Prayer For the Nation

Prayer For the Nation

This group was created to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We are here to pray and uplift each other. All prayer warriors are welcome�


The commander of the morning prayer


Saturday Encouragement

Many times we feel like we are drowning in our sorrows and the pain keeps getting deeper and deeper. It never seems to end; day after day and you just feel so overwhelmed. The ones that caused the pain are happy and living well and you're feeling nothing but pain.The Lord said to tell you today that you should keep on trusting in Him for you are surrounded by His love and compassion. The pain doesn't last always, but Joy will come in the morning. Stay motivated, keep pressing because the pressure produces Perfection. The pain is perfecting you for greater. Someone's freedom is tied up in your pain. Loose yourself with the help of Jesus Christ so you can set those people free.

Please like and share our page. Be blessed, stay bless and be a blessing.


Good morning Family. The Lord wants to let you know that "DELAY IS NOT DENIAL". Because you're delayed doesn't mean you're denied✍✍


We thank you for joing us tonight for Prayer Night. I pray you were blessed. For those who missed it, you can see the recording in the video section of this page.

Remember to share. I thank you once again have a blessed night🙏🏼


Prayer Night🙋🏽‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️


Prayer night


Live worship


Many of us struggled with who we are by human standards 📜 Our family and friends thought less of us and tossed 🗑 us to the side because of a mistake we made, a person we date or just simply making wrong decisions. Today, as I sat here I heard the Lord asking you “What were you born to do?” ⁉️ Because you weren’t consider smart, intelligent, proud, rich, influential, handsome and beautiful doesn’t make you wise by human standards❌. However, you were made Wise and Influential by God’s standards💯 . God wasn’t caught off guard by your discrepancies✅. He knew exactly what He was doing when He created you. He knew who He was going to deal with, what mess you’re going to deal with and how you were going to overcome them ⚠️ Everyone who thought they knew you are going to be caught off guard by the new you ♻️ God is going to use the foolish things of your life to transform the lives of the wise people in your life. That is; the people who thought they knew you better than you, the ones who thought you would’ve never find a husband or wife 👪the ones that thought you would forever be poor, the ones that thought people will just throw you away, the ones that thought you weren’t pretty enough 💀, the ones that didn’t find you smart enough, the ones that didn’t take interest in you because you weren’t kool enough 🤡, the ones who thought your shame was too great so they act like they don’t know you 😼 God says, He chose the weak, ugly and shameful things of your life to shame the strong👌 Yes, you overcame the tests and storms of this life👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
So, my answer to His question is, You were born to overcome and save the soul of another who is in Your 👠. You and your God given purpose is Greater than your negative 👎 circumstances. God saw purpose and perseverance in you that’s why He tested you 🎓 When people saw broken beyond repair, God saw Mended. Today is the day for You to mend someone else's brokenness and heal them from shame 💃🏽🕺🏼, hurt 😢 and rejection this world 🌍 has handed them.

May God continue to bless you 🙇🏽‍♂️ Stay blessed and be a blessing to someone🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Like and share our page🙏. Prayer For The Nation


Join us online tomorrow night at 8:30 pm EST.


A word for today 8-8-18. God wants us to use His Word📜. Why? His Word makes the Difference. There was no need for Jesus to show up at the centurion’s house. The centurion believed and had great Faith in the divine power Jesus’ Words possessed💯. He said “say the Word and my servant will be healed”. The moment His Words are released from your lips, things will start to align the way they’re suppose to 🆒 The Lord wants you to know that once you speak with the authority He gave you, your circumstances have to bow and surrender under the sound of your voice🆗. This way healing can take place. Open your mouth💭 and declare the Word of the Lord; even when you can’t feel Him. Have Faith that He’s with you and He’s hearing the supplications of your Heart 💜. Today He said is a new chapter and beginning for you➡️. Speak and your finances 💵will be healed, your health 🤸🏽‍♀️🏋🏼‍♂️will be healed, your marriage 💏will be restored, your children 👪will be healed, your relationships💆🏼‍♀️💆🏼‍♂️ will be healed, your joy 💃🏽🕺🏼will be restored and your peace💝 will be restored.

The Authority of His word, supersedes our carnal mind↗️💬💯. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone🙏


In this season, God will be opening doors on your behalf. God is going to connect you with people👥 who will be taking you to your next level 🤝. He has put your name on their hearts♥️. Keep pressing ✍🏽and shaking. Keep your heart and motives pure, so on that day you’ll walk🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️ through your door 🚪 with Confidence 🕺🏼💃🏽


Many times we struggle with the deep question “Who am I?”. We thought we knew who we were by what people told us they admired the most about us. Then one day everything falls apart; then so do we. We fall so deeply apart from ourselves we no longer know who we are and what is our purpose. We often question ourselves “Why am I here?”, “God if you loved me, why am I suffering this way?”, “If God was real why did he allowed such abuse?”, “If my life meant something why am I hurting?”.
The Lord said to tell you He’s here to pick up all your broken pieces and to put you back together because He is the Defender of Your ❤️. He said, He has lead you through the valley in the shadow of death and you feared no evil because He was with You. He has comforted and took real good care of you. The pain, anguish, hurt, rejection, fear, shame, labels were part of your Process for the Promise. Now, He’s Reintroducing the New You. People will be caught off guard by the New you. They will misunderstand the New you. The people who God is sending you to, will automatically gravitate to the New you. So don’t worry, keep on pressing. Continue to be Processed for Purpose🙏


Good morning family. I pray that you have an awesome day. Be a blessing to someone🙌


God is going to give You the Strength You need for where He’s taking You. Are You ready?


Being intentional 😃😃

Prayer for Jamaica was created not only to pray for Jamaica but for the nation and the people.

We’re here as one body perfectly joined together to live a life pleasing to our God. We will uplift and pray for each other irrespective of who they are and where they’re from.

Philippians 2 (NIV)

Imitating Christ’s Humility

2 Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit,if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
