

SoundHouse play the music that people really like to hear, but is a little too challenging for most bands to bother with.

We try to play our music note for note as it was originally intended. The result (we hope) is a listening experience which is second to none.


Bit of a wash-out Sunday. Not a lot of people there. You can never tell in the blue :-(


Watched a very competent and relaxed Paul Brady on 'For one night only' with Gaybo tonight. Nice to hear performances with just guitar and vocal.


See you on Sunday 21st August afternoon for More musical fun. Watch out here for new venues. Al is currently spreading the word and I'm hoping we can FINALLY start branching out from the Blue. Although we LOVE playing the Blue! If this good weather keeps up we'll be outside in the beautiful Blue Beer Garden where you have one of the best views of the city in Dublin (unless you're playing in the band in which case we'll just be looking at you lot)


Sunday coming soon (approximately 3 days from now in fact). Get your asses down (or up) to the Blue Light for Sunday afternoon goodness


I must get some upcoming gigs...


Good gig on Sunday. I must post some of our upcoming gigs here...


Thanks to Paul Brady for getting up on stage with us to perform his brilliant 'Crazy Dreams' at the Blue Light on Sunday afternoon. Didn't want to hassle him by asking him to perform with us but we hoped if we started to play it real tasty like, he might not be able to resist...


Great gig last night in Kiely's. Thursday, so small crowd as expected, BUT, enthusiastic and they enjoyed the show - as did we! We're going to continue doing the Thursday night here and see where it goes. I really like the venue and the sound system is great too! Thanks Kiely's


Mike sawed the head of his old bass amp and has recently started to rebuild the case using wood. What finish should he use for the amp?


God bless the Pollards! Friendly bunch of people and no mistake!


Is it Thursday already? I'll have to get me fingers limbered up and my mind focused for the gig in Kiely's later. Where did I leave my mantra....?


13 likes today. Great stuff! If all those people came to our gig in Kiely's tomorrow we'd double our usual audience! ;-)


SoundHouse are in the Blue on Sunday afternoon. Check out our shiny new logo!


5 likes eh? It's been a good day!
