La Resistance

La Resistance

This page will mainly consist of current movements focused on burning the establishment/systemic rac

US dictionary to update its definition of racism 04/08/2020

US dictionary to update its definition of racism Editors of the dictionary made the decision after receiving an email from a young black woman.

Ignorance of History and Perceptions of Racism: Another Look at the Marley Hypothesis - Jason E. Strickhouser, Ethan Zell, Kara E. Harris, 2019 04/08/2020

Ignorance of History and Perceptions of Racism: Another Look at the Marley Hypothesis - Jason E. Strickhouser, Ethan Zell, Kara E. Harris, 2019 Why do White Americans perceive less racism than Black Americans? Two provocative studies on the Marley hypothesis suggest that White Americans are more ignoran...

Photos from La Resistance's post 17/07/2020

Too Much and Never Enough 17/07/2020

3 chapters into Mary L Trump PhD: Too Much and Never Enough and I’ll never call 45 by anything other that Mashed potato or Mashed tater

Too Much and Never Enough Check out this great listen on In this revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him, Mary L. Trump, a trained clinical psychologist and Donald’s only niece, shines a bright light on the dark history of their family in order to explain ...


Empty shelves say a lot about our current US department of education secretary Betsy DeVos.

America, We Are Leaving 10/06/2020

This is what we are fighting against. This kind of entitled generational distinction for the citizens is NOT acceptable.

America, We Are Leaving This is the hardest thing I have written. I grew up in a law enforcement family. My father worked his

Recent Humphrey School Grad Among The Seriously Injured Floyd Protesters 09/06/2020

Recent Humphrey School Grad Among The Seriously Injured Floyd Protesters The injury will forever change Stevenson’s physical appearance. But Soren says it will not alter his resolve to fight injustice.


Please copy and paste into your own post to add things that are missing!!

5/26 - 4 officers fired - Minneapolis, MN
5/28 - Univ of Minn cancels contract with police - Minneapolis, MN
5/28 - 3rd Precinct Police station neutralized by protestors - Minneapolis, MN
5/28 - ATU Local 1005 refuses to bring police officers to the protests, or transport arrested protesters, Minneapolis, MN
5/29 - Activists commandeer hotel to provide shelter to homeless - Minneapolis, MN
5/29 - Officer Chauvin who killed George Floyd arrested - Minneapolis, MN
5/30 - MN AG Ellison takes over prosecution of the murdering officer (and possibly the other officers) - Minneapolis, MN
5/30 - TWU Local 100 Bus Operators refuses to transport arrested protestors - NYC, NY
5/31 - 2 abusive officers fired - Atlanta, GA
6/1 - Minneapolis public schools end contract with police - Minneapolis, MN
6/1 - Confederate Monument removed - Birmingham, AL
6/1 - CA Prosecutors launch campaign to stop DA’s from accepting police union money - CA
6/1 - Confederate statue ordered to be removed - Bentonville, AR
6/1 - Group of bipartisan legislators (in Congress) begins to push for an end to a Pentagon program that transfers military weapons to local law enforcement
6/2 - Rizzo statue removed - Philadelphia, PA
6/2 - 6 abusive officers charged - Atlanta, GA
6/2 - Confederate soldier statue removed - Alexandria, VA
6/2 - Robert Lee statue removed - Fort Myers, FL
6/2 - Civil Rights investigation of Minneapolis Police Dept launched - Minneapolis, MN
6/3 - 1 officer fired for pro-violence tweets - Denver, CO
6/3 - Minneapolis park district end contract with MPD
6/3 - all officers involved in Floyd death are arrested and charges are brought up to 2nd degree from 3rd degree by Keith Ellison - Minneapolis, MN
6/3 Ferguson elects it’s first black mayor, Ella Jones! Black AND female! - Ferguson, Missouri
6/3 CA- Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti plans to cut LAPD Budget by 5-10% (150-200 million in the next fiscal year)
6/3 CA- Chula Vista PD decided to ends the use of the carotid restraint hold
6/4 U.S. Supreme Court consider revisit/redefining its 50-year-old doctrine of "qualified immunity" for law enforcement officers, which has shielded cops from civil lawsuits even in cases where a citizen's rights have been violated.
6/4 Two Buffalo, NY police officers suspended without pay for shoving a 75-year old protester who then cracked his head open on the pavement
6/4 Minneapolis City Council members call for DISBANDING/DISMANTLING police department

