Fibro & Arthritis Warriors

Fibro & Arthritis Warriors

It's all about Fibromyalgia here! The Ups & Downs, the pains and aches and humor to get us by. Welcome, grab your favorite drink and sit back �

Photos from Fibro & Arthritis Warriors's post 15/02/2023

The podiatrist diagnosed my very painful, uncomfortable & inconvenient foot (toe) pain as Hallux Limitus.

Hallux limitus is a condition in which your hallux, the joint connecting your big toe to your foot, is inflamed, sore, and stiff. Hallux limitus can advance into the condition hallux rigidus, in which the joint can't move at all and walking becomes painful or impossible.

Physical therapy didn’t help so now I’m left with no other option but…yup surgery. The procedure is called Cheilectomy.
It’s basically a joint clean-up.

🦴 🩺
An incision is made on top of the joint and allexcessive bony prominences are removed. Additionally, a portion of the bone that is native to the joint will also be removed to help free it up even more. If the big toe joint is like a hinge, this is like taking out anything that is blocking the hinge from moving, kind of like removing a doorstop.

I’m going next week for the initial eval appointment with the surgeon.


Came to the ER. Out of the blue, around 6pm last night, my lower back suddenly started hurting real bad from one hip to the other.
I barely slept from the pain😩 any movement feels like a "𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘮" 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s the best way I can describe it.
So basically, every…single…move, hurts 😭

I couldn’t take it anymore. An X-ray at Urgent Care isn’t going to tell me 💩, so…here I am 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂
I wish you all a much less pain-freeday 🙏🏼🫶🏼

Feelings Hashtags #


Foot pain/issue Dx (by podiatrist):

Hallux Limitus (“Hallux” is the big toe & “Limitus” means limitation) is a condition where movement of the big toe is restricted to varying degrees. This can be disabling, since we use the all-important big toe whenever we walk, stoop down, climb up, or even stand.

Surgery 🔪 🦶🏼 😱

A cheilectomy is the procedure most commonly used to treat hallux limitus or mild to moderate hallux rigidus. This procedure involves making an incision on the top of your foot, shaving down bone spurs, and removing some of the metatarsal bone.
This gives your joint the space it needs to move properly, improving flexibility and reducing pain.

🤔 So what causes it?

Causes of Hallux Limitus

There are several reasons why hallux limitus develops, some of which have to do with a genetic predisposition for the condition while others are the result of lifestyle and activities. The causes of hallux limitus include:

▪️An elevated or unusually long metatarsal joint or first metatarsal bone
▪️Injuries and trauma, such as toe sprains, a broken toe, or severely stubbing your toe
▪️Overuse caused by activities that involve putting repeated pressure on your toes
▪️Ill-fitting footwear or high heels that put added stress on the toe joint
▪️A family history of hallux limitus

🙁 Symptoms of Hallux Limitus

Starting out mild, the symptoms of hallux limitus gradually worsen over time. Among those symptoms are:

▫️Pain at the top of the joint that gets worse when walking or engaging in other activities that bend the hallux ✅
▫️Difficulty flexing your big toe ✅
▫️Tingling or numbness in and around your toe
▫️A bony lump appearing on the top of your big toe joint
▫️A callus under the joint due to increased pressure
▫️ Knee, hip, or lower back pain of the condition causes you to change your stride.


Image: Fibro & Arthritis Warriors 💜


Repost 🧡


Your body without enough water 💧


Repost credit 🐼

Photos from Fibro & Arthritis Warriors's post 16/01/2023

Good night world 💜

Photos from Fibro & Arthritis Warriors's post 15/01/2023

Reasons the chronically ill use mobility aids

🦽 Fatigue
🩼 Balance
🦯 Chronic pain
🦼 To improve quality of life

✋🏼 None of your business! 🧐


I’m tired… 😪

A new wheelchair from the inventor of the Steadicam 14/01/2023

A new wheelchair from the inventor of the Steadicam Garrett Brown is bringing the same mindset behind steady shots in movies to a new wheelchair designed to help people move better.


I’d like to address this to those who use a mobility aid such as a cane to help with arthritis pain in the feet, or foot.

It’s going on 2 months now with this constant aching, dull, burning & cracking pain on the top of my left foot. I was tested for gout. It’s the osteoarthritis and it doesn’t go away. The more I’m on my feet, the more it obv hurts so I’ve been considering using a cane to assist me.

Thoughts? 💭


Repost 💜


Merry Christmas 🎄💜




Today’s Fibro Thought 💭


💭 Fibro Thoughts 💭

Photos from Fibro & Arthritis Warriors's post 18/12/2022

This is 🌜Luna🌛 my precious 2 1/2 yr old Calico 🤎🖤🤍


I’ll start…
Painful, annoying, frustrating and exhausting 🥱


Vagus Nerve


I do 😞

Mobile uploads 03/12/2022

We’re probably Berry familiar with these “strange” signs of Fibro but let’s see what they are anyway…

1. Fibro Fog ✅ ~ my ability to remember and even speak correctly go out the window
2. Sensitivity to Light & Sound ✅ ~ bothered by light and too many sounds
3. Difficulties with Colors & Smells
4. Uncomfortable Skin Sensations ✅ ~ my skin feels everything!
5. Chest Pains & Signs of Fibromyalgia ✅ - confusing it with anxiety
6. Controlling Body Temp ✅ - I hate the sweats 😣


Haha…no I’m not 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fibro & Arthritis Strong 🤜🏼 🤛🏼

Photos from Fibro & Arthritis Warriors's post 03/12/2022

Gout ~ a condition caused by a buildup of uric acid causing inflammation and irritation in your joints resulting in pain, swelling, and other symptoms.

