World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY

World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY

We are a forum of meeting and discussion for the Youth of Lebanese origin spread around the world!

The World Council for Youth (WLCUY) is an indivisible part of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU), a civil institution, independent and non-governmental, non-political, non-sectarian, non-religious and non-profit making, established to ensure the preservation and propagation of pride in the Lebanese culture and its manifestation throughout the Diaspora. The organization is ascribed to with th

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 12/05/2024

Mother’s Day celebrates more than love; it’s a tribute to the timeless advice mothers give us daily. Their guidance, rooted in experience and love, shapes our character and decisions. From resilience to empathy, their wisdom is universal and enduring, a testament to the bond between mother and child. Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers whose advice continues to light our way.

Comment on what has been the best advice your mother has given you! 💖🌺

El Día de la Madre celebra más que el amor; es un homenaje a los consejos eternos que las madres nos dan a diario. Su guía, arraigada en la experiencia y el amor, moldea nuestro carácter y nuestras decisiones. Desde la resiliencia hasta la empatía, su sabiduría es universal y duradera, un testimonio del vínculo entre madre e hijo. Feliz Día de la Madre a todas las madres increíbles cuyos consejos continúan iluminando nuestro camino.

¡Comenta cuál ha sido el mejor consejo que te ha dado tu Madre! 💖🌺


A todas las madres que se fuerzan diariamente por dar lo mejor de sí mismas, por enseñarnos a ser fuertes y perseverantes, por luchar por sus hijos y dejarles un increíble legado. 💐

¡Feliz Día de las Madres! 💕

To all the mothers who push themselves daily to give the best of themselves, to teach us to be strong and persevere, to fight for their children and leave them an incredible legacy. 💐

Happy mothers day! 💕


Just under half of Lebanese families have at least one member residing abroad whose permanent departure occurred in the period between 1975 and 2001.

Thus, the first period of migration, which extends from 1975 to 1990, corresponds to the years of internal unrest; the second, from 1991 to 1995, is that of the post-war period and economic recovery, and the third, which covers from 1996 to the end of 2001, the date of the research carried out in the field, is characterized by a difficult economic situation.
*(The dispersion of the Lebanese throughout the world | Choghig Kasparian - Sociologist, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut).*

We celebrate this day for all those who had to leave Lebanon, for what they left behind, for what they miss, for what they were; but also for what they have built, for what they are today, for the unity within the diaspora. 🇱🇧✊🏻

As the great poet Gibran Khalil Gibran said: “If Lebanon were not my country, I would have chosen it to be.” - Chimerical Land.


Algo menos de la mitad de las familias libanesas cuenta por lo menos con un miembro residente en el extranjero cuya marcha definitiva se produjo en el período entre 1975 y 2001.

Así, el primer período de migración, que se extiende de 1975 a 1990, corresponde a los años de disturbios internos; el segundo, de 1991 a 1995, es el de la posguerra y la recuperación económica, y el tercero, que abarca de 1996 a finales de 2001, fecha de la investigación realizada sobre el terreno, se caracteriza por una situación económica difícil.
*(La dispersión de los libaneses por el mundo | Choghig Kasparian - Socióloga, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut).*

Celebramos este día por todos los que tuvieron que salir del Líbano, por lo que dejaron atrás, por lo que extrañan, por lo que fueron; pero también por lo que han construido, por lo que son hoy, por la unidad dentro de la diáspora. 🇱🇧✊🏻

Como dijo el gran poeta Gibran Khalil Gibran: “Si el Líbano no fuera mi país, yo lo habría escogido como tal.” - Patria Quimérica.


Happy International Women’s Day! 🌷💪🏻

We always appreciate and support the important and constant fight for gender equality, for the deconstruction of stereotypes, for discrimination and violence, among others.

Let’s continue to take the place of respect and courage that we deserve in society ✊🏻.

We celebrate all women and we appreciate having our powerful SHEis Women’s Commission who are the ones who lead our closest fight 💐.

¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer! 🌷💪🏻

Agradecemos y apoyamos siempre la importante y constante lucha por la igualdad de género, por la deconstrucción de los estereotipos, por la discriminación y la violencia, entre otras.

Sigamos ocupando el lugar de respeto y valentía que nos merecemos en la sociedad ✊🏻.

Celebramos a todas las mujeres y agradecemos contar con nuestra poderosa Comisión de Mujeres SHEis que son quienes encabezan nuestra lucha más cercana 💐.