Ongoing - # # # # # # # #? people politicized
Ongoing - # # # # # # # #? relationships of solidarity and mutual support formed

(Please share items in above format, and with links if possible)

Jim Mattis blasts Trump in message that defends protesters, says president ‘tries to divide us’ 03/06/2020

Jim Mattis blasts Trump in message that defends protesters, says president ‘tries to divide us’ The former defense secretary had held back from directly criticizing the president -- until now.

Banks Must Provide Trump's Financial Records To Congress, Federal Appeals Court Rules 03/12/2019

Banks Must Provide Trump's Financial Records To Congress, Federal Appeals Court Rules Lawmakers want information stretching back nearly a decade from Deutsche Bank and Capitol One on President Trump, his family members and businesses. Trump is expected to appeal to the Supreme Court.

Former Deutsche Bank Executive Who Oversaw Trump’s Loans Dies by Su***de 03/12/2019

Former Deutsche Bank Executive Who Oversaw Trump’s Loans Dies by Su***de Thomas Bowers, identified as a former Deutsche Bank executive who signed off on controversial loans to President Donald Trump, died last week after apparently taking his own life at 55.

Why Giuliani Singled Out 2 Ukrainian Oligarchs to Help Dig Up Dirt 25/11/2019

Why Giuliani Singled Out 2 Ukrainian Oligarchs to Help Dig Up Dirt Inside a strategy to leverage damaging information on Joe Biden from foreign citizens who were politically powerful — and legally vulnerable.

Timeline photos 24/11/2019

BREAKING: In extraordinary resignation letter, US Navy Sec. Spencer writes that "I no longer share the same understanding as the Commander in Chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline."

Architect of bin Laden raid says Trump is working to 'destroy' the country 17/10/2019

Architect of bin Laden raid says Trump is working to 'destroy' the country Retired Adm. William McRaven said Thursday that the US is under attack from President Donald Trump, who he believes is working to "destroy" the country from "within" and "without."

Trump team considered illegally giving confidential Census answers to law enforcement: report 19/11/2018

This is so dangerous.

Trump team considered illegally giving confidential Census answers to law enforcement: report The Commerce Department cannot legally share Census answers.

Appointment of Whitaker as acting attorney general 'unconstitutional': Top Dem 18/11/2018

Appointment of Whitaker as acting attorney general 'unconstitutional': Top Dem Rep. Adam Schiff said the president's appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general was flawed and anticipated Democrats challenging it

Navy SEAL hits back at Trump: His attacks against the press are the 'greatest threat to our democracy' 18/11/2018

Navy SEAL hits back at Trump: His attacks against the press are the 'greatest threat to our democracy' William McRaven added that he did not back Hillary Clinton.

Maria Butina, Accused Of Being A Russian Agent, May Be In Talks For Plea Deal 16/11/2018

Maria Butina, Accused Of Being A Russian Agent, May Be In Talks For Plea Deal The Russian woman accused of trying to build bridges with Republican leaders in the United States might not go on trial if her lawyers can conclude a deal with prosecutors. Negotiations are underway.

Kansas Republican Kris Kobach Took Donations from White Nationalists 05/11/2018

Kansas Republican Kris Kobach Took Donations from White Nationalists Meanwhile, reports show that Kansas secretary of state and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach has received donations from white nationalists and has had ties with far-right groups for at least a decade. Kobach is in a tight race against Democratic opponent Laura Kelly in what is consider...
