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Born in central Vietnam in 1926, Thich Nhat Hanh entered Tu Hieu Temple, in Hue city, as a novice monk at the age of sixteen. As a young bhikshu (monk) in the early 1950s he was actively engaged in the movement to renew Vietnamese Buddhism.

When war came to Vietnam, monks and nuns were confronted with the question of whether to adhere to the contemplative life and stay meditating in the monasteries, or to help those around them suffering under the bombings and turmoil of war.

A few months later he traveled once more to the U.S. and Europe to make the case for peace and to call for an end to hostilities in Vietnam. As a result of this mission both North and South Vietnam denied him the right to return to Vietnam, and he began a long exile of 39 years.

He also continued to teach, lecture and write on the art of mindfulness and ‘living peace,’ . In 1975 he established the Sweet Potato community near Paris, and in 1982, moved to a much larger site in the south west of France, soon to be known as “Plum Village.”

On 11 November 2014, a month after his 88th birthday and following several months of rapidly declining health, Thich Nhat Hanh suffered a severe stroke. Although he is still unable to speak, and is mostly paralyzed on the right side.


Conquer anger through gentleness,
unkindness through kindness,
greed through generosity, and falsehood by truth.




There is no fear for one whose mind
is not filled with desires.



Give, even if you only have a little

Gautama Buddha


Biograpical of the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Timeline photos 22/08/2020

With perseverance and courage,
the roughest roads can become smooth

Master Cheng Yen

Timeline photos 20/08/2020

There is no path to happiness:
happiness is the path.

Siddhartha Gautama

Timeline photos 18/08/2020

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions

Dalai Lama XIV

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

Silence is sometimes the best answer

Dalai Lama XIV

Timeline photos 15/08/2020

If it isn't good, let it die.
If it doesn't die, make it good.

Ajahn Chah

Timeline photos 13/08/2020

If you love someone but rarely make yourself available to him or her, that is not true love.

Timeline photos 12/08/2020

Because you are alive, everything is possible

Thich Nhat Hanh

Timeline photos 11/08/2020

What is the law of karma?.
You get everything you deserve

Ajahn Bram

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

We should know that nothing in the world comes easily; how can we expect a reward when we haven't put in the work?

Hsuan Hua

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Better lite a candle than complain about the darkness

Ajahn Bram

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Your mind is a powerful thing.
When you filter it with positive thoughts,
your life will start to change.

Gautama Buddha

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Change is never painful,
only the resistance to change is painful.

Gautama Buddha

Timeline photos 09/08/2020
Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Anything which is troubling you,
anything which is irritating you,
THAT is your teacher.

Ajahn Chah

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

As you breathe in, cherish yourself,
As you breathe out, cherish all Beings.

Dalai Lama XIV

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Born in central Vietnam in 1926, Thich Nhat Hanh entered Tu Hieu Temple, in Hue city, as a novice monk at the age of six...
