Side Gate Bajiquan

Side Gate Bajiquan

Side Gate Bajiquan is a modernized training approach to a traditional Chinese bodyguard combat method


Chinese New Year 2024 demo in Houston, TX.


SPC George Yin training 降龍 Xiang Long (Ascending Dragon). This technique teaches how to release power in a diagonal movement by contracting and expanding the spine.


in town, we had a impromptu video session at 's school. Here I am explaining off-angle stepping and give a scenario I specifically encountered while working a protection detail for a (hot) reporter during the Astro's parade in 2022, when a drunk guy reached for my (hot) protectee's ass while she was filming.

In Side Gate, footwork is divided into two categories. Straight line attacks for self defense, and as a bodyguard art, learning to move off line to deal with a threat in third party protection.


Due to weather conditions, Side Gate Bajiquan seminar scheduled for June 25, 2023 will be postponed to a later date. Please DM or email [email protected] for any questions.


June 25th, Side Gate Bajiquan seminar 1pm-6pm @ Arthur Storey Park, Houston TX. 75/person. Please bring plenty of water. Stay updated if due to weather conditions.

Email [email protected] for confirmation.


Side Gate Bajiquan seminar will be held June 25, 2023 at Arthur Storey Park 1pm-6pm. Please bring plenty of water. Cost is 75/person. We will train, then all go grab dinner in Chinatown after. Will update if there are any changes. Please email [email protected] for confirmation if interested.

Explanation of Side Gate Bajiquan Ba Da Zhao 08/05/2023

Application of Side Gate Bajiquan's 8 seed movements with brother Viet Le from Wutan. Seminar in Houston 06/25. Cost is 75/ person for a 5 hour seminar. Please DM for details. Location TBD.

Explanation of Side Gate Bajiquan Ba Da Zhao Filmed on April 22, 2023

Explanation of Side Gate Bajiquan Ba Da Zhao 27/04/2023

Explanation on Side Gate Bajiquan's 8 seed movement applications.

Explanation of Side Gate Bajiquan Ba Da Zhao Filmed on April 22, 2023


06/25 I will be holding a Bajiquan seminar. Exact time and location TBD at a later date, in town in Houston, TX. Cost will be 75/person for a 5 hr seminar.

Content covered will be foundational training, structure, seed techniques of Bajiquan, and most importantly, application.

DM or email [email protected] if interested.


[Repost from personal FB]

I've posted video of two guys I trained (George and JJ) doing the same movement the past few days. I've reiterated on this in my posts about Bajiquan on the importance of this "Coiling Blast" movement constantly. My own Sifu had me work this move every day for three months straight, as it is a signature concept as well as technique in our system, before we worked on anything else.

As a Bodyguard system, the tactical approach in combat is to counter assault the threat. Imagine a football player or a grappler tackling his opponent. Baji's game plan is to explode into the opponents body as you are ambushing the space they occupy (Bodyguard mindset, enter territory and finish). The concept of sniping your opponents center with a ballistic attack, contracting and expanding, etc. are all contained in this seed technique. The more I train the more I go back to refining this movement. According to lore, Xing Yi Quan's Guo Yun Shen defeated his challengers with his version of this same movement.

The two videos from before I posted of my students were "update" videos (since both of them are out of state) sent to me so I could gauge where they are overall conceptually and power generation mechanics. I don't ask for forms or anything of that nature, as the objective of my teaching and the sector of martial artists I train is very specific for immediate (but refined) application. My boys will get all my "hands", but Coiling Blast is all I need to see.

Below is a snip of a video I posted before where I performed at Houston's World Star tournament doing the same Coiling Blast.


SPC George Yin, US Army, training Coiling Blast.


SPC George Yin, US Army, working his "Coiling Blast".


World Star Chinese Martial Arts Tournament 2022, Houston, TX.


Update: Jason's new official IG account is SideGateJLiao

Old account SideGateJL is still, and probably will continue to be compromised. Please report so that we can at least get it disabled. Thank you!


Hey guys, just a heads up that Jason's Instagram account has been compromised and that a new account will be made later this week in it's place. Please report the old account as fraud/hacked to insure that it gets completely disabled. Thanks.

