Hannah Galliosborn

Hannah Galliosborn

Emotional Health - Integrative Processing Technique • Fine Art Photographer

IG - @hannahgalliosborn

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 01/09/2024

“Mr. Beef” in Chicago, inspiration For “The Bear.”

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 22/08/2024

These graduation pictures tell you everything you need to know about my readiness for summer to be over.

Beyond happy he happily skipped into class this week, but already missing my buddy.


BEAN Traveling

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 08/08/2024
Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 24/07/2024

Our favorite had a birthday.

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 12/07/2024

The 4th of July was unexpectedly cute this year.

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 26/04/2024

"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever" - John Keats

I'm finally getting around to updating my photography websites, so have been looking through some on my photos. This shoot, and this couple had my heart. Since every couple is unique, every shoot should be, and this one was unforgettable.

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 23/04/2024

Let's honor our mother.

Happy Earth Day!

🌎 ♥️

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 02/04/2024

Easter came after a particularly grumpy week in our home, and the day itself wasn't all cute-in-our-Easter-outfits-moments. As we talked to our littles about the sacrifice of our Savior, it was hard to keep back heavy sighs of disappointment in how less than idyllic the past few days had been. It wasn't what I had envisioned for this important day.

I wished the teacher I had been, and example I had showed them was an ever patient mother, with endless energy. My offering to them instead this week was a parent who had occasion to apologize, then continued to try.

We would need to time-travel to see what our children need to learn from us. As an emotional health practitioner, often multiple sessions a day I see illustrated not just the inevitability, but importance of the fallibility of parents. It is painful to overcome mistakes that were made by those nature declares are assigned to keep us physically and emotionally safe, but they are imperative lessons to be learned from. It is also painful and humbling on the other side, to look at your own child and know there was something you should have done better.

The good news is we are designed to heal from all types of pain. Maybe the first-row seat my children had of my imperfections this week made me the best teacher of the power of repentance that the atonement allows. Because of our Savior's sacrifice, I can wake up tomorrow and try again. My children know I believe that. Maybe that will help them someday. I'm grateful to know my Heavenly Parents love my own children enough to provide a healer to replace what is broken, with wholeness.

Happy Easter 🪺

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 31/12/2023

Christmas was magic and brought me home. I knew moving from Southern California to Northern Utah would be a hard transition once the weather grew colder, especially if there wasn't enough precipitation to keep the inversion at bay. The blessing and curse of being a photographer is I'm surrounded by preserved memories. Photos of our children playing barefoot in December, in my year-round vegetable garden have been bittersweet. I joke with Kit that if our kids ran around our yard in t-shirts and sundresses in December now, the authorities would be called.

Christmas was everything I needed to remind me why we're back. The ease in which we have been able to come and go to family and friend parties and participate in traditions from both my side, and Kit's has been magic. Seeing our kids play with their second cousins while we all sing Christmas carols is everything I love and want in a single moment.

During this winter break from school, both kids independently asked me to reach out to their 2 grandmothers who both live nearby, to see if they wanted to join for a walk. Time with family has become normal and expected to them. These relationships have grown stronger quickly.

Though we miss our California home, ward, community and weather... my heart is warm. Bring on the snow, and Happy New Year!

Photos Part 1

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 24/11/2023

My gratitude in photos: an afternoon in the Uintas.

Thankful to walk without pain.
Thankful for beauty in all forms.
Thankful to be near family.
Thankful to be back home.

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 18/11/2023

Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.

- Deepak Chopra

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 11/11/2023

We had a hard time saying goodbye to Halloween around here. I remember on days like these of dressing up and gooey holiday crafts, looking at my mother and thinking, 'Growing up doesn't seem fun, being a child is better.' I felt badly for her and the other parents, as well as myself in the future. As a child I remember mourning my childhood, knowing it wouldn't last.