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 22/02/2024

The official WLCUY Commission for the period 2023 - 2025! We are very happy that you have accompanied us in the presentations of the commissions of the last few days and we are eager to share our progress with you throughout this new period 🤝🏻.

-🇦🇷 Guadalupe Bolaños Dubos - President.
-🇨🇴 Valentina López Estefan - Secretary General.
-🇫🇷 Carine Rouhana - Treasurer.
-🇺🇸 Abi Bistany - SHEis Commission.
-🇺🇸 Marielina Halabi - SHEis Commission.
-🇺🇸 Maribelle Assaad Boutros - Lebanese Dialect Commission.
-🇲🇽 Michelle Rezek - NGO / Social Welfare Commission.
-🇲🇽 Jean Mina - Cultural Affairs Commission.
-🇨🇴 Sara Meira-Serantes Fajury - Media & Comms. Commission.
We aim to continue providing a fertile ground for empowerment, networking, and discussion for all Lebanese youth across the world without distinction of religion, political ideology, and country of residence 🌍🇱🇧.

Learn more about the WLCU Youth or get in touch with us through our MDs! We hope you can join us ❤️.

¡La Comisión oficial de WLCUY para el periodo 2023 - 2025! Estamos muy contentos de que nos hayan acompañado en las presentaciones de las comisiones de los últimos días y estamos ansiosos por compartir nuestro progreso con ustedes a lo largo de este nuevo periodo 🤝🏻.

-🇦🇷 Guadalupe Bolaños Dubos - Presidenta.
-🇨🇴 Valentina López Estefan - Secretaria General.
-🇫🇷 Carine Rouhana - Tesorera.
-🇺🇸 Abi Bistany - Comisión de Muneres SHEis.
-🇺🇸 Marielina Halabi - Comisión de Mujeres SHEis.
-🇺🇸 Maribelle Assaad Boutros - Comisión de Dialecto Libanés.
-🇲🇽 Michelle Rezek - Comisión de ONG / Acción Social.
-🇲🇽 Jean Mina - Comisión de Asuntos Culturales.
-🇨🇴 Sara Meira-Serantes Fajury - Comisión de Medios y Comunicaciones.

Nuestro objetivo es seguir proporcionando un terreno fértil para el empoderamiento, la creación de redes y el debate para todos los jóvenes libaneses del mundo sin distinción de religión, ideología política y país de residencia 🌍🇱🇧.

¡Conoce más sobre la WLCU Youth o ponte en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestros MD! Esperamos que puedan acompañarnos ❤️.

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 21/02/2024

Lastly but surely not least, we present to you the WLCUY Media & Communications Commission 🤝🏻.

-🇨🇴 Sara Meira-Serantes Fajury - Leader.

-🇨🇱 Isidora Cid Cid.

-🇺🇸 George Elias.

This commission coordinates all WLCUY publications and news for the official website and social media profiles, as well as with news outlets in Lebanon 📹🇱🇧.

▪️ All working commissions are diverse groups made up of WLCUY members from different countries, focused on addressing particular topics for the benefit of Lebanon and its diaspora.

Por último, pero no menos importante, le presentamos la Comisión de Medios y Comunicación de la WLCUY 🤝🏻.

-🇨🇴 Sara Meira-Serantes Fajury - Líder.
-🇨🇱 Isidora Cid Cid.
-🇺🇸 George Elias.

Esta comisión coordina todas las publicaciones y noticias de WLCUY para el sitio web oficial y los perfiles de redes sociales, así como con los medios de comunicación en el Líbano 📹🇱🇧.

▪️ Todas las comisiones de trabajo son equipos diversos, compuestos por miembros de WLCUY de diferentes países y enfocados en abordar temas particulares en beneficio del Líbano y su diáspora.

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 20/02/2024

Next up, we present to you the WLCUY Women’s “SHEis” Commission 🤝🏻.

-🇺🇸 Abi Bistany - Leader.

-🇺🇸 Marielina Halabi - Co Leader.

- 🇲🇽 Marisol Alegría.

-🇧🇷 Luiza Arida.

-🇨🇴 Nicolls Feghali.

- 🇦🇷 María Camila Elías.

This commission is an all-women team focused on raising awareness against gender bias, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and taking action towards accelerating gender parity by promoting women empowerment in Lebanon, the Lebanese diaspora communities and the WLCU 🌷🇱🇧.

