Angie Lee - Beautifulee Healthy Living

Angie Lee - Beautifulee Healthy Living

I believe that true health is a journey. Join me as I share my love of health, nutrition and fitness. This is a place of love and respect.

I have had tremendous joy in exploring my life and the world around me, finding myself, and discovering my true passion. I am currently receiving my education in holistic nutrition from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. My goal for this page is to be a place of community and resource as well as inspiration for all things health and wellness related. I hope you will join me and share your thoughts and ideas.



Why the New Surgical Cure for Diabetes Will Fail! - Dr. Mark Hyman Two seemingly groundbreaking studies, published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine found that type 2 diabetes, or “diabesity”, could be cured with gastric bypass surgery. The flurry of media attention and medical commentary hail this as a great advance in the fight against diabetes. …


Timeline Photos


Love this from Food Matters


I believe that true health isn't just about diet and exercise. It also includes the things that make you, relationships, career, spirituality...a beautiful walk through nature :)


Family Yoga this morning! Starting my girl young :)


20 Signs You're A Wellness Ju**ie (Hilarious)

This is too funny! I think all of my friends understand my love of coconut oil, mason jars and my Vitamix When do you go from being someone who is "kinda-into-health" to becoming a full-on wellness warrior? Is it after you take a hard line on soy? Cure a cough with a yoga pose? Sustain a daily


Checking in before the weekend!

It's not too late to jump in and set your own personal goal! Get out your pedometers or use your favorite app on your smartphone and track your miles :)

I've tracked 15.79 miles in walks, runs and hikes so far this week.

How are you doing???


My body was screaming at me last night for a hot, relaxing, muscle soothing, detoxifying bath.

Try out this homemade bath salt recipe. It’s safe, all natural and easy to make!

2 cups epsom salt
2 cups baking soda
Essential Oils or Dried Flowers/Herbs

Add ingredients to a full hot bath and soak for 20 minutes.

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, which relaxes the muscles naturally and draws impurities from the body.

Baking soda neutralizes acid on the skin and dissolves oil and perspiration and it deodorizes.

Optional: I added 1/2 cup dried lavender. Instead, you could add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil (or a combination of oils). Try lavender oil for a relaxing soak, eucalyptus to help clear sinuses and a stuffy head, peppermint to with it and enjoy.


Happy Monday!

Checking in! How did you do over the weekend?

I’m well on my way to my 60 mile goal :) I ran a 5k Saturday and got in a 4 mile hike with my sister yesterday.

Feel free to check in along your journey as well.

And print the calendar so you can keep track here:


We're RAD! We're RAD! We know it! Color Me Rad 5k


I'm kicking off my June Journey with the Color Me Rad 5k this morning!

How will you be getting in some miles this weekend?

Feel free to print off the calendar and keep track of your own success!

Happy journey to you!

Link for the calendar is the in comments below


Jump in and join me on my journey in June!

I've made a personal goal to hike/walk/run 60 miles during the month of June.

Any one else want to share your own personal challenge for June or join me on mine?

What awesomeness are you going to accomplish in June?

I'll post my progress during the month so you can check in and share how you're doing.

Comment below or send me a message!


Breakfast mmmmm


I love talking grains with other customers at Whole Foods 😀 (nerd, I know!)