I mentioned this to my mother once. She assured me that motherhood was the most 'fun' she'd ever had. I thought that meant she'd forgotten what being a child was like. I was wrong. It is better BECAUSE you remember. You get to keep every joyful moment you experience. Halloween gets better, because I have more Halloweens inside of my. The child I mourned never left. It is a conscious choice to member the reality that she is still here. Every client I've ever had has heard me say, "We are made up of every day we've ever lived, as if all is in present time." To be 'At One,' is to be reconciled and aware of every age we've been. Every age is needed to balance and bring joy in the present. It isn't a surprise that the happiest, most grounded people are often described as childlike. On the flip side, show me an unhappy adult, and I'll show you a child who wasn't able in some capacity to be a child. Fortunately through innerchild work, regardless of our past, we can reconnect and achieve that wholeness.

This is one reason I urge against asking children what they want to be when they grow up, or too much about the future in general. They are themselves, now. They are full people with full lives, now. There's no waiting for 'real' life to start. Since starting preschool my 3 year-old daughter has been telling me excitedly every couple of days, "When I grow up I'm going to be a dancer, and sing!" I always reply, "That's wonderful. You are also a dancer and singer, now!" She is beginning to internalize the the harmful messaging that the purpose of her childhood is in preparation of something in the future. But this is her life, and it is happening now.

Let's make the coming holiday season a joy for the children around us, and also the child inside.



Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 31/05/2023

I believe in magic. Thank you, Renaissance Faire, for reminding me.



May the Fourth be with you, from the moment my husband's wildest dreams come true.


In this brief changing life of ours,
Mingling with sweet and fragrant flowers,
The Passion Flowers entwine;
They speak of pain and bitter tears,
Of buried hopes, and fruitless years.
Of sweat of Blood Divine.

But when the purple clusters droop,
Behold the flowers that whisper Hope,
E'en by the stone sealed tomb;
For what in Life can bring despair
If close beside each grief and care
The Easter Lilies bloom?

- Mary Bissell Waterman

*Taken from a designated trail, with children sitting on a large stone. No crushed blooms 🧡*


Happy Doctor's Day to my favorite.


I was shooting a presentation of Dia de los Mu***os on Olvera Street in Los Angeles when to my surprise a quiet little blond boy was brought onto the stage. Our son had been standing with my husband several feet away when a skeleton took his hand and invited him to participate. He laid down for several minutes, holding flowers as if on his own grave, before this little dance.

He leans on the quiet side, socially cautious and circumspect. To say this was out of his comfort zone puts it mildly. The dancer couldn't have been more gentle and sweet with him, but the therapist in me braced for what could be the groundwork of a phobia of skeletons, or the development of true stage-fright.

The next day he surprised me by volunteering, "Next year I want to wear a full skull mask, and stay on the stage dancing... a lot longer." He'd mulled it over before deciding how he felt about his theatrical debut.

He had been brave, and knew it. He was proud of himself for doing something new and scary and wanted more. When I grow up, I want to be like him.

Thank you and for sharing your gifts, talents, being our teachers, and being beyond gentle with our little boy.


Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 15/09/2022

A year ago today we said goodbye to a woman it was my honor to meet. I can't say I truly knew my grandmother Vella, though much of my life I lived with or next door to her. It would take far longer than 33 years to truly know her. There was always another level, another story, another passion to learn she had.

Of the many thoughts going through me on this anniversary, as I look at these photos, the faces of those who attended her viewing and funeral stand out the most. These are my favorite faces in the world--faces of those who knew, loved, and came from Vella. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Of her accomplishments, and there were many, this group of people were her greatest.

I love you, Grandma.


Post-processing this photo of Kit on his birthday, waiting for him to get home from long call, I remembered clearly the first time I saw him. I was drawn to him, curious about him, surprised I hadn't noticed him before in our advanced art class. From that moment he has taken up residence in my mind and heart, but also imagination.

When Kit walked in the door tonight to a piece of cheesecake to tide him over until our family party, I showed him this image stating, "If this photo were given to me 5 minutes after we met 18 years ago, I'd have been SO down. No context needed!"

Happy Birthday, to the guy who can go almost too easily from scrubs to a pirate.

Photos from Hannah Galliosborn's post 30/06/2022

Happy 40 years to the couple who taught me a long lasting, joyful marriage is an achievable goal. There is no greater gift to share with a child.