▪️ All working commissions are diverse groups made up of WLCUY members from different countries, focused on addressing particular topics for the benefit of Lebanon and its diaspora.

A continuación, les presentamos a la Comisión de Mujeres “SHEis” de la WLCUY 🤝🏻.

-🇺🇸 Abi Bistany - Líder.
-🇺🇸 Marielina Halabi - Co Líder.
-🇲🇽 Marisol Alegría. 
-🇧🇷 Luiza Arida.
-🇨🇴 Nicolls Feghali.
-🇦🇷 María Camila Elías.

Esta comisión un equipo de mujeres centrado en crear conciencia contra los prejuicios de género, celebrar los logros sociales, económicos, culturales y políticos de las mujeres, tomar medidas para acelerar la paridad de género mediante la promoción del empoderamiento de las mujeres en el Líbano, las comunidades de la diaspora libanesa y la ULCM 🌷🇱🇧.

▪️ Todas las comisiones de trabajo son equipos diversos, compuestos por miembros de WLCUY de diferentes países y enfocados en abordar temas particulares en beneficio del Líbano y su diáspora.

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 19/02/2024

Today we introduce you to the great commission of Cultural Affairs of the WLCUY 🤝🏻.

-🇲🇽 Jean Mina - Leader.

-🇨🇴 Nashla Fayad Fayad.

-🇺🇸 Sarah Bistany.

-🇻🇪 Charbel Navarrete Saroukhan.

This commission plans and evaluates cultural and educational initiatives related but not limited to arts, dance, film, gastronomy, history, language, literature, and music, and put them into action 📿🇱🇧.

▪️ All working commissions are diverse groups made up of WLCUY members from different countries, focused on addressing particular topics for the benefit of Lebanon and its diaspora.

Hoy les presentamos a la gran comisión de Asuntos Culturales de la WLCUY 🤝🏻.

-🇲🇽 Jean Mina - Líder.
-🇨🇴 Nashla Fayad Fayad.
-🇺🇸 Sarah Bistany.
-🇻🇪 Charbel Navarrete Saroukhan.

Esta comisión planifica, evalúa y ejecuta iniciativas culturales y educativas relacionadas, entre otras, con el arte, la danza, el cine, la gastronomía, la historia, el idioma, la literatura y la música, entre otras 📿🇱🇧.

▪️ Todas las comisiones de trabajo son equipos diversos, compuestos por miembros de WLCUY de diferentes países y enfocados en abordar temas particulares en beneficio del Líbano y su diáspora.

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 18/02/2024

We introduce you to the incredible NGO / Social Welfare Commission of the WLCUY 🤝🏻.

-🇲🇽 Michelle Rezek Chartouni - Leader.

-🇦🇷 Sophia Rumene.
-🇺🇾 Lucía Seguí Lorenzo.

-🇻🇪 Shadia Navarrete.

This commission focuses on celebrating and strengthening the extensive network of Lebanese youth around the world, working to bring social initiatives into the community, while expanding appreciation for creative activity and community building through the promotion of voluntarism, empowerment, and unity within Lebanon and the Lebanese diaspora communities 🌍🇱🇧.

▪️ All working commissions are diverse groups made up of WLCUY members from different countries, focused on addressing particular topics for the benefit of Lebanon and its diaspora.

Les presentamos a la increíble Comisión de ONG / Acción Social de la WLCUY 🤝🏻.

-🇲🇽 Michelle Rezek Chartouni - Líder.
-🇦🇷 Sophia Rumene.
-🇺🇾 Lucía Seguí Lorenzo.
-🇻🇪 Shadia Navarrete.

Esta comisión se centra en la celebración y el fortalecimiento de la extensa red de jovenes libaneses en todo el mundo, trabajando para llevar las iniciativas sociales a la comunidad, mientras se expande a través de actividades creativas y la construcción de la comunidad a través de la promoción del voluntariado, el empoderamiento y la unidad dentro del Líbano y las comunidades de la diáspora libanesa 🇱🇧🌍.

▪️ Todas las comisiones de trabajo son equipos diversos, compuestos por miembros de WLCUY de diferentes países y enfocados en abordar temas particulares en beneficio del Líbano y su diáspora.

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 17/02/2024

We are excited to start this week of presentations with the Lebanese Dialect Commission of the WLCUY. 🧡📜

-Maribelle Assad Boutros - Leader.

