Marina G. Roussou

Marina G. Roussou

Be Imperfectly EXTRA-ordinary
πŸ‘‘ π˜“π˜ͺ𝘧𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘦𝘯𝘀𝘦𝘳 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡Ύ π˜“π˜ͺ𝘧𝘦 π˜“π˜°π˜―π˜¨ π˜“π˜¦π˜’π˜³π˜―π˜¦π˜³ It is a goal that many of us aspire to achieve. YT, IG & FB: mgrqueen
TIK TOK: mgrqueency

πŸ‘‘ π˜“π˜ͺ𝘧𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘦𝘯𝘀𝘦𝘳 πŸ‡¨πŸ‡Ύ π˜“π˜ͺ𝘧𝘦 π˜“π˜°π˜―π˜¨ π˜“π˜¦π˜’π˜³π˜―π˜¦π˜³
"Be Imperfectly EXTRA-ordinary" πŸ’‹

Are you looking to level up in your personal growth journey and go beyond mediocrity? Our channel offers valuable transformational content that can guide you towards a positive, blissful, and ecstatic life. We provide valuable insights and life lessons to help you expand your mind and leave your egoic and selfish nature behi


πŸŽ₯ Paul Dolan is Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economic & Political Science and one of the world’s leading experts on happiness, and as he points out, maybe we shouldn’t be pitying women who haven’t β€œfound the one” and instead be more concerned about a cultural narrative that teaches women to settle for something far less than they deserve.

Paul Dolan, a top happiness expert from the London School of Economics, reveals a harsh truth: single, childless women are the happiest and healthiest group of people, despite what society tries to make us believe. The traditional story tells women they need to get married and have kids to be happy, but Dolan's research shows the opposite. Married women often end up less healthy and less happy than their single counterparts.

Society pressures women into thinking something is wrong with them if they are single and childless. Dolan's data shatters this myth, highlighting that these women often have stronger social networks and better overall well-being. It's time to stop pushing women to settle for less and recognize that they can thrive outside of traditional roles. The real problem is the cultural narrative that values outdated ideas over genuine happiness πŸ’‹


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πŸŽ₯ tonyatkoshow


πŸŽ₯ browngirl.khronicles

He Hated Me: Women Expose The Signs of Men Who Secretly Hated ThemπŸ’” 19/07/2024

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Saying "I can't afford" is like planting a seed of limitation in your mind because it sets a mental boundary that prevents you from exploring alternatives or seeking solutions. This phrase suggests a permanent state of lack and can make you feel powerless over your financial situation.

When you frequently tell yourself "I can't afford it," you are reinforcing a belief that you don't have enough resources. This belief can become ingrained in your subconscious, influencing your attitudes & behaviors negatively.

Over time, this mindset can stifle your creativity, reduce your motivation to improve your financial situation, and limit your ability to see opportunities that could help you afford what you want or need.

Limiting Statement: "I can't afford a vacation."
Alternative: "What budget-friendly travel options or local activities can I explore for relaxation?"

Limiting Statement: "I can't afford healthy food."
Alternative: "How can I plan my meals and shop smartly to make healthy eating more affordable?"

Limiting Statement: "I can't afford to start my own business."
Alternative: "What resources, partnerships, or funding options can I explore to launch my business?"

Limiting Statement: "I can't afford to renovate my home."
Alternative: "What DIY projects or small changes can I start with to improve my home over time?"

Limiting Statement: "I can't afford to save or invest."
Harsh Reality: You're dooming yourself to a lifetime of financial instability and dependency. Start small, automate savings, and educate yourself on low-cost investment options. The longer you delay, the harder it will be to achieve financial freedom.

Every "I can't afford it" is a resignation to a life of mediocrity & missed chances. It's a signal to your brain to stop trying, stop seeking solutions & accept failure πŸ’‹



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Euphorbia flanaganii, or Medusa's Head, stands as a profound testament to nature's ingenuity and adaptability. Its unique structure, with a central caudex and radiating, serpent-like branches, mirrors the mythical figure it's named after, evoking a sense of ancient mystery and wonder.

Thriving in arid environments with minimal water, this plant symbolizes resilience & the beauty of survival against the odds.

It reminds us to embrace our complexities and imperfections, much like how Medusa's story blends beauty and terror. Its intricate tendrils mirror our complex thoughts and emotions, encouraging us to accept and understand our inner selves.

This plant teaches us that what may seem like flaws can be sources of unique strength & beauty.


People often believe they need to fix themselves because they are constantly exposed to messages from society, media & even their own thoughts that tell them they are not enough as they are.

