Asian World Summit

Asian World Summit

Asian World Summit is an international business intelligence company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

AWS takes pride in creating platforms for organizations to share and exchange ideas, sharpening strategic powers to make key decisions... About Us

Asian World Summit (AWS) is an international business intelligence company based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. AWS takes pride in creating platforms for organisations to share and exchange ideas, sharpening strategic powers to make key decisions and to co

Digital Banking, Powered by Cloud Native Foundation | Cloudify Asia 25/06/2021

Digital Banking from CLoud Native angle

Digital Banking, Powered by Cloud Native Foundation | Cloudify Asia Learn how Cloud Native foundation powers Financial Services Industries to focus on new revenue stream/business to digitally transform and outstand among others.

Photos from My Career's post 20/06/2020
Vice President of IT (Projects) 15/06/2020

Vice President of IT (Projects) in Petaling Jaya | RM12000 - RM20000


Date: 12th June 2020

Time: 6pm

The Importance of Analytics In Crisis

What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders 16/04/2020

Women's Leadership

What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders From Iceland to Taiwan and from Germany to New Zealand, women are stepping up to show the world how to manage a messy patch for our human family.

#VirtualMamak: Korporat (Rethinking Human Capital in Times of Crises) 13/04/2020

#VirtualMamak: Korporat (Rethinking Human Capital in Times of Crises) Join Avidity International's : Korporat, a 90-minute online chat session with HR Leaders!


Disruptive Innovation

Audible Stories | 23/03/2020

Audible Stories | Free stories for kids of all ages. Audible Stories is a free website where kids of all ages can listen to hundreds of Audible audio titles across six different languages—English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese—for free, so they can keep learning, dreaming and just being kids.


Coronavirus advisory: 5 steps to clean and disinfect your home or office

How Cloudify.Asia is crafting a consumption model fit for Malaysia 05/02/2020

How Cloudify.Asia is crafting a consumption model fit for Malaysia As the adoption of recurring revenue accelerates in Malaysia, the channel ecosystem is fighting to keep pace.


A lot of parents claim they give their kids devices so they can develop and keep their technology skills sharp. If we are not intentional about directing HOW they use this technology, they are likely to leave our homes with virtually ZERO actual marketable computer skills.

I’m an HR Director and my team hires entry-level employees on a daily basis... We hire so many young 20’s who are downright addicted to their phones yet don’t know the absolute basics of using technology and struggle with making and receiving phone calls. The anxiety levels these “kids” (new hires) face when they encounter even small amounts of conflict or gray areas on a customer call can be debilitating for so many of them.

As the Mom of a teenaged son, I thought I’d share some practical ways to prepare your kids for real-life use of technology needed for “adulting.”

1) Have them conduct basic internet research for you...

Examples: Have them research the best way to kill weeds or find the cheapest price for fence replacement, etc. Have them find the cheapest rental car and hotel for your vacation. Talk to them about how reservations and insurance work and HAVE THEM CALL to reserve it. Let them fumble and make mistakes on the call while you’re there to coach and encourage them. If they mess up, who cares? They need to practice while the stakes are low.

2) Have them call to pay any medical bills that come in. Show them where to find Date of Service and Invoice #. Sit with them and coach and encourage them through the call. Tell them what they did right/wrong and watch their confidence grow.

3) Have them call tech support any time something in the home goes down - internet, cable, water, A/C, etc. Let them walk through the steps for internet to come back on. This prevents your kids frantically texting you from college asking what to do.

4) Have them call to schedule their own haircuts, doctor and dentist appointments, and dog grooming appointments. Again, if they sound dumb or forget to say something or ask something, who cares? If they learned something, it was a success!

5) Have them renew your Driver’s License or voter registration online and take ownership of the Registration/Inspection process. They can practice on yours so they know exactly what to do when it’s their turn.

6) Have them complete your online Curbside Pickup grocery order. They can look in the pantry and add items your family needs and you can revise when they’re done. This summer, they can own this and have it completed every Friday night (for example.) Give them a weekly budget. This will teach them how much groceries actually cost. Meeting deadlines and budget limitations are real-life job skills. Maybe one day per week, they can’t use their phones until this is done.

7) Have them research a recipe, add those ingredients to the curbside pickup cart (see above), and make them responsible for cooking dinner one night per week. These are skills they need before they launch into the real world so they might as well learn now. Trust me, they’ll spend way more time than you think looking for the perfect recipe.

😎 Teach them how to use Microsoft Excel! They can use it to make a packing list for your next vacation. Ask them to color code items for each person and have them pack their own bags. Another Excel idea is making and keeping a personal budget or keeping a schedule of activities they want to do this summer. Have them track income of their lawn-mowing job or summer camp fundraising. When the use of technology is practical, they’ll learn it twice as fast and it will stick.

9) Have them make Powerpoint presentations for Grandma’s Birthday or Father’s Day, etc. You’ll be surprised how much time they’ll put into these and how quickly they learn how to use animation and infographics. One of my favorite Mother’s Day memories includes watching a funny slideshow created for me by my 8-yr-old. I once made my kids create a PowerPoint apology to me for sneaking food upstairs. It was hysterical and silly and they spent all day on it. They have some serious PowerPoint presentation skills because of “punishments” like these.

