Sidney's Senior Services for Medicare call: Jim 541-671-5341

Sidney's Senior Services for Medicare call: Jim 541-671-5341

Our goal is to find the Senior Healthcare Insurance Products that best suit YOUR needs and goals. NOW offering Senior Life Insurance.

Insurance Services for Seniors including Medicare Supplements,
Medicare Advantage,
Part D Drug Plans,
Dental, Vision, Hearing.


You can’t WebMD this one.

You’re feeling sick, so you go to the doctor. Bad news: You need surgery. Worse news: Your insurance won’t cover it. They say you’ve already had two surgeries this year.

The catch? You haven’t. This is the nasty reality of medical fraud.

I’ve been beating this drum a lot lately and for good reason. This year’s ransomware attack on Change Healthcare put 50% of all U.S. medical claims at risk. Think about that — you’re in a room with 20 people and 10 will likely get hit by medical ID theft.

Here’s what could happen if you’re one of the Americans whose medical data was exposed.

Just how bad can things get?
One woman realized something was wrong after she got a text from the hospital. It said her ER wait time was extended, except … she wasn’t in the ER. She ignored the text, probably thinking it was just a wrong number.

The next day, she got a call to discuss her test results. That’s when she hit the panic button. It was too late — even though she reported the incident as fraudulent, she still got slapped with a $3,600 bill. She had to escalate things to the hospital’s privacy officer to get everything corrected.

It’s not just individuals using your medical ID; scammy organizations can steal your medical info for phantom billing schemes, too. They’ll submit false claims for medical services you never requested and leave you with the bill.

Signs and symptoms
You notice the medical info in your patient record is wrong, like your blood type or a recent diagnosis.
You receive a bill or an Explanation of Benefits statement for health care services you didn’t get.
You start receiving calls from debt collectors about medical bills you don’t owe.
Your health insurance company claims you’ve hit your benefit limits when you know that’s not true.
Build up your immunity
Use this searchable database to see if your health care info has been compromised.
Store hard copies of medical records in a safe or lockbox.
Remove prescription labels from empty bottles before you toss them. These labels have information thieves can use.
Monitor your credit. You can get three free credit reports a year at
Report phony medical bills. If you get bills for medical services you didn’t receive, contact your insurance provider ASAP. After, report your billing errors to the credit bureaus at
❗ This one’s big: When hospital networks get hacked, it can keep you from getting lifesaving care. It happened already this year. Store digital copies of your medical records on your phone in case their systems go down. Here’s how.

Kids and older folks are prime targets for this stuff. Criminals bank on you not realizing there’s a problem until they’ve stolen your health care benefits. Pass this on to people you care about using the share icons below.


This is changing every week. I'm following it very closely and I will have the final word on October 1st.
Let's schedule an appointment now for October.


A friend just posted this great advice.

📣 My Friends and Family and Associates far and wide. YOUNG OR AGING…


💰Make sure all bank accounts have direct beneficiaries. The beneficiary need only go to the bank with your death certificate and an ID of their own.

🏡 TOD = Transfer On Death deed if you own a home. Completing this document and filing it with your county saves your heirs THOUSANDS. This document allows you to transfer ownership of your home to your designee. All they need to do is take their ID and your death certificate to the county building and the deed is signed over. Doing this will avoid the home having to go through probate.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Living Will: Allows one to put in writing exactly what you want done in the event you cannot speak for yourself when it comes to healthcare decisions as well as other final decisions.

👩🏽‍⚖️Durable Power of Attorney: Allows one to designate a person to make legal decisions if one is no longer competent to do so.

🏥Power of Attorney for Healthcare: This document allows one to designate someone to make healthcare decisions for their person.

🛍Last Will and Testament: Designates to whom personal belongings will go too.

🪦Funeral Planning Declaration: Allows one to say exactly one’s wishes as far as disposition of the body and the services.

♥️If the above documents are done, you can most likely AVOID probate.
If all the above is not done, you may have to open an estate account at the bank. All money that doesn’t have direct beneficiaries goes into this account. You have to have an attorney to open the estate account. The attorney also has to publicize your passing in the newspaper or post publication at the county courthouse, to allow anyone to make a claim on your property. - It’s a complete PAIN.

📚 💳Make a list of all banks and account numbers, all investment institutions with account numbers, lists of credit cards, utility accounts, etc. Leave clear instructions as to how and when these things are paid.

📂 Make sure heirs knows where life insurance policies are located.

📝Make 100% sure SOMEONE knows your Apple ID, bank ID account logins and passwords!

🚗 Make sure you have titles for all vehicles, campers, etc!

