Close It Out Fitness

Close It Out Fitness

Real People, Attainable Plans, Extraordinary Results!!! For personalized fitness, diet, & lifestyle


We are not just weight loss focused!!! Though the main focus is achieving a healthier lifestyle, we also thrive in muscle building and athleticism based training as well! If you’re interested in getting back on the grind, or starting the grind for the very first time, reach out!!!


SHEESH, well after College Baseball things got a little out of hand for me. It got to the point where I would see pictures of myself or catch glimpses of myself in a mirror and no longer recognize ME. Once that began happening I finally decided to make a change, and boy was it a grind. I started at 236 lbs and after making a complete lifestyle change, I stand before you at 155 lbs (you do the math) healthier & happier than I’ve ever been in my whole life. I’ve taken what I learned getting my Exercise Science Degree, endless amounts of research, & dozens of different trials/errors with my own body to try and help others accomplish a similar journey for themselves...if you or someone you care about needs help with becoming a healthier, happier human being I would love to help by creating a personalized fitness plan just for you! Send me an E-Mail or head over to on Instagram for more info if interested!
