Orin DaBen Foundation

Orin DaBen Foundation

Founded in honor of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer to continue their work


As many of you know, Sanaya and Duane talked over the years about creating a non-profit foundation to carry on their work after they were gone. The Orin DaBen Foundation has been established for this express purpose. The Board members have been selected and vetted by Duane and are as follows: Miriam Trahan, President, Susan Tobiska, Treasurer, Devon Janzen, Secretary, Roland Verschaeve.

The Board has been functioning for several months. Their prime directive, as designated by DaBen and Orin, is to keep the work out for at least 100 years.

The Board would like to assure everyone that a great deal is being done to keep the website active and to archive and safeguard all the journeys, talks, books and and other relevant materials created by Duane and Sanaya for the future.

This is a difficult time for us all, having lost Duane suddenly. Please know he authorized us with specific instructions and guidance, which will be faithfully enacted in the days and weeks ahead. We ask for your patience, compassion and support as we pull together this new organizing principal in the wake of Sanaya and Duaneā€™s departures.

We hope you find comfort in the fact that the Orin DaBen Foundation will be continuing this important work and continuing to make your journeys, talks and seminars available.

Your experiences and light are important to the work and to humanity. Please continue to send your highest light and energetic support to the Foundation and each other as we undertake this monumental task.

For those interested, an opportunity to make a financial contribution to the Orin DaBen Foundation and this work will be forthcoming soon.

We send our love to each of you.

Miriam, Devon, Susan and Roland
