U.A.H.F. (Underground Anti-Human Front)

U.A.H.F. (Underground Anti-Human Front)

And yes... we RETURN

We are a movement estrictly against human race, no matter race or color, we are driven by hate despise and the desire of eradication of this aberration called human, let nature take its course, we are just an obstacle.


.- Are YOU Feeling Misunderstood?- Are YOU Constantly Depressed?- Do You think culting yourself eases the pain inside?- Does DSBM, Sub-Human Rights and Modern World bring you Confort?

KILL YOURSELF, U.A.H.F. doesn´t forgive weakness.

Rikardo Miembro de U.A.H.F. división Southland

Timeline photos 06/12/2014

Die Sentimental Scum!!!

Rikardo Comandante de la División de las tierras del Sur Chile de U.A.H.F


the modern world needs dictatorship... the cure for the neohuman plage... world need overdose ... murder and nuklear bliss

Obey Profanatory Forces


F**k Humanity!!! Celebrate the Destruction of the Masses


U.A.H.F. ONLY want to glorify war - the only cure for the world - militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of the fanaticism, the beautiful ideas which kill, and contempt for woman. We want to demolish museums and libraries, fight morality, feminism and all opportunist and utilitarian cowardice.

Rikardo Miembro de la División de las tierras del Sur de U.A.H.F.

Timeline photos 31/05/2014

Enjoy!!! Humans


Timeline photos 29/05/2014

U.A.H.F. is 100% Misanthropy!!! F**k ALL races!!! Mankind as a whole is pure s**t. Racism is being too nice.

Rikardo Proud Member ov U.A.H.F. Southland Division

Mobile uploads 02/05/2014

Teach to child

Rikardo Southland división


The underground anti-human front is not a place for joiners. It’s not a place for me-tooers. It’s not a place for the extra people of humanity who, having nothing they really care about, go casting around for an “identity” they can manufacture out of things they buy and activities they attend.

Don’t support the humans scum. The human is a parasite. Support the U.A.H.F. , and death to the rest.

Rikardo división Southland

Mobile uploads 17/02/2014

Just info.


Mobile uploads 17/02/2014

Make them bleed.


Timeline photos 25/01/2014

Död, naturens val!!!



Avaejee´s Death part 2

English version. This is just a kid!


m going to hell for this, but it’s an observation, not a recommendation: black metal was a lot better when it was the Wild West, with bodies cropping up everywhere, churches aflame, and musicians stockpiling paramilitary gear.

Then it got all civilized — about the same time it became sociable and profitable — and immediately descended to the same repetitive and soulless level as all other music that has been socially accepted.

For this reason, while I’m not going to cheer the acts involved (and no one accountable can, because we are civilized), I have to admit a brief flicker of something — nostalgia? hope? — crossed my nerve net as I read in this morning’s virtual paper about the self-proclaimed Satanist who killed the singer of a Thai metal band, Surrender of Divinity.

Surrender of Divinity have released a number of underground efforts to some acclaim, culminating in a split with Finnish war/noise metal cult Archgoat. Prices on Surrender of Divinity merch on eBay have already spiked in response, for you cynics.

The alleged killer, Prakarn Harnphanbusakorn, was apparently a fan of Surrender of Divinity when he reportedly met with the band’s vocalist, Samong Traisattha, for some beers at the latter’s home. When Mr. Samong’s wife returned to check on the two several hours after the gathering began, she found her husband dead from multiple deep knife trauma wounds.

Posting on Facebook as Maleficient Meditation, Mr. Prakarn posted pictures of the gory scene of the killing and made a series of references to the sacral nature of his act:

“I have intended to end my life since I was 25. Because I’ll die eventually, I want to drag down those who tarnish Satanism with me. But I refrained from killing women and children,” he wrote.

“In my view, I have more respect for devoted Buddhists, Christians and Muslims than those who call themselves Satanists without knowing anything about it,” he wrote. “If I did not kill him, I’m sure he would be murdered by someone else later.”

“Maleficent Meditation” concluded that people who do not have faith in Satan should not call themselves Satanists. He also said he hoped he would be with Satan after he died.

Timeline photos 11/01/2014

Avaejee´s Death


Timeline photos 01/01/2014

Rikardo Division Southland


To all Members, to all detractors and friends of tolerance and democracy, to all supporters U.A.H.F. and to all sub-human bastards traitors. To life and to death, to old and to the new. To the bones and ashes that joined the black soil in the past and in the future... Upon the blood of dead kings we shall walk, the bones of the weak shall be crushed and the spirits of dead gods smashed.

One more cycle completed, F**k off and Die 2013!!! Past, Present... DEATH!!!

Warning!! This site is only official site of U.A.H.F!!!

Other sites in Facebook and other Social Networks are unofficial!!
Total Desecration to all so called Social Networks!!!


Rikardo Member ov Division Southland


A minute of silence for Mijail Kalashnikov.

Thanks for your deathmachine .

N. Spreader.


Enjoy bastards and don't forget you're useless.



Timeline photos 11/11/2013


Timeline photos 08/11/2013



in the next months I will print some t shirts with the legend : Humanity is overrated.
In the case you need one, send a message.

Destroy your life.

-N. Spreader-


We have seen some new followers on our website, today we will review each profile, if you look homosexual or you're just an idiot, you will be kicked fu***ng out.

Remember, we're a movement of hate and intolerance, so anyway we hate you all.

Spread hate / Kill yourself.

«Negativity Spreader»

Timeline photos 11/10/2013

Have fun today.

-N. Spreader-


Take out your rifles and open fire!!

Timeline photos 18/08/2013

No more time for kids.

Timeline photos 16/08/2013

-N. Spreader-


You are nothing, kill yourself.

-N. Spreader-

Videos (show all)

Pacifist scum is useless.