Happy 6 years, Kit. Here's to teaching our children the same from us. 💛


Santa Ana Winds
Dance through purple and orange
Spring greets our children


"Bok Choy & White Roses"

My grandfather, Wayne Evans had a green thumb. During much of my life he and my grandmother lived next door, and even shared their home with me. Every summer we were blessed with fresh tomatoes, rhubarb, basil, parsley, and chard from Grandpa's garden. He and my mother taught me how to plant, tend, and enjoy a vegetable garden from a young age.

Last December my grandfather passed away. I lived across the country with pregnancy complications that prevented me from coming to say goodbye, and attend his funeral. My grandfather had reminded me every couple years that he wanted me to sing at his funeral. Though I knew he'd understand my inability to in person, it brought a personal sadness. I felt so removed from him, from my whole family.

5 months later when we moved to Southern California, I was just starting to walk again. Life post move, and with Baby Rose 3 months-old, life started a new predictable rhythm, and my mind was frequently on my grandfather. I started my own vegetable garden, as a way of remembering and mourning the man who first taught me how.

I had help with the initial planting, but the rest was left to me. It took weeks to be able to walk outside by myself with a cane, and was dangerous if I pushed myself too much at a time. I started slow as my joints would force me to sit at one of the 5 benches around the yard even before I'd even started working. Overtime I grew stronger, having to rest less and less. These have been slow, painful days, but beautiful. As I tend to the plants, memories of my grandfather come. Sometimes I hear my Grandpa Evans's words come from my own mouth as I teach Forest how far to space seeds, or how to prune a rose bush. I tell Forest about his great-grandfather, who affectionately called him, "Chip," and teach him songs he used to sing to my mother. There were days I felt so close to my Grandfather I had to remind myself that when we did go back to Salt Lake, he wouldn't be there.

Now 6 months after moving in, I garden almost daily, and can spend hours at a time working before needing a rest. Gardening has become my rehab. It helped me walk again, and in recent days I've even been able to run around the yard with Forest like I haven't been able to since July 2019. I carry Rose to see the 17 rose bushes on the property, that my mother and grandfather taught me how to prune.

My physical condition is temporary, but I will always have a vegetable garden. It reminds me of my mother, and grandfather, which feels like home.

I am grateful for my healing, my garden, and my grandfather, the master gardener, who I feel helping me with both.

IG = @ inner_i_art

Drive by Photoshoots 13/05/2020

Families of Takoma Park, Silver Spring and Washington DC, from inside a car, 10+ feet away.

Drive by Photoshoots 03/05/2020

"Telework has taken on a whole new meaning when trying to juggle that with keeping track of all of my 7 year old's zooms and school work is a challenge. But, we are glad to have more quality time to have family dinners, walks in the neighborhood and in the woods, and enjoying our new home.

I am hopeful that enough people will step up during this time to help those who need it and to ensure that our small businesses are all still there for us whenever we can return to our everyday lives. I fear that so much contention and discord in our country may combine with the hardship of so many to erode our way of life forever- but I'm hopeful the American spirit will prevail and we will all come together and get through." - Lindsay
IG =

Families of Takoma Park, Silver Spring and Washington DC, from inside a car, 10+ feet away.

Drive by Photoshoots 30/04/2020

"Life is kind of a melted blur right now. Working, school, parenting, time with your spouse, trying to maintain your friendships, household duties. It’s all happening under the same roof 24 hours a day. All the parts of life bleeding into each other. With the expectation you will fulfill them all simultaneously with no borders or boundaries" - Hebra

IG =

Families of Takoma Park, Silver Spring and Washington DC, from inside a car, 10+ feet away.

Videos (show all)

"I need to go up, up, up..." Our four-year-old, reenacting the resurrection of our Savior, is the medicine I didn't know...
It may be January, and our decorations are down... but with this snowstorm, finally, 'It's beginning to look a lot like ...
Dia de los Muertos
These eggs were blown empty, and the first color painted before Kit and I started dating again. I never imagined they wo...
