Sunny and the Roses

Sunny and the Roses

Sunny and the Roses is a platform for us to share our journey as a family to low tox living. We ar


Mum + Dad


Truth 🙏☀️🌊🌴


Straight from zee garden 🪴

There’s something really special about growing your own produce

Whether it’s a pot or multiple beds, fresh grown goodness tastes the way it should

Do you grow your own?


And by staying awake I mean past 9pm 😂


Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad 74

I can’t fathom how it has been almost 12years without you here with us

Today tomorrow forever missing you


Take me back now please 🙏

We had not a worry in the 🌎 and although our worries are nothing in comparison to what is happening around the 🌎 at the moment we just can’t seem to catch a break

Fridge died 3 days ago with $400 worth of groceries

Corbin has a horrid case of tonsillitis

2 out of the 4 of us had very upset stomachs to start the week

RBA announced yet another freakin rate rise

Optus has major internet outage = very difficult to WFH

Fridge guy comes around today, discovers that we have an infestation of German 🪳 which have taken up residence in our fridge mother board $480 later

Pest guy comes out urgently and sprays said 🪳 & informs me that even with a very clean & tidy 🏡 they are usually carried into the home from delivery 📦 so I need to unpack online deliveries outside of the 🏡 $380 later

So with all that said and done, Xmas is pretty much cancelled in this house

When does it end? I thought it was supposed to come in 3’s


You can stop growing now


For real though 🌴🌊🎥✈️


HBD to me 🎉🎂🥳🎈🎁

First stop was the bike store to drop the boys bikes off for a service, I mean I didn’t even know that was a thing when we bought them their mountain bikes last Christmas

Now I’ll preface this with I am so happy that my boys choose to be in nature riding their bikes errrryday rather than on screens

BUT I just got the call from the bike store

New drive train, new chain, bearings the list went on and on and onnnnnn

Ball park is in excess of $700 WHATTTTTTTT

Lucky we went out for a nice dinner for my birthday early last night cause that reservation would’ve been cancelled after that phone call 🤪


Sunday marks 8mths post hysterectomy, throw in another surgery last week & my body has been through the ringer this year

I gave myself plenty of grace in the early weeks post hysterectomy then found a surge of energy that had eluded me for so long & was swimming 4 x a week, doing 5km beach runs 4 x a week then bam the energy disappeared

I’ve been flat suffering chronic pain & lost all motivation

My body was telling me to keep resting but now I’m about to hit 8mths post surgery & enough is enough

They say it can take up to 12mths for your body to completely heal & they ain’t wrong

But I can’t keep living in this cycle of stillness

It’s not favourable for my mental health & it’s sure as s**t making itself known when I look in the mirror

As the saying goes one day or day one

So today is day one of prioritising ME before anything else

Such a difficult thing to do being a mama but I’ve been pouring from an extremely depleted cup for the last 8mths

Im taking it slow but making a commitment to myself to walk 2 x a day at least 5 x a week

It won’t be the 10kms that I used to do each day but I’ll get there in time, allowing my body to get back to feeling the way I know it can

So this post is a public commitment to myself to do this, for me, for them, for my future self

Photos from Sunny and the Roses's post 13/10/2023

This nutbag turns 3 today

HBD Buddy 🎉


🎢 of life

words penned by


The ultimate self care


Before the chop

The other week I was deliberating whether to cut my hair a LOT or just a trim or not at all

seems so trivial, I mean it’s just hair afterall 💁🏻‍♀️


just over 6mths on from my hysterectomy cutting my hair was really daunting

the last piece of my feminine, kind of 😢

I know that hair and my womb don’t define me as a woman, however I’ve definitely felt a massive loss

a feeling of loss that I did not expect to feel & one that smacked me right in the face almost instantly after the surgery

the finality of it all has been a hard pill to swallow, I was so confident with my decision to have the surgery in the first place so these feelings were so unexpected

throw in the fact that my ovaries are carrying on worse than they ever have makes me question my decision often

I mean what was the point if I am still living life with chronic pain every damn cycle, don’t get me wrong the monthly haemorrhaging is not missed one bit

so that there friends in a nutshell is why I was so hung up on cutting my hair the other week

healing is far more than the physical & one persons experience cannot define what yours will be


Today was way too much fun 🤩

Broke my record for number of runs in a day & maybe seltzers as well 🤪

Not betting the house on me getting up there again tomorrow but who knows maybe an early night will see this ol girl shredding 2 x days in a row 💁🏻‍♀️


Happy Fathers Day to our C E O (chief entertainment officer) always bringing the F U N

The boys are lucky to have you x


Proud mama post

3rd GOLD award for our superstar, which means he will receive a medallion at the end of year assembly

He has to work twice as hard on a task so this award means so so much to him and to me

Dyslexia is his super power, he’s so incredibly clever but learns differently to the rest of us

We’ve always spoken so positively about his super power & looks like it’s paying off

I know in my heart this kiddo is going to do great things


Honestly where does time go 💁🏻‍♀️

I’ve been watching old vids of the boys the last week or so & cannot figure out how we got here so fast 🙃

They say you only get 18 summers with your kids & now we’re over the 1/2 way mark it’s got me planning all the wholesome core memory adventures I can possibly fit in with them

Blink and you’ll miss it


Happiest 4th birthday to this little legend

You’re one of a kind, don’t ever change

Oceans of 🧡have a hulk smashing time today .moon


Wow you guys went crazy over these GYG inspired burritos i shared in my stories last night!

