Halal spouse connection

Halal spouse connection

Our service is to provide you with the best choice of spouse according to the Quran and Sunnah.


Trending story

Today, on the 2nd of December 2023, my beloved husband expanded our family by taking a second wife.

After two decades of marriage, I discovered that my husband had married my former student, a revelation that came to light just a week before the wedding. While this could have been shocking, I commend my husband for his openness.

It's noteworthy that my former student, now my husband's second wife, has found genuine love. As a mother, witnessing one's daughter marry a responsible man fulfills the dreams and prayers we hold close.

Understanding this as a mother aslo has granted me inner peace, and despite potential external criticism, I confidently shared my husband's wedding invitation on my social media platforms.

Given the considerable number of unmarried women today and the societal shifts we experience, I find it fitting to open our home and my husband's heart to another woman.

Through this message, I aim to advocate and encourage women to support their husbands who choose to marry more than once.

Henceforth, my daughter is willing to embrace any role—be it first, second, third, or fourth wife—knowing her mother respects and accepts her father's decision to add more wife.

Congratulations to the bride, and I look forward to a harmonious life together with our husband" .

~ Fatima Yusuf Nuhu


May Allah give you the right spouse


Poverty contributes 50% to the crises in marriages. Yaa thaljalaali walikram, do not test us with poverty.


لكل من دعاءه الزوج أسأل الله لكم أن يرزقكم بما تريدون


و من أرزقه الله امرءة مؤمنة صالحة قد أرقه الله سلامة واسعة


This brother here is in need of mathna
He is capable and ready
Name: Thikrullah
Gender: male
State: oyo
Occupation: site engineer


Sisters and brothers are available for nikah


Your parent is the foundation builder of your life, your wife is the manager and the maintainer of the progress recorded so far. when getting a spouse, ensure you get the best manager and the best elevator.
The role of our spouse in our life is so important and boy captured in the Quran


من الأيام الكرامة يوم الجمعة أكثر فيه بالصلاة على نبيكم
صلى الله عليه وسلم


Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah wabarajatuh
We have sisters who are ready to be Nathan as well as thulatha was rubah.


Assalamu alaykum warhmatullahi wabarakatuh


Sisters are available for marriage just to get connected


You are all welcome to this page may Rahmat of Allah be upon every member of the page both here and after here.