Jason Liao 八極拳 03/09/2021

Impromptu drill demo in Chinatown for a shop owner. Coiling blast, collapsing palm, piercing elbow.

Jason Liao 八極拳 My friend Jason showcasing Bajiquan


Friday, July 23rd @ World Star Chinese Martial Arts Tournament in Houston, TX.


Side Gate Bajiquan Ba Da Zhao (Eight Great Movements) 偏門八極八大招 impromptu performance at the end of 2021 Michigan seminar.

Photos from Side Gate Bajiquan's post 07/05/2021

On the recent trip to Michigan, two new members of Side Gate Bajiquan were inducted. SGT Michael Janik, brother in law of SGT Jason Jackson has been inducted directly under Jason Liao, and Joshua Alvarez inducted under SGT Jason Jackson.


In April 2021, exact date TBA, Side Gate Bajiquan will be hosting it's first bi-annual seminar in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

This semi-private seminar will be over the foundation and operative combative methods, and attendees will be instructors and operatives from military, law enforcement, as well as private sector including members of the U.S. Army, SWAT, Homeland Security and other factions of national security.

Any serious martial artist that wish to attend, please email Sgt Jason Jackson at [email protected] for updates on the upcoming seminar.


On 10/16/2020, Sgt Jason Jackson was taken in as the first “Enter the Gate” disciple of Side Gate Bajiquan. He has been authorized as a representative and instructor of the system under Jason Liao. He will be heading the Side Gate Operative branch out of the Midwest in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Kao Da "Lean Against the Iron Mountain" 17/08/2020

Kao Da (Body Checking) by Sgt. Jason Jackson. One of Bajiquan's signature moves that trains entry and explosion on body to body contact. A highly effective "bodyguard" technique. Also one of the "finishing moves" in the video game Shenmue III.

Kao Da "Lean Against the Iron Mountain"

Chan Si Beng 17/07/2020

Proud to announce Sergeant Jason Jackson has "entered the gate" as a disciple of Side Gate Bajiquan and will be the representative and lead instructor of Side Gate Operatives branch in the Midwest under my guidance.

Sgt. Jackson has been training under my private tutelage since March. Due to his combat background (both battlefield and the ring) as well as a plethora of experience in various martial arts, Sgt. Jackson has been able to make great progress in activating his movements and understanding of the core of Side Gate's methodology.

He has also been instrumental this crazy year in the expansion of Side Gate's mission to bring an "activated" system of Chinese martial arts into the operative and security sector of our society. He has spent the last few months testing his methods, exchanging, and making connections with MMA gyms, fellow military instructors, law enforcement as well as private security groups and paving the way for our work to come.

Video: Chan Si Beng (our signature), notice the "combat intention" driving the engine behind his movements starting to appear. Side Gate curriculum of Bajiquan is strictly training methods for combat, not performance.

For those asking for application videos rather than "training drills", we will be recording content from seminars, training sessions, etc and release some down the line. Stay tuned.

Chan Si Beng


For private training inquiries. Serious practitioners only.


Blessings truly do come at odd times. I am proud to announce that Side Gate Bajiquan will be working with active operators in the US Military and training them in our system as soon as this quarantine season is over.

Sergeant Jason Jackson practicing Chan Si Beng (Coiling Blast).


When the world goes into chaos, warriors settle and train harder. Fierce Tiger Climbs the Mountain.


Jin Gang Ba Shi 金剛八勢 translates to "Diamond Warrior 8 Movements" “8 Invincible Movements”, etc. As history goes, our great-grandteacher Li Shu Wen exchanged his Bajiquan with Li Rui D**g, a master of Shaolin‘s “Inner Courtyard Boxing” Jin Gang Ba Shi. Other masters of Bajiquan throughout history oddly also had ties to the system. As a result, JGBS has been implemented into many curriculums for different purposes, with some lines calling their basic 8 seeds JGBS.

At Side Gate Bajiquan, following the Liu lineage train of thought, JGBS is a more advanced set of movements. While Ba Da Zhao 8 Great Movements are the “seeds” to combat and exploding the centerline, JGBS at Side Gate is trained as “options” for angling attacks from off center situations. Here is the sequence practice for the first of 8 movements, Xiang Long 降龍, Ascending Dragon aka “Shoryuken” in the Street Fighter series. It trains contraction and expansion, coiling of the body, and exploding from a cross body diagonal manner.