Now I’ll preface this “recipe” with the fact that I don’t follow recipes when cooking & have very much a “wing it” style of cooking

I’ve always loved cooking & take inspiration from things that I like to eat, so last night when I was sitting in the spa having a sundowner with Gav I said I can’t be arsed cooking tonight, let’s go up to the fair & have Margs +
Tacos 🌮

But in reality we’d all had a massive day of semi final footy, bike rides, landscape plan discussions & the last thing on top of cooking that I wanted to do was throw on make up & go out

Enter the sudden 💡 moment, we have the base ingredient’s in the fridge for a GYG burrito, so Gav grabbed the Margs & we got to creating together in the kitchen (it always seems like less of a chore when you have willing sous chefs to step in) 👩‍🍳

Loose recipe as follows

Bbq chook diced
Left over scotch fillet that we had the other night (was cooked in a dry chipotle rub) diced it up
3 cups left over rice
1 can 🌽
Made a fresh pico de gallo (1/2 bunch chopped coriander, 1/2 punnet grape toms, 1/2 Spanish onion finely diced, lemon juice, 🧂 + pepper
Handful of grated 🧀
Sauce was 3 tbsp sour cream, 1 tbsp Mayo, lemon juice, a drizzle of the Chile chipotle sauce, mix to a loose mayo consistency

Heated rice, corn and seasoned with Nandos peri peri salt, in a seperate pan (you could totally do it all in one if you want to save on washing up) warm steak & chicken added, 2 x chipotle chiles and some of the sauce.

Now assemble, we used large white wraps, add cheese, rice mixture, meat, pico de gallo, top with sauce

Wrap like a burrito & roll in alfoil, pop in the over for 8-10mins on 180 fan forced

Serve & enjoy 😊

Let me know if you make it


10 today

My laugh lines & grey hairs increase because of you

The way you take life by the horns is something I hope you never lose

Have the best day ever chicken

Oceans of love for you kiddo # #


I need your help

Soon we will be heading to Thredbo for our annual snow trip & this time round we thought it would be nice to take our time getting there, rather than the usual 2am departure time

So I wanna know your top spots to stay in Canberra & things to do

Hoping we can find some last minute deals to stretch out our journey to the snow


It’s time to switch off

My mind is busy

Too loud to think

Im removing things from my life that are no longer serving me

This platform has created some wonderful connections which I’m so grateful for

Although it causes me more stress than enjoyment at present & for that reason I’ll be switching this account to private until I decide I have the space for it again if at all

Thank you for following our journey thus far, for the conversations, words of support, community for all of it




Morning & Night but NGL been drinking this morning, noon, and night during my recovery

I lost a fair bit of blood during surgery, requiring a blood transfusion, then 10 days post op started bleeding internally so I am focussing so much on flooding my cells with every bit of super antioxidants, vitamins & minerals as I can more than ever right now

And some days I just don’t want to swallow 15 different vitamins and that’s where this guy makes things so damn easy to fill my body with all the goodness

It’s amazing for so so many reasons & everyone in our house takes it on the reg

Boosting our wellness

From the inside out

Our antioxidant hero

Summertime we freeze it as ice blocks

Winter time it’s a warm cup of ☕️ with a spoonful of raw 🍯

No matter how you consume it NINGXIA red is an incredible way to flood your cells with nutrient dense ingredients keeping you above that wellness line

Supporting your body on a cellular level

What’s your favourite way to Ningxia?


An oil you need to have

Natures temperature control

Peppermint or as us oily folk like to call it PEPPY

This oil has SO many uses, my fave when it comes to the kiddos is as a natural way to assist temps

We very rarely use over the counter pain medication, as it simply masks the issues, granted if my kids are in pain obvs I give them what’s needed

But when it comes to fevers I think it is so important to let the body fight whatever is causing the spike in temp rather than masking it

So all that being said as long as the boys aren’t experiencing any discomfort we whip out this roller, 10 drops of peppermint & topped with coconut oil.

