Green Grove Elementary Pandas

Green Grove Elementary Pandas

Green Grove Elementary is Pre-K-3. Home of the most courteous students!


Please Join Us at the Fairgrove Campus!


Student Supply List


Don’t forget the public hearing tonight about the closures and consolidation plans tonight at 6pm at Lumberton Junior High.


Info about the official PSRC public hearing about school closures and consolidation.


Notice is hereby given that a special called meeting of the BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF ROBESON COUNTY has been scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Lumberton Junior High School Auditorium, 82 Marion Road, Lumberton, NC 28358.

Pursuant to NCGS §115C-72(a)(1), the Board of Education for the Public Schools of Robeson County will conduct a public hearing concerning the following proposed closings and consolidations: R.B. Dean Elementary closing and consolidating with Townsend Middle School, Green Grove Elementary closing and moving to the Fairgrove Middle School campus, Janie C. Hargrave Elementary closing and consolidating with W.H. Knuckles Elementary and the proposed reconfiguration of South Robeson High School by transferring the high school students to other campuses and consolidating the Fairgrove Middle School campus and the Rowland Middle School Campus at South Robeson High School. At the public hearing, the public will be afforded an opportunity to express their views on the proposed closings and consolidations.

This the 26th day of June 2019.

Mike Smith,

Board Chairperson,

The Board of Education

Public Schools of Robeson County

Post Office Drawer 2909

Lumberton, NC 28359-2909

Pc: ALL BOARDS MEMBERS and SUPERINTENDENT (via telephone contact and electronic mail) and to the Robesonian via electronic mail to [email protected]) The Fayetteville Observer via electronic mail to [email protected], The Robeson Journal via electronic mail to [email protected]

Posted on June 26, 2019 at the Central Office for

the PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF ROBESON COUNTY, 4320 Kahn Drive, Lumberton, North Carolina, 28360.

Karen Brooks-Floyd, Ed. S.

Assistant Superintendent of Administration, Community Engagement & Auxiliary Services

Public Schools of Robeson County


Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes teamwork, a company work, a society work, a civilization work and even a school or school district. Lombardi

In compliance with federal law, the Public Schools of Robeson County administers all educational programs, employment activities and admission without discrimination with regard to race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law.


Educator and Parent Perspective on School Reconfiguration and Closure Survey As we work on school reconfigurations and closures, our goal is to be as transparent as possible with open, honest, two-way communication. While we do plan to have community meetings and public hearings, we want all voices to be heard. We realize many of our students, parents and employees have simi...




Public Schools of Robeson County

There will be no school on Monday, May 27, 2019 in observance of Memorial Day,

Thank you.


Ice Cream truck visits Green Grove for Teacher Appreciation.


Green Grove Celebrates Moms!


I would like to say "Thanks" to my Green Grove Elementary staff and PTO for the different acts of kindness shown to me over the last 2 days for National Principal's Day!! May God continue to bless each of you. Remember, I Love you, and there's nothing you can do about it!


No school for students on Wednesday May 1st. Optional teacher workday for staff.


We’re excited and ready to see everyone back tomorrow!

We hope you all enjoyed your much needed time off during Spring Break! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, recharged and ready to go!


On Tuesday, Green Grove students enjoyed a PBIS reward activity with PSRC Science Supervisor, Susan Hendrix by making traps to catch the bunny from the story "How To Catch A Bunny"


Thank you PTO for breakfast and the beautiful flowers! NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK


2019-2020 school calendar. Students days will increase by approx 30 minutes a day next school year.

Calendar Option B was approved at tonight’s board meeting for the 2019 - 2020 school year.


Please remember that we have PTO tonight at 6pm. Pre-K-1st will be performing. Also, Pre-K to 2nd grade parent conferences will be held from 5pm-6pm and 3rd grade parents will meet in the cafeteria with Sandra Evans about Read to Achieve from 5pm-6pm. Hope to see you there!


Bowling trip for 3rd graders!


PARENTS, Students, and Staff
Just a reminder: the last day to purchase from the school book fair is Tuesday, March 12, 2019. The book fair will close at 11:00 am on the the last day. Thank you for supporting this event!


Green Grove Elementary Pandas's cover photo


Pics from Dr. Seuss Day at Green Grove Elementary.


Our Dr Seuss cake was melt in your mouth delicious! Thank you, Bobbi Maynor.


Dr. Seuss activities at Green Grove March 4 -8, 2019 , we also have our school book fair the same week!


Green Grove Elementary Pandas

Due to Green Grove participating in Battle of the Books next week, we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss activities March 4-8, 2019.


Due to Green Grove participating in Battle of the Books next week, we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss activities March 4-8, 2019.


Our third graders did a fantastic job today for our Black History program.


Public Schools of Robeson County

Please note that tomorrow is a Required Teacher Workday. No school for students tomorrow.


Mrs Susan Hendrix, PSRC Science Supervisor visited Green Grove today to work with first grade students on thinking skills and science goals.


Welcome home Tasha Locklear! Thank you for your service!


Happy New Year!
Looking forward to seeing everyone back on Thursday morning!


Public Schools of Robeson County

Carla Lowry’s Kindergarten students at Green Grove Elementary spent the past few weeks studying Fictional Literature with classics such as Hansel and Gretel and other fairytales. The students also
learned about the tradition of making gingerbread houses at Christmas time. Along with her assistant Claudia Lewis, the students studied Christmas traditions for Germany and other cultures across the world. The students looked at how immigrants from Germany brought the gingerbread tradition to the United States.
The students wrapped up the project by creating their own gingerbread houses on Monday and Tuesday. The houses are on display at Green Grove for other students and staff to see today. The students will take the special edible projects home with them on Wednesday.


Public Schools of Robeson County

Reminder - Our PSRC Students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm. on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 for the holiday break. We wish you a joyous, restful and safe holiday with your families.


Lakenheath Elementary School

Happy holidays from the staff of LES!


These boys are smiling big! They are the top ticket sellers for our PTO Fundraiser! Merry Christmas from Green Grove!
