Measure Mob

Measure Mob

Analytics, Measurement, Business Intelligence, Social Media and Insights Welcome to the Measure Mob page! We founded Measure Mob for one simple reason.

A community discussing everything analytics, website optimization, tools, industry news and anything in between. To generate a resource community for anyone from the novice to a seasoned “measure” veteran. Check out the Measure Mob Blog --->
Check out the Measure Mob Podcast --->


What do you think of the new layout for brand pages?


Measure Mob's cover photo


There is NO Standard Valuation for a Facebook Fan


It takes a special individual or team to measure the effectiveness of social media efforts while remaining a valuable part of the community ecosystem. many times a Sr. manager will place objectives and measures only to find the practitioner change from a valued part of the culture to one who constantly spams and turns people off. How do we skate this fine line? Thoughts?


Thanks to the IBM'ers who joined the page. Hey, do you guys have a page/community for data and analytics??


Measure Mob | Privacy, Laws, Data Breaches ~ Oh My!

Today we discuss PRIVACY. Seems to be the 800 pound gorilla that never wants to leave the room! How will some of the new laws and pending legislation effect you?


Hello new visitors. I just invited a whole slew of folks. Some of you I talk to multiple times a week while others I haven't talked to in quite the long time! I invite you to get involved in the discussion here. Subjects will revolve around measurement, reporting, analytics, social media measurement, privacy and more! The Measure Mob is a fairly new project and I'm really stoked about it. Hope you are too!