

Redefining education through technology.

We are developing a user friendly interface for school kids which will not only enhance the learning capabilities of the student but will also act as teaching aid to teachers. We will incorporate our interface in a tablet which will replace all the traditional textbooks and notebooks so a kid has to carry nothing but a tablet to school.


Life of students just got simplified. Now never land up at the wrong class, TutorUncle


Hey everyone! please share TutorUncle with your friends from the website tutoruncle.com it will help us to get traction & reach the target audience.


TutorUncle is coming to your town...Stay Tuned!!!
Signup to meet him @ tutoruncle.com


A candle lose nothing to enlighten another candle.
Wishing you all a very Happy and prosperous Diwali.

TED-Ed Original Lessons 16/08/2012

ever thought how time came into existence???
watch out this interesting video ....

Did you know that sun dials were used to check the accuracy of clocks? Travel through the history of keeping time and discover why we have 40 timezones.



Five-time Grammy winner Victor Wooten asks us to teach and learn how to play music the same way we teach and learn how to speak a language--by embracing mistakes and playing as much as possible.




The 60-Second Guide To Smartphones In Education | Edudemic Smartphones and apps are the pinnacle of buzzwords when it comes to education. You can’t swing an app without hitting a smartphone…or something.


so are we ready for the change?, we may or may not be but definitely we have to stop applying laws of industrialization in education.


TED Blog | 10 talks from inspiring teachers 31/07/2012

Its time we rethink on our teaching methodologies


TED Blog | 10 talks from inspiring teachers Professor John Keating of “The Dead Poets Society.” Calculus teacher Jaime Escalante of “Stand and Deliver.” Marine-turned-teacher Louanne Johnson of “Dangerous Minds.

"Its Time You Cheer" Theme Song: Support India at London 2012 Olympic Games 27/07/2012

lets support India @ Olympics London 2012 !!!!


"Its Time You Cheer" Theme Song: Support India at London 2012 Olympic Games "Its Time You Cheer" is a song composed for YouTube by Shantanu Moitra and Swanand Kirkire asking Indians to Cheer for their Stars at London 2012 Olympic Gam...

Ramesh Raskar: A camera that takes one trillion frames per second 26/07/2012

"see light in motion" !!!!! using a new camera technology....


Ramesh Raskar: A camera that takes one trillion frames per second http://www.ted.com Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it shows the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it ...


We are going to share a series of interesting videos on emerging technologies, interesting happenings in the world, amazing facts etc.

Timeline photos 19/07/2012

thats really great news !!! feel proud to be one of the teams in top 30!!

How to Speed Up Chemical Reactions (And Get a Date) 16/07/2012

Here is the first video we are sharing from Ted-Ed on "How to speed up chemical reactions" and get a date !! We can assure that none of us would have learnt chemical reactions this way.. :)
very well explained
post your comments about the video ....


How to Speed Up Chemical Reactions (And Get a Date) The complex systems of high school dating and chemical reactions may have more in common than you think. Explore five rules for speeding up chemical reaction...


very soon we will share a series of best educational videos available on the net ... tell us on what topics you would like to watch videos........

6 Reasons Tablets Are Ready for the Classroom 01/07/2012

Vineet has made the point more clear, we are ready for tablets in schools. Though there are some roadblocks but they can be overcome.


6 Reasons Tablets Are Ready for the Classroom If tablets have penetrated mainstream consumer markets, what's preventing them from widespread use in schools?


How many of you think every student should have a tablet like this ???

Google launches Nexus 7 tablet, Jelly Bean and spherical Nexus Q device for home use As expected, Google on Wednesday announced a $199, 7-in. tablet called Nexus 7 that will run on Android 4.1, dubbed Jelly Bean.

Timeline photos 28/06/2012

be curious !!!

How Encouraging Spatial Thinking Can Improve Math and Science Skills 23/06/2012

How Encouraging Spatial Thinking Can Improve Math and Science Skills Flickr: Arwen Ambendstern All of us, children included, live in a three-dimensional universe—but too often parents and teachers act as if the physi

Timeline photos 08/06/2012
TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing 27/04/2012

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing Just how small are atoms? And what's inside them? The answers turn out to be astounding, even for those who think they know. This fast-paced animation uses spectacular metaphors (imagine a blueberry the size of a football stadium!) to give a visceral sense of the building blocks that make our world.


Don’t complain about a problem, start a company that solves it. That’s called an entrepreneurial spirit !

Just How Small is an Atom? 19/04/2012

interesting video!!

Just How Small is an Atom? Just how small are atoms? And what's inside them? The answers turn out to be astounding, even for those who think they know. This fast-paced animation uses s...

TechCrunch | Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms? 18/04/2012


TechCrunch | Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms? In my last post, I argued that software will take over many of the tasks doctors do today. And what of education? We find a very similar story of what the popular – and incredibly funny! – TED speaker Sir Ken Robinson calls “a crisis of human resources.” At the TED 2010 conference, he stated that “w...

Manoj Saxena Initiative - Pre-Seed Fund for startups 14/04/2012

Checkout other winners of the Saxena fund too - http://celbits.org/manoj-saxena-2012-preseed-funding-winners.php

Manoj Saxena Initiative - Pre-Seed Fund for startups Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership


Children love to try out new things and How about this , if they start loving their own books . Here is an idea to shrunk the bulky bags of school kids to freaky tabs. Class room learning will now be just a click away.
We aim for developing a user interactive experience for all students and teachers for learning through sharing images, videos, documents and other content with students on their tablets..
What you are seeing is just the beginning... We will soon recruit interns to work on this exciting project. The first beta version is under development and is expected to be launched within 2 months...


reached 100 likes !!! in one day hope to add more zeroes to this in the coming days...:)

edlabs (@aadharedlabs) on Twitter 09/04/2012

follow us on twitter

edlabs (@aadharedlabs) on Twitter Sign up for Twitter to follow edlabs (). Redefining education through technology

After 244 years, Encyclopaedia Britannica going out of print - The Economic Times 08/04/2012


After 244 years, Encyclopaedia Britannica going out of print - The Economic Times After 244 years, the Encyclopaedia Britannica is going out of print. Those coolly authoritative , gold-lettered reference books will be discontinued , company executives said.

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