Roll up spine, across neck & on the soles of their feet

It has a soothing cool feeling & naturally assists in the reduction of temperature

It’s a TGA approved wellness oil & here are just a few more applications for PEPPY

Therapeutic Claims:
Traditionally used in Aromatherapy:
As an antipyretic to reduce body temperature;
As an analgesic to relieve pain;
to relieve toothaches;
To decrease headache symptoms;
To decrease the symptoms and duration of mild migraines;
To decrease mild rheumatic aches and pains;
As an antispasmodic;
To reduce occurrence of excess intestinal wind;
To reduce colic (wind/gas pain);
To relieve flatulence;
To relieve loss of appetite;
To maintain a healthy appetite;
To help reduce the symptoms and occurrence of indigestion;
To help increase bile flow;
To relieve nausea;
To reduce menstruation pain;
As a cough suppressant; and
To relieve cough.

Photos from Sunny and the Roses's post 18/03/2023

18 laps around the ☀️ with you by my side

13 married to you

🧡 the life we have created together

Here’s to many more years of fun and adventure together

Happy Anniversary




What else is there to do when you’re on forced 🛌 rest

Book every spare weekend up with camping adventures in SUNNY of course duh 😒

So far we have


Bonnie Vale

Kangaroo Valley

There will be more bookings made so hit me up with your must stay parks in NSW, bonus points for within 3 hours of the Sutherland shire


Appreciation post

This guy does NOT like social media but his 🧂 & 🌶️ head needs a spot on the grid

18years he’s been by my side & even though things aren’t always smooth ⛵️ we’ve always got each others backs

Half a lifetime together has flown and also dragged along at times 🤪I mean you do a lot of growth as a person in 1/2 a lifetime

I am not always the easiest person to live with, he’s not either but through our differences we are a solid team

The past 5days he’s had to take on a LOT around the house, with the kids & still turn up to his high stress job everyday

My recovery is going to be slow & as frustrating as I find sitting still he’s making it his mission that I do

Promise I won’t put your face on the gram again # # # love you 🥰


2 days out from a hysterectomy & 💥 here have just one last period


At the very least I know for certain this is the last one I’ll ever ever have and thank the lord for that

Over 2 decades of heavy bleeding

Excruciating pain


Missed opportunities



Chronic fatigue

Non existent iron stores

Bring on pain free living, goodbye to the enlarged uterus, the haemorrhaging for 1/2 a month every month, to living an energy filled life

Terrified after my last hospital shambles, but trusting that this time everything is going to go to plan

Grateful for my two boys but ready to evict this tarnished uterus once and for all


Captain Corbin

It’s his world and we’re just living in it

So much sass, tude, love, empathy and all round nuttiness and I’m here for it, well most days I am 🤪


First week back at school done and dusted, it was not without a few meltdowns and lots of emotions

Washing it all away at our fave this arvo

Photos from Sunny and the Roses's post 30/01/2023

6 weeks of holidays are coming to an end, if only they could last forever

I’ve had the best time chasing 🌊, going on adventures with these groms. The slower pace, no rushing around. It’s been challenging working for the bulk of the holidays but we’ve made sure to squeeze every minute we have spare out of every day

The boys are NOT keen to head back to school so I made up a roller to help support their emotions (check out my latest story for the oils I chose)

Which leads me to the cost of rollers


The cost to buy these pre-made rollers, are $20-30 a pop for a 10ml roller... but DID.YOU.KNOW... the premium starter bundle comes with 12 x 5ml bottles of EO.

Let me break it down... A 5ml bottle has an average of 80 drops in it... your standard baby roller has an average of 2 drops of EO in it as they are so diluted.

80 (drops) x 12 (bottles)...
960 drops. Divided by 2 (the amount of drops per roller...) that’s 480 rollers you could make from your starter bundle (yep 😬).

Adult rollers generally have around 20 drops per roller, this obviously varies upon personal preference.

SO, using the same math above, from your starter kit, you could make 48 adult rollers... sooo that’s 48 pre-made rollers for $880-$1300


48 rollers of your own choice from the premium starter bundle for $267...PLUS a diffuser.

The mind boggles!!

Are you ready to start rollin? Simply grab your bundle via the link in my bio, got questions please reach out via DM x


11 today

You’re growing at a rate that I can’t keep up with

You are kind

You are empathetic

You are the best big brother

You are talented beyond measure

You are my first born & the one that gets me like know other

I hope you continue to chase 🌊 with me Forever

May today & all the days be the best they can be

Today, tomorrow & forever I 🧡 you


Life decision I eluded to on my stories earlier this week

It’s funny I didn’t realise that it would open up so much conversation

My inbox was going off

“You’re hitting the road for a lap of Oz”

“You’ve found your perfect beach shack”

“You’re quitting your job”

As much as all of the above are on my manifestation list for this year, the life decision is far from anything fun or exciting like them 🙃