On top of having Osteoarthritis, now I may have Gout.
After Thanksgiving, my left bunion area started hurting out of nowhere. There was no injury.
I saw my podiatrist thinking it was my bunion but it’s not. X-rays do show the arthritis, and also am accumulation of bone above it.
Any movement of my big toe affects that area. I’ve been in pain since and after being on my feet all day, I’m barely able to walk at night.

I’ll be going for bloodwork this week and following up w/the Dr on Friday.

I’m crying out to the universe please 🙏🏼 not another painful condition 😣 😭

Anyone with Gout can throw some positivity & hope my way? 🥺 💜

Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving Foods: Making Turkey Day Healthy - Pain Resource 24/11/2022

Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving Foods 🥘 🦃

Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving Foods: Making Turkey Day Healthy - Pain Resource Anti-inflammatory Thanksgiving foods can make a big difference this turkey day. Find out how to get in the spirit and stay chronic-pain-free!


Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Odd Symptoms Caused by Fibromyalgia 💚
By @

✅ identifies my symptoms

Fibromyalgia can be such a mysterious illness. Of course, those of us who live with this illness know that pain is an undeniable symptom of Fibromyalgia. Did you know that there is a wide variety of other symptoms that could be caused by Fibromyalgia as well?

For some of us, these odd symptoms of Fibromyalgia take the form of cognitive issues. For others, gastrointestinal issues can be present. In this article, we are going to go over a few common symptoms you may be experiencing but probably don’t realize are caused by Fibromyalgia.

Cognitive Issues from Fibromyalgia 🧠

I’m sure many have heard of “fibro fog” that can cause those living with Fibromyalgia to be a little forgetful in conversations. However, were you aware that these hazy thoughts can go much further than forgetting your words from time to time? For some, this can mean getting lost while driving in familiar locations, forgetting the names of loved ones, and even being unable to concentrate or focus on daily tasks.

Common Symptoms Include:
long-term memory loss
short-term memory loss ✅
depression ✅
anxiety ✅
problems with working memory ✅
confusion ✅
dysphasia (difficulty speaking known words) ✅
directional disorientation ✅
mood swings ✅
decreased libido✅
increased sensory response ✅

Gastrointestinal Issues from Fibromyalgia 🍽️

So many of us who live with Fibromyalgia would never guess that our stomach issues may be caused by a condition we are commonly told affects our nerves. In fact, things like IBS-D, stomach upset, and nausea can very well be symptoms of Fibromyalgia as it is affecting the nerves of our digestive tract as well as those commonly thought of in our extremities.

Common Symptoms Include:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 🚽
Bloating 🥴
nausea & vomiting 🤢
unexplained weight gain🧍‍♂️
unexplained weight loss🧍‍♀️

Reproductive Issues from Fibromyalgia 😫

Think your periods are a little worse since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia? It very well could be a thing. Studies have shown that issues such as worsening PMS, abdominal cramping, and even outright pelvic pain can be caused by Fibromyalgia.

Common Symptoms Include:
dysmenorrhea 🩸
abdominal cramps 😣
pelvic pain 😥
bloating 🫢
painful, tender breasts 😖
hemorrhoids 😩
urinary urgency or frequency 😥
bladder pain ☹️

Cardiac Issues from Fibromyalgia

Sometimes the symptoms of Fibromyalgia can cause a condition called costochondritis (a pain in the little bits of cartilage between the ribs) that can mimic chest pain making us think we may have something cardiac going on. Other times, however, Fibromyalgia can cause true cardiac issues.

Common Symptoms Include:
arrhythmias ✅
(I had/have bradycardia)
P.O.T.S. (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
mitral valve prolapse ✅
(I had a misfiring in one of the valves. I have a loop recorder implant until June 2023)

Constitutional Issues from Fibromyalgia

Do you know those days where you just feel downright awful? Perhaps you have fatigue that refuses to let you get anything done apart from taking up space on the couch. Other days you could swear you are getting sick because of an overall feeling of malaise. These too can commonly be symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Common Symptoms Include:
Swelling ✅
Fatigue ✅
Headaches (tension, migraine) ✅
Insomnia ✅
Poor Sleep Patterns ✅
Post-Nasal Drip ✅
Sore Throat
Vision Changes ✅

Copyright Ghastly Girl © 2021


Top 10 Embarrassing Fibro Fog Symptoms


Ouchie Accurate 🙄😓😴

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Fibro & Arthritis Strong 🤜🏼 🤛🏼