-Hussain Hossein.

-Jhony Libos.

This commission aims to bring young people closer to the native language of Lebanon, so that when they travel, meet or relate to Lebanese people, they can feel welcomed.

▪️ All working commissions are diverse groups made up of WLCUY members from different countries, focused on addressing particular topics for the benefit of Lebanon and its diaspora.

Estamos emocionados de empezar esta semana de presentaciones con la Comisión de Dialecto Libanés de la WLCUY. 🧡📜

-Maribelle Assad Boutros - Líder.
-Hussain Hossein.
-Jhony Libos.

Esta comisión tiene como objetivo acercar a la juventud a la lengua nativa del Líbano, para que cuando viajen, conozcan o se relacionen con libaneses, puedan sentirse acogidos.

▪️ Todas las comisiones de trabajo son equipos diversos, compuestos por miembros de WLCUY de diferentes países y enfocados en abordar temas particulares en beneficio del Líbano y su diáspora.


With pride and emotion we present to you the new Board of Directors: President of the WLCUY, Guadalupe Bolaños Dubos from Argentina 🇦🇷; Secretary General, Valentina Lopez Estefan from Colombia 🇨🇴 for the term 2023-2025, who have been working to build a great team with members of the diaspora around the world. 🗺️

The best of luck to Guadalupe, Valentina and all those who will be part of the team; we trust that their work will be impeccable. 🇱🇧❤️🤝🏻

Con orgullo y emoción les presentamos a la nueva nueva Directiva del Consejo: Presidenta de la WLCUY, Guadalupe Bolaños Dubos de Argentina 🇦🇷; Secretaria General, Valentina Lopez Estefan de Colombia 🇨🇴 para el periodo 2023-2025, quienes han estado trabajando para construir un gran equipo con miembros de la diaspora al rededor del mundo. 🗺️

La mejor de las suertes a Guadalupe, Valentina y a todos quienes vayan a formar parte del equipo; confiamos en que su trabajo será impecable. 🇱🇧❤️🤝🏻


WLCUY President Farewell 🇱🇧👋🏻

With today being my last day holding the position of World Youth President after announcing the newly elected WLCUY President, Ms. Guadalupe Bolaños () from Argentina, and her nominated Youth Secretary General, Ms. Valentina Lopez Estefan () from Colombia, for the upcoming 2023-2025 term during the 23rd WLCU World Congress held in Paris, France, I thought to bid farewell the beautiful way 🇱🇧🫶🏻. Beginning in 2015, this journey has lead me to some of the most valuable gifts in life.

Words can neither qualify nor quantify how appreciative I am to have had such an opportunity, to have grown within this organization, to have been inspired by your communities, for the guidance, friendships, and lessons I’ve acquired over these 8 years. My gratitude goes towards the preceding WLCU youth leaders and WLCU officials who’ve helped paved the way. To my WLCUY board and commission members for the 2021-2023 term, a huge thanks for their phenomenal commitment to our overall mission. Surely, I cannot go without thanking the world youth chapters for doing one of the heaviest jobs of all. Working to activate local youth through initiatives to captivate interest is not always the easiest task. It takes proper commitment, time, and energy, but they have time and time again shown that nothing is impossible and obstacles can be overcome when we work together. The pride I hold towards them is grand and it has been a complete pleasure to aid and witness growth in the Lebanese youth worldwide.

When looking back at this past term, the impact, efforts, and advancements carried out only helps me validate the level of power the young Lebanese diaspora holds. Eid wahde ma bit za3if, a Lebanese expression that means one hand cannot clap alone. The efforts that can be accomplished together are plenty and I urge you each to never forget that. Never undermine the potential you hold as youth regardless of the struggles or obstacles that arise.

This experience has changed my life and so I’m excited for the competent and capable youth leaders to come. Stay tuned ✨🤝🏻

So much love and thanks,

Christina Salamy

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 04/11/2023

We are excited to finally present the WLCU Application to you! ✨📱

The platform, linked in our BIO, is one exclusively for Lebanese around the world, currently in its growth phase! Through it you will find different features that will help us connect with each other over time, and support each other as a community. 🇱🇧

Swipe 👉🏻 to see some of the key points that we think you should know, and remember, if you have questions, please send us a message !

