Living the Vision Videos

Videos by Living the Vision. A place to share the truth of God's Word as we discuss things that impact and affect us everyday.

Part 3. Seasons in your Life

I am continuing in part 3 with the understanding that we must really know the season that we are in in order to be effective in that season.

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Part 3. Seasons in your Life
I am continuing in part 3 with the understanding that we must really know the season that we are in in order to be effective in that season.

Part 2. Seasons in your Life.
This is part two of Seasons in your Life. We must know the season that we are in to be be effective in it

Part 1. Seasons In Your Life.
Tonight is the beginning of this series called, " Seasons In You Life". We must know that we have seasons in our lives and we must get through them to get to the next season.

Part 9. Having Pride The Right Way
I am ending this series tonight on how to have Pride the right way. I hope it has been a blessing for you. There's a right way to have pride and there's a wrong way to have pride. Make sure your pride is right.

Part 8. Having Pride The Right Way.
Tonight, I am continuing with number 12 of the signs of pride in life called Spiritual Pride.

Part 7. Having Pride The Right Way.
Tonight, I am continuing with #12 of the signs of a person who is living a prideful life. It is called spiritual pride and I am talking about it from a natural and spiritual perspective.

Part 6. Having Pride The Right Way.
Tonight, I am finishing the 12th sign of a prideful life. It is called having spiritual pride. This is when people feel superior to others who are believers in the Lord.

Part 5. Having Pride The Right Way.
I m continuing with the 12 signs of a prideful life. A person who is prideful can be identified by these 12 signs.

Part 4. Having Pride The Right Way
Tonight, I am continuing to discuss #5 Envy of the 12 signs of a prideful life.

Part 4. Having Pride The Right Way.
Tonight, I am continuing with #5 and #6 of the 12 sins of a prideful person.

Part 3. Having Pride The Right Way.
Tonight, am discussing the 12 signs of Pride. These signs will help us identify prideful people and know how to handle them in our lives.

Part 2. Having Pride The Right Way.
Tonight, I will discuss the three types of Pride. They are dignity, superiority, and arrogance. To identify a proud person we must pay attention to their body posture of smile, eyebrows, and eyelid positions.

Part 1. Having Pride The Right Way.
This series is about "Pride". There is a right way and wrong way to have pride. I will discuss this subject from a natural and spiritual perspective to give a deeper understanding of the subject.

Part 9. Final Lesson of The Aftermath of the Resurrection.
Tonight, I am finishing this series with giving a clear understanding of what the Holy Ghost is and how it works in our lives.

Part 8. The Aftermath of the Resurrection.
Tonight is part 8. I am continuing in Acts 2:1-38. The sermon of Peter to the Devout men and the House of Israel. This is the beginning of the Church in the New Covenant.

Part 7. The Aftermath of the Resurrectrion.
Tonight, I am talking about Pentecost when 120 were waiting for the Holy Ghost, God's Spirit, to come and to dwell on the inside of man.

Part 6. The Aftermath of the Resurrection.
Tonight is part 6 a continuation of part 5 of why we go to church on Sunday. Jesus changed Saturday worship and rest o Saturday to Sunday when He rose from the dead. So, we should continue to come to church and not use excuses, sickness, and Covid 19 as a crutch for not attending church services on Sunday.

Part 5. The Aftermath of the Ressurrection.
Tonight, I am explaining why Jesus changed the Old Covenant Saturday worship and rest to the New Covenant Sunday worship an rest. It was through his resurrection when He rose on Sunday morning.

Part 4. The Aftermath of the Resurrection
Tonight, I am discussing the Soldiers who guarded the tomb, how they were bribed, what the religious leaders told them what to say, and what they would tell the Governor.

Part 3. The Aftermath of the Resurrection.
Tonight, I am discussing the chart of the appearances of Jesus after the Resurrection and what Cleophas said to the 11 Disciples the evening of the Resurrection.