Claudia Umanzor

Claudia Umanzor

Coach-Ejecutivo Internacional en Liderazgo . Especialista en Diseño Sistemas de Calidad y Estrategi


Mes chers amis :

Accueillez un jeune lycéen du monde avec AFS en France

Que vous soyez une famille avec ou sans enfants, monoparentale, homoparentale
ou plus traditionnelle, que vous habitiez en ville ou à la campagne, chez AFS toutes les familles sont les bienvenues!

Vous vous demandez si vos activités quotidiennes ou vos centres d'intérêt
pourraient convenir à un jeune international ? Vous trouverez toujours un jeune qui convient à votre famille !

Pour vous assurer la meilleure expérience possible, AFS vous propose différents
profils et vous choisissez en fonction de vos centres d'intérêt.

Prêts à créer des moments inoubliables avec une jeune international ?

Nous sommes à la recherche des familles d’accueils pour l'arrivée des jeunes en septembre prochain!
Pour plus de renseignements

https:/ ou bien vous pouvez m’écrire directement

À bientôt pour une nouvelle action !
AFS Vivre Sans Frontières

Timeline photos 14/06/2020

It is today!
Come and join me for today's story


Timeline photos 13/06/2020
Timeline photos 13/06/2020

Any event can change your life forever!
I will share one of my transformation stories with you right here! LIVE!
Join me from anywhere of the world


And the People for People continues !
Today I will host an Intelligent Management Webinar in only 2 h !

Be there ,Is free !!!! Just register to

Home – Inge Rock Due to the situation we have all ended up in, we are very challenged and we live with fear and stress. As coaches, we want to be there for you and make sure we get through it together.


Hello FB family!
In 1h I will be hosting a webinar for People for People , an Inge Rock Academy initiative
The subject: How the mind works !

Want to jump in? Just go to link below
Is free

Home – Inge Rock Due to the situation we have all ended up in, we are very challenged and we live with fear and stress. As coaches, we want to be there for you and make sure we get through it together.


Hello !

In only 30 min I will be live talking about Flexibility in the People for People initiative by Inge Rock Academy

Come and join me via zoom


Writing a book is such a wonderful experience !
New Year ... New Book !
Back to Basics is going to be launch in 2020!


Scott Pack starts his book by saying that “Life is difficult” and he is so right !

But How can YOU Overcome the Difficulties?

My advice to you is very simple and yet difficult to do , and here it is:


When you do so, you will have the right attitude to face and enjoy life!

A new year is ahead to us... change your attitude


This is a lifetime opportunity for my Spanish community .


"We must BE the change we seek in the world"

Reclaim Your Authenticity Promo 10/04/2019

A friend of mine is putting together a retreat and she is offering a special pricing until Monday the 15th.

Is a very good opportunity to start reclaiming your authenticity
Contact me if you are interested


Reclaim Your Authenticity Promo Reclaim Your Authenticity is a Women's Retreat designed to help you live into your fullest potential.

Photos from Claudia Umanzor's post 06/04/2019

Who is your mentor?

Mine is John C Maxwell...


The principle of Scarcity it’s just basic supply and demand. As things become more scarce, they becoming more valuable to others. There are a few ways that you can use the principle of scarcity to persuade others. One is simply to make offers limited-time, limited-supply, or one-time.
Dr. Cialdini defines Scarcity as FOMO
F ear
O f
M issing
O it


People tend to behave in a manner that matches their past decisions or behaviors.
Did you know that when people go out of their way to behave consistently, they will also feel positively about being consistent with their decisions, even when faced with evidence that their decisions were erroneous?

So, try this: Instead of saying to your people “Wow ! you have progressed a lot! “ say “Congratulations for your commitment on the Goal!”


Did you know that liking FLOWS from positive connections?

To use this principle try to find similarities with the person you want to connect and then when you give positive compliments about your similarities you will be adding genuine value to this person !


Reciprocity ...
the art of Give and Take!
The more we give the more we take... as simple as that!

Apply it and you will get the results you want!


Principle of Reciprocity: This principle defines the human need and tendency to want to give something back when something is received. This need is strongest when the gift is given without expectation of return.
If you really want to increase your business , apply this principle by PERSONALIZING to:
A Brand
A Gift
A Person
A need
And you will get the return of your investments of time,money and energy


Did you know that Robert Cialdini found that influence is based on seven key principles: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking, scarcity and unity principle.
He said that the more we identify ourselves with others, the more we are influenced by these others.
Wow! What a wonderful time I had with this man who wrote the book The Psychology of Persuasion, has sold over three million copies and has been translated into thirty languages.


Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens. ...

Leverage is the force that is applied to an object when something such as a lever is used.

Use your pieces strategically ...!


A client ask me to help him to comunícate with his boss.
He was having trouble on getting the resources he needed to complete a major project...

By digging a little bit more I found out that the problem was that my client was not connecting to his superior because of the lack of answers he was having ...
But... what kind is question was he asking him?

Remember: if you want a good answer,ASK The GOOD question !


If you want to help people improve their quality of life, be more productive at work and develop positive relationships then BUILD their SELF-ESTEEM.

To most people what doesn’t allow them to move forward is not what they are , but what they THINK THEY ARE NOT.

Focus on offering more praise than criticism , that will raise their value!


Did you know that if you concentrate on not losing, you will never give 100% of your effort?

Being very cautious will limit you to be a winner .

A successful person always has in his mind the idea of ​​being successful !

Remember : You were born to win!


Dwight L . Moody said: “ If I take care of my character my reputation will take care of itself “
DO NOT confuse character with reputation

Reputation is what you are SUPPOSED to be , character is what you REALLY are.

Remember : Reputation is your photography Character is your face


Did you know that your level of influence is NOT STATIC ?

If your level of influence has been low you can increase it and connect with someone influential who helps others!

I have a question for you...Is your name in someone else's list? Think about it...


My wish to you in the brand new year 2019 is to find Peace in yourself and that you could make happiness your mission and to get closer to the ones you love your daily objective

Remember : Since YOU are the best asset you have , please INVEST IN YOURSELF and INCREASE your level of AWARENESS




The best way to achieve your goals is to focus in what you are good on!

Change the way you think by giving yourself a chance and concentrate in your Strengths!

New Year ... New Goals!

If you need help... I will help you!