My point is, if our kids have time for HOURS of Snapchat or Instagram, they have time to learn marketable skills on these same laptops and devices. As they become more and more confident in these “adulting” skills, the less anxiety they’ll experience when they’re on their own and are expected to learn them all at once. Ease them into these experiences while you’re there to encourage and equip them.

Side benefit: Encouraging technology use that CREATES and CONTRIBUTES to the family connection is critical to combat depression and hopelessness. When they know their parents are counting on them as a critical part of what makes the family work, it increases their sense of purpose and belonging.

My boys (15 and 11) can confidently navigate self-checkout, withdraw cash from an ATM, pre-pay for gas, order an Uber, make phone calls with confidence, order groceries, manage an Excel “budget”... mainly because their refuses to send them into the workforce without basic skills.
Join me in the HR Mom Parenting Focus Group where I answer your questions, post videos and host live Q&As as we work to challenge and equip kiddos of all ages:

5 important steps for making New Year's resolutions with your kids 30/12/2019

Start your new year's resolution with young children.

5 important steps for making New Year's resolutions with your kids Kids can make New Year's resolutions too. Take them seriously when they set goals, and you can turn it into a teachable moment.


Merry Christmas to everyone!

Grade 1 - Pause & Think Online - Lesson Slides 21/11/2019

Grade 1 - Pause & Think Online - Lesson Slides Pause & Think Online DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP | GRADE 1 INTRODUCTORY SONG

Photos from Asian World Summit's post 06/11/2019

Holistic Assessment of Learning
4th & 5th November 2019
Dr Paula Hodgson, Hong Kong

Advancing Student Success via Purposeful and Engaging Assessment


Show your ❤ to them


In the Holistic Assessment of Learning workshop, participants will experience FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT through:

--> using tools such as building mind maps. concept maps and flow charts to consolidate individual understanding

--> peer instruction to clarify concepts

--> peer team debate to build critical analysis and provide constructive feedback

Emphasizing social play in kindergarten improves academics, reduces teacher burnout 25/09/2019

Early Childhood Education - How Important is Social Play

Emphasizing social play in kindergarten improves academics, reduces teacher burnout Emphasizing more play, hands-on learning, and students helping one another in kindergarten improves academic outcomes, self-control and attention regulation, finds new UBC research.


Effective ways to teach young kids to speak

What is the Gig Economy? 12/09/2019

What is gig economy? Are you ready?

What is the Gig Economy? In this video, you’ll learn more about the gig economy. Visit for our text-based lesso...

ICDM 11/09/2019

ICDM Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia is an institution for directors by directors. We empower directors with the right skills, knowledge and mindset to advance directors’ professionalism and be the leading influence of excellence in governance.


Holistic Assessment of Learning Workshop

Dates: 4th & 5th November 2019
Venue: Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur

This workshop will be able to help you to:

--> Design effective holistic assessment of learning
--> Review current assessment practices in your discipline
--> Identify best assessment practices in your discipline
--> Design various rubrics for grading different assessment tasks
--> Build assessment skills for benchmarking standards
--> Develop strategies to build guidance and support to students on assessment tasks

School in Spain Teaches Boys How to Do Household Chores to Stop Gender Inequality - RachFeed 04/09/2019

School in Spain Teaches Boys How to Do Household Chores to Stop Gender Inequality - RachFeed A lot of people think that doing the house chores is a task for girls. Thus, even when both partners are working and have stellar careers of their own, it

How to Find Your Purpose | Jay Shetty on Impact Theory 28/08/2019

How to Find Your Purpose

How to Find Your Purpose | Jay Shetty on Impact Theory Jay Shetty is making wisdom go viral. After spending years on the road studying as a monk he re-entered the world and began scaling the digital voice of comp...

Helsinki Education Week 19/08/2019

Helsinki Education Week Helsinki Education Week is an annual, week-long feast for learning and teaching with a dual goal: on one hand, the aim is to provide visibility to all the great work done by the schools in the capital. Simultaneously, the aim is to learn and collaborate with the best of the world, especially with th...

How to Teach Kids Better Problem Solving | Michael Arnold | TEDxGreenville 15/08/2019

How to Teach Kids Better Problem Solving | Michael Arnold | TEDxGreenville We are not preparing our children for a future of AI, robotics, and autonomous driving. Our education system is comfortable with the status quo and that will...

Learning Through Play: "Anji Play" (Learning World S6E19, 1/2) 07/08/2019

Learning Through Play: "Anji Play" (Learning World S6E19, 1/2) Playing is an integral part of childhood. Many researchers believe that during a child’s early years, playing can help develop cognitive skills, laying a str...

Early Childhood Education Workshop 07/08/2019

A New Revolution In Early Childhood Education
Dates: 6th & 7th August 2019

Photos from Asian World Summit's post 06/08/2019

A New Revolution In Early Childhood Education
Dates: 6th & 7th August 2019
Venue: Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur

14 Comics on How Much Today’s Childhood Differs From Ours 05/08/2019

Dear Parents and Teachers, what do you think?

14 Comics on How Much Today’s Childhood Differs From Ours "We didn’t have this when we were kids!" You hear such sighs from those who belong to the generation that grew up in the ’90s more and more often. And it’s true! If you look at how modern children live, you can find many differences. Bright Side has collected 14 of the most vivid differences a...


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:30