Fierce Tiger Climbs Mountain explanation and application.


A version of Bajiquan's famed finishing move, "Fierce Tiger Climbs the Mountain". This became famous due to Li Shu Wen's usage of it in duels, where he would quickly finish off his opponents. It is important to note however, that "Fierce Tiger" is a concept that can be translated to different permutations, and is a combat mentality concept rather than "a move". Application videos will be filmed soon and posted.


Pi Gua was initially a part of the same system as Bajiquan with emphasis on loosening the upper body and transferring energy "through the back and arms". It was later separated and practiced as a school of combat on its own. Li Shu Wen and other adepts of Bajiquan however, continued it's practice as it was highly essential to activating Bajiquan's "hard frame" for combat. The Pi Gua as passed down from Li Shu Wen to my Grandmaster Liu Yun Qiao is based on four movements: Chopping, Embrace, Expanding, Drilling Through Mountain (Body Checking). Here is a video of me teaching one of the movements (Embrace) to one of my students last year.

Traditional Authentic Martial Arts, A Modern Approach for Combat Effectiveness

Head instructor Jason Liao began his training in the Chinese martial arts at the age of 9 under his Sifu George Ling Hu, learning Shaolin Long Fist as well as Cheng Ting Hua Ba Gua and Hebei Xing Yi. Not understanding what he was looking for in the martial arts, Jason left his teacher and began learning under Eugene Chou whom trained him in the Gong Family system of Ba Gua Zhang. It was here that Jason began his lifelong approach to martial arts training for combat effectiveness. Jason later on also learned under John Wang of Shuai Jiao ( Chinese Wrestling) and David Chin under the Tibetan Hop Gar system. In this time period, Jason crossed hands constantly to implement his arts, including competing in full contact tournaments, Chinese wrestling, as well as working as a bouncer for a number of years before entering the restaurant industry as a chef.

After a hiatus in training for a number of years, Jason felt something was missing. A fateful range of events lead to returning to the doorstep of his original master George Ling Hu. Following along from where he left off on his journey, Jason asked his Sifu to train him in Bajiquan for it’s combat effectiveness.

Bajiquan, which translates to Eight Extremeties Boxing (referring to the head, shoulder, elbows, hands, tailbone, hip, knees and feet) was a system developed in the Cangzhou region of China and utilized by bodyguards and security escorts, often by royalty. In fact, the Last Emperor of China Pu Yi, Chiang Kai Shek of the Republic of China (Taiwan), as well as Mao Ze D**g of the Communist Party all retained personal bodyguards who all happened to be disciples of the same master: Bajiquan legend, “God of Spear” Li Shu Wen. These three disciples were Huo Dian Ge, Liu Yun Qiao, and Li Jian Wu respectively, and would later on teach a new generation of students.

Feeling that the Chinese martial arts of the modern age was being seriously watered down, Sifu George Ling Hu broke traditional approach and trained Jason in a modern manner by de-emphasizing forms training and drilling him on structure/power generation as well as combat methods in Liu Yun Qiao’s Bajiquan. Years of testing and continued study is what led birth to this unique lineage of “Side Gate”.

Videos (show all)

Chinese New Year 2024 demo in Houston, TX.
SPC George Yin training 降龍 Xiang Long (Ascending Dragon). This technique teaches how to release power in a diagonal move...
@yinkaizhi246 in town, we had a impromptu video session at @dragongatekungfu20 's school. Here I am explaining off-angle...
Had a great time breaking down the concepts of Side Gate Bajiquan's 8 seed movements with whom has become a great friend...
[Repost from personal FB]I've posted video of two guys I trained (George and JJ) doing the same movement the past few da...
SPC George Yin, US Army, training Coiling Blast.
SPC George Yin, US Army, working his "Coiling Blast".
Fierce Tiger Climbs the Mountain by Victor (3 months of training)
Jin Gang Ba Shi (Diamond Warrior 8 Movements) Road 1- Xiang Long (Ascending Dragon)
Fierce Tiger Climbs the Mountain
Pi Gua 2nd Road- Bao (Embrace)
Resistance Band "Dropping Jing" Training