After over 2 decades of pain, severe bleeding & missed moments due to endometriosis, adenmyosis I am finally evicting my uterus

Hysterectomy booked next month

I am feeling a whole mixed bag of emotions

Stoked I won’t have to endure the murder scene that occurs in my bathroom every month

2 weeks of bleeding out of 4 is not a vibe

Excited to be pain free

But scared beyond belief about going to hospital

After a failed ablation in 2019 which ended up with me dying on the operating table & spending 5 days in ICU on a ventilator going back to hospital is the last thing I had in my plans

But I have exhausted every option known to man to try and alleviate the clutches of these terrible diseases

Natural remedies
Previous surgeries 6 in total

You name it I’ve tried it and nothing has provided any relief

The boys are anxious about it to, although we shielded them from the episode that was in 2019 they still have memories of mum not being well after going to hospital

They have also asked me if myself and Gav can just make them a baby sister and then have my uterus removed 🤪 that ain’t happening my baby days are well and truely behind me

So now I wait anxiously as the day approaches and prepare in a way only I know how and of course that means cleaning out every space in my home to make me feel more in control of something

Apart from cleaning, I have a school drop off and pick up schedule to arrange, meals to prep, sport day organisation to be done & a list as long as my arm of things I want not need to get done before the surgery day

So tell me your positive hysterectomy stories 👇🏻


Ready to go back now k thanks 😊

Anyone else planning their next holiday after the Xmas break?

The slower pace

Salty hair

Ice creams

Sleep ins 🤪🤪🤪kidding we have kids

I’m manifesting many more days like this for us


You’re so lucky you’re always at the beach…

I wish I could go to the beach as much as you do…

How do you find the time to go to the beach so much during the week…

I get it from what I choose to share in this space it all looks like sandy toes & salty hair with a sprinkle of wholesome family time

Sure it is those things but it is so much more

It’s how I feel grounded when my mind is racing a million miles an hour

It’s how I calm my heart

It’s how I reconnect with myself

It’s connection with the earth

It’s removing distraction to form closer connections with my boys

It’s exercise to release dopamine

It’s for my mental well-being

It’s to make me a better mum

It’s to manage my inflammation

It’s to boost and support my immune system

Its to raise my frequency

It’s to sleep better

It’s to expand my lungs

It’s all that and so much more

When something as simple as going to the beach can benefit me in so many ways, then it’s not a choice of going but a priority for me and on the days I don’t get there I feel the shift

Rain, hail,shine, summer or winter, im better when I’ve been to the beach

Where’s the place you go to calm your mind? I’d love to know


Reality is calling and I don’t wanna pick up 😩

3 gloriously grounding weeks, just the 4 of us

Already planning the next series of adventures


We came home to a flourishing vege patch after our holidays

There’s so much basil 🌿 it seemed only fitting to make up a batch of pesto

Can confirm it’s the YUMMiEST pesto I’ve ever eaten

Here’s what I threw into the food processor in case you wanna make some for yourself, literally takes 2 mins

2 cups fresh basil leaves 🍃
1/2 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup Parmesan 🧀
2 cloves garlic 🧄
1/2 cup extra virgin 🫒 oil
2 tbsp 🍎 cider vinegar
🧂 + pepper

Add all ingredients to a food processor or high powered blender, blitz until everything chopped and enjoy

Will keep in the fridge for up to a week & can be frozen for up to 3mths

We will be having it with pasta, roasted tommies & zucchini for dins this eve


No but really 💁🏻‍♀️

Our Story

On this platform we are sharing our families journey to low-tox living. Removing all chemicals by 2020 & replacing with all natural plant based essential oils.

As a mumma to 2 boys I have always searched for the most natural alternatives to modern day chemical laden products, and that is when I came across Young Living.

We simply started with the Premium Starter kit which contains 11 of the most popular and diverse essential oils out there. That is where the journey started and it has now turned into a passion of mine to not only remove chemicals from our household but to share my knowledge and findings to help others achieve a chemical free household.

At ED + CO we provide advise to you on how to make the ditch and switch, also sharing some super beautiful roller blend recipes that you too can make in your own home to support yourself and family, all by getting your very own Premium Starter Kit!

Young Living is the only essential-oil company who owns their own farms all over the world. Because of this, they offer unmatched quality and a unique Seed to Seal Guarantee. Our proprietary, unique Seed to Seal process is the heart of our commitment to purity, providing essential oils free of synthetic chemicals.


  • Make your own roller blends, to support an array of ailments, from teething bubbas, sore bellies, stress, anxiety, focus, energy, the list is truly endless.
  • Videos (show all)

    When you’re in the trenches of newborn or toddler life, people often say “it gets easier”I’m here to tell you it doesn’t...
    I’m calling it This GLOW serum is hands down my fave thing to make using oils from the starter bundle What you’ll need Y...