Mae Jordan

Mae Jordan

This series is written by Mae Jordan and Z.K.S. Ravenwolf It was all she wanted to be. The mysterious death of her family added bones and flowers to her hair.

Flowers and Bones
Rosalind MacBeth’s family was chosen to strengthen ties between the Society of the United States and the Society of Japan. Her family’s position at court and the fact she was Chosen by one of the deities, granted her the honor of training with the ranks that hunted yokai-- the Samurai-hunters. Two years ago her family was recalled to the U.S., her dream became unattainable and he


Hey check out my author friend!

🌸⭐️🌼Stories of Gods and Goddesses have enthralled us all for millennia.
While some are benevolent, others are not - but all are divine. 🌼⭐️🌸
Available for $2.99


This is the best.

This is actually a very big deal.


Every time this makes the rounds it brings me so much joy. As librarians it is our honour to facilitate a safe space. 💜📚🌈

(Follower submitted. I love those, y'all make running my page such a joy)


Yep this is me


Mae Jordan, Ghost King Book 1
“Kindness doesn’t equal push over despite what some may think. The same for gentleness. Strength isn’t about strong arming someone into something. But restraint and understanding. Looking for commonalities and not divisions. Leaders need to be kind, gentle, and patient. Because there’s a whole lot we’re not going to see depending on the population or size of the kingdom.”


Author friend. I’m proud of Andrea. :)

Enjoy the talented Andrea L. Straum when you join Inkd Pub's Kickstarter and get early access to the Behind the Shadows anthology.


Do this please!



Do what this teacher did. Encourage the arts even if they don’t speak to you.


Truth from my coauthor.

So, I'm a bit of a nerd, and it's a title I hold proudly, so I'll start this off saying May the fourth be with you.

Beyond that, May is also mental health awareness month. Per my usual self, yeah, this post should have been done on May first, so I apologize for running late on that one.

Also, before I move on, a belated Blessed Beltane for those in the Northern hemisphere who practice.

Disclaimer, I am not an expert though I do have several of these mental health issues. This is just based on my experience and the research I've done and I do hope my information is accurate.

Back to May being Mental Health Awareness month. Both my writing partner and I have several mental health issues and mental health features prominently in our work. That being said, this is not to advertise. The topic is too important.

Mental health needs to be destigmatized. We're not crazy, we're not dangerous. We're not and shouldn't be outcasts. We're human being who simply have a few extra challenges to work through so we're able to function.

Depression is real, you can't happy thought your way out of it, if we could, we wouldn't be in this state.

Anxiety is real, it's not something we can just not worry about. Again, if we could, we wouldn't choose to live like this any more than someone with PTSS or C-PTSS would choose to live the way they do.

Anger management and black out rage is real. It's not plotted or thought out. It's a survival reaction that we can't control, though some of us can learn to manage it to some degree.

Autism is real, it's a huge spectrum. Not linear like many spectrums, but more of a circle with everything blended and swirled together. Some of us are on a spectrum that follows a thin thread that weaves through the "obvious" points so it can be difficult for those who don't know us to understand or believe us. For others, it's glaringly obvious even to the most uneducated observer.

But here's the thing, we don't need to be fixed. That's a huge stigma about those of us who have Autism. Just because you can't see or recognize the symptoms, doesn't mean they don't impact every aspect of our lives.

Bi-polar disorder, dissociative identity disorder, borderline personality disorder, anorexia, bulimia... all the others I could mention... Please listen---to your friends, your siblings, your parents, your children---We're not seeking attention. We would, in most cases, prefer not to have these struggles in our lives. For the most part, we'd like to live a life where we're not in a constant state of terror or apathy, terror, or self loathing. We want people who will believe us and not demonize us because we're "different" than they are.

Here I'll add a disclaimer. I am not speaking for everyone with mental health issues. I can't do that because even with my own issues, I'm not in their shoes and therefore cannot male a true or honest comment regarding how anyone but myself feels. When I use "we" it is in a broad, general sense, because I know a few people who feel similarly.

But, metal health issues don't mean we're broken, in many cases it just means are brains are wired differently from yours either from birth or as a survival mechanism.