♥️♥️♥️MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! - TALK with those closest to you and make all your wishes KNOWN. Talk to those whom you’ve designated, as well as those close to you whom you did not designate. - Do this to explain why your decisions were made and to avoid any lingering questions or hurt feelings. ♥️♥️♥️

⚡️Hope this helps! ⚡️Hope this lights a spark to encourage all your friends and family to take care of these things to make it easier for those we all leave behind!

🌷My hope is that the above list at least helps you start an important conversation with your loved ones... ❤️‍🩹

P. S. If you need referrals to professionals that can assist you in any area please reach out to me. I can connect you with the best in each industry.

* these are not recommendations - consult an attorney for a professional opinion. Also not all of this may apply to your state or your situation. However it’s a reminder do get your wishes in order
Finally, call me, 541-671-5341, and we can make sure you're on the Medicare plan that's best for you. They make 4X4 trucks and smart cars because one car isn't the best for everyone. Your best option is my goal.


Here's some information that I probably forgot about years ago.
Cream of what now?
CREAM of TARTAR is one of those mystery ingredients you might have seen in your grandma's pantry without knowing what it's used for. After all, its name doesn't give you a clue—not like baking powder or baking soda. Yet just a touch of it makes a big difference in your baking and cooking. Here's what it is and how to use it in recipes, and even around the house.
What is cream of tartar?
First of all, it's not creamy. It's a dry, powdery, acidic byproduct of fermenting grapes into wine. Its sciency name is potassium bitartrate, aka potassium hydrogen tartrate or tartaric acid (hence the commercial name). But you can find it in the spice aisle labeled as plain ol' cream of tartar. It is a byproduct of the wine making process.
What is cream of tartar used for?
Adding a small amount of cream of tartar when you're beating egg whites—usually 1/8 teaspoon per egg white—speeds up the creation of foam and helps stabilize the structure of those miniscule air bubbles you're whipping up. In baking, this means mile-high meringue pies, melt-in-your-mouth meringue cookies, and angel food cakes that practically float off the plate.
Why is cream of tartar in snickerdoodle cookies?
It's what separates a tangy, chewy snickerdoodle from an ordinary cinnamon-coated sugar cookie. The acid in cream of tartar gives snickerdoodles their distinctive tangy flavor, and the chew happens because cream of tartar prevents sugar in the cookie dough from crystalizing into crunchiness. Science!
How else is cream of tartar used in recipes?
When combined with baking soda, it becomes a leavening agent (the stuff that makes baked goods puff up in the oven) by producing carbon dioxide gas. If you ever run out of baking powder, you can substitute 1/4 teaspoon baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar for 1 teaspoon baking powder.
Add a pinch of cream of tartar to boiling vegetables to help them retain their bright, fresh color.
A pinch of cream of tartar also helps stabilize whipped cream to prevent it from deflating.
Make colorful, edible play dough!
What can I substitute for cream of tartar?
Use 2 teaspoons lemon juice or vinegar to create the acidic effect of 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar in a recipe.
What is cream of tartar's shelf-life?
Cream of tartar keeps its freshness indefinitely, as long as you store it in a cool, dry spot. When in doubt, you can test it by looking at it and smelling it. It should look white and powdery, and it should smell mildly acidic.
How else is it used around the house?
Cream of tartar makes an effective non-toxic household cleaner all by itself or combined with other earth-friendly kitchen ingredients such as lemon juice or vinegar. Try these ideas:
Metal polish: Add water to make a paste to polish stainless steel and aluminum. This also removes scratches on white bowls and plates caused by knives and forks.
Copper polish: Add lemon juice in a 1:1 mixture. Rub on, rinse off.
Poreclain sink, tub, toilet scrub: Add distilled white vinegar in a 1:1 solution.
All-purpose scrub: Add distilled white vinegar in a 4:1 solution (i.e., 1 cup vinegar to 1/4 cup cream of tartar). This also cleans stainless steel sinks like nobody's business.
Original Origin Unknown


The INFLATION REDUCTION ACT has taken it's bite out of Medicare. What that means to you and me remains to be seen, and we probably will not have a good picture of it until October 1.
You can call now for an October or November appointment if you want to be sure to get in. I know I will be super busy this year, helping folks find their best options.

The public’s one account for government. | 18/07/2024

From KIM KOMANDO, trusted Tech guru:

Surprisingly, it’s not a scam

My inbox is flooded with folks asking about an email they got from the Social Security Administration. I mentioned it earlier this week, and, nope, it’s not a scam — it’s legit. But this change is big enough that we need to spend more time talking about it.

Social Security scoop
The new home for all things Social Security online is The idea was to make signing in easier, but they also needed to comply with federal authentication standards.

Even if you don't collect welfare checks or SSA retirement benefits, it's worth updating your account. This way, it’s easy to order a replacement Social Security card, estimate your future retirement benefits, and say what benefits you want and when.

If you already have a Login⁠.⁠gov or account, you're good to go.