¡Estamos emocionados de presentarle finalmente la aplicación de WLCU! ✨📱

La plataforma, vinculada en nuestra BIO, es exclusiva para libaneses de todo el mundo, ¡actualmente en su fase de crecimiento! En ella, encontrará diferentes características que nos ayudarán a conectarnos unos con otros a lo largo del tiempo y a apoyarnos mutuamente como comunidad. 🇱🇧

Deslicen 👉🏻 para ver algunos de los puntos clave que creemos que debe saber, y recuerde, si tiene preguntas, ¡envíenos un mensaje!

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 05/10/2023

📣🇱🇧 Interested in joining our team?

We are looking to acquire interested individuals for our youth working commissions for the upcoming 2023-2025 term! The working commissions are diverse groups made up of WLCUY members from different countries, focused on addressing particular topics for the benefit of Lebanon and its diaspora. Please see our LINK in BIO for the available commissions looking to fill.

Please note, in order to hold a position in a commission you must be between the ages of 18 to 30 and of Lebanese descent. *The deadline to apply is October 20th, 2023 at 11:59 pm.*


Stay tuned for what’s up next for the WLCUY ⏭️


A huge THANK YOU to our WLCUY Media Officer, the talented 🇨🇴🇱🇧 for helping us recap the whole experience of the programs twelve days beautifully 🎞️ along with the members of the LEBolution 2023 media commission 🇺🇸🇱🇧 and 🇩🇰🇱🇧 who helped keep our social platforms active during the trip ! As well, a huge shout out to 🇺🇸🇱🇧 who helped capture so many memorable moments through his lens 📸.

To each and every participant. You made this trip possible. Thank YOU. You are the power of LEBolution!


That’s a wrap 🎬

We hope that our LEBolution 2023 recap has helped you live or re-live the highlights of this years trip!

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 17/08/2023


Let us know in the comments what emojis best describe the DAY 12!

¡Haznos saber en los comentarios qué emojis describen mejor el DÍA 12!



Day 12, the memorable last day of LEBolution 2023. 🎖️

Día 12, el memorable ultimo día de LEBolution 2023. 🎖️

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 16/08/2023


Let us know in the comments what emojis best describe the DAY 11!

¡Haznos saber en los comentarios qué emojis describen mejor el DÍA 11!


To the Metn here we go, alo alo Day 11! 🔆

¡Aquí vamos al Metn, hola hola Día 11! 🔆

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 15/08/2023


Let us know in the comments what emojis best describe the DAY 10!

¡Haznos saber en los comentarios qué emojis describen mejor el DÍA 10!


Day 10, we kickstarted the day bright and early to the Bekaa! ⚡️

¡El día 10, eniciamos el día brillante y temprano para el Bekaa! ⚡️

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 14/08/2023


Let us know in the comments what emojis best describe the DAY 9!

¡Haznos saber en los comentarios qué emojis describen mejor el DÍA 9!


Harissa and the Beach, a perfect combo that made up Day 9! 💫

¡Harissa y la Playa, un combo perfecto que compuso el Día 9! 💫

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 13/08/2023


Let us know in the comments what emojis best describe the DAY 8!

¡Haznos saber en los comentarios qué emojis describen mejor el DÍA 8!


Day 8 was all about the natural beauty of Lebanon, a day in the nature! 🌞🌿

El día 8 se trató de la belleza natural del Líbano, ¡un día en la naturaleza! 🌞🌿

Photos from World Lebanese Cultural Union Youth - WLCUY's post 12/08/2023


Let us know in the comments what emojis best describe the DAY 7!

¡Haznos saber en los comentarios qué emojis describen mejor el DÍA 7!

Videos (show all)

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The Baalbak Roman ruins were the first stop of the day! We then departed to the wonderful Zahle where we took part in a ...
Saida was our first stop of the day where we made visits to a handful of key spots, the Saida Castle, Soap Museum, the D...
Starting our day in Bcharre, our first visit was to the Gibran Khalil Museum, next to of course an iconic spot, the Ceda...
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 🔔🚨‼️To all accepted LEBolution applicantsThe deadline to submit your 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 and 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐧...
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 🔔🚨‼️To all accepted LEBolution applicantsThe deadline to submit your 𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 and 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐧...
𝟑 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘 📣For more information and to APPLY, visit this link
Happy Earth Day Everyone!🌎🌱🍃Starting today and over the next two weeks, the WLCUY Social Welfare Commission will bring t...