The best thing you can do for someone who struggles with any of these issues is believe them, ask how you can support them or help them navigate life a bit easier. Research the issues so you can empathize. We don't need complete understanding, we need empathy. We're neurodivergent not evil, please stop making us the villain in a story. Stop cutting us out of your life because we're not your view of "normal". If you love us, love us, be there for us, understand that we can't always be there because it takes so much more effort to function in a day to day life than it does for any neurotypical individual.

I digress again though. Toxicity is a different beast all together, even if someone is neurodivergent, if they're toxic to you, get yourself to safety. By all means, attempt to help them if you have it in you because sometimes our own trauma protects us by making us hostile or apathetic. But in a case of toxicity, protect yourself. Don't keep yourself in a toxic environment. It's not about love at that point, it's about survival and self preservation.

Some of these issues, like Autism don't need fixed, we just need understanding, and for you to help us fully understand what you mean or need. We're not broken.

For other issues, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, C-PTSS, PTSS yeah, we're slightly broken but again we need understanding and empathy. We often times need help and don't know how to ask or find it. These are injuries to our brain be they from physical trauma or mental and/or emotional trauma.

Trauma response often times comes across as being hostile or toxic to someone else because your brain is trying to protect you or itself from more trauma. This can be a variety of things from cutting someone you love out of your life before they can cut you out despite there being no rational reason to believe they would cut you out or behave hostilely towards them to bouts of anger or tears over seemingly nothing. It can be any number of things.

Love you all. There is a light for you somewhere.

Picture of young Kilara being cute because, yeah, neurodivergent or neurotypical, the world needs more cute, good, and happy.

Books Should NOT Be Censored | Roald Dahl & Goosebumps RANT 22/04/2023

Book banning shouldn’t be a thing. This is from my coauthor’s ZKSRavenwolf page.

Books Should NOT Be Censored | Roald Dahl & Goosebumps RANT There seems to be a wave of book censorship going on right now and we need to talk about it. Puffin Books, a children’s imprint of Penguin Books. Announced t...

Time to reset: Discovering myself (Part 2) 18/04/2023

ZKSRavenwolf and I are this. Sometimes for me I get loud with out knowing it or I’ll come across harsh but don’t mean to. A spectrum doesn’t mean linear.

Time to reset: Discovering myself (Part 2) Addressing the four problems (for me) of being autistic.


Had a reader ask me if I had any books out. The answer is yes -- I have six! I was surprised that some folks don't know because I feel like I talk about it constantly, but here's a link to all of my books (and various places you can find them):

Briefly, I am the author of the Psychic State books, an immersive urban fantasy series with strong female leads and a large ensemble cast of polyamorous characters (the first three are out, the fourth one is coming out soon, I've finished writing the fifth, and am starting the sixth one soon):

I've also published:

* a memoir about my rough introduction to polyamory:

* a succinct yet funny quickstart guide to polyamory for geeky folks:

* a book on troubleshooting difficult relationship dynamics (with a guide in the book designed for polycules/polyamorous webs to work through the material together):


In addition to that, I also have an active Kindle Vella serial about a bunch of polyamorous angels that's updated weekly on Sundays (Kindle Vella is a trip, having a blast messing around with it):

This same story is also updated weekly on Patreon:


Thank you to anyone who has picked up one of my books and/or left a rating or review. And thank you to anyone who spreads the word about my books in any way, shape, or form (it can be *really* hard to get the word out, as you can see).

I appreciate it -- and you!


Page Turner (she/her)


Mae Jordan The Ghost King Collection: From A Shadow in a Diner, Merlin’s POV about Merry: His heart was sang a song he didn’t know but wanted to keep all the same.

Timeline photos 29/03/2023

Repost by on IG


We All Know Rainbows But Have You Ever Seen a Moonbow – A Night Rainbow Lit By the Moon? 29/03/2023

We All Know Rainbows But Have You Ever Seen a Moonbow – A Night Rainbow Lit By the Moon? Also called lunar rainbows, moonbows differs from your average rainbow in that they are created by the shimmers of moon rays rather than the sun.