If you registered for a my Social Security online account before Sept. 18, 2021, do this:

Go to and sign in with your existing credentials. You'll be prompted to change over to Login⁠.⁠gov.
Follow the on-screen instructions to create a Login⁠.⁠gov account. At the end, you'll receive a confirmation screen.
Log in and access your account. That’s it!
Keep it extra secure
The new process requires a password and two-factor authentication. Yes! The government recommends biometrics like face or touch unlock or an authenticator app.

An authenticator app generates six-digit codes every 30 seconds or so, replacing texts that send you a one-time login. There are lots of options, but I use Google Authenticator (Android and iOS).

Here's how to make an authenticator app work with Login⁠.⁠gov:

Download and install an authenticator app on your phone.
Open your computer’s browser and sign into your Login⁠.⁠gov account at
Select Enable next to Authentication app. Follow the instructions to scan or enter a code to link your authentication app to your account.
Just follow the steps on your screen, and you’ll be sitting pretty.

🤗 Now, let’s all be nice humans and pass this along to someone who could use it. I’m sure you know at least one person who’s feeling totally confused by this switch or knows nothing about it.

The public’s one account for government. | Use one account and password for secure, private access to participating government agencies.


What's a Medicare SUPPLEMENT?
Do I have one? Do I pay a premium for it? Why would I want it?
Phone me for answers.


You get an email or text message from the USPS. That's your first clue because they don't use the phone, text, or email to communicate with you. Same goes for UPS & FedEx.
They tell you that there's a problem with your package and they need more input to deliver it. They'll never tell you who's sending you the package.
Ultimate, they'll need your credit or debit card information.
Say goodbye to your money.
I'm always happy to help you decide if it's a scam. Call me.


Someone calls you and wants to verify something that sounds perfectly legitimate. You're not being charged, but they ask for the last 6 numbers on your credit card.
SURPRISE, they already know the first 6 and you're about to be scammed. It's going to be painful.
Never give out the whole card or the last 6 numbers unless you've called them and you're sure of who they are.


Thank you to our ANGEL Sponsors:
Bob's Looney Balloons
Ellie's Dance Studio
Fred Meyer
Harris Kids Cotton Clads
Oregon Dept. of Human Services - Douglas County
OSU Extension Services
Sidney's Senior Services
Thrive Umpqua
Vibe Dance Studio
Wildlife Safari

For more information about Festival of Trees, visit our website at


Our President said, "We finally broke Medicare."
Could this be real?
The Inflation Reduction Act has made sweeping changes to Medicare Prescription Drug plans and Medicare Advantage. Unfortunately, the details won't actually be available until October 2st.
You're plan should be to set an appointment with me for October and I will help you understand what's happening to you.
Of course, I can never charge you for the help and the Medicare to English translation.


When a spouse passes, the scum of this earth have started phoning the surviving partner saying: "Your spouse took out a loan years ago and it's payable in full upon their death."
They then provide a phone number and file number for you to 'take care of that debt' and stop the FORECLOSURE that's happening immediately.
If you know anyone who has lost a partner, let them know about this. They should call the County Recorder and find out if there are outstanding liens before they pay anything.

Send a message to learn more


I'm running out of town this week to find out how the Inflation Reduction Act and Medicare will change everything January 1, 2025.
Share this with your friends who have Medicare.


Living in Small Town America . . .

My friend Bev and her husband were fixing their roof. As soon as they started, they realized they needed more supplies, so Bev grabbed the checkbook, jumped into her car, and drove the 45 miles to the nearest lumberyard. After gathering the items she needed, Bev went up to the cashier and wrote a check. "I really need to see a photo ID." the clerk said.

"I don't have one on me," Bev replied.

The cashier called over the manager who examined the check. Then the manager looked up and asked Bev, "Who is the Avon lady in your town?"

Puzzled, Bev responded, "Maxine Thompson."

"I think you can take her check," the smiling manager said to the cashier. "Maxine is my grandmother."

Send a message to learn more


NEW Portraits!


Veterans can now access private physicians and services using their Medicare A&B plus VA, Tricare, or Champs and Medicare Advantage Plans. See us for details.


Vitamin Deficiency May Raise Risk of Serious COVID-19

I have heard this from several sources, however this compilation article is pretty good about Vit. D & Zinc. I had doubled my own intake in the early days of the problem, You should ask your physician before you make changes to your vitamin and mineral intake. Research shows that poor nutrition can impair immune response. Now researchers are exploring connections between vitamins, minerals and COVID-19.


