Peru Trekking Missions

Peru Trekking Missions

Our team will travel to Huarez, Peru in July 2016 to assist local missionaries in distributing the t

We will hike to Quechua villages (villages in the Andes Mountains between 10,000 and 14, 000 feet.). During the 4-day hike, the team will trek from village to village, visiting schools & handing out school supplies, along with Quechua books and literature. We'll also show the Jesus film and presented an evangelistic program in a different village each night. They now have the NT translated into Qu


Grace Missions

Ade and Rachel Yanac will be visiting Grace on April 22. Make plans to attend and hear about their work in Peru. (Please "like" and share this post to keep us current in your newsfeed. Thanks!)


Please join us this Sunday, August 13 at 9:00 a.m. as the Honduras and Nashville teams present the work God is doing in each location. Team members will share personal experiences and stories, and photos and videos from the trips will be shown. If you have been involved through prayer or financial support, this is a wonderful opportunity to see first-hand the ministry with which you have partnered.


Grace Missions

What a Amazing week !! God is so good! We are very excited to share with you all of the incredible things God has done! Our lives, Our Hearts are forever changed.❤️


Grace Missions

It was house dedication day and along with the house, the team purchased some extras for the family. The family was so thankful! Praise God for his blessings!


Grace Missions

The Honduras team is making progress! Please continue to pray for their work, health, and safety! "Like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks!


Grace Missions

God is so good! He is into details. The rain has held off until we would return to camp . Today we finished one house tomorrow the other one will be completed. We are taking everything in, our hearts are moved.


Grace Missions

Pictures from the Honduras team. All is well! Please "like" to keep us in your newsfeed. Thanks!


Grace Missions

The Honduras team has arrived safely in that country! Please continue to pray for the team as they settle in and prepare to start their ministry work. This page will strive to post updates as we hear from the team this week. "Like" our posts to keep us current in your newsfeed. Thanks!


Grace Missions

Our Nashville team has returned safe and sound! Thanks for all your prayers this week as they served at Cottage Cove.


Grace Missions

Our Honduras team is heading out today, but our Nashville team is heading home! Prayers for safe travels everyone! Please "like" to keep us in your newsfeed! Thanks!


Grace Missions

Honduras team bright and early at the Cincinnati airport! Please "like" to keep us in your newsfeed! Thanks!


Grace Missions

Our Honduras team is on their way! They left the church at 2:00 am Saturday morning, heading for the Cincinnati airport. Please be in prayer for their safe travels. "Like" our page to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks!


Grace Missions

It was a great last day for our Nashville team. They head home on Saturday! Please "like" to keep us in your newsfeed. Thanks!


Grace Missions

Teens in Nashville at Cottage Cove. Yesterday was water gladiator games! Please "like" to keep us current in your newsfeed. Thanks!


Grace Missions

More from our Nashville team at Cottage Cove. Please "like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks in advance!


Our teens are hard at work in Nashville! Please "like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks in advance!


Grace Missions

Our teens are ready to jump in with the kids on day #1 in Nashville! Please "like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks in advance!


Grace Missions

Our teens are prepping their memory verse and eating a hearty breakfast before heading out to Cottage Cove for the day. Continue to pray for their work in Nashville! Please "like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks in advance!


Our teens are already hard at work in Nashville! Please "like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks in advance!

Practicing their Bible lessons they have prepared for the kids at Cottage Cove. These guys are awesome! So prepared! Focused on Glorifying God in all they do!


Grace Baptist Church Youth - Troy, Ohio

Our teens are safely in Nashville! Please "like" and share to keep us current in your newsfeed. Many thanks in advance!

We have arrived, and it doesn't take long for the guys to find the pool! This place is nice! We will be meeting the staff at cottage cove at 6pm Nashville time.


This year's mission teams!

Our teens are on their way to Nashville! Please be in prayer for our team as they begin their work at Cottage Cove. Please "like" and share to keep our posts current in your news feed. Many thanks in advance!


No Peru trip this year, but we can still support our team going to Honduras!

Eat More Chikin! That's right...on Monday night come on out and support our Honduras team at the Troy Chick-fil-A. From 5:00-7:00 on April 10, a portion of the profits will be donated directly to our team. Tell them you're eating for Grace Baptist Church. Hope to see you there! (Please "like" and share! Thanks!)


This Sunday, August 14, 9:30am! Don't miss it!!!

Join us Sunday, August 14 at Grace Baptist Church as the Peru and India teams present the work God is doing in each location. Team members will share personal experiences and stories, and photos and videos from the trips will be shown. If you have been involved through prayer or financial support, this is a wonderful opportunity to see first-hand the ministry with which you have partnered.

9:30-10:15am India Team
10:45-11:30am Peru Team.


Timeline Photos


Our team at the cross overlooking Huaraz during our practice hike. Danny and Lu led the way for us.


Join us Sunday, August 14 at Grace Baptist Church as the Peru and India teams present the work God is doing in each location. Team members will share personal experiences and stories, and photos and videos from the trips will be shown. If you have been involved through prayer or financial support, this is a wonderful opportunity to see first-hand the ministry with which you have partnered.

9:30-10:15am India Team
10:45-11:30am Peru Team.


Happy Birthday Vicente! We hope you have a wonderful day!
With love from the Grace Peru Trekking Team!



Herman making our dinner in Village 4. We had a delicious chicken soup (pot on right) and spaghetti (pot on left) for dinner that night. Rolando is helping cut herbs and Vicente is checking in.


Peru Trekking Missions's cover photo


Team photos, school program in village, saying goodbye to the donkey drivers (and their 12 donkeys, 7 horses, etc.), saying goodbye to the rest of the Awi Alli Willaqui team.


Trekked about an hour to a school of 163 students. After doing our program, we hiked several hours (about 8.7 miles) to the 3rd village with a beautiful view of the valley. Before trekking the next morning, we visited the village school and did a program for them.


Day two was an intense hike of 7.3 miles up to 13,900 feet. Our village that evening was at 12,700 feet. This village was comprised of mostly Christians, and they were so grateful that we were bringing them Bibles they could read in their own language. They sang for us, prayed with us, and brought a sick man for us to pray over. What a neat experience to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ!


Village 1: Trek and Ministry 2016


Our team travelled by bus through the Huascaran National Park to get to and from Huaraz and the Norte de Conchuchos region.


Yanac's home, El Jacal hotel, practice hike, ladies ministry to prison


Bus ride through the Sacred Valley, Train ride on Inca Rail, Tour of Machu Picchu, Time in Aguas Calientes.


Photos from our time in Cusco, including the Plaza de Armas, the Quvikancha, San Pedro Market, the Convent of St. Dominic, and lunch at the traditional Peruvian restaurant La Cusquenita.

Videos (show all)

Picture Summary