I wrote this for Lent. The theme this week is grief.

What Matters
You say you love Jesus
You say you love me
Then why do your actions and words say something different?

Why don’t you recognize big dreams as God-given?
Why do you tear me down?
Why do you think I’m worthless?
Why do you think I need to fit in your box?
Why do you belittle me?

Your words and deeds don’t match what you say.
You hide causal cruelty under the guise of kindness.
You hurt me each time you demean my dreams.
Your “well meaning” advice is one more way you chip my soul away

Do you remember, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you,”?
Because you treat me horribly.
Isn’t God singing over me?
Didn’t he make me one of his Masterpieces?

Why, then, do you rip me apart?
Do you not realize God doesn’t do small?
That “normal” is an illusion you tell yourself?
Can’t you see me?

My dreams were given to me
They’re not for you to demean or take or break
Isn’t it your job to guide?
Shouldn’t you’ve been learning to support me,
instead of tearing me down?

My siblings and I aren’t the same
None of us was made to the box you put us in.
Our lives and dreams are ours.
You don’t have to understand in order to support us.
It’s simple as listening, or encouraging
Yet your words and actions say you want me to fit your box
I’m not in your box.
I won’t fit in it.
It doesn’t make me bad or horrible
It just means my path with Jesus isn’t yours

Are you more interested in what man says or Jesus?
From where I sit it’s man you care more about.
When you dismiss my dreams because they’re not typical
When you state I have to learn like everyone else
When I have to be perfect to reach for the stars
Then you wonder why
I want nothing to do with the deity you say follow.

Perhaps the reason I’m angry with him is because of you.
You who are supposed to love me and care for me.
Yet all you do is take my heart and soul to crush and break.

When will you see that your actions and words matter?
When will you support me for the dreams that aren’t too big?
All those “well meaning” words are just for you
to justify your cruelty.
You’re not protecting me but you.
It’s time for you to WAKE UP!
Stop hurting me for your fears.

Then maybe one day, I might see Jesus as he’s supposed to be.
The current version you show me...
He’s not worth knowing.


Here’s something about Cat from Demons and Deities.

Magical Folk and Fairy Tales from the Diaspora 09/02/2023


Magical Folk and Fairy Tales from the Diaspora CROWNED by Kahran and Regis Bethencourt is a book designed to foster and encourage imagination, equipping young kings and queens with the creativity and ability to overcome any obstacles in their way.


For my fellow authors


For authors…

Photos from Angry, Black and Scottish's post 23/01/2023

This is important reading. Diversity is beautiful


Mae Jordan The Ghost King Collection: Mother’s Fall: “My beautiful night rose.” Learto to Matilda


Read some banned books!

Photos from Rhayven J's post 07/01/2023
Photos from Helping Kids Rise's post 07/01/2023
Timeline photos 07/01/2023

What have I been up to? Well in 2022, I finished the draft my coauthor is now working on.

My coauthor and I also plan to write individual books. To that aim, I have written drafts of a collection for space pirates and ninjas, have started the first draft of book one in that series. I have also started a science fantasy series.

In this year, I want to get the collection published, get book one of Ghost King into edits, get the science fantasy into edits, and publish Death in a Headlock plus a freebie. 😉

Be on the lookout for quotes from Death in a Headlock, Ghost King book one, and the science fantasy.

May this year bring you much joy and happiness.



Perhaps I should write this…



From my co-author. Please read carefully but know we’re not going to be angry if you don’t read.


I want our books to do the latter

Mobile uploads 26/09/2022

Do read what others are scared of

The Troubling Trends in Book Challenges - Banned Books Week Special 24/09/2022

This is important

The Troubling Trends in Book Challenges - Banned Books Week Special The American Library Association has been tracking the most frequently challenged books across the country since the 1990s. But in the last decade that data ...


Read these! Black mermaids aren’t a scary.

Black mermaids in books. 🧜🏾‍♀️ 📚

Details about the books featured here:


Please do this


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🥲🥲🥲 I’m still happy as long as someone is reading it tho tbh!