Scammers Are Out – Raise Your Guard - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

Scammers Are Out – Raise Your Guard Checks from the IRS arrive this week, unemployment insurance in about two weeks, and promises of more relief for seniors lies ahead. But do not think scamme


Social Security Recipients WILL Get Stimulus Checks - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens

YES, Seniors WILL GET their Stimulus Check. t’s the ONE question nearly all Social Security recipients are asking: “Will I get a Coronavirus stimulus check? If yes, do I get one even if I haven’t fill


NO ONE IS CALLING YOU for your Banking Info. They are criminals.


Positive News Bites - Southern Oregon Business Journal

Positive News from the Southern Oregon Business Journal. IBM launches Weather Channel map to track coronavirus As the coronavirus causes uncertainty in our daily lives, we are all looking for data to help us make more informed decisions and check on our family and friends in different areas. With that in mind, we feel it’s critical to provide the most t...


AARP Community Connections | Neighbors helping neighbors AARP Community Connections helps people find or start a mutual aid group so they can help the people in their community most affected by the Coronavirus.


It’s Not About Dying at a Very Ripe Old Age; It’s About Preserving the Quality of Life as We Grow Old - AMAC - The Association of Mature American Citizens Take the well-funded projects that seek to extend human life. One scientist, Aubrey de Grey, a gerontologist, no less, is convinced that people can live


Three Important Health Services Medicare Won’t Cover
Call us for coverage!

Approximately 10,000 seniors turn 65 every day and become eligible for Medicare for their health-related needs. Although Medicare covers many necessary health-related services, the fact is there are three routine services that Medicare does not cover—services that often affect a senior’s overall health and quality of life.

Some health plans for those under 65 offer some of these routine benefits for an additional premium. However, once a person enrolls in Medicare, these much-needed routine benefits are paid for 100% out of the beneficiary’s pocket without any financial assistance.

Here are the three routine services Medicare does not cover:

1. Routine dental care

Proper oral health is critical for everyone, and even more so for seniors. Research has shown that poor dental health often results in other health issues. Unfortunately, Medicare won’t pay for routine care like dental cleanings, fillings, and dentures. It also won’t cover most oral or gum surgeries. The only exception is for patients who need these exams or surgeries in conjunction with another medical procedure or issue.

That said, seniors do have options for securing dental coverage. First, you can buy dental insurance on your own, though the price of a plan might be so high that you’d be better off just paying for your dental care out of your pocket.

2. Hearing aids

People generally suffer significant hearing loss as they get older. This loss of hearing ability also results in several other health-related issues due to the isolation the loss of hearing ability brings. Again, Medicare coverage comes up short in this regard, which is unfortunate, as there is a vast array of hearing-aid technologies currently available, from simple and relatively inexpensive analog circuits to complex and expensive digital devices that require sophisticated fitting procedures. The average price of a digital hearing aid is about $1500, with top-of-the-line devices costing $3000 to $5000, according to the National Institutes of Health.

3. Vision services

Routine eye exams are crucial, since untreated issues can result in permanent damage. Ailments such as glaucoma and macular degenerations, along with a host of other ailments that affect a person’s vision, are often only diagnosed during a routine exam. Additionally, a large percentage of Americans, including seniors, rely on eyeglasses or contacts to see and function. Again, Medicare doesn’t pay for either eyeglasses or vision exams, though it generally does pay for eye care treatment that is medical in nature, such as an eye injury sustained during a fall. Similarly, it does pay for certain tests or treatments related to eye disease. Also, Medicare will pay for annual eye exams for diabetic retinopathy for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes, and it covers annual glaucoma tests for those deemed to be at high risk for the disease.

For seniors, health care is often the single greatest monthly expense. Knowing what Medicare does and does not pay for will help you budget properly for that period of your life.


You can consider enrolling in one of the many Medicare Advantage plans (Medicare Part C) available. These private plans are designed to replace original Medicare (Parts A and B) but maintain all the benefits of Parts A and B and usually include prescription drug coverage (Part D). Because these Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private insurance companies, many of them offer basic hearing, vision, and dental coverage as a benefit of the plan or as an optional supplemental benefit for an additional premium, resulting in some peace of mind that a portion of the costs for hearing, vision, and dental healthcare services may be covered.



6 Overnight Train Trips in North America

Take an ADVENTURE across America without breaking the bank. A grand tour by train to sight-see and relax. Most are budget friendly and all are memorable.. I have done the Coast Starlite and loved it. I have also taken the train to Vancouver, B.C. and back. Really more fun than driving although I can't say it was faster. Consider the California Zephyr, Southwest Chief or another one of our recommended overnight train trips for a relaxing way to view the scenic countryside.


What Are the Social Security Changes in 2020?

Social Security INCREASES and other changes for 2020 What you need to know about your benefits changes and policy updates that take effect starting next year: the new COLA, tax cap growth and more


I JUST received this Prescription Drug info, and wanted to share it with you.
If you signed up for a NEW Drug Plan this year, and it's not what you wanted, we can help you fix that right now. DON'T WAIT!
