go is such a broad, multifaceted topic that affects and accompanies us all. Every day. In the apparently most insignificant moments. Like in getting up and going to bed. By sending an email or opening a letter. In sitting down to find quiet for a moment. Turning gaze and changing perspective. It encompasses a lot more than I can cover here and still I want to share a few thoughts about it. About letting go and also about new beginnings.

An old year, even an old decade, is just behind us. And many celebrate the turn of the year. It lets us reflect on the experiences, the moments and the events of the past 12 months. About wishes, dreams and visions. About what was and what we see in the future. I personally find it a nice ritual at the end of the year or at the beginning of the year. It has something contemplative for me. To reflect on myself, to reflect on life, what is essential for me. Or should be.
When I look back ten years, a lot has happened, a lot has changed in my life. A relationship started and ended during this time, I moved, I finished my doctoral thesis, started a new job. I had my first art exhibition, I completed a yoga teacher training and started teaching. I said goodbye to people and got to know new ones. I lived through ups and downs and with this I also let go, developed and welcomed parts of myself. I've been traveling. Inside as well as outside. And I always came out of it a bit differently. If you want so, I stripped something off, gained something new or rediscovered it.

Letting go can be done in so many different ways. For instance quickly and abruptly, or slowly and gently. Deliberately, as a clear decision, or brought about from the outside. Letting go can be painful. Or liberating. Sometimes even both at the same time. We let go of something and at the same time there is space for something new, something different.
There were situations in my life when I didn't want to let go, didn't want things to change. I felt, like it was an uncomfortable, an unwelcome disturbance to the familiar state of being. Like pain. And that’s what it can be. Nevertheless now I also see the positive, the potential, the freedom in letting go! Be it letting go of old behavior patterns, thought patterns, ideas, letting go of objects, of people, environments that are not good for us, or even letting go physically, for example in yoga practice.
Through my yoga practice I have learned a lot about letting go in recent years. I had to realize that I could not just crack open the "armor" of my body and being and leave it behind, in order to be able to move on freely and carefree. But that this is also a process. A process that peels of layer by layer. At its’ own pace. I may have ideas and wishes, yes. But the practice or the "progress" is not always as I thought it would be. And isn't it the same in everyday life? We have ideas, wishes, plans and that is certainly not wrong. But things don't always go exactly as we planned. And that doesn't necessarily mean that things are going worse or better, it just works: differently. Let it all go.

I'm looking forward to my new apartment, the new rooms, new stories. I am looking forward to the change and at the same time I am confronted with old memories that I encounter when packing boxes. It probably always includes both, the letting go - saying goodbye and new beginning. In the mind, body and soul. And even if we don't let go of everything, this threshold of transition also always harbors something very special, a feeling of floating. Neither completely here, nor completely there. Letting go.

I wish you all a wonderful new year and decade. May it hold many big and small new beginnings for you. Like a fresh breeze that strokes your face and through your body.

Nourish Yourself 09/01/2020

I wrote a blog-article for Evolve Yoga 🙏 and am happy to being able to share some of my thoughts with it. There is a version in English as well as in German and you'll find it right here:

Nourish Yourself Start the New Year with self-care and compassion


Sanctuary. What is it for you? It might be a place in nature. Or nature itself. It might be a building, an objekt, a person, it might be taking a breath or it is something within you.
It is a busy time, the time at the end of the year. Connecting to something that calms us, fills us and brings us closer to the source is definitely helpful in this time where we tend to speed up instead of slowing down. So let's take a moment and connect to this sanctuary. Whatever that is for you ✨ and have a lovely day!


I just recoverd from having the flu and while being sick, it made me reflect about several things again. Health. Letting go. Balance. I had to cancel things I was looking forward to, like a yoga weekend retreat and several yoga classes, which was really too bad. At the same time my body obviously needed a pause, needed to slow down in order to bring me back to a more balanced internal and external state of being. So this post is to getting back into the groove, diving into the new week and to creating space and balance in a way, that a forced pause won’t be necessary anytime soon! Wishing you all a great week, filled with whatever makes you feel good and balanced! 🙂


I wanted this to be my first picture here, because it speaks to me on several levels. I took it during a trip to Stockholm this year and it was a slogan remaining from Pride week there. I think this message translates to all realms of life: Being proud, showing oneself, living ones truth, in all its colors, all its facets, daring to step out and letting oneself be seen - I think this is Beautiful. Living, recognizing, enjoying and embracing the Beauty of life, in all its ups and downs, all its challenges, its lessons, its potentials of growth - I think this is Beautiful, cause this is where Beauty and Light is to be found, what makes us evolve, and what makes us to who we are. Beau–ti–ful.

It’s been an exciting new step for me to publish my yoga & bodywork website plus adding social media channels where I plan to post pictures from my everyday life with yoga and bodywork. In the past I've been rather shy and held back, not wanting to share too many pics of myself - not wanting to show myself, fear of showing too much of myself, being self–critical, afraid of my own judgment and the judgment of others. But: there is also so much power and Beauty in sharing and in connecting, in connection! So here we go! I'm looking forward to seeing you here! Let’s all walk in Beauty.