Let's Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

Let's Talk About It! You may be asking yourself... What is Let's Talk About It? Well, Let's Talk About It is an open forum.

it is a unique and entertaining way of looking at the questions that you the students of Asbury have. We will answer these questions in funny, entertaining, and also informationally stimulating ways. Let's Talk About It is hosted by josh Braun, Kevin Mansur, Zach Lemons, and Kyle Blair. It is free-flowing and sometimes opinionated but always enlightening. Most importantly though we need you the st


Let's Talk About It tomorrow at 6!!!! Tune in early on WACW at 11am for 24 hour DJ's!


Let's Talk About It tonight at 6 on WACW! Tune in and send in your questions. We will talk about the weird things you've seen on campus... Seeya at 6!


Watch Let's Talk About It tonight at 6! Send in questions!


Well... looks like things are getting serious. Let's Talk About It will not be on tonight in all likelihood. Seeya next Friday though!


Unless we get sucked in up a tornado we'll talk about it at 6 tonight! Let's Talk About It on WACW!


Let's Talk about it tonight at 6! We'll still discuss the awkwardness of Asbury... send in your awkward stories!


Let's Talk About It tonight at 6!


What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen at Asbury? Let's Talk About It! Tonight at 6!


Send us your weirdest Asbury experiences. Tune in at 6 on WACW and maybe your strange stories will be shared! Let's Talk About It Fridays at 6!


Let's Talk About It tonight at 6! Tonight's episode will be about our crazy Valentine's Day stories and any fun stories you guys have from your Valentine's Day. Send in questions and tune in at 6 on WACW!


Still need questions for tonight. Tune in at 6!


Let's Talk About It tomorrow at 6! It's the Valentine's Day Special! Send in your questions now or during the show and we'll do our best to answer them. Also we will be having a very special female guest on the show. You won't want to miss... Let's Talk About It!


Still need questions for Let's Talk About It tonight at 6! Text them to Kevin, Kyle, Zach, or I, tweet them, facebook them, or send them by carrier pigeon... we don't care! Listen in at 6!


WE NEED QUESTIONS FOR FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!! Follow Josh, Kyle, Zach, and Kevin on twitter. , , , and !!


We Are Back!!!!!! Friday at 6!!


It's a shame that we didn't get to air this week due to finals.... BLASTED FINALS!!!!!!


Let's Talk About It gets a whole hour to answer your questions on air. Tune in at 7:00 on WACW. We need more questions so post them on our page and you'll get mentioned on air!


Josh Braun is about to advertise Let's Talk About It on WACW. Listen at 2:42 If you want to hear more about this awesome new radio show!


What did you like about the show?


Thanks for all of you that tuned in last night. Tune again next Monday at 7:30 and feel free to submit your questions and don't be afraid to critique anything you don't like about the show. Let's Talk About It!