This belief can lead to a never-ending cycle of seeking self-improvement through tactics, books, gurus & plans, but it might not address the root cause: the idea that they are inherently flawed.

The brain can trick you into this mindset due to its negativity bias, where it pays more attention to perceived threats or shortcomings to keep you safe.

Consequently, this can create a constant feeling of inadequacy & dissatisfaction.

To reflect on why this happens, consider where these messages originateβ€”cultural norms, past experiences, or internalized criticism.

By recognizing that the idea of needing to be fixed is a construct rather than a truth, you can begin to see yourself as whole & worthy just as you are.

This shift in perspective can lead to greater self-acceptance & peace, as you realize that self-improvement should come from a place of self-love rather than self-criticism.

Understanding that the cycle of self-fixing is never-ending can help you break free from it and focus on embracing yourself fully.

Profound growth & transformation arise not from relentless self-improvement but from the deep acceptance & celebration of your true self, imperfections and all.

True freedom comes when you let go of the need to be fixed & instead, honor the unique & beautiful essence that already resides within you πŸ’‹


The art of spending is often overlooked in financial education, which typically emphasizes the importance of saving and investing. However, effective spending is a crucial skill that must be developed & nurtured.

For many people, especially those who are naturally frugal, learning to spend money takes time. They need to balance saving with spending wisely so they can enjoy the rewards of their hard work.

Many people who are frugal grew up in environments where resources were limited, leading them to develop a habit of saving every penny.

Others might be driven by a fear of financial insecurity or influenced by societal norms that equate frugality with virtue.

While these traits can be beneficial, they can also become restrictive if they prevent individuals from enjoying their lives.

Many people may struggle with spending as they may have a deep-seated fear of not having enough in the future, which makes them hesitant to spend money even when it's reasonable to do so.

They might feel guilty about spending on themselves, perceiving it as wasteful or indulgent. They often want every purchase to be perfect, which makes them delay or avoid spending altogether.

To develop the skill of spending, individuals can set goals for spending. This might include budgeting for vacations, hobbies, or self-care.

Focus on buying experiences and items that truly make you happy. Celebrate achievements with small rewards to balance saving and spending. Treating yourself for hard work helps you have a healthier relationship with money and keeps you motivated.

Start with small, manageable purchases to ease into the habit of spending without feeling overwhelmed.

Set up automatic transfers to savings and investment accounts to secure your future. This way, you can spend more freely with what’s left. Use apps or tools to track your spending and find areas where you can afford to treat yourself a bit more.

Spending on things that improve mental health, like therapy, hobbies, or wellness activities, can reduce stress and make you feel better overall.

Spending money on social activities or community events can strengthen relationships and build a support network, contributing to a sense of belonging and happiness.

Spending money can also be an investment in your future.. For example, paying on education or skill development can lead to higher income potential and career opportunities.

Set aside part of your budget for fun and leisure activities, as they are important for a balanced and fulfilling life πŸ’‹

Why The Matrix Can't Control The Sigma Female 13/07/2024

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Studies show that repetitive positive thinking can strengthen neural pathways associated with positive emotions & weaken those linked to negative emotions.

Microglia are the brain's immune cells. Microglia play a crucial role in pruning synapses (the connections between neurons), which is essential for learning and memory. Recent research suggests that microglia are influenced by our mental states, including stress and positive emotions.

When we experience chronic stress or negative thoughts, microglia can become overactive, leading to excessive synaptic pruning. This can result in cognitive decline and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Conversely, positive thoughts & emotions can promote healthy microglial activity, supporting optimal brain function and resilience.

The placebo effect demonstrates how powerful our beliefs and expectations can be. When individuals believe they are receiving an effective treatment, they often experience real improvements in their symptoms, even if the treatment is inactive. This phenomenon highlights the brain's ability to influence physical health through positive expectations & beliefs.

One fascinating discovery is the connection between gratitude and heart health. Research has found that practicing gratitude can lead to improvements in heart rate variability (HRV), a key indicator of heart health. Higher HRV is associated with better cardiovascular fitness and resilience to stress. This means that by cultivating gratitude, you can directly influence your heart's health and improve your overall well-being.

Visualize positive outcomes & experiences. This can help you create a mental image of the reality you want to live in and guide your actions towards achieving it πŸ’‹

The Evolutionary Roots of Emotional Intelligence 12/07/2024

The Evolutionary Roots of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. As such, evolutionary psychology can help advance our understanding of emotional intelligence. Here's how.

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